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n-EDO Retuner plugin for Musescore 3.4+

Musescore plugin to retune and pitch up/down notes in any EDO ranked from flat-2 to sharp-8. (Supports all EDOs from 5-72 except 59, 66, and 71. Also supports larger edos up to 117 that are rated with a sharpness of up to sharp-8)

Here is the full list of supported EDOs and their respective sharpness values.



  • Retuning note cent offsets based on edo of choice
    • Special thanks to Flora Canou for providing the generalized method for evaluating cent offsets for any EDO.
  • Support for key signatures via Key signature annotations
  • Transposing individual notes / selections by 1 EDO step, managing accidental neutralization and corrections
  • Tuning system, key signatures, and A4 tuning frequency can be changed mid score, and different staves may be in different tunings, key signatures, and A4 reference pitches at the same time.


Make sure you are using MuseScore 3.4 or newer. The plugin will not work in previous versions

Download the project and unzip into MuseScore's plugins directory.

Install & Activate the plugins

  • tune n-edo.qml:
    • Tunes selected phrase (selection made with shift-click) / whole score (if nothing selected)
  • pitch up.qml/pitch down.qml:
    • Transposes up/down selected phrase (shift-click) / individually selected notes (alt-click noteheads).
  • pitch up no dt.qml/pitch down no dt.qml:
    • Same as above, but prioritizes up/down arrows over semi/sesqui sharp/flat symbols wherever possible.

To make plugin usage more ergonomic, it is recommended to assign the following keyboard shortcuts to the plugins:

  • Tuning: alt + R
  • Pitch up/down: up/down arrow keys
    • The plugin is intended to replace the function of up/down arrow key shortcuts in MuseScore (including repositioning other elements)
    • Before assigning the transposing plugins the up/down arrow keys shortcut, you will have to clear the following shortcuts in the Shortcuts preferences menu with the 'Clear' button. (Edit -> Preferences -> Shortcuts)
      • Pitch up or move text or articulation up
      • Pitch down or move text or articulation down
      • Select string above (TAB only)
      • Select string below (TAB only)
    • Ensure only one variant of each plugin has the keyboard shortcut assigned at a time.
      If 'pitch up.qml' is assigned to the up arrow, then 'pitch up no dt.qml' cannot be assigned to the up arrow.
      Although, both plugins may be enabled simultaneously and have different keyboard shortcuts assigned to each variant.

Selecting the tuning system

The plugin makes use of staff text (Ctrl-T) and system text (Ctrl-Shift-T) to configure which tuning system is used.

Using staff text will apply the tuning system to only the staff that it is on, and using system text will apply the tuning system to the all the staves. Staff/system text will only affect the current and subsequent bars of music, but not the bars before, thus, it is possible to change the tuning system mid-piece, and have different instruments in different tuning systems concurrently.

It is possible, but not recommended, to change the tuning system halfway through a bar, as accidentals may carry over and be applied in unexpected ways.

There are a 3 different types of tuning system information text, each one has to be in its own separate staff/system text:

  • EDO selector format: x edo
    • Where x is the number of equally-spaced notes in the octave.
    • Spaces and capitalization are optional. Non-integer edos are not currently supported.
    • When the EDO is changed, any prior key signature must be redeclared as the step offsets of the key signatures would differ and has to be updated.
  • A4 frequency selector format: a4: x hz
    • Where x is the frequency of the natural nominal tuning note A4. Other notes will be tuned to that as reference.
    • Spaces and capitalization are optional. Decimals in frequency supported.
  • Key signature format: .x.x.x.x.x.x.x
    • Where each x represents the textual representation of the accidentals applied on the notes C, D, E, F, G, A, and B in that order.
    • If a particular note is natural, leave the space after the dot empty or use any placeholder like '0' or 'n', but keep the dot there.
      In total, there should be 7 dots.
    • Key signature text must be denoted on all key signatures present in the score, whether custom, microtonal, or standard.
      If there are no key signatures for the score, there is no need to enter key signature text, but you can still enter a blank key signature text for future reference (e.g.: ....... is a blank key signature)

Notation system

The plugin follows notation standards as per NOTATION GUIDE FOR EDOS 5-72, which is a generalized system for notating any EDO.

