WriteFreely Multiplatform Client
This release represents an internal (alpha) build of the iOS app.
- A support link in the Settings screen lets you access the help forum.
- You can now delete local posts.
- You are now prompted for action when viewing a post that was deleted from the server.
- You can now choose a default font for new local drafts in the Settings screen.
- The post editor shows your content in the set typeface.
- Placeholder text has been added to the post editor.
- [iOS] The URL of published posts can be shared from the post editor via the system share sheet.
- The collection list now shows the WriteFreely instance name (or just "WriteFreely" if logged out).
- The Publish and Reload buttons are disabled if there's no network connection.
- The post editor's status badge has been moved to the top of the screen.
- The layout of the post editor has been improved to provide a larger editing area on iPhone.
- The app now launches to either the last draft you were working on, or a new blank post.
- Empty local posts are discarded when you navigate away from the post editor.
- Server addresses with an insecure protocol ("http://") are upgraded to a secure protocol ("https://") before login is attempted.
- Attempting to publish a post when you're not logged in presents the login form.
- Language-related properties "lang" and "rtl" are set for new posts based on the system's locale.
- The keyboard is now dismissed on publishing a post.
- Server addresses can now be entered without the protocol ("https://") when logging in.
- [iPadOS] Fixed a crash when dismissing a blank post.