* Render Visibility
* Update Bounds
* Update Bounds (visual parent)
* Update total opacity from `opacity` and visual parent `opacity`
* Update total visibility from `visibility` and visual parent `visibility`
* Add dirty element NewBounds
* Propagate down `RenderVisibility`
* Hit Test Visibility
* Update total is hit test visible from `isHitTestVisible` and visual parent `isHitTestVisible`
* Propagate down `HitTestVisibility`
* Local Transform
* Calculate absolute transform origin from actual size and `renderTransformOrigin`.
* Compute `localXform` from `renderTransform` and transform origin
* Local Projection
* Compute distance from xy plane from `projection` based on actual size
* Set Panel.Z based on distance from xy plane
* Transform
* Combine all transforms and projections to output matrices
* render = local * layout * carrier
* localP = render(toP) * carrierP
* abs = vpAbs * render
* absP = vpAbsP * localP
* Update Bounds (visual parent)
* Propagate down `Transform`
* Layout Clip
* Compute composite layout clip from intersection of layout clip and visual parent composite
* Propagate down `LayoutClip`
* Clip (no longer used)
* Children Z Indices
* Resort children