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File metadata and controls

55 lines (40 loc) · 2.35 KB

Gulp tasks

gulp scripts Compiles the javascript files in the src/js folder after applying the jshint linter. Uglifies (unless you're in development environment) and concats the source code and outputs to build/js/all.js adding the sourcemaps metadata. Ecmascript6 compatible using the babel transpiler

gulp sass Compiles the sass files in the src/scss folder after applying an scss linter. Minifies and concats the source code and outputs to build/css/all.css adding the sourcemaps metadata.

gulp jade Compiles the index.jade file and jade files in the src/jade folder. Outputs to build/index.html and to build/html folder

gulp assets Copies the content of the src/assets folder to build/assets.

gulp vendor:js Adds to your app the contents of the files listed in the vendorJs.js file. Concats and uglifies the source code outputting to build/js/vendor.js

gulp vendor:css Adds to your app the contents of the files listed in the vendorCss.js file. Concats and minifies the source code outputting to build/css/vendor.css

gulp vendor Runs the gulp vendor:js and the gulp vendor:css tasks

gulp serve Sets up a node server in the port 3000 with the contents of the build folder Browsersync will refresh the browser if any file changes in the build folder, excepting css files that, after changing, are injected without refreshing.

gulp watch Will watch all files in the src folder and run the corresponding task after any change. e.g: Whenever a scss file changes, the task sass will be called.

gulp clean Erases the build folder

gulp build Runs the following sequence of tasks: ['assets', 'jade', 'sass', 'scripts', 'vendor'] Accepts a param that indicates which development environment to use. The available options are: development (default option) and production. e.g: gulp build:production

gulp default Runs the following sequence of tasks: ['clean', 'build', 'watch', 'serve'] This task gets called when running gulp without specifing a task

gulp development Runs the default task using the development build

gulp production Runs the default task using the production build

gulp s3 Pushes the contents of the build to the s3 bucket specified in the task file. You can either call s3:staging or s3:production.