Labrador - 一个迷你的便捷的第三方服务客户端SDK
- 淘宝客alipay
- 支付宝pdd
- 拼多多jd
- 京东wechat
- 微信
- openssl-crypto
feature, 则本项目所有加密都是用openssl进行,后续会支持其他加密库以供挑选,所以需要引入openssl相关,详情见openssl相关说明。
- 默认加密
默认加密主要采用 rust-crypto & x509_parser & rsa,感兴趣的可以去相关文档查看。
平台 | 是否支持 |
Wechat:mp(微信公众号),cp(企业微信),miniapp(微信小程序),pay(微信支付) | √ |
Alipay(支付宝) | √ |
Taobao(淘宝客) | √ |
JD(京东联盟) | √ |
PDD(拼多多-多多客) | √ |
Click to show Cargo.toml. Run this code in the playground.
# The core APIs
labrador = { version = "0.1.0", features = ["wechat", "alipay"] }
猫狗0791商城小程序 小程序中微信、支付宝等支付、 |
猫狗试验室 欢迎扫码加入我们 |
use labrador::{WechatPayClient, SimpleStorage, TradeType, WechatPayRequestV3, Amount, Payer};
use chrono::{Local, SecondsFormat};
async fn main() {
let c = WechatPayClient::new("appid", "secret", SimpleStorage::new());
let mut client =c.wxpay();
let date = Local::now().to_rfc3339_opts(SecondsFormat::Secs, false);
let result = client.unified_order_v3(TradeType::Jsapi, WechatPayRequestV3 {
appid: "appid".to_string().into(),
mch_id: "mchid".to_string(),
description: "测试商品支付".to_string(),
out_trade_no: "1602920235sdfsdfas32234234".to_string(),
time_expire: date,
attach: None,
notify_url: "".to_string(),
amount: Amount {
total: 1,
currency: String::from("CNY").into(),
payer_total: None,
payer_currency: None
payer: Payer {
openid: "oUVZc6S_uGx3bsNPUA-davo4Dt7Us".to_string()
detail: None,
scene_info: None,
settle_info: None
match result.await {
Ok(res) => {}
Err(err) => {}
use labrador::{AlipayTradeWapPayRequest, AlipayClient};
async fn main() {
let param = AlipayTradeWapPayRequest::default();
let client = AlipayClient::new("appKey", false);
match client.wap_pay("POST".into(), param).await {
Ok(res) => {}
Err(err) => {}
match result.await {
Ok(res) => {}
Err(err) => {}
use labrador::{TbItemDetailRequest, TaobaoClient};
async fn main() {
let client = TaobaoClient::<SimpleStorage>::new("appkey", "secret");
let req = TbItemDetailRequest {
num_iids: Some("597649283190".to_string()),
platform: None,
ip: None
let result = client.get_item_detail(req);
match result.await {
Ok(res) => {
Err(err) => {
use labrador::{JDClient, JdOrderRawQueryParam};
use chrono::{Local, SecondsFormat};
async fn main() {
let client = JDClient::<SimpleStorage>::new("appkey", "secert");
let param = JdOrderRawQueryParam {
page_index: 1.into(),
page_size: 10.into(),
bill_type: 1,
start_time: "2022-08-02 21:23:00".to_string(),
end_time: "2022-08-02 21:43:00".to_string(),
child_union_id: None,
key: None,
fields: None
let result = client.query_raw_order(param);
match result.await {
Ok(res) => {
Err(err) => {
You can implement this trait and then use the custom request
- AlipayRequest - 支付宝
- JDRequest - 京东
- TaobaoRequest - 淘宝
- 首先非常欢迎和感谢对本项目发起
Pull Request
的热心小伙伴们。 - 特别提示:请务必在
分支进行合并。 - 本项目代码风格为使用2个空格代表一个Tab,因此在提交代码时请注意一下,否则很容易在IDE格式化代码后与原代码产生大量diff,这样会给其他人阅读代码带来极大的困扰。
- 提交代码前,请检查代码是否已经格式化,并且保证新增加或者修改的方法都有完整的参数说明,而pub方法必须拥有相应的单元测试并通过测试。
To setup the development envrionment run cargo run
MrPan <[email protected]>
拉布拉多是个人项目。一开始,我只是喜欢拉布拉多犬,因为我的爱好。 我希望这个项目会变得越来越可爱。许多实用的其他函数将 将在将来添加。我希望你能积极帮助这个项目成长并提出建议。 我相信未来会越来越好。
Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Labrador by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.