diff --git a/external-resources/index.html b/external-resources/index.html index 8ae46985..fb918bcf 100644 --- a/external-resources/index.html +++ b/external-resources/index.html @@ -15,263 +15,193 @@

Community Resources


- Code, articles and videos related to WireMock from around the web. -


- Integrations -


- WireMocha is a WireMock plugin for IntelliJ: -

- https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/18860-wiremocha + +

Code, articles and videos related to WireMock from around the web.

+ + +

Configuration / Clients

+ +

Automate configuration of stubs from JAX-RS annotated resources.

+ https://github.com/tomasbjerre/wiremock-jaxrs + +

Monitor JVM metrics and WireMock response times.

+ https://github.com/rasklaad/wiremock-metrics + +

PHP client for WireMock

+ https://github.com/rowanhill/wiremock-php + +

NodeJS client for WireMock

+ https://www.npmjs.com/package/wiremock -

- Mark Winteringham wrote a very handy Chrome extension to provide a UI over WireMock: -

- http://www.mwtestconsultancy.co.uk/wiremock-chrome-extension/ +

NodeJS + TypeScript client WireMock

+ https://www.npmjs.com/package/wiremock-captain + +

Epresso test using WireMock as the backend for Android apps

+ https://handstandsam.com/2016/01/30/running-wiremock-on-android/ + +

Make the creation of WireMock stubs for Spring REST controllers safe and effortless.

+ https://dzone.com/articles/wiremock-the-ridiculously-easy-way + + +


+ +

WireMocha is a WireMock plugin for IntelliJ.

+ https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/18860-wiremocha

Spring Contract Verifier (previously called Accurest) is a consumer driven contracts tool that generates WireMock stub mappings as examples for client testing.

- http://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-contract/ + https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-contract -

A Spring REST Docs integration for WireMock that generates WireMock stub mappings from - your test cases:


A Spring REST Docs integration for WireMock that generates WireMock stub mappings from your test cases.

https://github.com/epages-de/restdocs-wiremock -

WireMock Maven Plugin:


A WireMock plugin for Maven.

https://github.com/automatictester/wiremock-maven-plugin - -

Maciej Walkowiak has built a library providing zero-config, fully declarative Spring Boot integration with WireMock in JUnit 5 tests:

+ +

Zero-config, fully declarative Spring Boot integration with WireMock.

https://github.com/maciejwalkowiak/wiremock-spring-boot -

@GenerateWireMockStub for Spring REST controllers, built by Lukasz Gryzbon, makes the creation of WireMock stubs for tests safe and effortless:

- https://github.com/lsd-consulting/spring-wiremock-stub-generator - -

- Extensions -


- Simulate webhooks with this extension: -

- https://github.com/wiremock/wiremock-webhooks-extension - -

- Some folks at Open Table have written a response transformer for injecting data from the request body into the response: -

- - https://github.com/opentable/wiremock-body-transformer - - -

- In a similar vein, Adam York has written a response transformer utilising Velocity templates: -

- - https://github.com/adamyork/wiremock-velocity-transformer - - - -

- Mason Malone has built an extension for matching requests based on the contents of JSON web tokens: -

- - https://github.com/MasonM/wiremock-jwt-extension - - - -

- Also from Mason, an extension for finding and removing unused stub mappings: -

- - https://github.com/MasonM/wiremock-unused-stubs-extension - - -

- Felipe Fernández has built a Spock extension to enhance automation around record and replay functionality: -

- - https://github.com/felipefzdz/spock-wiremock-extension - -

- Automate configuration of stubs, given JAX-RS annotated resources, with this extension: -

- - https://github.com/tomasbjerre/wiremock-jaxrs - -

- Monitor JVM metrics and wiremock response time: -

- - https://github.com/rasklaad/wiremock-metrics - - -

- Other languages -


- PHP client by Rowan Hill: -

- - https://github.com/rowanhill/wiremock-php - - -

- Ruby wrapper by Jeffres S. Morgan: -

- - https://rubygems.org/gems/service_mock - - -

- Groovy binding by Tom Jankes: -

- - https://github.com/tomjankes/wiremock-groovy - - -

- Python client by Cody Lee: -

- - - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/wiremock/1.1.1 - - -

- NodeJS wrapper: -

- - https://www.npmjs.com/package/wiremock - - -

- NodeJS + TypeScript client: -

- - https://www.npmjs.com/package/wiremock-captain - - - -

- Articles -

- -

- Sam Edwards has been hugely helpful in getting WireMock onto the Android platform and helping others do so. Here is his blog post explaining how to write an Espresso test using WireMock as your app's back-end: -

