Gerald Jay Sussman
(define (sos x y)
(+ (sq x) (sq y)))
(define (sq x)
(* x x))
kinds of expressions:
- numbers
- symbols
- lambda expressions
- definitions
- conditionals
- combinations
Substitution rule:
- evaluate the operator to get procedure
- evaluation the operands to get arguments
- apply the procedure to the arguments
- copy the body of the procedure, substituting the argument supplied (reduction)
- evaluate the new body
"The key to understanding complicated things is to know where not to look at, what not to compute, what not to think"
(if )
"one of the thing every sorcerer will tell you: if you have the name of the spirit you have the power over it"
(define (+ x y)
(if (= x 0)
(+ (-1+ x) (1+ y))))
-> time = O(x), space = O(1)
linear recursion:
(define (+ x y)
(if (= x 0)
(1+ (+ (-1+ x) y))))
-> time = O(x), space = O(x)
(define (fib n)
(if (< n 2)
(+ fib((-n 1)) fib((-n 2)))))
-> time = O(fib(n)), space = O(n)
(define (move n from to spare)
(cond ((n = 0) "done")
(move (-1+ n) from spare to)
(print-move from to)
(move (-1+ n) spare to from))))