Here is a brief summary of the contents of the document:

Tuning of nominals C D E F G A B

In this system, the nominals F C G D A E B are tuned according to a chain of best fifths, which is the best representation of the perfect 3:2 just fifth that the EDO has to offer.
The exact pitches of the notes are calculated based on the frequency of the note A4, which is defined by the A4 frequency selector, or 440Hz by default.

How to calculate an EDO's best fifth?

The number of steps a fifth is in x-edo = round(x * log2(3/2))

3/2 represents the frequency ratio of a fifth in just intonation.
log(3/2) represents how many octaves are there in a fifth (approx 0.584962)
x * log(3/2) represents how many steps of x-edo are there in a fifth
round() rounds it up/down to the nearest whole edostep.

The best fifth in 12 edo is 7 steps. Thus, the distance between F and C, C and G, G and D, etc.. is 7 steps of 12 edo.

The best fifth in 22 edo is 13 steps. Thus, the distance between C and G, etc.. is 13 steps of 22 edo.

Tuning of regular pythagorean accidentals

bb b s x

The standard accidentals Double Flat (bb), Flat (b), Sharp (#), Double Sharp (x) are based on the circle of fifths.

To give an example in 12-edo, going 7 fifths up from C4 yields C4-G4-D5-A5-E6-B6-F#7-C#8.
A best fifth in 12-edo is 7 steps of 12 edo.
Going up 7 fifths in 12-edo yields a total of 7*7 = 49 steps (which brings C4 to C#8)
Going down 4 octaves to bring C#8 down to C#4 reduces the steps by 4 * 12 = 48 steps.
Thus, a sharp symbol in 12-edo is defined as going up 49 steps, then down 48 steps, yielding a +1 step difference.

The number of edosteps a sharp symbol raises the pitch by is known as an EDO's sharpness value, also known as the size of the apotome.
Thus, the sharpness of 12-edo is 1, which classifies it as a sharp-1 EDO.
Consequently, a double sharp raises the pitch by 2 times of the sharpness value, thus 2 steps.
A flat lowers the pitch by the sharpness value, thus lowering it by 1 step.
A double flat lowers the pitch by 2 times of the sharpness value, thus lowering it by 2 steps.

To give another example in 23-edo: A best fifth in 23-edo is 13 edosteps.
Going up 7 fifths (From C4 to C#8) = going up 7 * 13 = 91 steps.
Going down 4 octaves (From C#8 to C#4) = going down 4 * 23 = 92 steps.
Thus, a sharp symbol in 23-edo is defined as going up 91 steps and down 92 steps, yielding a -1 step difference.
A sharp symbol in 23-edo, surprisingly, lowers the pitch by 1 step, instead of raising it.
Consequently, the flat symbol raises the pitch by 1 step.
The apotome size of 23-edo is -1, which classifies it as a flat-1 EDO.

Note: in EDOs such as 7, 14 and 21, the sharp and flats do not raise nor lower the pitch, and thus they are known as perfect EDOs, i.e. Sharp-0.

Here is the full list of supported EDOs and their respective sharpness values.

The plugin only supports up to 2 flats and sharps. Triple flats and sharps and not supported as MuseScore does not provide these accidentals.

Tuning of up/down arrows

sv3 u2 bu1

Arrows on the natural, sharp/flat, double sharp/flat accidentals offsets the pitch of the note by the same number of steps of the EDO as there are arrows on the accidental.

An upwards arrow always raises the pitch by 1 step, regardless of whether the sharp symbol raises or lowers the pitch of the note. Vice versa, a downwards arrow always lowers the pitch by 1 step.

Thus the interval between C and C^ is +1 step. And so is the interval between C# and C#^, Cbv and Cb, etc..

A maximum of 3 arrows are allowed on each accidental, as MuseScore currently does not provide accidentals with more than 3 arrows. Due to these limitations, and with the help of quartertone accidentals, the plugin can only handle EDOs with a sharpness rating of up to 8.

Here is the full list of supported EDOs and their respective sharpness values.

The up/down arrow accidentals this plugin uses are Helmholtz-Ellis Just Intonation accidentals.
Gould arrow quartertone symbols look very similar to the single up/down arrow Helmholtz-Ellis accidentals, and may be used interchangeably, although the plugin defaults to Helmholtz-Ellis when transposing. To differentiate the two, Gould arrow symbols appear slightly larger than the Helmholtz-Ellis ones.

