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334 lines (264 loc) · 15.1 KB

File metadata and controls

334 lines (264 loc) · 15.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog by Olivier Lacan, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

1.1.6 - 2023-10-27


  • Updated Catch test framework to version 2.13.10

1.1.5 - 2022-11-30


  • Floating point rounding error in Fauna::GetForageDemands::add_eaten()
  • Fix wrong ORCID in CITATION.cff and codemeta.json

1.1.4 - 2022-07-01


  • Error initial_fatmass > maximum_fatmass #35
  • Nitrogen mass was not considered in Fauna::ForageBase::merge_base().

1.1.3 - 2021-12-14


  • Option to reset date in Fauna::World - e.g. to start simulation from the beginning in the next location/gridcell


  • Move quickstart guide from Doxygen docs to #52
  • Update PlantUML from 1.2019.09 to 1.2021.15


  • Restore library interface for backward compatibility: Fauna::World::World() and Fauna::World::is_activated()
  • Exception if started without HFTs
  • Now HFT table files won’t be created if there are no HFTs defined.
  • Too low digestibility values in output, due to wrong weights in aggregation.
  • CI doxygen generation failing with error "sh: 1: /usr/sbin/dot: not found". dot is now disabled.

1.1.2 - 2021-07-27


  • demo_results.Rmd now only tries to plot those files that are available #39


  • Allow simulation.one_hft_per_habitat only for herbivore_type = "Cohort"
  • Issue that only one HFT got created and outputted if simulation.one_hft_per_habitat = true

1.1.1 - 2021-07-26


  • Implement simulation.one_hft_per_habitat option

1.1.0 - 2021-06-15


  • Code coverage badge with
  • Software metadata in codemeta format
  • Add parameter sanity checks: mortality must not exceed reproduction; expenditure must not exceed intake #45
  • New text table output: individual_density and body_fat #43
  • The parameter hft.breeding_season.start can now take a month name (alternative to the Julian day).


  • Rename output file mass_density_per_hft to mass_density #44


  • When configuring CMake with BUILD_DEMO_SIMULATOR=ON but BUILD_TESTING=OFF, the megafauna.toml instruction file was not copied even though run_demo needs it.
  • Valgrind memory check in CI didn’t fail
  • Doxygen issues with ReadTheDocs #34 #41 [#42]

1.0.3 - 2021-05-10


  • Anabolism efficiency was forced to be lower than catabolism efficiency, but for no apparent reason.

1.0.2 - 2021-05-05


  • Increase demo simulation years so we can see some population ups and downs.


  • The unit tests were broken after the last release.
  • cpptoml wouldn’t compile with latest g++ (11.1.0).

1.0.1 - 2021-04-29


  • DigestiveLimit::FixedFraction scaled like DigestiveLimit::Allometric. Fixed fraction is now fixed and not scaling. As a result, the newborns of the example herbivore (example.toml) now die if their intake is set to a fixed fraction. Therefore the example uses the allometric limit.
  • The exponent of Hft::digestion_allometric was wrong. It was set to the exponent of Hft::expenditure_basal_rate, but it must be 1 minus that because the digestion-limited intake is relative to body mass.
  • If DigestiveLimit::Allometric was used, the calculated intake rates were far too low because the fraction was not multiplied with body mass.


  • Check code format in continuous integration.

1.0.0 - 2021-04-26


  • R scripts and LibreOffice document to reproduce figures in docs/images/. #31
  • Minor additions to docs.
  • Integration for
  • CI check for Git tag matching version in CMakeLists.txt


  • Use sward density for Fauna::HalfMaxIntake (instead of whole-habitat grass density). This requires the vegetation model to provide correct “FPC” values (fractional area covered by grass in the habitat). #12
  • Use modern rmarkdown package to render demo results.


  • Demo simulator has now monthly ambient air temperature.
  • Replace copyrighted figure docs/images/thermoregulation.png with my own. #32


  • Snow depth. It is not used anywhere. #14

0.6.0 - 2021-04-08


  • Invitation to Matrix room in README.


  • Add licensing information. #22


  • Nitrogen retention by herbivores. The function Habitat::add_excreted_nitrogen() has been removed. The vegetation model must now handle recycling of nitrogen itself. This simplifies the code and reduces the number of parameters. Compare #15

0.5.5 - 2020-08-04


  • Floating point imprecision. #29
  • Too much forage got eaten in one day in the demo simulator. #29

0.5.4 - 2020-08-03


  • Misleading error message if TOML parameter has wrong type. #25
  • Group parameter expenditure.components cannot be re-used. #28
  • No error if an HFT group is defined twice. [#27]
  • No instruction file check that catabolism must be smaller than anabolism coefficient. #26

0.5.3 - 2020-06-05


  • Crash when reading instruction file without parameter hft.digestion.i_g_1992_ijk.


  • Single values in TOML file can be parsed like a single-element array.

