- Add serializers for BatchID, Timestamp: twitter#350
- ADd a means to set defaults outside the planner: twitter#351
- fix bugs hdfs: twitter#353
- add default option setting: twitter#356
- Add options tests: twitter#335
- Add some hadoop defaults to the builder API: twitter#359
- Cleanup the Storm API a bit: twitter#360
- Put all Collector actions in one execute: twitter#365
- Producer API executors for storm and scalding: twitter#367
- standardize get or else scalding: twitter#363
- Fixes ticks: twitter#368
- spout metrics: twitter#344
- Add the summingbird prefix to the graphs: twitter#370
- add localOrShuffle: twitter#371
- Make the StormMetric Covariant: twitter#373
- Fix depreciation to be from sink: twitter#375
- add options to cfg: twitter#376
- Null out Tuple.values for GC: twitter#374
- Add timestamps to hadoop configs: https://github.com/twitter/summingbird/pull/377/files
- add Options.toString: twitter#378
- Fix out of sync versions to keep: twitter#379
- Feature fix ffm: twitter#381
- Add an await timeout: twitter#380
- Add local or shuffle option: twitter#384
- Add dequeueAll to Queue: twitter#386
- Add in log4j and slf4j to the example: twitter#392
- Fixes naming in bolts for options to work right after plan: twitter#391
- Add error checking to the cache size: twitter#393
- Add more storm tests, add some new test graphs: twitter#394
- Proxy the select correctly on initialbatch: twitter#389
- Refactors the bolts from storm to be independent workers in online: twitter#395
- Pluggable caches in FinalFlatMap: twitter#396
- Uses multimerge: twitter#399
- ack on entry option: twitter#398
- Fix issue with externalizer: twitter#316
- Initial implementation of checkpoint state: twitter#315
- Move to sbt 0.13: twitter#322
- Move Dependants common code to graph: twitter#321
- CheckpointState -> HDFSState: twitter#318
- Change depthFirstOf to use List instead of Vector: twitter#323
- Add an optional parameter to set default parallelism for a storm source: twitter#319
- Add a method to prepare for optimizing FlatMapKeys: twitter#305
- fix the increased output issue: twitter#327
- Optimize iterator sums: twitter#326
- Make sure to register BatchID and Timespan: twitter#324
- Sum by key test: twitter#330
- Add slf4j logging to scalding: twitter#331
- Move the versioned store to scalding package: twitter#332
- storm logging: twitter#333
- Adds/extends some storm option tests: twitter#334
- Make VersionedState fail-safe: twitter#337
- Throw on Storm Submission w/ no online store: twitter#338
- General graph support online: twitter#340
- Summingbird config: twitter#339
- Fix off-by-one bug in scalding batched store: twitter#311
- Add convenience methods to Producer: twitter#307
- Massively optimize Scalding merge/sumByKey: twitter#303
- Improve the WaitingState state machine: twitter#302
- Move code for common realtime planners (storm + akka): twitter#299
- Fix an issue with source minify in scalding: twitter#298
- Improve scalding tests: twitter#296
- Improve storm tests: twitter#292
- Use an AnyVal-like class rather than java.util.Date: twitter#295
- improve Batcher documentation: twitter#293
- Use pipes instead of parentheses when naming online physical nodes: twitter#273
- Add Alsos in Producer2, OptProd2: twitter#275
- Multiple disjoint summers: twitter#274
- Make Tail sealed: twitter#276
- Scalding Laws not to use scalacheck: twitter#278
- Pull Online planner common code into core: twitter#281
- Use externalizer instead of meatlocker: twitter#282
- Standardize SourceBuilder Naming: twitter#285
- Add TailProducer, for graph ending point: twitter#286
- MemoryLaws not use scalacheck: twitter#287
- Added flatMapKeys to all platforms: twitter#288
- Added flatMapKeys to Builder API: twitter#290
- Add better type safety to Storm Spouts: twitter#289
- Add a streaming left join: twitter#291
- Add support for map only jobs in producer api twitter#269
- Fixes naming of nodes, options are picked up correctly twitter#267
- Fix missing elements in case statements for applying online graph to storm twitter#272
- Bump the version numbers of the dependencies twitter#260
- Upgrade to Tormenta 0.5.2, Scalding 0.9.0, Bijection 0.5.3 betas: twitter#191
- Feature/storm new planner: twitter#250
- Feature/move dag to core: twitter#255
- Control how futures are collected in Client Store: twitter#254
- Producer[Platform, T] is covariant on T: twitter#251
- Improve testing generators: twitter#249
- Remove manifests from the core API: twitter#247
- Dot graphs of our storm plan (what SB nodes go to physical nodes): twitter#236
- Fix Storm Tests: twitter#227
- Custom --name flag for job name in builder api: twitter#226
- Remove SINK_ID reference from SourceBuilder: twitter#225
- Add Dot Graph Generation from SB Producer: twitter#223
- Push filters down to storm spout: twitter#224
- Revert StoreIntermediate to old approach: twitter#219
- Add in old SummingJoin: twitter#218
- Fix bug in storm planner's forking: twitter#217
- Don't send empty multiGets to online service: twitter#209
- UTC Calendar Batcher: twitter#195
- Register injections in StormEnv: twitter#198
- Fix Forking bug in Storm planner: twitter#197
- Tidying of StormPlatform: twitter#199
- Add AnchorTuples option to Storm: twitter#200
- Allow NamedProducer after Summer in storm: twitter#202
- Optimization when using BijectedMonoid in a Scalding job: twitter#203
- Remove need for --initial-run (--start-time suffices): twitter#204
- Add --scalding.nothrowplan to not rethrow/exit with error on a flow plan error
- new, producer-based API
- Split Storm and Scalding platforms
- Added in-memory platform
- Complete DSL rebuild in anticipation of release.
- fix compiler-induced bug in BatchAggregatorJob.
- Ability to tee out data.
- PresentingStore
- Ability to join a Summingbird job against another SB job.
- Initial code push.