Tuning of quartertone (semisharp/semiflat) accidentals

db d + s+

Stein-Zimmermann quartertone accidentals represent an offset of half or one-and-a-half times of the standard sharpness of the accidental. They only work when the EDO has an even-number sharpness rating which can be divided by 2 evenly.

For example, in 31-edo, where the sharpness rating is sharp-2:

  • db lowers the pitch by 1.5 x 2 = -3 steps
  • d lowers the pitch by 0.5 x 2 = -1 step
  • + raises the pitch by 0.5 x 2 = +1 step
  • s+ raises the pitch by 1.5 x 2 = +3 steps

Key signatures

In order for the up/down step transposition feature to work properly, all key signatures, even standard ones, must be accompanied with system/staff text key signature annotations.

  • Use System Text (Ctrl + Shift + T) if you want the key signature code to affect all staves from there onwards
  • Use Staff Text (Shift + T) if you only want the code to affect the staff that it is on. This is especially useful when using local key signatures!
  • Remember to make the custom key signature code invisible! (Press V to toggle visibility)

Key signature code syntax:

  1. Start with a dot .
  2. Put the textual representation of the accidental for the note C using the accidental code
  3. Put another dot .
  4. Put the required accidental for D
  5. Repeat from notes C thru B

Natural accidentals are denoted by leaving the space blank, or using any other character that does not represent an accidental.

Examples: Ab-down major in 31 edo's ups-and-downs is written like this:
representing the key signature of Cv, Dbv, Ebv, Fv, Gv, Abv, Bbv.

C major in 22 edo's ups-and-downs is written like this: .0.0.v.0.0.v.v
representing the key signature of C, D, Ev, F, G, Av, Bv. (The 0s represent placeholders, you can also choose to put nothing between the dots)

Note that explicit accidentals will still take precedence over the declared custom key signature, behaving exactly the same way a key signature would.

Staff text custom key sig

Accidental Code

Accidental Textual representation
Double flat down 3 bbv3
Double flat down 2 bbv2
Double flat down bbv or bbv1
Double flat bb
Double flat up bb^
Double flat up 2 bb^2
Double flat up 3 bb^3
Sesqui flat db or bd
Flat down 3 bv3
Flat down 2 bv2
Flat down bv or bv1
Flat b
Flat up b^ or b^1
Flat up 2 b^2
Flat up 3 b^3
Down 3 v3
Down 2 v2
Down v or v1
Quarter flat d
Natural Leave blank / any other character
Quarter sharp +
Up ^ or ^1
Up2 ^2
Up3 ^3
Sharp down3 #v3
Sharp down2 #v2
Sharp down #v or #v1
Sharp #
Sharp up #^ or #^1
Sharp up 2 #^2
Sharp up 3 #^3
Sesqui sharp #+ or +#
Double sharp down xv3
Double sharp down2 xv2
Double sharp down3 xv or xv1
Double sharp x
Double sharp up x^ or x^1
Double sharp up 2 x^2
Double sharp up 3 x^3

Known issues:

  • Cross staff notation doesn't work properly, the accidentals in the staff that the notes are transferred to do not affect the notes that originally belonged in that staff that the notes were transferred to. Please refrain from using cross-staff notation, or submit a PR for this fix.

  • Accidentals of grace notes that comes after rather than before are handled as if they were before, and also not in the right order. This causes huge problems when transposing. Please refrain from using grace notes that attach after main notes, or submit a PR for this fix.

  • The plugin tries its best to handle chords with pairs of mirrored notes that share the same line (e.g. an F and F# on the same staff line) but due to plugin API limitations and the way MuseScore natively handles them, its behavior is somewhat janky. When dealing with them, ALWAYS use explicit accidentals on the mirrored notes to ensure the Accidentals are all registered correctly. This way it is clear to read and also for the plugin to read and understand which accidentals belong to which notes.

    • The exact order the plugin reads and performs operations on its notes of each chord segment are as follows:
      1. grace notes (in similar fashion to step 2)
      2. For notes in the same chord, left to right, then bottom to top, as they appear in the score.