0.5.2 - 2020-06-02


  • Crash if not all HFTs were established immediately at the start of the start of the simulation.

0.5.1 - 2020-05-29


  • Executable megafauna_insfile_linter for checking if a TOML instruction file is valid.


  • Herbivores are now only established if the do_herbivores==true flag is passed into MMM.
  • Parameter hft.digestion.i_g_1992_ijk is not mandatory anymore.
  • Fix compiling errors under GCC 10.1.0 about not finding std exception.

0.5.0 - 2020-04-10


  • Revised and expanded Doxygen page on model description/discussion.
  • Parameter hft.expenditure.fmr_multiplier. #9


  • Output eaten_nitrogen_per_ind is now in milligram, not kilogram, per day and individual.
  • Remove Fauna::Parameters from the library’s include interface.
  • The Doxygen documentation of the library’s include interface can be parsed without errors.
  • Reproductive success at parturition is now based on body condition at day of conception. #10
  • Scale maximum daily intake (DMI) allometrically from fraction of adult mass. #8
    • Parameter hft.digestion.allometric.coefficient changed to .value_male_adult.
  • Expenditure component Allometric is now BasalMetabolicRate and FieldMetabolicRate. #9
    • Parameter hft.expenditure.allometric changed to .basal_rate.


  • Individual mode. #7

0.4.0 - 2020-03-27


  • New output tables: available_forage, eaten_forage_per_ind, eaten_nitrogen_per_ind.

0.3.1 - 2020-03-26


  • Fauna::World can be constructed without an instruction file. #4
  • Correctly plot demo results with demo_results.Rmd if output is daily or decadal.
  • Fix “First day before last” error in decadal output. #3

0.3.0 - 2020-03-17


  • Net energy content model: NetEnergyModel::GrossEnergyFraction
    • Parameter forage.gross_energy
    • Parameter hft.digestion.digestibility_multiplier
    • Parameter hft.digestion.k_fat
    • Parameter hft.digestion.k_maintenance
    • Parameter hft.digestion.me_coefficient
  • Model description of forage energy and digestion.
  • Parameter hft.body_mass.empty.
  • Parameter hft.body_fat.catabolism_efficiency.


  • Fractional body fat now refers to the empty body (i.e. without ingesta, blood, etc.) and not the live body mass.
  • HFT is made optional. New implementations of HerbivoreInterface don’t require an HFT. #5


  • Order of HFT names in text table output is now guaranteed.
  • Compiler flags specific to GCC are removed. #1
  • Unknown TOML parameters/keys now issue an error. #2
  • Parse TOML parameter hft.body_fat.gross_energy.
  • Run directory is now created in script tools/run_valgrind_memcheck.


  • The old “default” net energy model get_net_energy_content_default().
  • Parameter hft.digestion.efficiency (less efficient digestion of hindgut fermenters is now in hft.digestion.digestibility_multiplier).

0.2.0 - 2019-12-06


  • New instruction file parameters, which were constants before:
    • hft.digestion.anabolism_coefficient (formerly Fauna::FatMassEnergyBudget::FACTOR_ANABOLISM)
    • hft.digestion.catabolism_coefficient (formerly Fauna::FatMassEnergyBudget::FACTOR_CATABOLISM)
    • hft.digestion.efficiency (formerly Fauna::DIGESTION_EFFICIENCY_HINDGUTS)
    • hft.digestion.i_g_1992_ijk (formerly constants in the function object Fauna::GetDigestiveLimitIlliusGordon1992)
    • simulation.metabolizable_energy (formerly Fauna::ME_COEFFICIENT_GRASS)
    • hft.reproduction.logistic.growth_rate and .midpoint (formerly constant parameters in Fauna::ReprIlliusOConnor2000).
  • Default HFT groups “ruminants” and “hindguts” (replacing parameter hft.digestion.type)
  • Simple bash script run_demo produced in the build folder to execute demo simulator with results in one command.


  • Replaced std::map with std::array in Fauna::ForageValues to improve speed.
  • Various little performance improvements.
  • Turned Fauna::GetNetEnergyContent interface (strategy design pattern) to a function.
  • Turned Fauna::GetDigestiveLimitIlliusGordon1992 into the function Fauna::get_digestive_limit_illius_gordon_1992().
  • Renamed TOML parameter hft.foraging.net_energy_model to hft.digestion.net_energy_model
  • Renamed Fauna::ReproductionModel::IlliusOConnor2000 to Logistic.


  • The parameter hft.mortality.factors was not parsed.


  • Instruction file parameter hft.digestion.type and the corresponding Fauna::DigestionType and Fauna::Hft::digestion_type.

0.1.0 - 2019-11-07


  • Herbivores in cohort and individual mode.
  • Continuous integration (CI) for GitLab.
  • Output in tab-separated text tables.
  • TOML instruction file reader.
  • Demo simulator with simple logistic grass growth.