#Awesome MXNet
This page contains a curated list of awesome MXnet examples, tutorials and blogs. It is inspired by awesome-php and awesome-machine-learning.
- Contributing
- List of examples
- List of tutorials
- Machine Learning Challenge Winning Solutions
- Tools with MXnet
If you want to contribute to this list and the examples, please open a new pull request.
- C++ examples - Example code for using C++ interface, including NDArray, symbolic layer and models.
- MXNet Python - Python library
- MXNetR - R library
- MXNet.jl - Julia library
- gomxnet - Go binding
- MXNet JNI - JNI(Android) library
- MXNet Amalgamation - Amalgamation (entire library in a single file)
- MXNet Javascript - MXNetJS: Javascript Package for Deep Learning in Browser (without server)
- Image classification - Image classification on MNIST,CIFAR,ImageNet-1k,ImageNet-Full, with multiple GPU and distributed training.
- Recurrent Neural Net - LSTM and RNN for language modeling and character level generation (Char-RNN).
- Autoencoder - Auto encoder training.
- Numpy Operator Customization - Example on quick customize new ops with numpy.
- Adversary Sample Generation - Find adversary sample by using fast sign method.
- Neural Art - Generate artistic style images.
- Kaggle 1st national data science bowl - a MXnet example for Kaggle Nation Data Science Bowl 1
- Kaggle 2nd national data science bowl - a tutorial for Kaggle Second Nation Data Science Bowl
- CNN for Text Classification - a MXnet example for text classification
- Chinese plate recognition - Recognize Chinese vehicle plate, by liuruoze
- Fast R-CNN by Jian Guo
- "End2End Captcha Recognition (OCR)" by xlvector github link Blog in Chinese
- "Solving classificiation + regression with MXnet in Multi Input + Multi Obj" by xlvector github link Blog in Chinese
- "Learn to sort by LSTM" by xlvector github link Blog in Chinese
- Neural Art using extremely lightweight (<500K) neural network Lightweight version of mxnet neural art implementation by Pavel Gonchar
- Neural Art with generative networks by zhaw
- Faster R-CNN in MXNet with distributed implementation and data parallelization
- Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning in MXNet by zmonoid
- Deep Q-learning in MXNet by zmonoid
- Face Detection with End-to-End Integration of a ConvNet and a 3D Model (ECCV16) by tfwu, source code for paper Yunzhu Li, Benyuan Sun, Tianfu Wu and Yizhou Wang, "Face Detection with End-to-End Integration of a ConvNet and a 3D Model", ECCV 2016 https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.00850
- End-to-End Chinese plate recognition base on MXNet by szad670401
- Reproduce ResNet-v2 (Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks) using MXNet by tornadomeet
- Learning similarity among images in MXNet by xlvector in Chinese. Github link
- Matrix decomposition (SVD) with MXNet by xlvector in Chinese. Github link
- MultiGPU enabled image generative models (GAN and DCGAN) by Tianqi Chen
- Baidu Warp CTC with Mxnet by xlvector
- Predict with Pre-trained model - Notebook on how to predict with pretrained model.
- composite symbol - A demo of how to composite a symbolic Inception-BatchNorm Network
- cifar-10 recipe - A step by step demo of how to use MXNet
- cifar-100 - A demo of how to train a 75.68% accuracy CIFAR-100 model
- simple bind - A demo of low level training API.
- Multi task tutorial - A demo of how to train and predict multi-task network on both MNIST and your own dataset.
- MXNet Android Classification App - Image classification on Android with MXNet.
- MXNet iOS Classification App - Image classification on iOS with MXNet.
- Compile MXnet on Xcode (in Chinese) - a step-by-step tutorial of compiling MXnet on Xcode for iOS app
- MXNet Shinny - Source code for quickly creating a Shiny R app to host online image classification.
- [Machine Eye] (http://rupeshs.github.io/machineye/) - Web service for local image file/image URL classification without uploading.
###GPU Technology Conference 2016 Hands-on session
- [Video on GTC 2016 site] (http://on-demand.gputechconf.com/gtc/2016/video/L6143.html)
- Video backup in Mainland China
- iPython Notebook
###Deep learning for hackers with MXNet
- Deep learning for hackers with MXNet (1) GPU installation and MNIST English Chinese - a tutorial of installing MXnet with GPU and introduction to deep learning by MNIST example.
- Deep learning for hackers with MXNet (2): Neural art English Chinese - a tutorial of generating Van Gogh style cat paintings.
- Setup Amazon AWS GPU instance with MXnet - AWS GPU instance setup with GPU (CUDA with latest cuDNN and S3 support)
- Intro Guide to AWS (MXNet with Julia) - A step-by-step guide of using spot instances with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to help you save money when training DSB models on MXNet by Mike Kim
- Building Deep Neural Networks in the Cloud with Azure GPU VMs, MXNet and Microsoft R Server by Cortana Intelligence and ML Blog Team at Microsoft
- Kaggle 2nd Annual Data Science Bowl End-to-End Deep Learning Tutorial (Python) - an end-to-end python tutorial for Kaggle heart disease diagnose competition (public leaderboard score 0.0392)
- Kaggle 2nd Annual Data Science Bowl End-to-End Deep Learning Tutorial (R) - an end-to-end R tutorial for Kaggle heart disease diagnose competition
- Learning Note in Chinese - Mxnet learning note in Chinese.
- Getting Started with MXNet by indico.io (Chinese Translation MXnet实践 by 侠天 )
- [{mxnet} R package from MXnet, an intuitive Deep Learning framework including CNN & RNN] (http://tjo-en.hatenablog.com/entry/2016/03/30/233848) by TJO
- MXnet with R: combined power of deep learning in Chinese by Tong He
- Understand MXNet dependency engine in Chinese by Yu Yang
- Dmitrii Tsybulevskii, 1st place of the Yelp Restaurant Photo Classification. Link to the Kaggle interview.
- TensorFuse - Common interface for Theano, CGT, TensorFlow, and mxnet (experimental) by dementrock
- MXnet-face - Using mxnet for face-related algorithm by tornadomeet where the single model get 97.13%+-0.88% accuracy on LFW, and with only 20MB size.
- MinPy - Pure numpy practice with third party operator Integration and MXnet as backend for GPU computing