+Willian Vieira PhD candidate
+< + > Quantitative ecologist | I love to automate stuff
+PhD. Candidate, Ecology
+Integrative Ecology Lab - Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
+Current - 2017
- Developing demographic models to better understand how trees will face climate change +
- Integral Projection Models | mathematical modeling | Hierachical models | Bayesian statistics | Quantitative thecniques +
Masters 2, Agroecology and Resource Management
+École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiquesde Bordeaux (BSA), Bordeaux, France
+2016 - 2015
- Thesis: “Modelling the dispersion of weed species in agricultural landscapes” +
- Process-based modelling | R | Sensitivity analysis +
BSc in Agronomy
+Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
+2015 - 2010
+Consulting Experience
+ +Research Experience
+Research visiting
+National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and
Environment INRAe - EcoSystèmes et Sociétés En Montagne
Grenoble, France
- Collaboration on the mathematical formulation
of how forest management affect forest dynamics
+ - Analytical analysis | Modelling | ShinyApp | R package +
Mitacs Internship
+ +Montréal, CA
- Forest dynamic models | Climate change models +
Master 2 internship
+French National Institute for Agricultural Research(INRA - UMR 1347 Agroecologie)
+Dijon, France
- Modelling weed dispersion in agricultural landscapes to improve the sustainable management of weeds +
Undergraduate Researcher
+Group of Research in Tropical forests(NPFT - Universidade Fedaral de Santa Catarina)
+Florianópolis, Brazil
+2015 - 2014
- Characterize the dynamics of tropical forest +
- Data analysis | Statistics | R | data management | field work +
Undergraduate Researcher
+Laboratory of Plant Developmental Physiology and Genetics(LFDGV - Universidade Fedaral de Santa Catarina)
+Florianópolis, Brazil
+2014 - 2012
- Quantify the genetic diversity of tropical trees +
- Lab work | PCR | microsatellites markers | genotyping +
Teaching Experience
+Biodiversity Modelling Summer School
+ +Sherbrooke, CA
- Teaching assistant and lectured for graduate students +
- Evaluating ecological models using Bayesian statistics +
Methods in computational ecology
+BIO500 - Départament de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke
+Sherbrooke, CA
+2020 - 2019
- Teaching assistant and lectured for undergraduate students +
- Tools for reproducible science | SQL | Git | R | LaTeX | Markdown | Makefile +
Software and Data Carpentry workshop
+Bios\(^2\) training for graduate students
- The Unix Shell +
- Data Management with SQL for Ecologists +
QCBS R Workshops
+Université de Sherbrooke & Université du Québec à Rimouski
+Sherbrooke & Rimouski, CA
+2019 - 2018
- Instructor to graduate students +
- Workshops: Introduction to R | Data management | Data Visualization | Control flow | Linear models +
Probability and statistics
+GCI145 - Faculté de génie, Université de Sherbrooke
+Sherbrooke, CA
- Teaching assistant and lectured for undergraduate students +
- Probability theory | Distribution | Descriptive statistics | Hypothesis testing | Linear models +
Soil ecology
+Départament de biologie - Université de Sherbrooke
+Sherbrooke, CA
+2018 - 2017
- Teaching assistant and lectured for undergraduate students +
- Lab | Covered methods to determine soil texture +
Modelisation de la dynamique forestier du Quebec face au changement climatique
+Départament de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke
+Sherbrooke, CA
- Guest lecturer in Plant Ecology (Presentation) to undergraduate students +
- Covered modelling approaches in ecology | model construction and applications +
Introduction to scientific programming
+BIO109 - Départament de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke
+Sherbrooke, CA
- Teaching assistant for undergraduate students +
- Pogramming concepts | Data management | Control flow | R language +
+Data visualization and biodiversity modelling
+ +Magog, CA
- Business intelligence | data user profiles | Conceptualize interactive dashboard | Figma +
Mathematical Modelling in Ecology and Evolution
+Workshop - Bios²
- Developing equations | Finding equilibria | analyzing stability | Maxima +
Stage-based demographic models in ecology, evolution and conservation biology
+NERC Advanced Training - University of Oxford
+Oxford, UK
- Theory and practice | Matrix population models | Integral Projection Models +
Biodiversity Modelling
+Summer school - Université de Sherbrooke
+Magog, CA
- Theory and practice on different biodiversity modelling techniques +
- Statistics | Differential equations | Stochastic simulations | Climate change models | uncertainty tracking +
Data-driven ecological synthesis
+DDES summer school - Université de Montréal
+Montréal, CA
- Good practices in scientific computing +
- Data management | Mathematical tools | Data analysis tools | Parallel computing | Rreproducible science +
Bayesian Statistics for Ecologists
+Summer school - Université de Sherbrooke
+Magog, CA
- Theory and practice using Stan | Probability theory | Likelihood | MCMC | Hierarchical modelling | Model comparison +
+Paying colonization credit with forest management could accelerate the range shift of temperate trees under climate change
+Under review. Preprint hosted on
+Vieira, W., Boulangeat, I., Brice, M.H., Bradley, R.L., Gravel, D.
+Moderate disturbances accelerate forest transition dynamics under climate change in the temperate–boreal ecotone of eastern North America
+ +N/A
- Brice, M.H., Vissault, S., Vieira, W., Gravel, D., Legendre, P., Fortin, M.J. +
Selected Talks and Posters
+Lab: {STManaged} R package
+Biodiversity Modelling summer school
+Magog, CA
- Demonstration of my R package to be used during the intensive course (Presentation) +
Using Integral Projection Models to assess how Contemporary Niche Theory predicts trees range limits
+British Ecological Society Annual Meeting
+Belfast, UK
- (Poster) +
The effect of forest management on forest distribution under climate change
+QCBS annual symposium
+Montréal, CA
- (Presentation) +
Can forest management help increase the rate of forest migration northward to follow climate change?
+European Geosciences Union General Assembly
+Vienna, AT
- (Poster) +