diff --git a/docs/operations/add_column.mdx b/docs/operations/add_column.mdx
index 02661c6d..5eeb8b4b 100644
--- a/docs/operations/add_column.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/add_column.mdx
@@ -33,23 +33,49 @@ description: An add column operation creates a new column on an existing table.
+The `up` SQL is used when a row is added to the old version of the table (ie, without the new column). In the new version of the table, the row's value for the new column is determined by the `up` SQL expression. The `up` SQL can be omitted if the new column is nullable or has a `DEFAULT` defined.
Default values are subject to the usual rules for quoting SQL expressions. In particular, string literals should be surrounded with single quotes.
**NOTE:** As a special case, the `up` field can be omitted when adding `smallserial`, `serial` and `bigserial` columns.
## Examples
+### Add multiple columns
+Add three new columns to the `products` table. Each column addition is a separate operation:
+### Add column with `up` SQL
+Add a new column to the `users` table and define `up` SQL to ensure that the new column is populated with a value when a row is added to the old version of the table:
+### Add column without `up` SQL
+Add a new column to the `reviews` table. There is no need for `up` SQL because the column has a default:
+### Add column with `CHECK` constraint
+Add a new column to the `people` table with a `CHECK` constraint defined:
+### Add column with comment
+Add a new column to the `people` table with a comment defined on the new column:
+### Add column with a user defined type
+Add a new column to the `fruits` table that has an enum type, defined in an earlier migration:
diff --git a/docs/operations/alter_column/add_check_constraint.mdx b/docs/operations/alter_column/add_check_constraint.mdx
index 783ae465..4391be1f 100644
--- a/docs/operations/alter_column/add_check_constraint.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/alter_column/add_check_constraint.mdx
@@ -20,6 +20,14 @@ description: An add check constraint operation adds a `CHECK` constraint to a co
+The `up` SQL expression is used to migrate values from the column in the old schema version that aren't subject to the constraint to values in the new schema version that are subject to the constraint.
## Examples
+### Add a `CHECK` constraint
+Add a `CHECK` constraint to the `title` column in the `posts` table.
+The `up` SQL migrates values to ensure they meet the constraint. The `down` SQL copies values without modification from column in the new schema version to the column in the old schema version:
diff --git a/docs/operations/alter_column/add_foreign_key.mdx b/docs/operations/alter_column/add_foreign_key.mdx
index 5705b1dc..d919802b 100644
--- a/docs/operations/alter_column/add_foreign_key.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/alter_column/add_foreign_key.mdx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Add foreign key
-description: Add foreign key operations add a foreign key constraint to a column.
+description: Add a foreign key constraint to a column.
## Structure
@@ -24,4 +24,8 @@ description: Add foreign key operations add a foreign key constraint to a column
## Examples
+### Add a foreign key constraint
+Add a `FOREIGN KEY` constraint to the `user_id` column in the `posts` table:
diff --git a/docs/operations/alter_column/add_not_null_constraint.mdx b/docs/operations/alter_column/add_not_null_constraint.mdx
index 6eedf73a..ec012850 100644
--- a/docs/operations/alter_column/add_not_null_constraint.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/alter_column/add_not_null_constraint.mdx
@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ description: Add not null operations add a `NOT NULL` constraint to a column.
+Use `up` to migrate values from the nullable column in the old schema view to the `NOT NULL` column in the new schema version. `down` is used to migrate values in the other direction.
## Examples
+### Add a `NOT NULL` constraint
+Add a `NOT NULL` constraint to the `review` column in the `reviews` table.
diff --git a/docs/operations/alter_column/add_unique_constraint.mdx b/docs/operations/alter_column/add_unique_constraint.mdx
index 51b40a69..afbaa4e1 100644
--- a/docs/operations/alter_column/add_unique_constraint.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/alter_column/add_unique_constraint.mdx
@@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ description: Add unique operations add a `UNIQUE` constraint to a column.
