Hosted by: moz://a Community Space Berlin
Hello, and welcome to our very first meta meetup. We are about to start a topic-specific WordPress meetup to discuss things that WordPress developers care about.
- Email for announcements and scheduling
- Private Slack channel for quick discussions and scheduling
- No meetings in Slack channel (consider it lost for future discussions)
- No group chats in Slack (consider it lost for future organizers)
- GitHub pull requests instead of write-access
- GitHub issues instead of inline comments
- Subdomain instead of new top level domain
- Subdomain:
- Website powered by WordPress
- Repository: tech-website
- Meetup notes in markdown on GitHub
- Repository: tech-meeting-minutes
- Content editable via GitHub
- Website hosted on a server owned by @alpipego
- Related to WordPress
- Speaker briefing
- Lightning talks
- Cover a wide range of topics related to WordPress
- Attract all kinds of WordPress developers
- Hackathon (work together)
- Show and tell
- Common pitfalls
- Plugin development
- WordPress news
- New features, new functions
- Guest speaker
- WordPress developer
- WordPress core developer
- Mozilla is able to host the meetup more frequently
- Location should change from time to time
- Build a list of potential locations
- Become more well-known
- Find nice locations
- No fixed schedule
- One meetup in about every 14 days
- Meetup every second time at Mozilla
- Not everything that we are discussing will be public.
- We are not a democracy. We make decisions.
- Public notes are in English.
- Attract more WordPress developers
- Find new locations
- Gather interesting topics to talk about
moz://a Community Space Berlin, Schlesische Straße 27 (building 3, 3rd floor), 10997 Berlin