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Releases: wled/WLED

WLED beta version 0.12.0-b5

30 Mar 00:07
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Welcome to WLED 0.12.0-b5 "Hikari"!

The fixes in Beta 5 in respect to Beta 4 are

This is a pre-release that might be unstable. Do not flash this to hard-to-reach boards. They might not come back online without issue.

This version's highlights are

  • Support for multiple LED outputs (10 on ESP32, 3 on ESP8266). Add even more lights to your installation
  • Pins and LED type can be configured at runtime. No more custom binaries for pin changes
  • Palette previews: You now know what a palette looks like before even applying it
  • Searchable palette and effect lists, making finding your favorites easier
  • Instance list: Simply jump from one WLED device to another without remembering IPs
  • Added four new effects, Aurora, Dynamic Smooth, Tetrix and TV simulator
  • Caching for snappier interface loading
  • Added indicator for Frames per second
  • Various fixes and improvements

See the changelog for a complete list of changes!

What binary should I use?

WLED beta version 0.12.0-b4

29 Mar 01:02
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Welcome to WLED 0.12.0-b4 "Hikari"!

Even now you are still my light. This counts now more than ever before. So let's illuminate the world!

This is a pre-release that might be unstable. Do not flash this to hard-to-reach boards. They might not come back online without issue.

This version's highlights are

  • Support for multiple LED outputs (10 on ESP32, 3 on ESP8266). Add even more lights to your installation
  • Pins and LED type can be configured at runtime. No more custom binaries for pin changes
  • Palette previews: You now know what a palette looks like before even applying it
  • Searchable palette and effect lists, making finding your favorites easier
  • Instance list: Simply jump from one WLED device to another without remembering IPs
  • Added four new effects, Aurora, Dynamic Smooth, Tetrix and TV simulator
  • Caching for snappier interface loading
  • Added indicator for Frames per second
  • Various fixes and improvements

See the changelog for a complete list of changes!

What binary should I use?

WLED version 0.11.1

19 Dec 16:10
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Welcome to WLED 0.11.1 "Mirai"!

This is a little service update that makes the future look brighter!

This version's highlights are

  • 12 bugfixes of Christmas
  • Added option for preset ID quick display
  • Added Candy cane and Blends effects
  • Added Temperature palette

See the changelog for a complete list of changes!

Happy holidays to all of you!

What binary should I use?

WLED version 0.11.0

29 Nov 21:09
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Welcome to WLED 0.11.0 "Mirai"!

The future is here, and it is exciting!

This version's highlights are

  • Complete overhaul of presets! Familiarize yourself with the new system here!
  • Up to 250 presets
  • Named presets with quick load option
  • Presets can contain API commands
  • Presets save all segments now
  • Settings and presets are now stored in an embedded LittleFS filesystem
  • Migration code to import presets, macros and settings from earlier versions
  • Increased max. num of segments to 12 (ESP8266) / 16 (ESP32)
  • New Washing machine effect
  • Added basic colortemperature support (RGB only)
  • Playlist support (beta, JSON only)
  • ESP32 Ethernet support
  • UDP and MQTT accept JSON API commands
  • New Welcome and 404 screen
  • Optional status LED
  • New and improved C9 palettes
  • Tooltips for speed and intensity sliders
  • Boatloads of smaller improvements and fixes
  • Removed macros (presets can contain API commands now)

See the changelog for a complete list of changes!

Compilation notice

A lot has changed regarding the dependencies required to build WLED, please check here if you build from source!

Compatibility notice

Due to the space required by the filesystem, WLED 0.11.0 is sadly no longer compatible with 512k flash ESP units.
1M units are supported, however wireless updates (OTA) are no longer possible.
2M and above units work with the full functionality.
I would recommend upgrading the SPI flash chip on your unit if it is too small, or change to a 4M board (e.g. Wemos)
Sorry for the inconvenience!

Happy holiday season to all of you!

What binary should I use?

WLED version 0.10.2

31 Aug 16:55
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Welcome to WLED 0.10.2 "Fumikiri"!

Imagine yourself standing at a level crossing and waiting for the train to pass to reach an update with file system support that lies beyond.
The barriers will stay closed for a little longer, but with the heat subsiding and autumn winds coming in you have some spare time to admire the blinking LEDs.

This version's highlights are

  • Easy Segment mirroring
  • 10 new effect modes
  • Sunrise nightlight mode
  • New v2 usermod API
  • UI customization options: Hide button labels, set a background image and more!
  • Option for HEX color entry and RGB sliders
  • Per-segment individual LED control via JSON API
  • TPM2 (serial) and protocol support
  • Websockets support (beta)
  • Brand new logo artwork
  • Heaps of improvements and fixes

See the changelog for a complete list of changes!

Why version 0.10.2? Where is 0.10.1? And where is filesystem support?

This update contains quite a few new features compared to version 0.10.0!
However, it still does not allow for settings flexibility and more presets, which will come in the next update 0.11.0!
Because it was communicated that 0.11.0 would offer this file system functionality, I decided to not release this intermediary update as 0.11.0.
0.10.2 is used to minimize confusion because 0.10.1 was reported by all builds of WLED since 2006220.

Compilation notice

For WLED 0.10.2 to compile in Arduino IDE, you will need to replace your EspAsyncWebServer library with the Aircoookie fork. Alternatively, you can disable WebSockets support in wled.h by commenting out #define WLED_ENABLE_WEBSOCKETS to compile successfully.
PlatformIO will update the library automatically.