+Use the `up` SQL expression to migrate values from the old non-unique column in the old schema to the `UNIQUE` column in the new schema.
## Examples
+### Add a `UNIQUE` constraint
+Add a `UNIQUE` constraint to the `review` column in the `reviews` table. The `up` SQL appends a random suffix to ensure uniqueness:
diff --git a/docs/operations/alter_column/change_comment.mdx b/docs/operations/alter_column/change_comment.mdx
index d268f84f..b713435b 100644
--- a/docs/operations/alter_column/change_comment.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/alter_column/change_comment.mdx
@@ -17,8 +17,18 @@ description: A change comment operation changes the comment on a column.
+The comment is added directly to the column on migration start.
## Examples
+### Alter many column properties
+An alter column migration performs many operations, including setting a comment:
+### Remove a comment
+To remove a comment from a column set `comment` to `NULL`:
diff --git a/docs/operations/alter_column/change_default.mdx b/docs/operations/alter_column/change_default.mdx
index 92478dd3..0502a263 100644
--- a/docs/operations/alter_column/change_default.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/alter_column/change_default.mdx
@@ -17,8 +17,20 @@ description: A change default operation changes the default value of a column.
+The `default` expression is subject to the usual SQL quoting rules. In particular, string literals should be surrounded with `''`.
+To remove a column default, set the `default` field to `NULL`.
## Examples
+### Make multiple column changes
+An alter column migration that makes multiple changes including setting the default:
+### Drop a column default
+Drop a default by setting the `default` field to `null`.
diff --git a/docs/operations/alter_column/change_type.mdx b/docs/operations/alter_column/change_type.mdx
index ab14eaf4..379e6daf 100644
--- a/docs/operations/alter_column/change_type.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/alter_column/change_type.mdx
@@ -17,6 +17,14 @@ description: A change type operation changes the type of a column.
+Use the `up` SQL expression to do data conversion from the old column type to the new type. In the old schema version, the column will have its old data type; in the new version the column will have its new type.
+Use the `down` SQL expression to do data conversion in the other direction; from the new data type back to the old.
## Examples
+### Change column type
+Change the type of the `rating` column on the `reviews` table:
diff --git a/docs/operations/alter_column/drop_not_null_constraint.mdx b/docs/operations/alter_column/drop_not_null_constraint.mdx
index 6cc471cf..9fabd8ec 100644
--- a/docs/operations/alter_column/drop_not_null_constraint.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/alter_column/drop_not_null_constraint.mdx
@@ -19,4 +19,8 @@ description: Drop not null operations drop a `NOT NULL` constraint from a column
## Examples
+### Remove `NOT NULL` from a column
+Remove `NOT NULL` from the `title` column in the `posts` table:
diff --git a/docs/operations/alter_column/rename_column.mdx b/docs/operations/alter_column/rename_column.mdx
index cf353be3..1774cdb6 100644
--- a/docs/operations/alter_column/rename_column.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/alter_column/rename_column.mdx
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ description: A rename column operation renames a column.
+In the new schema version, the column will have its new name. In the old schema version the column still has its old name.
## Examples
+### Rename a column
+Rename the `role` column in the `employees` table:
diff --git a/docs/operations/create_constraint.mdx b/docs/operations/create_constraint.mdx
index cc58a42e..be85c55a 100644
--- a/docs/operations/create_constraint.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/create_constraint.mdx
@@ -35,13 +35,40 @@ Required fields: `name`, `table`, `type`, `up`, `down`.
