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DeviceHive installation with Docker-compose

DeviceHive Docker containers accept many environment variables which configure persistent storage in PostgreSQL and message bus support through Apache Kafka.

Docker Compose puts all containers together and provides a way to tweak configuration for your environment.

Before you start

DeviceHive can be started without any additional configuration, docker-compose.yml file contains all neccesary parameters set to safe defaults. Though there is one parameter that could and should be changed due to security reasons - JWT secret. DeviceHive ecosystem uses JWT tokens for authentication. JWT secret is used for signing JWT tokens and is generated at startup of DeviceHive and stored in the database. You can change it by exporting the JWT_SECRET environment variable or by adding JWT_SECRET=<your value> line in the .env file inside current directory.


In order to run DeviceHive stack on top of Docker containers, define environment variables as per your requirements and run:

sudo docker-compose up -d

You can now access your DeviceHive microservices via endpoints decribed in the next section.

Security credentials

Default DeviceHive admin user has name dhadmin and password dhadmin_#911.

Service endpoints

Table below lists endpoints where you can find various DeviceHive services. Replace localhost with actual hostname of the docker daemon and start observing DeviceHive capabilities.

Service URL Notes
Admin Console http://localhost/admin
Frontend service API http://localhost/api/rest
Auth service API http://localhost/auth/rest
Plugin service API http://localhost/plugin/rest If enabled, see Run with DeviceHive Plugin Service section below
Frontend Swagger http://localhost/api/swagger
Auth Swagger http://localhost/auth/swagger
Plugin Swagger http://localhost/plugin/swagger If Plugin service is enabled
Grafana http://localhost/grafana If enabled, see DeviceHive Grafana Datasource section below
MQTT brokers localhost:1883 If MQTT brokers are enabled, see MQTT brokers section below

Exposed ports

Port Service Notes
80, 443 Nginx proxy Primary port for all services
1883 MQTT brokers If enabled
2181 Zookeeper
5432 PostgreSQL DB
5701 Hazelcast
7071 Kafka metrics If enabled, see Kafka metrics section below
8080 Frontend service
8090 Auth service
8110 Plugin service If enabled
9092 Kafka
9395 cAdvisor If enabled, see cAdvisor metrics section below

Run with DeviceHive Plugin service

To enable optional DeviceHive Plugin service run DeviceHive with the following command:

sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f dh_plugin.yml up -d

Or add line COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yml:dh_plugin.yml in .env file.

This also starts devicehive-ws-proxy instance for external connections from plugins. It's available at http://localhost/plugin/proxy.

Development run

In order to run only DeviceHive 3d-party dependencies in Docker containers, simply run:

For PROXY version of Devicehive services:

sudo docker-compose -f dev-proxy.yml up -d

For RPC version of Devicehive services:

sudo docker-compose -f dev-rpc.yml up -d

Then you'd be able to start all DeviceHive java services (backend, frontend, auth, plugin manager) by running java -jar devicehive-...-boot.jar


All containers are configured via environment variables and Docker Compose can pass variables from its environment to containers or read them from .env file. To make persistent configuration changes we will add parameters in the .env file in the current directory.

JWT secret

  • JWT_SECRET - changes the randomly generated JWT signing secret.

DeviceHive image tags

Released versions of devicehive-docker use stable DeviceHive images from DeviceHive Docker Hub repository. But if you want follow DeviceHive development add following parameters:

  • DH_TAG - tag for DeviceHive Frontend, Backend and Hazelcast images. Can be set to development to track development version of DeviceHive.
  • DH_PROXY_TAG - tag for DeviceHive Proxy image, which serves as API gateway for services and hosts Admin console application. Can be set to development to track development version of DeviceHive Proxy.
  • DH_WS_PROXY_TAG - tag for DeviceHive WS Proxy image. This is a WebSocket proxy to message broker (Kafka). Can be set to development to track development version of DeviceHive WS Proxy.


These variables are used by Frontend, Backend and PostgreSQL containers.

  • DH_POSTGRES_ADDRESS - Address of PostgreSQL server instance. Defaults to postgres, which is address of internal PostgreSQL container.
  • DH_POSTGRES_PORT - Port of PostgreSQL server instance, defaults to 5432 if undefined.
  • DH_POSTGRES_DB - PostgreSQL database name for DeviceHive metadata. It is assumed that database already exists and either blank or has been initialized by DeviceHive. Defaults to postgres.
  • DH_POSTGRES_USERNAME and DH_POSTGRES_PASSWORD - login/password for DeviceHive user in PostgreSQL that have full access to DH_POSTGRES_DB. Defaults are postgres and mysecretpassword.


