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Alex B edited this page Jan 12, 2023 · 29 revisions

Initializing Git

  1. Create a new empty GitHub repository with no content (private repo recommended)
  2. Clone this repository locally into a new (temporary) folder
  3. Change the origin of the cloned repo so that points to the newly created empty GitHub repo (this might be helpful)
  4. The newly created GitHub repo should now contain the contents of this template, you can remove the temporary fodler now

Repository Settings

Some settings may require a public repository


  • Disable wikis (they are not used by us because the lack versioning and accessibility)
  • Disable discussions (issues are sufficient)
  • Enable "Automatically delete head branches" (so that there are no "dead"-PR branches)
  • Enable "Limit how many branches and tags can be updated in a single push"

Collaborators and teams

  • Add the XDEV Vaadin Addons-Team with role Maintain


  • Default branch: develop
  • Enable branch protection for
    • develop (Development-Branch)
    • master ("Current Release"-Branch)
    • gh-pages (Online Hosted Documentation)


  • Source: Deploy from a branch
  • Branch: gh-pages Folder: /````(root)
Clone this wiki locally