Some users may want to clone and install the graphite-cli from source.
You'll need git, the latest version of Node.js for your platform and NPM.
Clone & build the Graphite CLI:
git clone
cd graphite-cli
# git checkout v0.19.2 (we recommend building from the latest version tag, but this step is optional!)
yarn install
yarn build
If you want to install the tool globally:
npm link
Or if you want to install it locally, perhaps just for one user, this can be done by setting a prefix
before running npm link
echo "prefix = \"$PWD/.npm-prefix\"" >> .npmrc
npm link
# This has installed `gt` (and its aliases) into `$PWD/.npm-prefix`, which
# you'll now need to add to your `$PATH`. One way to do that is to add it to
# your `.bashrc` (or equivalent for your shell):
echo "" >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo "# Graphite CLI" >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:$PWD/.npm-prefix" >> $HOME/.bashrc