- - http://handstandsam.com/2016/01/30/running-wiremock-on-android/ - - -

- Dusan Dević at Yenlo wrote a useful guide to testing error conditions in the WSO2 ESB using Wiremock: -

- - https://www.yenlo.com/blog/wso2torial-error-handling-in-wso2-esb-with-wiremock - - -

- Phill Barber has written a couple of interesting posts about practical testing scenarios with WireMock: -

- - - http://phillbarber.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/how-to-write-end-to-end-tests-for-nginx.html - - - http://phillbarber.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/how-to-test-for-connection-leaks.html - - -

- Bas Dijkstra kindly open sourced the content for the workshop he ran on WireMock and REST Assured: -

- - - http://www.ontestautomation.com/open-sourcing-my-workshop-on-wiremock/ - - -

- @GenerateWireMockStub for Spring REST controllers, built by Lukasz Gryzbon, makes the creation of WireMock stubs for tests safe and effortless: -

- - - https://dzone.com/articles/wiremock-the-ridiculously-easy-way - - -

- WireMock workshop: -

- - - https://github.com/basdijkstra/wiremock-workshop - - -



- Fluent and thorough live-coding demonstration of WireMock delivered by Sam Edwards at DevFest DC: -

- - https://youtu.be/x3MvZ8DFrpE - - -

- Sebastian Daschner presents a step-by-step guide to running your acceptance tests in Kubernetes using WireMock: -

- - - https://blog.sebastian-daschner.com/entries/acceptance_tests_wiremock_kubernetes - - -

- Interesting and detailed presentation by Lotte Johansen on testing microservices with WireMock at Norway's top online marketplace: -

- - - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmJfMnGK-r0 - - -

- Chris Batey did an excellent talk at Skillsmatter in London about building fault tolerant microservices. He showed some practical failure testing strategies using WireMock and Saboteur he'd used for real while working at Sky: -

- - https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/5810-building-fault-tolerant-microservices - - -

- Daniel Bryant's excellent QCon presentation “The Seven Deadly Sins of Microservices” covers the full gamut of microservice anti-patterns seen in the wild, with some sound advice on how to fix them. WireMock and Saboteur get an honourable mention in the testing discussion: -

- - - https://www.infoq.com/presentations/7-sins-microservices - - -

- - The folks at Intuit have built a very impressive and ambitious testing setup, using WireMock to isolate individual services. Here's a talk they did at AWS:Reinvent: -


A response transformer for injecting data from the request body into the response from Open Table.

+ https://github.com/opentable/wiremock-body-transformer + +

An extension for matching requests based on the contents of JSON web tokens.

+ https://github.com/MasonM/wiremock-jwt-extension + +

Create a mock server with WireMock and Postman - Practical implementation

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd4_tUSOHfw&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Create a mock server with WireMock and Postman - Configuration theory

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVVTO4U8M_k&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Transparent http client testing with http4K and WireMock

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpXf1K_E_bY&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + + +


+ +

A workshop introduction to service virtualization with WireMock

+ https://github.com/basdijkstra/wiremock-workshop + +

A step-by-step guide to running your acceptance tests in Kubernetes using WireMock.

+ https://blog.sebastian-daschner.com/entries/acceptance_tests_wiremock_kubernetes + +

Testing microservices with WireMock at Norway's top online marketplace.

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmJfMnGK-r0 + +

AWS:Reinvent talk from Intuit on isolating services for testing with WireMock.

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLhr1KZpdzuke5pqzTvI2ZxwP8-NwLACuU&v=sUsh3EnzKKk + +

Using WireMock for HTTP stubbing and mocking.

+ https://medium.com/@2023sl93093/using-wiremock-for-http-stubbing-and-mocking-a-guide-0446dcf37b07 + +

Request filtering (interception) and modification with WireMock.

