- 2 blogposts on landing page
- weitere Blog Post vorschlagen
- lighthouse improvements
- add schema.org to blog
- add facebook like button to blog
- add facebook share button to blog
- gridsome background-image
- per Rechnung bezahlen
- ongoing mini-budget für fb ads
- Strategy
- add manuel linder ideas to growth channels
- bezahlung in euro
- sponsoren
- freude-herrscht.ch/deutsch/gesuche/
- burgergemeinde bern
- katholische kirche betn
- draft für soko-definition
- consider also Xaver for "nicht nur sozitante"
- consider so-kommunizieren as content page instead of selling page
- consider autoplay
- blog
- geburtsvorbereitungskurs
- meetup
- with children
- without children
- newsletter
- seo
- strategy cards
- PR: Eva vermarkten as proposed by Tim Ferris
- page improvements
- better wording on landing page
- forum
- was bedeutet serie
- webinar
- add layout
- render blog from markdown
- add /blog
- add netlifyCMS
- add author
- add tags pages
- infrastructure with netlifycms
- comments
- email subscription to updates
- blog main page
- upcoming topics
- Definition Gleichwürdigkeit + warum wichtig
- unsere Mission
- check for pre build solutions
- anmelden
- add comment
- load comments from fauna.com
- subscribe for news
- Header|Navbar|Account: add title attribute
- update sitemap
- add title attributes to all sites
- seo optimization with ubersuggest
- schema.org
- add mission to webpage
- font-sizes
- themen
- bindung
- babygebärdensprache
- aktives lesen
- abc der Zurückhaltung
- Definition
- was ist es nicht
- Hintergrund
- wichtige Persönlichkeit
- Zitat
- Soko Sicht
- Fragen vorher schicken
- Werbung auf FB
- Zeitlich beschränkter Rabatt
- 1h
- bugfixes
- fix scenario (1) fail login with incorrect pw (2) login with correct pw
- add meta info to /404/
- firefox / -> /kurs/: find out how to hide gdpr with firefox ios
- understand page errors -> fix
- besseres Menu in /kurs
- add document__link--overview-progress
- Register for second half of first block
- add username to amplitude tracked user