This package connects to the mqtt channel of openLigaDB and automatically receives live updates. It provides you to specify topics you're interested in and only emits those data to your system.
The package is hosted on JSR and not npm, so follow the instructions there for your runtime.
Connect to OLDB with current mqtt data and receive all updates
import { OLDB, type OldbData } from "@wgd/oldb";
const oldbClient = new OLDB()
oldbClient.on('oldb:update', (msg: OldbData) => {
// You receive ALL updates from OLDB
// your code here
Sign to leagues
import { OLDB, type OldbData } from "@wgd/oldb";
const oldbClient = new OLDB({
leagueShorts: ['bl1', 'bl2']
oldbClient.on('oldb:update', (msg: OldbData) => {
// You only receive updates for the OLDB.leagueShortcut you choose
// your code here
If mqtt data changes you also can pass in connection infos, which will overwrite the standard.
import { OLDB } from "@wgd/oldb";
const oldbClient = new OLDB({
baseUrl: settings.baseUrl,
topic: settings.topic,
port: settings.port
Logging you also can pass in your logger if you wish, defaults to console. It does not log very much though.
const oldbClient = new OLDB({
logger: myPrivatePinoLogger