Description of UI configuration file. Click to open this config file
Do not change any relative path to files, you need to change only file name and extension. Also you need to load images only to folders that already exist. Do not create new folders and load files to them, it may cause bugs on site. For exapmple, you uploaded new image "img.png" to home folder.
Old relative path: /img/home/background-placeholder.jpg
New relative path: /img/home/img.png
If you are 100% sure that you won't break frontend, take a risk and do not worry about strict folder structure for images.
We are autogenerating different shades of color for different needs.
For example, we are using these shades for base color of site, hover, focus effects, etc.
It will be described, which properties in json file are responsible for generating shades.
Notify, you have to pass only hex colors for properties that are generating shades.
- Relative path to background image on homepage
Default value:/img/home/background-placeholder.jpg
Contains list of social media that are displayed in navigation bar.
You may remove or add new social media(only supported social medias).
You may remove all social medias by deleting all objects in square brackets.
For now we support only three social media, we will add more in near future. Propery name in social media object is responsible for showing correct icon, so do not misstype it.
Here is all supported social medias:
- Twitter (name: twitter)
- Telegram (name: telegram)
- Discord (name: discord)
To add new social media do these steps:
1. Add a coma after last object for social media
2. Insert new social media. Here is an example of social media object:
"name": "name of social media",
"url": "link to your social media account"
3. Fill required info.
To remove social media follow these steps:
- Remove object you want
- Remove any trailing coma
Contains list of links that are displayed in navigation bar. These links are navigating through your website.
Flow of deleting and adding links is same as in socialMedia. Here iis an exapmple of link object:
"title": "Link title",
"url": "/link1"
type. Depending on type it will render image that you provided or text. -
img Relative path to logo image.
text Text for logo
- bgColor Background color on website
- textColor Text color on website
- borderColor Border color of elements that had default color border(had to override default color)
- primary Base color of site. This color is responsible for generating shades of color. Used in buttons, hover, focus effects,a
- secondary Border color of back button on delegate page.
- subtext Text color for subtext. It is used in homepage and delegate steps.
- infoBlockBgColor Background color of information blocks, such as amount of tokens to claim, person that you want to delegate, etc/
- selected Color for selected items(for example selected delegate on delegate page)
- success Background color for success message.
- error Background color for error message.
- info Background color for information message.
- warning Background color for warning message.
- loading Background color for loading message.
- bgColor Background color of wallet connect modal and
- errorColor Background color of button when chain is missmatched
overlay Not supported for now
-bg Background color for burger menu on mobile and tablets
- main Main font family on website
- caption Font family for captions
Contains list of areas on which sorting is based. Do not add new areas, they won't work.
To remove area follow this steps:
- Delete area you want
- Remove any trailing coma
Contains list of eligibility criterias.
To remove eligibility criteria follow this steps:
- Delete criteria you want
- Remove any trailing coma
To add eligibility criteria follow this steps:
- Add trailing coma after last criteria
- Add criteria you want
Contains the information to convert your token to human readable format
To remove area follow this steps:
tokenSymbol Short name of your token like (Arbitrum: ARB)
decimals Decimals of the token