To enable DeviceHive to communicate over Apache Kafka message bus to scale out and interoperate with other componets, such us Apache Spark, or to enable support of Apache Cassandra for fast and scalable storage of device messages define the following environment variables:

  • DH_ZH_ADDRESS - Comma-separated list of addressed of ZooKeeper instances. Defaults to zookeeper, which is address of internal Zookeeper container.
  • DH_ZK_PORT - Port of ZooKeeper instances, defaults to 2181 if undefined.
  • DH_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS - Comma separated list of Kafka servers, i.e. host1:9092,host2:9092,host3:9092. This parameter or DH_KAFKA_ADDRESS is required to be set.
  • DH_KAFKA_ADDRESS - Address of Apache Kafka broker node. Mutually exclusive with DH_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS parameter.
  • DH_KAFKA_PORT - Port of Apache Kafka broker node, defaults to 9092 if undefined. Ignored if DH_KAFKA_ADDRESS is undefined.
  • DH_RPC_SERVER_REQ_CONS_THREADS - Kafka request consumer threads in the Backend, defaults to 3 if undefined.
  • DH_RPC_SERVER_WORKER_THREADS - Server worker threads in the Backend, defaults to 3 if undefined. On machine with many CPU cores and high load this value must be raised. For example on machine with 8 core it must be set to 6.
  • DH_RPC_CLIENT_RES_CONS_THREADS - Kafka response consumer threads in the Frontend, defaults to 3.
  • DH_FE_SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE, DH_BE_SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE and DH_PLUGIN_SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE - Changes which Spring profile use for Frontend, Backend and Plugin sevices respectively. Defaults to ws-kafka-proxy-frontend for Frontend, ws-kafka-proxy-backend for Backend and ws-kafka-proxy for Plugin. Can be changed to rpc-client for Frontend/Plugin and rpc-server for Backend to use direct connection to Kafka instead of devicehive-ws-proxy service.

MQTT brokers

The devicehive-mqtt plugin is a MQTT transport layer between MQTT clients and DeviceHive server. The broker uses WebSocket sessions to communicate with DeviceHive Server and Redis server for persistence functionality.

To enable optional DeviceHive MQTT brokers run DeviceHive with the following command. This will start MQTT brokers on port 1883 and internal Redis container:

sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f mqtt-brokers.yml

Or add line COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yml:mqtt-brokers.yml in .env file.


By default DeviceHive writes minimum logs for better performance. Two configuration parameters are supported:

  • DH_LOG_LEVEL - log verbosity for DeviceHive Java classes. Defaults to INFO for both devicehive-frontend and devicehive-backend.
  • ROOT_LOG_LEVEL - log verbosity for external dependencies. Defaults to WARN for devicehive-frontend and INFO for devicehive-backend.

Possible values are: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR.

You can find more configurable parameters in frontend and backend startup scripts.

HTTPS configuration (TLS)

DeviceHive Proxy provides TLS support by default. If custom certificate is not configured it generates self-signed certificate and stores them in dh-proxy-ssl Docker volume.

Using custom certificate

For Docker Compose installation we will use Compose feature to read configuration from multiple Compose files. Second Compose file will start devicehive-proxy container with custom certificate. To configure DeviceHive Proxy to use your own certificate follow next steps:

  1. Generate key and certificate signing request for your domain, sign CSR with Certificate Authority. Resulting certificate and key files must be in the PEM format.
  2. Create ssl directory outside of devicehive-docker directory, on the same level.
  3. Generate dhparam file for nginx:
openssl dhparam -out ssl/dhparam.pem 2048
  1. Copy SSL certificate to ssl directory. File must be named ssl_certificate.
  2. Copy SSL certificate key to ssl directory. File must be named ssl_certificate_key.
  3. Run DeviceHive with the following command:
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f dh_proxy_custom_certificate.yml up -d

Or add line COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yml:dh_proxy_custom_certificate.yml in .env file.

You can now access your DeviceHive API at https://devicehive-host-url/api and Admin Console at https://devicehive-host-url/admin.


cAdvisor metrics

We provide Compose file with cAdvisor service which exports various container-related metrics. It's exposed on port 9395.

Run DeviceHive with the following command:

sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f cadvisor.yml

Or add line COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yml:cadvisor.yml in .env file.

