Releases: xdy/twodsix-foundryvtt
Releases · xdy/twodsix-foundryvtt
0.2.7 (2020-08-04)
Bug Fixes
- Make the release script executable at the new location... (64bc0e7)
- Working on adding css and graphics from Kevin. (41719bb)
0.2.6 (2020-07-26)
Bug Fixes
- Show actor skills, not data items in skills list. Not sure this is the way I want to go, need to read up on the data model. (f44fe27)
0.2.5 (2020-07-25)
Bug Fixes
- Made characterstics editable, calculate current value and mod as damage (and value, which really should be locked for edit by default) change. Added dropdown for skill level (still called value, should probably change that.) (5a6c54d)
0.2.4 (2020-07-22)
Bug Fixes
- Skill rolls now support difficulty and 'roll type' (e.g. advantage/disadvantage, 3d6kh2/3d6kl2) (c25ccee)
0.2.3 (2020-07-21)
Bug Fixes
- Skills can now be rolled, with the selected characteristic's modifier. Not pretty, but it works. (1a27f1b)
0.2.2 (2020-07-21)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed drag and drop of skills, had broken it while messing around with _onDrop earlier, commented that out for now, wasn't anywhere near complete anyway. (34858ad)
0.2.1 (2020-07-20)
Bug Fixes
- Cleaning up, working on skills, fixing messed up template (f236f44)
0.2.0 (2020-07-19)
- Another new (old) direction, this time with some help incoming. (6e5f7af)
0.1.16 (2020-07-10)
Bug Fixes
- Most things show up on the sheet, but it turns out radios are real wonky in foundry right now. (df6fdb8)
- Removing unused stuff as I'm heading in a new direction. (01af0e8)
- Updated ts-loader, removed bogus tsconfig.json setting. (c809312)
0.1.15 (2020-07-05)
Bug Fixes
- CE and it's predecessor uses different modifier for characteristic value of 0, use CE modifier for now, make into an option later. (269e383)