There are 4 methods to define a service. Via constructor, via factory, a value or @Service decorator.
// service as an instance of given class
container.definitionWithConstructor('serviceName', SomeClass);
container.definitionWithFactory('serviceName', () => {
// factory responsible for service creation
// might be synchronous or asynchronous (must return a promise)
// given value will be treated as service
container.definitionWithValue('serviceName', {service: 'instance'});
class Foo {
Services might have injected any values or references to other services.
import {reference} from 'alpha-dic';
container.definitionWithFactory('serviceName', (simpleValue, service) => {
assert.strictEqual(simpleValue, 'some simple value');
assert.ok(service) // service ""
.withArgs('some simple value', reference(''));
import {Reference, Service} from 'alpha-dic'
class Foo {
bar1Service: Bar1;
bar2Service: Bar2;
constructor(@Inject('') private service: any) {
class Bar1 {
class Bar2 {
The most common way to get other service is referencing by name. However alpha-dic allows to use predicates to obtain references to services you're looking for.
// simple reference by name
reference('') // resolves to a service for given name
// same as
// resolves to a service that definition satisfies given predicate
// throws an error if multiple services found
// find a service with more than 10 annotations
reference.predicate(definition => definition.annotations.length > 10);
// same as
@Inject( => definition.annotations.length > 10));
// resolves to a service that definition contains an annotation that satisfies given predicate
// throws an error if multiple services found
// find a service with annotation that contains name "repository"
reference.annotation(annotation => annotation && === 'repository');
// same as
@Inject( => annotation && === 'repository'));
// resolves to a collection of services that definition satisfies given predicate
// find all services with "repository." prefix
reference.multi.predicate(definition =>'repository.'));
// same as
@Inject(ReferenceArg.multi.predicate(definition =>'repository.')));
// resolves to a collection of services that definition contains an annotation that satisfies given predicate
reference.multi.annotation(annotation => annotation && === 'repository')
// same as
@Inject(Reference.multi.annotation(annotation => annotation && === 'repository'));
If resolving a service dependency will lead to circular dependency a service won't be created and error will be thrown with details about the path that led to circular dependency.