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see git log for development history.

Before testing, install the prerequisites.

debugging tips


./ serve

Then open the URL http://localhost:8080 in your browser and you should see the messages from the protocol in the messages.svg.


Use eprintln!. The output will be logged to, such as store/broadcast/latest/node-logs/n0.log.


Challenge #3b: Multi-Node Broadcast

In this challenge, we simply broadcast a message we have never seen to all other nodes.


Challenge #3c: Fault Tolerant Broadcast

In this challenge, we need to handle message loss.



First goal: reduce the number of messages sent between nodes(internal servers). Solution: don't broadcast a message back to the server which sent it to us.

dealing with failure

when messages are lost, we need to retry sending the message and we need a way to know when to stop retrying.

Challenge #7a: Datomic Transactor Model


Challenge #7b: Shared State

In this challenge, we store entire database in memory.


Challenge #7c: persistent trees

The problem:

We got to a strict-serializable solution by cramming the entire database into a single key in a linearizable key-value store. That... works, but it might be inefficient. In particular, that state is constantly growing over time, and that means our transactions get slower and slower over time-- just from having to serialize and deserialize an ever-larger state

In this challenge, we store the pair (k, id) instead of (k, values) and the id points to the values.

In the first step, we refacot the code to use Rc<RefCell<Node>>.

In the second step, we use composition and generics to structure the code instead of inheritance used in Ruby.

In the previous two steps, I can not see any latency reduction. Maybe its implementation is too complex and error-prone. So I reimplmented this challenge per java txnListAppend.

The final step is to optimize for low latency. The problem is that the ruby implementation and java implementation still read the whole database keys from lin-kv store. To reduce the serialization/deserialization IO, I choose to partition all keys by range. The range partition strategy is controled by the function part_key.

Here's the latency for a not yet optimized maelstrom-txn:

latency raw

To see the crux of the latency, I used flamegraph-rs. You can repeat the process by executing the following commands(on macos):

git checkout 74e18c7d58de5d41d3498d6fafc04206c43c3899

Then, change the file to use c7c_command_perf and comment out the git checkout command in After that,

./ c7c
# for picking pid: ps -o pid,command | grep 'maelstrom-txn' | egrep -v 'grep|java'
sudo flamegraph --root --pid <pid of maelstrom-txn>

Here's the flamegraph result from my test. From that graph, we can see that the program spends much more time on std::io::stdio::_eprint.

After applying the range partition optimization, the IO is much reduced.

new flamegraph result

And here's the latency for optimized maelstrom-txn:

latency raw optimized

Furthur optimizations like the java implementation:

  • use asynchronous IO with lin-kv
  • use cache
