diff --git a/app/auxiliary/plots.R b/app/auxiliary/plots.R
index 247b69a8..9ce1af3c 100644
--- a/app/auxiliary/plots.R
+++ b/app/auxiliary/plots.R
@@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ interactive_plot <-
width = 1100,
height = 1000)
interactive_map <-
diff --git a/app/server.R b/app/server.R
index cadbc068..0f582931 100644
--- a/app/server.R
+++ b/app/server.R
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ library(grDevices)
# Inputs ################################################################################
@@ -77,6 +78,7 @@
+ color_groups <- colorRampPalette(c("#053E5D", "#60C2F7"))
# Server ################################################################################
@@ -286,7 +288,7 @@
na.value = "#808080",
drop=F) +
labs(title = paste0("",input$vars_map,"")) +
- theme_bw()
+ theme_ipsum()
interactive_map(map, input$vars_map)
@@ -295,62 +297,105 @@
# Trends =====================================================================================
- observeEvent(input$indicator_trends,
- {
- var_selected <-
- variable_names %>%
- filter(var_name %in% input$indicator_trends) %>%
- .$variable
+ var_trends <-
+ eventReactive(input$indicator_trends,
+ {
+ var_selected <-
+ variable_names %>%
+ filter(var_name == input$indicator_trends) %>%
+ .$variable
+ }
+ )
- data <-
- raw_data %>%
- filter(
- country_name == input$country_trends
- ) %>%
- select(country_name, Year, all_of(var_selected)) %>%
- pivot_longer(cols = all_of(var_selected),
- names_to = "variable",
- values_to = "Indicator value") %>%
- left_join(variable_names) %>%
- rename(Country = country_name,
- `Indicator name` = var_name) %>%
- mutate(across(where(is.numeric),
- round, 3))
- output$time_series <-
- renderPlotly({
+ data_trends <-
+ reactive({
+ data <-
+ raw_data %>%
+ filter(country_name %in% c(input$country_trends)) %>%
+ mutate(alpha = .8,
+ shape = 19)
+ if (!is.null(input$countries_trends)) {
+ data <-
+ raw_data %>%
+ filter(country_name %in% c(input$countries_trends)) %>%
+ mutate(alpha = .5,
+ shape = 18) %>%
+ bind_rows(data)
+ }
+ if (!is.null(input$group_trends)) {
+ indicator <-
+ raw_data %>%
+ select(country_name, Year, all_of(var_trends()))
+ data <-
+ country_list %>%
+ filter(group %in% input$group_trends) %>%
+ select(group, country_name) %>%
+ mutate(country_name = as.character(country_name)) %>%
+ left_join(indicator) %>%
+ group_by(Year, group) %>%
+ summarise_all(~ mean(., na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
+ mutate(country_name = as.character(group),
+ alpha = .5,
+ shape = 19) %>%
+ bind_rows(data)
+ }
+ data %>%
+ rename(Country = country_name) %>%
+ select(Country, Year, all_of(var_trends()), alpha) %>%
+ mutate_at(vars(all_of(var_trends())),
+ ~ round(., 3))
+ })
+ output$time_series <-
+ renderPlotly({
+ if (input$indicator_trends != "") {
static_plot <-
- ggplot(data %>% group_by(variable),
- aes(x = Year,
- y = `Indicator value`,
- color = `Indicator name`)) +
- geom_point(size = 3,
- alpha = .5) +
- geom_line(lwd = 1.5,
- alpha = .5) +
+ ggplot(data_trends(),
+ aes_string(x = "Year",
+ y = var_trends(),
+ color = "Country",
+ alpha = "alpha")) +
+ geom_point(aes(text = paste("Country:", Country, "
+ "Year:", Year, "
+ "Value:", get(var_trends()))),
+ size = 3) +
+ geom_line() +
theme_ipsum() +
x = "Year",
- y = "Indicator value"
+ y = "Indicator value",
+ title = paste0("",input$indicator_trends,"")
) +
- scale_color_discrete(name = "Indicator name") +
- theme(
- axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size=9, hjust = 0.5)
- )
+ scale_color_manual(
+ name = NULL,
+ values = c("#FB8500",
