diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 0492fa4..b000dec 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ *.zip config.json +*.nhcache diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 621adcc..0f13554 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/xen-42/outer-wilds-real-solar-system/total) ![Downloads of newest version](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/xen-42/outer-wilds-real-solar-system/latest/total) -Replaces the solar system in Outer Wilds with ours, including 8 planets, 13 moons, over 100 asteroids, 5 minor bodies, a few planetary probes and satellites, and 2 distant solar systems (Alpha Centauri and Barnard's Star). +Replaces the solar system in Outer Wilds with ours, including 8 planets, 38 moons, 15 minor bodies, 22 spacecraft, and the 5 nearest star systems with their 4 exoplanets. Translations for Polish and Russian. @@ -16,30 +16,105 @@ Translations for Polish and Russian. ![Lunar lander](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22628069/148104095-67424b8a-7307-4bcc-a5a9-138d97316e23.png) ## Credits -Ship log planet icons by [Classic](https://github.com/ClassicalBro) -Russian translation by [Tllya](https://github.com/Tllya) +### Contributors -Polish translation by [Titan2076](https://github.com/Minecraft633) +- [Trifid](https://github.com/TerrificTrifid) - 1.0.0 author/writer. -Planet textures and height maps used are not ours. Unless stated otherwise, they're from NASA. The other sources are: +- [xen](https://github.com/xen-42) - Pre-1.0.0 author. -[Triton texture map](https://www.deviantart.com/neptuneprogaming/art/Triton-Texture-Map-713512330) +- [MegaPiggy](https://github.com/MegaPiggy) - New bodies and texture hunting. -[Titania texture map](https://www.deviantart.com/neptuneproproduction/art/Titania-Texture-Map-746524585) +- [Greenpixel](https://github.com/gpixl) - Spaceflight music remix. -[Ceres texture map](https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/) +- [Classic](https://github.com/ClassicalBro) - Ship log icons. -[Venus texture maps](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton) +- [Tlya](https://github.com/Tllya) - Russian translation. -[Neptune texture map](https://www.deviantart.com/askaniy/art/Neptune-1989-Texture-Map-769376373) +- [Titan2076](https://github.com/Minecraft633) - Polish translation. -Rhea [texture map](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Rhea-texture-map-767818383)/[height map](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Rhea-elevation-map-767817482) +### Textures -[Charon texture/height maps](https://www.deviantart.com/master-bit/art/Charon-8K-555604289) +Skybox was created with SpaceEngine © Cosmographic Software LLC. + +Most planet textures used are not ours. Unless stated otherwise, they're derived from NASA or made by Trifid. The other sources are: + +- Venus [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Venus-texture-map-775557036)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Venus-elevation-map-improved-768916009) + +- Phobos [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/askaniy/art/Phobos-Texture-Map-784146561)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Phobos-elevation-map-769476470) + +- Deimos [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/askaniy/art/Deimos-Texture-Map-784881224)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Deimos-elevation-map-refined-772218580) + +- Ceres [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Ceres-texture-map-improved-16k-782181623) + +- Vesta [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Vesta-texture-map-781645701)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Vesta-elevation-map-756462056) + +- Churyumov, Ida, Dactyl, Chariklo [textures/heightmaps](https://github.com/zilti/RSSExpansion) + +- Amalthea [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Amalthea-texture-map-Improved-780661092)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Amalthea-elevation-map-769478071) + +- Io [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Io-elevation-map-773119644)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Io-elevation-map-773119644) + +- Europa [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/askaniy/art/Europa-Texture-Map-20K-769790967)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/mrspace43/art/Europa-Height-Map-673752546) + +- Ganymede [texture](https://bjj.mmedia.is/data/ganymede/)/[heightmap](https://solarviews.com/cap/jup/ganymedecyl2.htm) + +- Callisto [texture](https://bjj.mmedia.is/data/callisto/index.html)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/kexitt/art/Calisto-Height-map-560010442) + +- Prometheus [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Prometheus-texture-map-780136421)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Dwarf-moons-and-asteroids-elevation-maps-769532391) + +- Mimas [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Mimas-texture-map-786933508)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/kexitt/art/6k-Mimas-Maps-802608085) + +- Enceladus [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Enceladus-texture-map-improved-769826238)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/trappist1e/art/Enceladus-DEM-yes-its-real-869087221) + +- Tethys [texture/heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/kexitt/art/8k-Tethys-Maps-802333903) + +- Telesto [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/fireon12064/art/Telesto-by-Fireon-B-W-780722298) + +- Calypso [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/fireon12064/art/Calypso-by-Fireon-B-W-780695285) + +- Dione [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Dione-texture-map-improved-770832745)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Dione-elevation-map-786936439) + +- Rhea [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Rhea-texture-map-767818383)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Rhea-elevation-map-767817482) + +- Titan [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/magentameteorite/art/Titan-Hand-Painted-Cloud-Map-And-Mixed-Surface-Map-743328661) + +- Iapetus [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/fargetanik/art/Iapetus-Truecolor-Texture-Map-8k-814001056)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Iapetus-elevation-map-756451237) + +- Miranda [texture/heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/astra-planetshine/art/Uranus-Project-Missing-Data-Miranda-589256744) + +- Ariel [texture/heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/astra-planetshine/art/Uranus-Project-Missing-Data-Ariel-579476626) + +- Umbriel [texture/heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/astra-planetshine/art/Uranus-Project-Missing-Data-Umbriel-687033056) + +- Titania [texture/heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/astra-planetshine/art/Uranus-Project-Missing-Data-Titania-646920848) + +- Oberon [texture/heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Kexitt-s-and-Snowfall-s-astro-maps-corrections-780388376) + +- Neptune [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/askaniy/art/Neptune-1989-Texture-Map-769376373) + +- Proteus [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Proteus-texture-map-773451080)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/oleg-pluton/art/Dwarf-moons-and-asteroids-elevation-maps-769532391) + +- Triton [texture/heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/kexitt/art/Triton-maps-673821587) + +- Pluto [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/bob3studios/art/Pluto-Texture-Map-Fixed-Blur-762286905)/[heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/trappist1e/art/semifictional-pluto-height-map-871990349) + +- Charon [texture/heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/master-bit/art/Charon-8K-555604289) + +- Nix [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/askaniy/art/Nix-Color-Texture-Maps-926588947)/[heightmap](https://figshare.com/articles/online_resource/Shape_Model_of_Nix/12779948) + +- Hydra [texture](https://www.deviantart.com/askaniy/art/Hydra-Color-Texture-Maps-926623163)/[heightmap](https://figshare.com/articles/online_resource/Shape_Model_of_Hydra/12779975) + +- Haumea [texture/heightmap](https://www.deviantart.com/astra-planetshine/art/Haumea-Artist-s-Impression-v3-566021580) + +- Eris, Dysnomia, Orcus, Vanth, Makemake, MK2, Quaoar, Weywot, Sedna [textures/heightmaps](https://www.deviantart.com/mrspace43-celestia/art/OUTDATED-True-Color-TNO-Textures-2k-709834079) + +- Proxima b, Proxima d (Orcus, Vanth) [textures/heightmaps](https://github.com/zilti/RSSExpansion) + +- Luhman 16 [textures](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCP3RMGZINA) ### Models -"Teapot." (https://skfb.ly/oqPNZ) by Akulla is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). +"Teapot." (https://skfb.ly/oqPNZ) by Akulla is licensed under [Creative Commons Attribution](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). -Mars Perserverance Rover, Cassini, Lunar Lander, and Voyager 3D models made by [NASA](https://nasa3d.arc.nasa.gov/models). +All other models are from [NASA](https://nasa3d.arc.nasa.gov/models) or made by Trifid. diff --git a/addon-manifest.json b/addon-manifest.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43a1330 --- /dev/null +++ b/addon-manifest.json @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +{ + "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Outer-Wilds-New-Horizons/new-horizons/main/NewHorizons/Schemas/addon_manifest_schema.json", + "achievements" : [ + { + "ID" : "RSS_AllSpacecraft", + "secret" : false, + "signalIDs" : [ "Parker Solar Probe", "MESSENGER", "Venera 9", "International Space Station", "Hubble Space Telescope", "Aquarius", "Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter", "Perseverance", "Mars Odyssey", "Europa Clipper", "Laplace-P", "Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer", "Cassini", "Huygens", "Uranus Orbiter", "Neptune Odyssey", "Pioneer 11", "Voyager 2", "Voyager 1", "Pioneer 10" ] + }, + { + "ID" : "RSS_AllJellyfish", + "secret" : false, + "conditionIDs" : [ "RSS_MetGustavo", "RSS_MetGarry", "RSS_MetGeoffrey", "RSS_MetGriffin", "RSS_MetGertrude", "RSS_MetGooseberry", "RSS_MetGabro", "RSS_MetGoldie", "RSS_MetGideon", "RSS_MetGregory", "RSS_MetGerald" ] + }, + { + "ID" : "RSS_FindJammer", + "secret" : false, + "conditionIDs" : [ "RSS_MetJammer" ] + }, + { + "ID" : "RSS_FindVesselWormhole", + "secret" : false + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/manifest.json b/manifest.json index 1ce561c..ef0ae2d 100644 --- a/manifest.json +++ b/manifest.json @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "filename": "NewHorizonsConfig.dll", - "author": "xen", + "author": "Trifid, xen, MegaPiggy", "name": "Real Solar System", "uniqueName": "xen.RealSolarSystem", - "version": "0.6.7", + "version": "1.0.0", "owmlVersion": "2.1.0", "dependencies": [ "xen.NewHorizons" ] } diff --git a/planets/1 - inner 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"isTidallyLocked" : true, + "alignmentAxis": {"x": -1, "y": 0, "z": 0}, + "tint" : + { + "r" : 185, + "g" : 175, + "b" : 160, + "a" : 255 + } }, "HeightMap" : { "heightMap" : "planets/assets/deimos_heightmap.png", "textureMap" : "planets/assets/deimos_texturemap.png", - "minHeight" : 10, - "maxHeight" : 18 + "minHeight" : 5, + "maxHeight" : 8 + }, + "ShipLog" : { + "spriteFolder": "planets/shiplogs/sprites", + "mapMode" : { + "revealedSprite": "planets/shiplogs/icons/Deimos log.png" + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/1 - inner planets/earth.json b/planets/1 - inner planets/earth.json deleted file mode 100644 index 53b9fa4..0000000 --- a/planets/1 - inner planets/earth.