All notable changes to AET will be documented in this file.
List of changes that are finished but not yet released in any final version.
- PR-576 Unique screen name validation
- PR-617 Add gradle builds.
- PR-601 Reports new design. (#595)
- PR-528 Added source pattern date and source collected date. (#500)
- PR-589 Fixed bug with 'Discard all changes' button not properly displayed. (#587)
- PR-586 Removed duplicate of "Edit url note" button. (#585)
- PR-502 Implement a feature that will allow monitoring the size of responses for the given requests (#501)
- PR-525 Added tests ordering. (#509)
- PR-524 Remove handling unescaped URLs in suites
- PR-526 Added sending urls to collectors in packets. (#431)
- PR-565 Fixing styles of note-editor icon (#371)
- PR-567 Added missing tooltips in the report - "Previous url" and "Next url" (#566)
- PR-563 Fixed bug with tooltips for "Re-run" buttons. (#476)
- PR-522 Improve performance of generating /configs/list. (#519)
- PR-531 Login modifier can be used with partial url of login page and combined with suite
. - PR-529 Remove client side performance test module (#481)
- PR-530 Remove max timeouts limitation for login and WebElements wait (#99)
- PR-554 Fix race condition under non-native bash environments (#551)
- PR-564 Accessibility Issues Provider (#557)
- PR-479 Added Secure and HttpOnly flags for cookies. (#477)
- PR-506 About tab (#475)
- PR-462 Popup window unification(#367)
- PR-489 Cleaner integration tests
- PR-511 Added daily log rotation with 7 days retention
- PR-480 Test summary stats on the main report page. (#474)
- PR-459 Print more meaningful error messages when suite.xml is malformed (#436)
- PR-517 Single URL rerun fixed for named URLs (#487)
- PR-516 Added option to change headers added by Chrome instance. (#515)
- PR-520 Fix displaying test tiles
- PR-518 Minimum site height (#384)
- PR-507 Add option to match colors that are close to the target color in a grayscale space when comparing pixels with the LayoutComparator
- PR-469 Fix WebAPI issues(#425)
- PR-439 Fixed duplicating line and column numbers in accessibility tab
- PR-360 Keyboard shortcuts for 'Accept/Revert url/test' buttons (#317)
- PR-432 Fixed issue with lack of clear message for erroneous suite definition.
- PR-472 Return message when database does not exists and set suite status to MISSING_DATABASE (#341)
- PR-363 Fixed saving case-level notes
- PR-470 Security vulnerabilities fix (#407)
- PR-468 Add loggers in collector/modifier (#446)
- PR-461 Generating correct correlationId when suite name is overridden(#440)
- PR-413 Added ability to show full page source when there has been no difference discovered (#369)
- PR-463 Removed dependency to Joda time library
- PR-488 Fix SuiteRemoveCondition unit test
- PR-490 Fix removing too many artifacts by cleaner job by terminating processing in case of timeout
- PR-451 Collectors and comparators configured by single config number
- PR-449 Improvements to the Winter Edition Theme
- PR-354 Remove jmsEndpointConfig information from communication settings endpoint (#352)
- PR-412 (PR-336, PR-337, PR-395) - Added rerun functionality for suite, test and url
- PR-429 -
version updated tov5.1.1
in Vagrant. Important: please follow the instructions from PR-43 description in order to keep the MongoDB data on your local environment. - PR-422 RunnerConfiguration's urlPackageSize property got set to 1
- PR-430 Upgraded HTML codesniffer to latest release (3.2.0)
- PR-385 Fixed ChefDK and vagrant-berkshelf versions
- PR-404 Added missing tooltip for conditional tests
- PR-408 Advanced Screen Comparision button layout fix
- PR-410 Notification that displays when exclude-elements are not found on page now shows what specific elements were not found(#372)
- PR-409 Added sources link in "view source" url
- PR-394 Added scroll modifier
- PR-399 Bug fix on side panel - conditional tests (#398)
- PR-396 Added horizontal scrollbar for wide pages (#393)
- PR-403 Conditionally passed tests can be accepted (#400)
- PR-387 Set max allowed page screenshot height to 35k pixels.
- PR-401 Added new regex param
to JS Errors Data Filter - PR-397 Add algorithm to enable taking long screenshots without resolution-sleep-resolution workaround
- PR-380 Exclude elements position calculated with partial screenshot offset (#379)
- PR-378 OSGI-configurable Chrome options.