Appendix A: List of supported EDOs according to sharpness classification.

Sharpness (steps of an apotome) EDOs
flat-2 4, 11
flat-1 2, 9, 16, 23
perfect 7, 14, 21, 28, 35
sharp-1 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40, 47
sharp-2 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 38, 45, 52
sharp-3 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 43, 50, 57, 64
sharp-4 6, 13, 20, 27, 34, 41, 48, 55, 62, 69, 76
sharp-5 18, 25, 32, 39, 46, 53, 60, 67, 74, 81, 88
sharp-6 30, 37, 44, 51, 58, 65, 72, 79, 86, 93, 100
sharp-7 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, 98, 105
sharp-8 54, 61, 68, 75, 82, 89, 96, 103, 110, 117

Note to self / developers:

IMPORTANT basic info on undocumented Plugin API mechanics!


  • If rewinding to start of selection cursor.rewind(1), set cursor.staffIdx and cursor.voice after rewind(1).
  • If rewinding to start of score, IT IS STILL NECESSARY TO CALL cursor.rewind(1), then set staffIdx and voice, THEN call cursor.rewind(0) AFTERWARDS.
    Apparently, based on the (add courtesy accidentals)[] plugin, cursor.track has to be set to 0 in order for cursor.rewind(0) to work.

It is an invalid operation to set cursor voice/staffIdx without rewinding.

IMPORTANT! DO NOT USE === or !== to compare equivalence of accidentalType to Accidental enum values.

When assigning Note.accidentalType to variables or passing it into a function as a parameter, ensure that the value read is in integer format to invoke the getter of the integer enumeration instead of the stringified value of the accidental type.

noteData.explicitAccidental = note.accidentalType;
console.log(explicitAccidental); // NATURAL_ARROW_UP
noteData.explicitAccidental = 0 + note.accidentalType;
console.log(explicitAccidental); // 11 (enumerated value equivalent of NATURAL_ARROW_UP)

console.log(Accidental.NATURAL_ARROW_UP); // 11

console.log(note.accidentalType); // NATURAL_ARROW_UP
console.log(0 + note.accidentalType) // 11

It's important to clear the accidental first before assigning (in general).

  • If existing accidental type is a non-standard accidental, and the new assigned accidental type is standard, the new assigned accidental type would affect the tpc of the note, but the existing non-standard accidental still displays instead of the new one.
note.line = 0;
note.tpc = 13; // F natural
note.accidentalType = Accidental.NATURAL_ARROW_UP; // set to non-standard accidental
note.accidentalType = Accidental.SHARP; // note will still appear with NATURAL_SHARP_UP, but it will sound as SHARP.
console.log(note.tpc); // 20 (F sharp)
console.log(note.accidentalType); // it is STILL NATURAL_ARROW_UP...

note.line = 0;
note.tpc = 13; // F natural
note.accidentalType = Accidental.NATURAL_ARROW_UP; // set to non-standard accidental
note.accidentalType = Accidental.NONE; // Clear accidental
note.accidentalType = Accidental.SHARP; // note will still appear with NATURAL_SHARP_UP, but it will sound as SHARP.
console.log(note.tpc); // 20 (F sharp)
console.log(note.accidentalType); // SHARP (correct)

Note.accidental and Note.accidentalType properties of transposed notes that contain new accidental values of standardized accidentals are not present in a new cursor instance. The plugin uses tpc as a workaround, but it makes it impossible to determine if a prior note's accidental was implicit or explicit.
See this forum post here.

Plugin Information

  • Transposition plugins are now using stateless accidentals, scanning accidentals on the fly.
    • Works should be done to make the tuning plugins use stateless accidentals too. Makes it way easier to think and removes a lot of possible state errors.

The most completely documented / commented variant of the plugin is in the 31-TET ups and downs notation plugins for both tuning and transposing variants. The rest are variants of the 31 up-downs code with certain constants and values changed.