Kafka metrics

You can start Kafka service with additional Prometheus metrics exporter. Necessary parameters for Kafka container are already configured in devicehive-metrics.yml file. It will launch JMX exporter on tcp port 7071.

Run DeviceHive with the following command:

sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f devicehive-metrics.yml

Or add line COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yml:devicehive-metrics.yml in .env file.

Related Prometheus config for this exporter and link to Grafana Dashboard is in the Monitoring Kafka with Prometheus blog post by Prometheus developer.

DeviceHive Grafana Datasource

DeviceHive project provides official datasource plugin for Grafana which is also published in Grafana plugin registry. For the means of testing DeviceHive datasource plugin we provide Docker image with only this datasource enabled.

Please note that this image is for testing purposes only. If you want to use datasource plugin in production environment, install plugin in separately managed Grafana instance. We don't provide support for this image.

To enable optional Grafana service with DeviceHive datasource run DeviceHive with the following command:

sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f grafana.yml up -d

Or add line COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yml:grafana.yml in .env file.

This only adds Grafana container. After that you need to install plugin in it:

sudo docker-compose exec grafana bash -c 'grafana-cli plugins install devicehive-devicehive-datasource'
sudo docker-compose down
sudo docker-compose up

Grafana will be available at http://<devicehive-host>/grafana with default Grafana credentials.

Development environment

Using CI images

Continuous Integration system uploads images built from every branch to devicehiveci repository on Docker Hub. To use these images add ci-images.yml to COMPOSE_FILE parameter in .env file. If you don't have this parameter in .env file, add it like that:



DeviceHive Frontend and Backend services can be run with remote JMX connection enabled. TCP ports 9999-10002 must be open on a firewall.

  1. Create jmxremote.password and jmxremote.access file in the current directory. jmxremote.password must be readable by owner only. For example, if you want to grant JMX access for user 'developer' with password 'devpass', create these files like that:
echo "developer devpass" > jmxremote.password
echo "developer readwrite" > jmxremote.access

chmod 0400 jmxremote.password
  1. Open jmx-remote.yml file and replace <external hostname> in _JAVA_OPTIONS env vars with actual hostname of DeviceHive server.
  2. Run DeviceHive with the following command:
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f jmx-remote.yml

Or add line COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yml:jmx-remote.yml in .env file.

Hazelcast Management Center

You can launch Management Center to monitor Hazelcast usage and health. TCP port 9980 must be open on a firewall.

  1. Add hazelcast-management-center.yml to COMPOSE_FILE parameter in .env file. If you don't have this parameter in .env file, add it like that:
  1. Run DeviceHive as usual.
  2. Open Hazelcast Management Center in browser via http://devicehive-server:9980/mancenter. You'll be required to configure authentication on the first launch.

Backup and restore

Backup PostgreSQL database

To backup database use following command:

sudo docker-compose exec postgres sh -c 'pg_dump --no-owner -c -U ${POSTGRES_USER} ${POSTGRES_DB}' > dump_`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`.sql

This will create dump_*.sql file in the current directory.

Restore PostgreSQL database

To restore database from SQL dump file delete existing database (if any), start only postgres container and pass dump file contents to psql utility in container:

sudo docker-compose down
sudo docker volume ls -q|grep devicehive-db| xargs sudo docker volume rm
sudo docker-compose up -d postgres
cat dump_*.sql | sudo docker exec -i rdbmsimage_postgres_1 sh -c 'psql -U ${POSTGRES_USER} ${POSTGRES_DB}'
sudo docker-compose up -d

Docker Host configuration

Example configuration steps for CentOS 7.3 to became Docker host:

  1. Install CentOS 7.3, update it and reboot.
  2. Install docker-latest package:
sudo yum install -y docker-latest
  1. Configure Docker to use LVM-direct storage backend. These steps are required for better disk IO performance:

    1. Add new disk with at least 10 GB of disk space. It will be used as physical volume for Docker volume group.
    2. Add following lines to /etc/sysconfig/docker-latest-storage-setup files. Change /dev/xvdb for you device.
    1. Run storage configuration utility
    sudo docker-latest-storage-setup
  2. Enable and start Docker service:

sudo systemctl enable docker-latest
sudo systemctl start docker-latest
  1. Install docker-compose:

    1. Install and update python-pip package manager:
    sudo yum install -y python2-pip
    sudo pip install -U pip
    1. Install docker-compose:
    pip install docker-compose