- PR-359 (#351) Disabled nu.validator language detection to fix random NPE
- PR-328 Added suite's history
- PR-303 Added
parameter to ScreenCollector - PR-327 Default web driver changed from Firefox to Chrome
- PR-294 Added support for full page screenshot in chrome
- PR-326 (PR-308, PR-310, PR-311, PR-312, PR-313, PR-314, PR-315, PR-316, PR-322) - updated OSGi annotations to 6.0.0 OSGi standard
- PR-293 Added error treshold in pixels and percentages for screen comparator
- PR-300 Added creating indexes for collection
- PR-289 User now stays on the same tab while navigating between URLs
- PR-271 Added possibility to override name parameter from the aet client
- PR-268 Bobcat upgrade to version 1.4.0
- PR-279 Upgrade for some of libraries used by AET
- PR-281 No version in Bundle names (simpler deployment)
- PR-286 Shared Patterns - use latest patterns of given suite name (#121)
- PR-291 Updated nu.validator version from 15.6.29 to 17.11.1
- PR-298 Filtering accessibility errors by markup CSS (#214)
- PR-296 Status Code Comparator now checks range 400-600 by default, parameters validation added
- PR-297 Advanced screen comparison
- PR-325 Support env variables in report manager
- PR-331 Support env variables in MongoDB config
- PR-338 Enable creating new dbs by default
- PR-345 Deprecate AET maven plugin
- PR-301 New versions of virtualization tools used with new AET cookbook
- PR-260 Upgrade to Karaf 4.2.0
- PR-261 AET artifacts folders watched for new files
- PR-264 Few changes for Selenium grid support
- PR-265 Runner simplification refactor
- PR-267 Guice removed from project dependencies
- PR-252 Bug fix for JS Error table
- PR-244 Side panel scrolled automatically when navigating under specific test/url on first application load.
- PR-239 Switch off default require.js timeouts.
- PR-238 AET Winter Edition introduced
- PR-233 Font Awesome introduced to AET
- PR-228 Remove 'jump to' button from whole suite view.
- PR-230 Bug Fixed: Side panel items not accessible when 'Save/Discard Changes' buttons are visible.
- PR-229 Improved notes (new icons, buttons order)
- PR-226 Side panel follows the currently opened report while navigating them using keyboard shortcuts. The unused mCustomScrollbar plugin was removed.
- PR-225 Added sidebar resize functionality for report app
- PR-221 Added crosshair buttons for scrolling Side Panel to currently opened url/test.
- PR-209 Selenium upgraded to 3.8.1. Guava upgraded to 23.6-jre
- PR-184 Fixed xUnit generation NPE when stepResult is missing
- PR-183 Fixed ambiguous messages from AET API (#161 and #165)
- PR-202 VirtualBox version update required for Windows 10
- PR-204 AET with JAVA 8, using new Karaf (from new AET cookbook)
- PR-166 Added two modifiers: wait for element being visible and wait for image being loaded
- PR-172 Added example AET Shell script to run suite.
- PR-164 ExecuteJavaScriptModifier enhancement: support for external snippets source and basic auth
- PR-153 Fixed SSL error in Source Collector
- PR-145 Update for schema location in
file (in sample site for AET integration tests) - PR-144 Logging and error messages for suite run exceptions, status progress formatting
- PR-135 Fixed Cleaner removing still valid patterns
- PR-133 Update W3C validator version (nu.validator 15.6.29)
- PR-128 Documentation update for advanced (Linux + Windows) AET setup
- PR-125, PR-130 improvements for release process automation
- PR-127, PR-129 updates for AET suite processing error logging
- PR-110 Bobcat version upgrade to version 1.2.1
- aet-106 Compare against another suite patterns
- aet-67 Support for regular expressions in filters
- UI improvements: PR-72, PR-74, PR-83, PR-84
- PR-86 New modifier: Execute Java Script.
- PR-85 Displaying suite execution time
- PR-81 Wiki FAQ page
- PR-77 Upgrade for used AET cookbook to version 1.4.13
- PR-57 Part of Maven Client application moved to the new Test-executor module.
- PR-54 Bobcat version upgrade to version 1.1.3
- PR-44 ScreenCollector enhancement: added ability to take screenshots of parts of the page by using css or xpath element selectors
- PR-41 Added new Replace Text modifier and Click and Hide Modifiers allows to use css selectors as parameters.
- PR-39 Fixed filtering w3cHtml issues and update nuvalidator to the newest version
- PR-31 Fixed source report artifact error
- PR-30 Fixed cookie report display in 'test' action mode
- PR-28 Fixed Login Modifier problems.
- PR-17 Processing error will be displayed at the report and improved reports app performance.
- PR-6 Fixed: 'canvas difference area' is not included in mask.
- Initial open source release.