Important properties:

IMPORTANT Note.accidental vs. Note.accidentalType: : accidental represents the accidental Element object itself, : whereas, accidentalType is a value of the Accidental enumeration!!

tpc : Tonal pitch class. Circle of fifths starting from Fbb with value of -1. : Cbb = 0, Gbb = 1, Dbb = 2, etc...

segment.annotations[idx].textStyleType : 22 if Staff Text, : 21 if System Text

segment.annotations[idx].text : Contains given text

MuseScore.curScore.selection.elements : An array of elements containing individual elements the user has selected : with ctrl + click. Especially useful for applying an action to certain notes in particular.

Musescore Enums

Accidentals (used in project)
Accidental.NONE                         (no explicit accidental)
Accidental.DOUBLE_SHARP_ONE_ARROW_UP          x^
Accidental.DOUBLE_SHARP_TWO_ARROWS_UP         x^2
Accidental.SHARP2                             x
Accidental.DOUBLE_SHARP_ONE_ARROW_DOWN        xv
Accidental.SHARP_SLASH4                       #+
Accidental.SHARP_ONE_ARROW_UP                 #^
Accidental.SHARP_TWO_ARROWS_UP                #^2
Accidental.SHARP_THREE_ARROWS_UP              #^3
Accidental.SHARP                              #
Accidental.SHARP_ONE_ARROW_DOWN               #v
Accidental.SHARP_TWO_ARROWS_DOWN              #v2
Accidental.SHARP_THREE_ARROWS_DOWN            #v3
Accidental.SHARP_SLASH                        +
Accidental.NATURAL_ONE_ARROW_UP               ^
Accidental.NATURAL_TWO_ARROWS_UP              ^2
Accidental.NATURAL_THREE_ARROWS_UP            ^3
Accidental.NATURAL                            natural
Accidental.NATURAL_ONE_ARROW_DOWN             v
Accidental.NATURAL_TWO_ARROWS_DOWN            v2
Accidental.NATURAL_THREE_ARROWS_DOWN          v3
Accidental.MIRRORED_FLAT                      d
Accidental.FLAT_ONE_ARROW_UP                  b^
Accidental.FLAT_TWO_ARROWS_UP                 b^2
Accidental.FLAT_THREE_ARROWS_UP               b^3
Accidental.FLAT                               b
Accidental.FLAT_ONE_ARROW_DOWN                bv
Accidental.FLAT_TWO_ARROWS_DOWN               bv2
Accidental.FLAT_THREE_ARROWS_DOWN             bv3
Accidental.MIRRORED_FLAT2                     db
Accidental.DOUBLE_FLAT_ONE_ARROW_UP           bb^
Accidental.DOUBLE_FLAT_TWO_ARROWS_UP          bb^2
Accidental.DOUBLE_FLAT_THREE_ARROWS_UP        bb^3
Accidental.FLAT2                              bb
Accidental.DOUBLE_FLAT_ONE_ARROW_DOWN         bbv
Accidental.DOUBLE_FLAT_TWO_ARROWS_DOWN        bbv2

Custom object types in up/down step transposition plugins

Key signature object:
  c: {steps: <number of diesis offset>, type: Accidental enum value}
  d: ...
  e: ...
Accidental object:
  offset: number of diesis offset,
  type: accidental type as Accidental enum value
Enharmonics object:
 above: {baseNote: 'a' through 'g', offset: diesis offset}
 below: {baseNote: 'a' through 'g', offset: diesis offset}
Note pitch data:
  baseNote: a string from 'a' to 'g',
  line: the note.line property referring to height of the note on the staff
  tpc: the tonal pitch class of the note (as per note.tpc)
  tick: the tick position of the note
  explicitAccidental: Accidental enum of the explicit accidental attatched to this note (if any)
  implicitAccidental: Accidental enum of the implicit accidental of this note (non null)
                      (if explicitAccidental exists, implicitAccidental = explicitAccidental)
  diesisOffset: the number of edo steps offset from the base note this note is


  • Handle cross-staff notation (ctrl + shift + up/down in connected staves, e.g. grand staff) where note appears to be in another staff other than the cursor's staffIdx. Currently, accidentals in the cross-staff do not work on the notes that came from another staff. See Add Courtesy Accidentals plugin for how to do this
  • Implement porcupine notation for 22-edo (D-E-F-G-A-B-C-D = sssLsss)
  • Implement toggling between enharmonic equivalences
  • Don't hard-code frequencies, just use a dictionary of exponential operations instead