+An `up` and `down` SQL expression is required for each column covered by the constraint, and no other column names are permitted. For example, when adding a new constraint covering columns `a` and `b` the `up` and `down` fields should look like:
+ "up": {
+ "a": "up SQL expression for column a",
+ "b": "up SQL expression for column b",
+ },
+ "down": {
+ "a": "down SQL expression for column a",
+ "b": "down SQL expression for column b",
+ }
## Examples
+### Add a `UNIQUE` constraint
+Add a multi-column unique constraint on the `tickets` table:
+### Add a `CHECK` constraint
+Add a check constraint on the `sellers_name` and `sellers_zip` fields on the `ticket` table. The `up` SQL expression ensures that pairs of values not meeting the new constraint on the old columns are data migrated to values that meet the new constraint in the new columns:
+### Add a `FOREIGN KEY` constraint
+Add a multi-column foreign key constraint to the the `tickets` table. The `up` SQL expressions here don't do any data transformation:
diff --git a/docs/operations/create_index.mdx b/docs/operations/create_index.mdx
index cd977ad6..888bd6fc 100644
--- a/docs/operations/create_index.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/create_index.mdx
@@ -12,24 +12,41 @@ description: A create index operation creates a new index on a set of columns.
"name": "index name",
"columns": [ "names of columns on which to define the index" ]
"predicate": "conditional expression for defining a partial index",
+ "unique": true | false,
"method": "btree"
-The field `method` can be `btree`, `hash`, `gist`, `spgist`, `gin`, `brin`.
-You can also specify storage parameters for the index in `storage_parameters`.
-To create a unique index set `unique` to `true`.
+* The field `method` can be `btree`, `hash`, `gist`, `spgist`, `gin`, `brin`.
+* You can also specify storage parameters for the index in `storage_parameters`.
+* To create a unique index set `unique` to `true`.
## Examples
+### Create a `btree` index
+Create a `btree` index on the `name` column in the `fruits` table:
+### Create a partial index
+Create a partial index on the `id` column in the `fruits` table:
+### Create an index with storage parameters
+Set storage parameters and index method:
+### Create a unique index
+Create a unique index:
diff --git a/docs/operations/create_table.mdx b/docs/operations/create_table.mdx
index 81d082c8..dd559c98 100644
--- a/docs/operations/create_table.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/create_table.mdx
@@ -42,23 +42,59 @@ Default values are subject to the usual rules for quoting SQL expressions. In pa
## Examples
+### Create multiple tables
+Create multiple tables. Each table is a separate operation in the migration:
+### Create one table
+Create one table:
+### Create one table (2)
+Create one table:
+### Create one table (3)
+Create one table:
+### Create a table with a comment
+Create a table with a comment on the table:
+### Create a table with nullable and non-nullable columns
+Create a table with a mix of nullable and non-nullable columns:
+### Create a table with a foreign key
+Create a table with a foreign key constraint defined on a column:
+### Create a table with a `CHECK` constraint
+Create a table with a `CHECK` constraint on one column:
+### Create a table with column defaults
+Create a table with different `DEFAULT` values:
diff --git a/docs/operations/drop_column.mdx b/docs/operations/drop_column.mdx
index e555c4b1..01410f9b 100644
--- a/docs/operations/drop_column.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/drop_column.mdx
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ The `down` field above is required in order to backfill the previous version of
## Examples
-### Drop a column with a default value
+### Drop a column
-If a new row is inserted against the new schema without a `price` column, the old schema `price` column will be set to `0`.
+Drop a column - if a new row is inserted against the new schema without a `price` column, the old schema `price` column will be set to `0`.
diff --git a/docs/operations/drop_constraint.mdx b/docs/operations/drop_constraint.mdx
index 10ed8e40..64f94e1c 100644
--- a/docs/operations/drop_constraint.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/drop_constraint.mdx
@@ -26,8 +26,20 @@ Only `CHECK`, `FOREIGN KEY`, and `UNIQUE` constraints can be dropped.