The 1M_ota firmware for 0.10.2 has a few effects (including Lightning, Android, Gradient and Loading) disabled to fit it flash, in addition to all the interfaces generally not available with the 1M_ota build (Alexa, MQTT, ...)

Happy twinkling to all of you!

What binary should I use?

WLED version 0.10.0

03 May 19:21
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Welcome to WLED v0.10.0 "Namigai"! An aquatic update with 2 new releaxing effects and some nice quality-of-life improvements!

This version's highlights are

  • Added Pacifica and Candle multi effects and new Atlantica palette
  • Brightness and power can now be set per segment
  • Added feature to one-click select single segment only by tapping segment name
  • Added realtime override functionality to web UI
  • Added brand new module info page to web UI
  • Added Art-Net support
  • Improved palettes based on set colors
  • Added ACST and ACST/ACDT timezones
  • Reduced heap memory usage by 2k (improves stability)
  • A few smaller improvements (see for details)

Known issues

  • Some users reported the OTA update failing. To be on the safe side, update an easily accesible ESP first.
  • Preset 16 will not indicate being saved to in the web UI, it always appears as if nothing is saved. The preset does function normally, however.

Deprecation notice
Due to rising flash memory utilization both caused by program size and the upcoming file system feature, we will unfortunately need to drop support for some boards:

  • ESP8266 modules with 512kB flash memory (blue ESP-01, old Sonoff) are entirely unsupported starting with 0.11.0.
  • ESP8266 modules with 1MB flash (black ESP-01, most Sonoff) will remain supported, but over-the-air updating is no longer possible, each new update will need to be flashed via serial.
    Sorry for the inconvenience, this step is not taken lightly. If you like soldering, replacing the SPI flash chip with a 32MiB one is a nice project.
    My recommendation for a WLED board is the Wemos D1 mini (pro version if you need good reception)

I wish you happy twinkling!

What binary should I use?

WLED version 0.9.1

23 Feb 01:25
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More Segment options and quicker control of all your LEDs!

  • Segments now support Grouping and Spacing options
  • Re-Added Quick color selectors to UI
  • PC mode (all settings on one page)
  • Added new auto RGBW modes
  • Added 5 new infrared remotes
  • Added new DMX modes over E1.31
  • Added Heartbeat, Ripple Rainbow, Percent, Plasma, Drip, Bouncing Balls, Fireworks 1D and Fireworks Starburst effects
  • Improved analog LED support
  • Added WiFi sleep toggle
  • Added dynamic effect data
  • Removed pixel locking
  • Various small effect improvements
  • Various fixes and stability improvements

What binary should I use?

WLED version 0.9.0-b1

13 Dec 00:34
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WLED version 0.9.0-b1 Pre-release

The wait for a festive update is finally over! Decorate for the holidays using multiple segments!

  • Full redesign of the main UI
  • You can now divide your LEDs into up to 10 segments, each running different effects
  • Preset slot 16 can save the entire configuration
  • All other preset slot will save the config of the first segment and applied to selected segments
  • You can now live preview the current effect in the web UI
  • Added control for tertiary color
  • Added option to toggle either Sync send only or Sync send+receive from UI
  • Added Police, Two Dots, Spots, Candle and Glitter effects
  • Added Aurora palette
  • Added Quick toggle for MQTT
  • Added brightness limiter for 12V LEDs
  • Added option to space out LEDs
  • Added several commands to APIs (will be added to doc shortly)
  • NTP server is now configurable
  • Improved E1.31 performance
  • Fixed Adalight
  • Removed default light config (please use a Boot Preset instead)
  • Removed CSS themes (for now)
  • Removed HomeAssistant autodiscovery (superseded by native integration)

I recommend compiling with Arduino core v2.6.2 and LwIP 1.4 Higher Bandwidth!
Still in beta in case there are any issues.

WLED version 0.8.6

25 Oct 23:03
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WLED version 0.8.6 Pre-release

Time for a small spooky update!

Because a whole lot has changed with the connection logic, I'm marking this one as a pre-release for now.
Also, please note that my recommendation for LwIP has changed, for this version please use v2 Higher Bandwidth if you need HomeAssistant autodiscovery! In case of bootloop, try the lwip1 binary or build with 1.4 High bandwidth! Sorry for the inconvenience!

  • WiFi will now auto-reconnect if connection lost
  • Added the TwinkleCat and Halloween Eyes effects
  • Improved a lot of effects (running, rainbow, fade...)
  • Fixed choppy transitions
  • Increased max. LEDs to 1500 (500 in DMA pin 3 mode)
    -> I still recommend staying below 900 LEDs (300 for DMA) for optimal performance

Note regarding ESP01:
ESP01 with 512k flash no longer supports Alexa, Blynk or Hue sync interfaces. If you use them, please do not update.
ESP01 with 1MB flash either supports OTA updates OR the above interfaces, just choose the respective binary.
From the next version onward, it will very likely be impossible for me to maintain 512k ESP01 support.
ESP01 1M will stay supported, although OTA updates will not be possible.
To get the most out of WLED, I highly recommend you to upgrade to a board with 4MB flash.
Sorry for the inconvenience!

WLED version 0.8.5

12 Sep 13:32
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It's a brand new day, it's never too late for a new release!

  • Added support for MQTT authentication
  • Added Captive portal in AP mode
    -> Breaking change: The IP of your ESP8266 in AP mode is now
  • Added the TwinkleFOX effect
  • Added Orangery, C9 and Sakura palettes
  • Update to ArduinoJSON v6
  • Support APA102