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What is it?

Mobula is a light deep learning framework on python.

It's an efficent Python-DNN Implementation used numpy mainly, and it's aimed to learn how a neural network runs :-)

What can I do with it?

  1. Deploy a Deep Neural Network, try to explore how it works when DNN is training or testing.
  2. Implement some interesting layers quickly and make a test.


  • Easy to Configure

    Mobula needs less dependence. It is implemented by numpy mainly, so you can setup it easily.

  • Easy to modify

    Mobula is implemented by only Python. You can modify the code easily to implement what you want.

How to install it?

  • Git:
git clone --recursive
  • pip:
pip install mobula


Mobula has implemented these layers using numpy. It's efficient relatively on Python Implementation.

The Layers supports multi-input and multi-output.

Layers with Learning

  • FC - Fully Connected Layer
  • Conv - Convolution
  • ConvT - Transposed Convolution
  • BatchNorm

Layers without Learning

  • Pool - Pooling
  • Dropout
  • Reshape
  • Crop
  • L0Norm, L1Norm, L2Norm (TODO)

Activation Layer

  • Sigmoid
  • ReLU
  • PReLU
  • SELU
  • Tanh
  • Softmax

Multi I/O Layer

  • Concat
  • Slice
  • Eltwise

Cost Layer

  • MSE - Mean Square Error
  • CrossEntropy
  • SigmoidCrossEntropy
  • SoftmaxWithLoss
  • SmoothL1Loss
  • ContrastiveLoss

Evaluation Layer (No Backward)

  • Accuracy (top_k)


  • add, subtract
  • multiply, matmul, dot
  • positive, negative, abs
  • exp, log
  • reduce_mean, reduce_max, reduce_min
  • equal, not_equal
  • greater_equal, greater, less_equal, less


Mobula supports various solvers.

  • SGD
  • Momentum

Quick Start

Notice: Recommend using Python in Anaconda, because of Calculating Optimization numpy-mkl in Anaconda.

The detail is in Performance Analysis.

Digital Recognition

Let's construct a Convolution Nerual Network on Mobula!

We use LeNet-5 to solve Digital Recognition problem on Kaggle.

The score is above 0.99 in training for several minutes.

Firstly, you need to download the dataset train.csv and test.csv into test/ folder.

Secondly, constructing the LeNet-5.

The core code is that:

import mobula
import mobula.layers as L
import mobula.solvers as S


data, label = L.Data([X, labels], "data", batch_size = 100)
conv1 = L.Conv(data, dim_out = 20, kernel = 5)
pool1 = L.Pool(conv1, pool = L.Pool.MAX, kernel = 2, stride = 2)
relu1 = L.ReLU(pool1)
conv2 = L.Conv(relu1, dim_out = 50, kernel = 5)
pool2 = L.Pool(conv2, pool = L.Pool.MAX, kernel = 2, stride = 2)
relu2 = L.ReLU(pool2)
fc3   = L.FC(relu2, dim_out = 500)
relu3 = L.ReLU(fc3)
pred  = L.FC(relu3, "pred", dim_out = 10)
loss  = L.SoftmaxWithLoss(pred, "loss", label = label)

# Net Instance
net = mobula.Net()

# Set Loss Layer

# Set Solver

# Learning Rate = 0.2

The training and predicting codes are in examples/ folders, namely and

For training the network,


When the number of iterations is 2000, the accuracy on training set is above 0.99.

For predicting test.csv,


At Line 53 in, iter_num is the iterations of the model which is used to predict test set.

Enjoy it! :-)