## Examples
+### Drop a `CHECK` constraint:
+Drop a `CHECK` constraint:
+### Drop a `FOREIGN KEY` constraint:
+Drop a `FOREIGN KEY` constraint:
+### Drop a `UNIQUE` constraint:
+Drop a `UNIQUE` constraint:
diff --git a/docs/operations/drop_index.mdx b/docs/operations/drop_index.mdx
index 51df11e5..17f7f661 100644
--- a/docs/operations/drop_index.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/drop_index.mdx
@@ -15,4 +15,8 @@ description: A drop index operation drops an index from a table.
## Examples
+### Drop an index
+Drop an index defined on the `fruits` table:
diff --git a/docs/operations/drop_multi_column_constraint.mdx b/docs/operations/drop_multi_column_constraint.mdx
index a93e5c0f..fca3bdc8 100644
--- a/docs/operations/drop_multi_column_constraint.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/drop_multi_column_constraint.mdx
@@ -24,6 +24,29 @@ Only `CHECK`, `FOREIGN KEY`, and `UNIQUE` constraints can be dropped.
+This operation can also be used to drop single-column constraints and replaces the deprecated (#drop-constraint) operation.
+An `up` and `down` SQL expression is required for each column covered by the constraint, and no other column names are permitted. For example, when droping a constraint covering columns `a` and `b` the `up` and `down` fields should look like:
+ "up": {
+ "a": "up SQL expression for column a",
+ "b": "up SQL expression for column b",
+ },
+ "down": {
+ "a": "down SQL expression for column a",
+ "b": "down SQL expression for column b",
+ }
+The new versions of the columns will no longer have the constraint, but in the old view of the table the columns will still be covered by the constraint; the `down` expressions should therefore be used to ensure that the combination of values meets the constraint being dropped.
## Examples
+### Drop a `CHECK` constraint
+Drop a `CHECK` constraint defined on the `tickets` table.
diff --git a/docs/operations/drop_table.mdx b/docs/operations/drop_table.mdx
index 5eef06d1..c47756d0 100644
--- a/docs/operations/drop_table.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/drop_table.mdx
@@ -13,6 +13,12 @@ description: A drop table operation drops a table.
+The table is not visible in the new version of the schema created when the migration is started, but remains visible to the old version of the schema. The table is dropped on migration completion.
## Examples
+### Drop a table
+Drop the products table:
diff --git a/docs/operations/raw_sql.mdx b/docs/operations/raw_sql.mdx
index 811deb15..2630abe2 100644
--- a/docs/operations/raw_sql.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/raw_sql.mdx
@@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ The `onComplete` flag will make this operation run the `up` expression on the co
## Examples
+### Create a table with a raw SQL migration
+A raw SQL migration to create a table:
+### Run a SQL migration on migration complete
+A raw SQL migration run on migration completion rather than start.
diff --git a/docs/operations/rename_constraint.mdx b/docs/operations/rename_constraint.mdx
index 94f7d5af..d1ca409f 100644
--- a/docs/operations/rename_constraint.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/rename_constraint.mdx
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ description: A rename constraint operation renames a constraint.
+The constraint is renamed on migration completion; it retains its old name during the active migration period.
## Examples
+### Rename a `CHECK` constraint
+Rename a `CHECK` constraint:
diff --git a/docs/operations/rename_table.mdx b/docs/operations/rename_table.mdx
index b22019be..cbef9612 100644
--- a/docs/operations/rename_table.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/rename_table.mdx
@@ -14,6 +14,14 @@ description: A rename table operation renames a table.
+The table is accessible by its old name in the old version of the schema, and by its new name in the new version of the schema.
+The table itself is renamed on migration completion.
## Examples
+### Rename a table
+Rename the customers table:
diff --git a/docs/operations/set_replica_identity.mdx b/docs/operations/set_replica_identity.mdx
index 20b3fdac..6a4b4093 100644
--- a/docs/operations/set_replica_identity.mdx
+++ b/docs/operations/set_replica_identity.mdx
@@ -31,4 +31,6 @@ description: A set replica identity operation sets the replica identity for a ta
## Examples
+### Set replica identity