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Releases: wojtekmaj/react-time-picker


10 Jul 23:11
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What's new?

  • Added support for aria-labels on each input and button. More on that in README.
  • Automatically jump to the next input if the user can't enter any more digits (#15, #29).

What's changed?

  • Documentation should now be easier to read thanks to improved clarity and default values column.
  • Optimized the number of listeners attached by React-Time-Picker.
  • Added more unit tests.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed AM/PM not selectable in some locales using Arabic numerals (#25).
  • Fixed a warning on amPm mistakenly required when there is a possibility of it being null if value is null too (#31).
  • Fixed Clock not closing in some cases on mobile Safari. Thanks, @victor-cordova!
  • Fixed input value selection immediately un-selecting on non-Chromium versions of Microsoft Edge (#37).
  • Fixed default icon styling affecting custom icons by changing their fill properties.


02 May 13:14
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What's changed?

  • Whitespace in dividers is now automatically preserved.
  • Simplified some internal methods.
  • Added more unit tests.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed AM minTime/maxTime taken into account when picking PM time and vice versa in 12-hour mode.
  • Fixed users not being able to enter e.g. 2 PM if minTime was set to 12 PM in 12-hour mode.


01 Apr 12:15
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed MinuteInput and SecondInput not showing leading zeros by default.


31 Mar 11:04
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What's new?

  • Added support for format prop which allows to overwrite default time format determined either from locale prop or automatically. See README for details.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issues where iterating an HTMLCollection would cause issues in older versions of Edge and IE (#135). Thanks, @mathieumg!
  • Fixed jumping to previous/next input not working if leading zeros were present


23 Mar 07:46
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What's new?

  • Added support for onClockOpen and onClockClose props.


03 Mar 15:09
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What's new?

  • Implemented React-Fit, a smarter system measuring where the Clock should be placed. React-Fit will check for collisions with the nearest scrollable container (unlike previously, hardcoded document.body) on both axis (unlike previously, just on Y axis).


20 Jan 19:21
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What's new?

  • Added support for non-latin locales.

What's changed?

  • React-Time-Picker now uses Babel 7 for compilation.
  • Using Parcel, if you decide for whatever reason to import from src directory instead of default dist, Parcel will properly recognize it and use proper Babel configuration.

Bug fixes

  • Disabled autocomplete on all input fields.


18 Dec 20:51
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed Clock re-opening on click, which may have caused unpredictable behavior.


21 Nov 14:57
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What's new?

  • Brand input rendering algorithm was implemented. It should be more reliable, especially for zh-CN locale.

What's changed?

  • Clock widget will no longer close automatically on any value change.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed clock widget not closing when input was blurred using the keyboard.


12 Oct 07:04
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See Upgrade guide from version 2.x to 3.x.

What's new?

  • Inputs now automatically select on focus.
  • Leading zeros are now wrapped in a <span /> element with react-time-picker__inputGroup__leadingZero class name for easier styling.
  • Internal changes in TimeInput component that will allow for more refined styling of React-Time-Picker along with React-DateTime-Picker and React-TimeRange-Picker.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed input height that could be off by 2 pixels on some devices.