+ gray.colors(length(input$countries_trends)),
+ color_groups(length(input$group_trends))),
+ breaks = c(input$country_trends,
+ input$countries_trends,
+ input$group_trends)
+ ) +
+ scale_alpha_identity()
- ggplotly(static_plot) %>%
+ ggplotly(static_plot, tooltip = "text") %>%
- margin = list(l=50, r=50, t=75, b=135),
- annotations =
- list(x = 0, y = -0.3,
- text = map(paste0("Country: ",input$country_trends,"."), HTML),
- showarrow = F,
- xref = 'paper',
- yref = 'paper',
- align = 'left',
- font = list(size = 12)
- )
+ legend = list(
+ title=list(text='Country:'),
+ #orientation="h",
+ #yanchor="bottom",
+ y=0.5
+ #xanchor="right",
+ #x=1
+ ),
+ margin = list(l=50, r=50, t=75, b=135)
) %>%
modeBarButtonsToRemove = c("zoomIn2d",
@@ -367,10 +412,9 @@
+ }
- })
- })
+ })
# Aggregation of preferences ================================================================================
diff --git a/app/ui.R b/app/ui.R
index 2e7339a8..8fa9c7a4 100644
--- a/app/ui.R
+++ b/app/ui.R
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# Inputs ################################################################################
-plot_height <- "500px"
+plot_height <- "600px"
# Data sets ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ plot_height <- "500px"
sidebarPanel(width = 3,
- label = "Select a based country",
+ label = "Select a base country",
choices = c("", country_list$country_name %>% unique %>% sort),
selected = "Uruguay",
multiple = FALSE),
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ plot_height <- "500px"
sidebarPanel(width = 3,
- label = NULL,
+ "Select an indicator",
choices = list(
#`Family level` = c(sort(names(definitions))),
`Anti-Corruption, Transparency and Accountability institutions` = c(variable_names %>% filter(var_level=="indicator" & family_var=="vars_fin") %>% .$var_name),
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ plot_height <- "500px"
options = list(
`live-search` = TRUE,
size = 25,
- title = "Select indicator"
+ title = "Click to select family or indicator"
width = "100%"
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ plot_height <- "500px"
width = 9,
- height = "600px")
+ height = plot_height)
@@ -259,15 +259,7 @@ plot_height <- "500px"
sidebarPanel(width = 3,
- selectInput(
- "country_trends",
- label = "Select a country",
- choices = c("", country_list$country_name %>% unique %>% sort),
- selected = "Uruguay",
- multiple = FALSE
- ),
- selectInput(
+ pickerInput(
label = "Select the indicators",
multiple = TRUE,
@@ -282,12 +274,47 @@ plot_height <- "500px"
`Public sector institutions` = c(variable_names %>% filter(var_level=="indicator" & family_var=="vars_publ") %>% .$var_name),
`Social institutions` = c(variable_names %>% filter(var_level=="indicator" & family_var=="vars_social") %>% .$var_name)
- width = "100%"
+ width = "100%",
+ options = list(
+ `live-search` = TRUE,
+ size = 25,
+ title = "Click to select"
+ )
+ ),
+ selectInput("country_trends",
+ label = "Select a base country",
+ choices = c("", country_list$country_name %>% unique %>% sort),
+ selected = "Uruguay",
+ multiple = FALSE),
+ selectizeInput(
+ "group_trends",
+ label = "Select comparison groups",
+ choices = country_groups$group_name,
+ selected = "OECD members",
+ multiple = TRUE
+ ),
+ HTML(''),
+ tags$div(id = 'trends',
+ class = "collapse",
+ style = "width: 1700px",
+ tags$div(
+ class = "multicol-7",
+ checkboxGroupInput(
+ "countries_trends",
+ label = NULL,
+ choices = country_list$country_name %>% unique %>% sort,
+ )
+ )
mainPanel(width = 8,
+ style = "z-index: -1",
tabPanel("Time Series",
height = plot_height)