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Jäger: Automated Telephone Call Traceback

This repository implements the Jäger system's prototype. The paper was accepted at ACM CCS 2024, and the standard version (15 pages) can be found on ACM DL via The extended version can be found on arXiv via

This tutorial assumes you have read the paper and you are familiar with the key concepts

  • Label generation using OPRF protocol
  • Membership management using the group signature scheme
  • BLS signatures and Witness Encryption based on these signatures.

Initial Project Setup

For ease of setup, we will set up the project using docker. If you prefer not to use Docker, then read along; otherwise, skip to the Setup with Docker section.

Setup without Docker

Be sure your environment meets the following requirements:

  • Python version 3.8.18
  • Clickhouse DB (Clickhouse server and client to connect to the server)
  • Redis

Dependencies The Python dependencies are listed within the requirements.txt file. Install dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt in a Python virtual environment.

This project requires the witness-encryption library, which you need to build from the repository wspr-ncsu/BLS-Witness-Encryption. We created file to install this library for you if you will not be using docker.

Database Initialization Once you set up Clickhouse DB, create the jager table and initialize the database with the init script in docker/clickhouse/initdb.sql.

Quick app setup Generate keys with python -a. This creates a .env file with populated data.

Setup with Docker (RECOMMENDED)

You must install docker and docker-compose on your machine. We have published a docker image kofidahmed/jager to the docker hub for a quick start, so there is no need to build the image from the Dockerfile.

  1. Generate secret key for label generation, group master and public keys for group management, private and public keys for BLS signatures, and witness encryption.
    • Run docker run -v $(pwd):/app --rm kofidahmed/jager python -a.
    • The option -a tells the script to generate all keys.
    • If you wish to generate keys for label generation only, use the -lm option. -gm option for group management, -ta for trace authorization/witness encryption.
    • Verify that .env and membership-keys.json files are created, and the variables are populated with appropriate keys.
  2. Start all Jager services: group manager, label manager, record store, trace authorizer, click house database, and redis server.
    • Run docker compose up -d.
      • The Group management server runs on http://localhost:9990. Implementation defined in
      • The Label generation server runs on http://localhost:9991. Implementation defined in
      • Trace authorization server runs on http://localhost:9992. Implementation is defined in
      • Record Store server runs on http://localhost:9993. Implementation is defined in

Running Experiments

In this section, we will be running the prototype. We first begin by running benchmarks to collect runtimes without communication latency between entities, and finally, we run dataset generation and experiments where entities communicate with one another.

Our compose.yml file defines a jager-exp with all installed dependencies. We will be using this container to execute the experiments.

Running Experiment 1 - Benchmarks

The results from Table 3 were obtained by running the benchmarks. These benchmarks determine runtime for label generation, signing and verification, key generation, encryption, and decryptions.

  1. If using docker, run docker exec -it jager-exp bash if you're not already inside the jager-exp container.
  2. Command Usage: python [-h] [-s] [-lg] [-gs] [-go] [-gv] [-a] [-b] [-e] [-ah] [-an]. Here are the options
    • -a, or --all: Run all benchmarks
    • -s, or --setup: Run setup/key generation benchmark
    • -lg, or --lbl_gen: Run label generation benchmark
    • -gs, or --grp_sign: Run group signature benchmark
    • -go, or --grp_open: Run group signature open benchmark
    • -gv, or --grp_verify: Run group verification benchmark
    • -b, or. --bls: Run BLS signature benchmark
    • -e, or --enc: Run encryption benchmark
    • -ah, or --hops: Run average number of hops. This requires that you generate the telephone network. You will learn how to generate a phone network in the data generation section that follows.
    • -an, or --analysis: Run analysis
  3. Run all benchmarks
    • Run python -a. This will display the results to the console and will create a results folder inside the project root.
      • results/bench.csv contains the summary of benchmarks while results/index-timings.csv contains the individual runs. We used results/index-timings.csv to determine the mean, min, max, and standard deviations.
    • To aggregate the benchmark results in results/index-timings.csv as shown in Table 3 (in paper), run python This creates a CSV file results/bench-summary.csv with the results.

Running Experiment 2

In experiment 2, we generate a telephone network and a user social network. We simulated calls between users and created CDRs for running experiments. In this experiment, we aim to determine bandwidth, storage growth, and how storage size affects queries, as shown in Figure 6.

Data Generation

  1. Run docker exec -it jager-exp bash if not already in jager-exp
  2. Generate telephone and users' social network
    • Command Usage: python [-h] [-n NETWORK] [-s SUBSCRIBERS] [-g SUBNETS] [-c] [-y].
      • The options -n and -s take integers as values and defines the number of providers in the telephone network and number of subscribers in the social network respectively.
      • The option -g specifies the minimum number of subsnetworks that should be present in the users network.
      • Option -c determines if CDRs should be generated and -y skips all questions.
    • Example, let's generate CDRs with 100 providers and 10,000 subscribers:
      • Run python -n 100 -s 10000 -c -y. This stores cdrs in the clickhouse database jager.
        • The edges of the user network is stored in jager.edges table and generated CDRs are stored in jager.raw_cdrs table.
      • The telephone network and its metadata, such as all pairs shortest paths and market shares, are stored as a python pickle in a cache.pkl file located at the project root. The essence of this is to allow the reuse of generated network data since the operation is randomized.
  3. View Generated dataset
    • We will connect to the clickhouse database using your browser. You need a network connection from the browser to both ports 5521 and 8123.
    • We added a UI service that allows you to connect to the database. Visit http://localhost:5521.
      • Enter http://localhost:8123 as Clickhouse URL, default as Username and secret as Password and click the Submit button. Once successful, click on Go back to the home page. link.
      • On the home page, select Jager in the databases field, which will load the tables. Now, you can click on any table to view table Details, Scheme, or Preview rows.
      • If you prefer to run your own SQL queries, then click on the new file icon/button with the orange background. Type in select * from jager.raw_cdrs limit 10; in the query field and click the "Run Query" button.

Running Contributions

  1. Run docker exec -it jager-exp bash if not already in jager-exp
  2. Command Usage: python [-h] [-b BATCHES] -r RECORDS [-c]
    • Arg -b takes the number of batches. This is the number of times you wish to run the contribution experiment. It defaults to 1. After each batch, database stats are measured and stored in the results folder.
      • Arg -r takes the number of records in a batch. This is the number of records to submit. This arg is required.
    • Let's run contributions for 3 batches with 100 records in a batch:
      • Run python -b 3 -r 100. This saves the results in results/db_stats.csv and results/queries.csv.
  3. Run python to generate the fetch and insert query performance as shown in Figure 6 (in the paper) from the results in results/queries.csv. This creates a PNG file at results/query_performance.png.

Run a Traceback (Optional)

Now, let's perform a traceback by querying for a call that has been submitted to the RS.

  1. Visit http://localhost:8123 and execute the SQL select src, dst, ts from jager.raw_cdrs where status = 1;. The results from this query are the calls whose ciphertexts have been submitted to the RS.
  2. If not already logged in, run docker exec -it jager-exp bash.
  3. Trace a call given (src, dst, ts)
    • Run python -s src -d dst -t ts. Replace src, dst, ts with actual values from the results in step 1.
    • Example: python -s 304-343-0688 -d 844-637-3806 -t 1721076561. Replace the 304-343-0688, 844-637-3806, and 1721076561 with values from the DB as shown in step 1. This command will:
      1. Will generate call labels within [ts - tmax, ts + tmax] range
      2. Request authorization signatures from TA
      3. Retrieve ciphertexts from the RS
      4. Decrypt and analyze the records to determine the origin and call path.