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -{ - "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xen-42/outer-wilds-new-horizons/master/NewHorizons/schema.json", - "name" : "Earth", - "starSystem" : "xen.RealSolarSystem", - "Spawn" : - { - "playerSpawnPoint" : - {"x": -55.65454, "y": 227.4736, "z": 183.9742}, - "shipSpawnPoint" : - {"x": -59.18244, "y": 215.5915, "z": 196.174}, - "startWithSuit" : true - }, - "Base" : - { - "surfaceGravity" : 12, - "surfaceSize" : 300, - "hasMapMarker" : true, - "hasAmbientLight" : true - }, - "Orbit" : - { - "semiMajorAxis" : 6000, - "inclination" : 2, - "primaryBody" : "Sol", - "isMoon" : false, - "longitudeOfAscendingNode" : 0, - "eccentricity" : 0, - "argumentOfPeriapsis": 102, - "trueAnomaly" : 270, - "axialTilt" : 23, - "siderealPeriod" : 50 - }, - "Water" : { - "size" : 294 - }, - "Atmosphere" : - { - "hasOxygen" : true, - "hasAtmosphere" : true, - "size" : 375, - "fogTint" : - { - "R" : 90, - "G" : 128, - "B" : 128, - "A" : 255 - }, - "fogDensity": 0.1, - "fogSize": 375 - }, - "HeightMap" : - { - "heightMap" : "planets/assets/earth_heightmap.png", - "textureMap" : "planets/assets/earth_texturemap.png", - "minHeight" : 292, - "maxHeight" : 307 - }, - "Props" : - { - "details" : - [ - { - "assetBundle": "planets/assetbundle/rssteaser", - "path": 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"planets/assets/earth_cloudmap.png", + "cloudsPrefab": "transparent", + "rotationSpeed": 0.5 + }*/ + }, + "AmbientLights": [ + { + "outerRadius": 375, + "innerRadius": 300, + "intensity": 1, + "tint" : + { + "r" : 64, + "g" : 96, + "b" : 192, + "a" : 255 + } + } + ], + "HeightMap" : + { + "heightMap" : "planets/assets/earth_heightmap.png", + "textureMap" : "planets/assets/earth_texturemap.png", + "minHeight" : 292, + "maxHeight" : 307, + "resolution": 512 + }, + "Props": { + "details": [ + { + "path":"QuantumMoon_Body/Sector_QuantumMoon/State_TH/Interactables_THState/Crater_Surface/Surface_AlpineClump_S/Surface_AlpineClump_S/BatchedGroup", + "position": {"x": -36.96601, "y": 217.7057, "z": 199.2916}, + "alignRadial": true + }, + { + "path":"QuantumMoon_Body/Sector_QuantumMoon/State_TH/Interactables_THState/Crater_Surface/Surface_AlpineClump_L/Q_AlpineClump_L/BatchedGroup", + "position": {"x": -1.408792, "y": 231.9895, "z": 186.1535}, + "alignRadial": true + }, + { + 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21, "value": 2.3 } + ], + "endTint": + { + "r" : 255, + "g" : 7, + "b" : 7, + "a" : 255 + } }, - "AsteroidBelt" : - { - "innerRadius" : 9200, - "outerRadius" : 9400 + "ShipLog" : { + "spriteFolder": "planets/shiplogs/sprites", + "mapMode" : { + "revealedSprite": "planets/shiplogs/icons/The Sun log.png" + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/wise_0855_0714.json b/planets/wise_0855_0714.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9663568 --- /dev/null +++ b/planets/wise_0855_0714.json @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +{ + "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Outer-Wilds-New-Horizons/new-horizons/main/NewHorizons/Schemas/body_schema.json", + "name" : "WISE 0855−0714", + "starSystem" : "xen.RealSolarSystem", + "Base" : + { + "surfaceGravity" : 40, + "surfaceSize" : 800, + "gravityFallOff" : "inverseSquared" + }, + "MapMarker": + { + "enabled": true + }, + "Orbit" : + { + "semiMajorAxis" : 230000, + "primaryBody" : "Sol", + "showOrbitLine" : false, + "trueAnomaly" : 135, + 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+ + + + Eduardo1 + RSS_TalkedToEduardo + + RSS_Eduardo11 + + + EduardoQ + + + + Eduardo2 + + RSS_Eduardo21 + + + EduardoQ + + + + EduardoQ + + + + + + + + RSS_EduardoQB + Eduardo3 + + + RSS_EduardoQC + Eduardo4 + + + + RSS_MetGustavo + RSS_EduardoQD + Eduardo5 + + + RSS_EduardoQE + + + + + + Eduardo3 + + RSS_Eduardo31 + + + + + RSS_Eduardo3A + Eduardo8 + + + + + + Eduardo4 + + RSS_Eduardo41 + + + + + RSS_Eduardo4A + Eduardo6 + + + RSS_Eduardo4B + Eduardo7 + + + + + + Eduardo5 + + RSS_Eduardo51 + + + EduardoQ + + + + Eduardo6 + + RSS_Eduardo61 + + + EduardoQ + + + + Eduardo7 + + RSS_Eduardo71 + + + + + RSS_Eduardo7A + Eduardo11 + + + + + + + Eduardo8 + + RSS_Eduardo81 + + + EduardoQ + + + + Eduardo9 + + RSS_Eduardo91 + + + + + + Eduardo10 + + RSS_Eduardo101 + RSS_Eduardo102 + RSS_Eduardo103 + + + + + + Eduardo11 + + RSS_Eduardo111 + + + EduardoQ + + + + Eduardo12 + + RSS_Eduardo121 + + + EduardoQ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gabro.xml b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gabro.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b89394a --- /dev/null +++ b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gabro.xml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ + + Gabro + + + Gabro1 + DEFAULT + + RSS_Gabro11 + + + + + RSS_Gabro1A + Gabro2 + + + + RSS_MetGabro + + + + Gabro2 + + RSS_Gabro21 + + + + + RSS_Gabro2A + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/garry.xml b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/garry.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..507aac1 --- /dev/null +++ b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/garry.xml @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ + + Garry + + + EuropaIntro2 + RSS_EuropaIntro + + RSS_EuropaIntro21 + RSS_EuropaIntro22 + RSS_EuropaIntro23 + RSS_EuropaIntro24 + + + RSS_TalkedToGarry + RSS_MetGarry + GarryQuestions + + + + GarryHey1 + DEFAULT + + RSS_GarryHey11 + + + RSS_TalkedToGarry + RSS_MetGarry + GarryQuestions + + + + GarryHey2 + RSS_TalkedToGarry + + RSS_GarryHey21 + + + GarryQuestions + + + + GarryQuestions + + + + + RSS_EduardoToGustavo + RSS_MetGustavo + RSS_GarryToGustavo + RSS_GarryQuestionsA1 + RSS_EuropaIntro + GarryGustavo1 + + + RSS_MetGustavo + RSS_GarryToGustavo + RSS_GarryQuestionsA2 + RSS_EuropaIntro + GarryGustavo2 + + + RSS_MetGustavo + RSS_GarryToGustavo + RSS_GarryQuestionsA2 + RSS_EuropaIntro + GarryGustavo2 + + + RSS_GarryQuestionsB + RSS_EuropaIntro + GarryGeysers + + + RSS_GarryQuestionsC + RSS_EuropaIntro + GarryExplore + + + RSS_GarryQuestionsD + RSS_EuropaIntro + + + + + + GarryGustavo1 + + RSS_GarryGustavo11 + + + RSS_GarryToGustavo + GarryQuestions + + + + GarryGustavo2 + + RSS_GarryGustavo21 + RSS_GarryGustavo22 + + + GarryQuestions + + + + GarryGeysers + + RSS_GarryGeysers1 + RSS_GarryGeysers2 + RSS_GarryGeysers3 + + + GarryQuestions + + + + GarryExplore + + RSS_GarryExplore1 + RSS_GarryExplore2 + + + GarryQuestions + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/garrycallout.xml b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/garrycallout.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..455245e --- /dev/null +++ b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/garrycallout.xml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + Garry + + + EuropaIntro1 + DEFAULT + + RSS_EuropaIntro11 + + + RSS_EuropaIntro + RSS_GarryCallout + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/geoffrey.xml b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/geoffrey.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2093b18 --- /dev/null +++ b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/geoffrey.xml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + + Geoffrey + + + Geoffrey1 + DEFAULT + + RSS_Geoffrey11 + RSS_Geoffrey12 + RSS_Geoffrey13 + + + RSS_TalkedToGeoffrey + RSS_MetGeoffrey + + + + Geoffrey2 + RSS_TalkedToGeoffrey + + RSS_Geoffrey21 + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gerald.xml b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gerald.