npm i
This builds the Angular and Electron portions of the code and runs the Electron application. The Angular portion of the code is served live (i.e. from a server). Changes to both the Angular portion and the Electron portion of the code are watched and will trigger the code to be recompiled. When the Angular portion of the code is recompiled, any open Electron windows will be reloaded. When the Electron portion of the code is recompiled, a new Electron process will be spawned.
npm run start
This builds the Angular and Electron portions of the code and runs the Electron application. The Angular portion of the code is served locally (i.e. from a file). This is how the application would be ran once built into an executable.
npm run build[:<dev|prod>]
npm run electron -- ./
If the Angular portion of the code has not changed, or if the Angular window is not being displayed, then (re)compiling the Angular portion may be skipped.
npm run electron:build
npm run electron -- ./
Alternatively, changes to the Electron portion of the code can be watched. When the Electron portion of the code is recompiled, a new Electron process will be spawned.
npm run electron:watch
npm run package
Commits trigger CodeQL analysis that build the application and add a status check to pull requests. Commits to master with a version tag (format v#.#.#) trigger the release job to build and create a release draft. The release draft requires manual review. Disabled atm