+ https://medium.com/gitconnected/wiremock-server-request-filtering-interception-and-modification-b13c48c87e32 + +

Mastering API Performance Testing with k6, Grafana and WireMock.

+ https://medium.com/gitconnected/mastering-api-performance-testing-with-k6-grafana-and-wiremock-e09825fb2241 - - https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLhr1KZpdzuke5pqzTvI2ZxwP8-NwLACuU&v=sUsh3EnzKKk - - -

- Michael Bailey was the first person to publicly demonstrate the possibility of running WireMock on Android. Here's his presentation at Google's GTAC conference on the testing setup used by his team at Amex: -

- - - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xQCNf_5NNM - +

Standalone stub server using Spring Cloud Contract and WireMock.

+ https://medium.com/@boottechnologies-ci/standalone-stub-server-using-spring-cloud-contract-wiremock-c91e72d8cdde -

- Tom and Rob Elliot gave a join talk at Skillsmatter about patterns for readable and scalable tests with WireMock, and an approach for unit testing a CDN: -


Mock servers in the era of microservices.

+ https://medium.com/gitconnected/mock-server-using-wiremock-a61cbd55a690 - +

Understanding proxying with WireMock and .NET

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRHiNlkF2po&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D - https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/6853-scalable-management-of-test-data-making-tests-readable - +

Running WireMock as a .NET Tool in CommandLine

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdyR1ZWrnC4&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D -



Build a Paypal sandbox for load testing in 10 minutes


Generating Static Mappings for Stubs in WireMock and .NET

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xilAgj4NqhQ&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D -

Mock REST API tutorial


Using admin interfaces to debug tests efficiently with WireMock and .NET

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5sxMG84H0w&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D +

Getting JSON body responses from WireMock and .NET

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPAUqXo68e8&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Mocking Bearer Token Authentication using WireMock and .NET

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IC1lMYuPd4Y&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Custom database Logging with WireMock

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuGAXwrg0nE&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Understanding request matchers in WireMock and .NET

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrgS1ZsUKCY&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Advanced API mocking Strategies with WireMock Cloud

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pdg5wIEyS08&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Introduction to WireMock and .NET

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQRPqBWHeJs&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Dev Services for Gradle Projects with Quarkus, Gradle and WireMock

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lf15C0Jl3Yk&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Spring Cloud OpenFeign & Testing with WireMock

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpqnYd8VR3k&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Easy Integration Tests for Spring webclients with WireMock.

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbr4snySA6I&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Wiremock - How to use dynamic responses (Espanol)

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eazDmNtl5aM&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

WireMock platform Enhanced API Security Astra Review

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zC7L1uMeis&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

The power of visualization with WireMock (Espanol)

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiH83J8ZgsU&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Exploring WireMock's built-in request matchers

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73quuWlJAkM&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Request Matching With URLs with WireMock

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VIr__OWYRI&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

External APIs Testing with WireMock

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaW8yl52z5w&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Setup a WireMock Standalone Server Locally and create a basic JSON stub

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIgl7Yxmd4M&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Top use cases for API mocking with WireMock

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3Pb0ciIhgI&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Wiremock for monoliths vs microservices

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTD9vBRxoP0&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Web services integration testing with WireMock

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koxLAS6PM-g&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Exploring API Testing: Challenges and Tools

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhsSd2wLfM0&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

How to generate WireMock stubs with the OpenAPI generator (French)

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jhONfBrcKw&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Fake It until You Make It! API Integration Testing with Containers & WireMock

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEc6EwiHrjM&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Apidays Paris 2023 - Boost Productivity with Mock APIs: A Game Changer

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paqtGXPKVwE&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Testcontainers and API mocking with WireMock for C/C++

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBjjFDZS5FM&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Spring Integration Testing Demystified: Testcontainers, WebTestClient, and WireMock

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPqbfzZSUE4&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Integration Tests with WireMock and Spring Boot

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnfwblMrBd4&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Response templating - how to create mock APIs that return dynamic responses in WireMock Cloud

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-LWoewCJN4&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

Stub External APIs with WireMock and Spring Boot

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dx-69FrfZrw&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D + +

REST APIs for your tests with WIreMock (Russian)

+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDKMvb3RUTg&pp=ygUId2lyZW1vY2s%3D +