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c659827 --- /dev/null +++ b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gerald.xml @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ + + Gerald + + + Gerald1 + DEFAULT + + RSS_Gerald11 + RSS_Gerald12 + RSS_Gerald13 + RSS_Gerald14 + RSS_Gerald15 + + + + + RSS_Gerald1A + Gerald2 + + + + RSS_MetGerald + + + + Gerald2 + + RSS_Gerald21 + RSS_Gerald22 + RSS_Gerald23 + RSS_Gerald24 + RSS_Gerald25 + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gertrude.xml b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gertrude.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f167723 --- /dev/null +++ b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gertrude.xml @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ + + Gertrude + + + Gertrude1 + DEFAULT + + RSS_Gertrude11 + + + + + RSS_Gertrude1A + Gertrude2 + + + + RSS_MetGertrude + + + + Gertrude2 + + RSS_Gertrude21 + + + + + RSS_Gertrude2A + Gertrude3 + + + + + + Gertrude3 + + RSS_Gertrude31 + RSS_Gertrude32 + RSS_Gertrude33 + + + + + RSS_Gertrude3A + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gideon.xml b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gideon.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb8b16a --- /dev/null +++ b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gideon.xml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ + + Gideon + + + Gideon1 + DEFAULT + + RSS_Gideon11 + RSS_Gideon12 + RSS_Gideon13 + RSS_Gideon14 + RSS_Gideon15 + RSS_Gideon16 + RSS_Gideon17 + + + RSS_TalkedToGideon + RSS_MetGideon + + + + Gideon2 + RSS_TalkedToGideon + + RSS_Gideon21 + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/goldie.xml b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/goldie.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd83587 --- /dev/null +++ b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/goldie.xml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ + + Goldie + + + Goldie1 + DEFAULT + + RSS_Goldie11 + RSS_Goldie12 + + + + + RSS_Goldie1A + Goldie2 + + + + RSS_MetGoldie + + + + Goldie2 + + RSS_Goldie21 + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gooseberry.xml b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gooseberry.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab003f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gooseberry.xml @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ + + Gooseberry + + + Gooseberry1 + DEFAULT + + RSS_Gooseberry11 + + + + + RSS_Gooseberry1A + Gooseberry2 + + + RSS_Gooseberry1B + Gooseberry3 + + + + RSS_MetGooseberry + + + + Gooseberry2 + + RSS_Gooseberry21 + + + + + Gooseberry3 + + + RSS_Gooseberry31 + + + RSS_Gooseberry32 + + + RSS_Gooseberry33 + + + RSS_Gooseberry34 + + + RSS_Gooseberry35 + + + RSS_Gooseberry36 + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gregory.xml b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gregory.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe14ee4 --- /dev/null +++ b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gregory.xml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ + + Gregory + + + Gregory1 + DEFAULT + + RSS_Gregory11 + + + + + RSS_Gregory1A + Gregory2 + + + + RSS_MetGregory + + + + Gregory2 + + RSS_Gregory21 + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/griffin.xml b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/griffin.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73be111 --- /dev/null +++ b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/griffin.xml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + Griffin + + + Griffin1 + DEFAULT + + RSS_Griffin11 + RSS_Griffin12 + RSS_Griffin13 + RSS_Griffin14 + RSS_Griffin15 + + + RSS_MetGriffin + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gustavo.xml b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gustavo.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba908fd --- /dev/null +++ b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/gustavo.xml @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ + + Gustavo + + + Gustavo0 + DEFAULT + + RSS_Gustavo01 + + + + + RSS_Gustavo0A + Gustavo1 + + + RSS_MetGustavo + RSS_Gustavo0B + Gustavo2 + + + + RSS_MetGustavo + + + + Gustavo1 + + RSS_Gustavo11 + + + Gustavo2 + + + + Gustavo2 + + RSS_Gustavo21 + + + + + RSS_MetGabro + RSS_MetGarry + RSS_MetGeoffrey + RSS_MetGerald + RSS_MetGertrude + RSS_MetGideon + RSS_MetGoldie + RSS_MetGooseberry + RSS_MetGregory + RSS_MetGriffin + RSS_Gustavo2A + Gustavo6 + + + RSS_Gustavo2B + Gustavo3 + + + RSS_Gustavo2C + Gustavo4 + + + RSS_Gustavo2D + Gustavo5 + + + RSS_Gustavo2E + Gustavo7 + + + + + + Gustavo3 + + RSS_Gustavo31 + + + Gustavo2 + + + + Gustavo4 + + RSS_Gustavo41 + + + Gustavo2 + + + + Gustavo5 + + RSS_Gustavo51 + + + Gustavo2 + + + + Gustavo6 + + RSS_Gustavo61 + RSS_Gustavo62 + + + + + + Gustavo7 + + RSS_Gustavo71 + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/dialogue/jammer.xml b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/jammer.xml similarity index 58% rename from planets/xml/dialogue/jammer.xml rename to planets/xml/dialogue/characters/jammer.xml index d6f1900..41e1128 100644 --- a/planets/xml/dialogue/jammer.xml +++ b/planets/xml/dialogue/characters/jammer.xml @@ -1,47 +1,48 @@ - - Jammer - - - Jammer1 - DEFAULT - - Speical birthday gift! - - - - - Wahoo! - Jammer2 - - - JammerBirthday - - - - Jammer2 - JammerBirthday - - - Ur winning! - - - Im winning! - - - Will fund! - - - HOT - - - YAY!!~!!! - - - Oak doak! - - - Bestest day! - - - + + Jammer + + + Jammer1 + DEFAULT + + RSS_Jammer11 + + + + + RSS_Jammer1A + Jammer2 + + + RSS_JammerBirthday + RSS_MetJammer + + + + Jammer2 + RSS_JammerBirthday + + + RSS_Jammer21 + + + RSS_Jammer22 + + + RSS_Jammer23 + + + RSS_Jammer24 + + + RSS_Jammer25 + + + RSS_Jammer26 + + + RSS_Jammer27 + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/dialogue/placeholder.xml b/planets/xml/dialogue/placeholder.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7815d47 --- /dev/null +++ b/planets/xml/dialogue/placeholder.xml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + Joe + + + Joe + DEFAULT + + There are worms under your skin, rip off your skin, get them out. + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/text/EarthScroll.xml b/planets/xml/text/EarthScroll.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 2585f19..0000000 --- a/planets/xml/text/EarthScroll.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ - - - 1 - Fred: Earth. - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/planets/xml/text/RSS_EARTH_NOM_RAFT_RECORDER.xml b/planets/xml/text/RSS_EARTH_NOM_RAFT_RECORDER.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 3006d69..0000000 --- a/planets/xml/text/RSS_EARTH_NOM_RAFT_RECORDER.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ - - - 1 - RSS_EARTH_NOM_RAFT_RECORDER_PAGE_1 - - - 2 - RSS_EARTH_NOM_RAFT_RECORDER_PAGE_2 - - - 3 - RSS_EARTH_NOM_RAFT_RECORDER_PAGE_3 - - - 4 - RSS_EARTH_NOM_RAFT_RECORDER_PAGE_4 - - - 5 - RSS_EARTH_NOM_RAFT_RECORDER_PAGE_5 - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/systems/xen.RealSolarSystem.json b/systems/xen.RealSolarSystem.json index a32aba1..8e6d3a3 100644 --- a/systems/xen.RealSolarSystem.json +++ b/systems/xen.RealSolarSystem.json @@ -1,19 +1,37 @@ { + "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Outer-Wilds-New-Horizons/new-horizons/main/NewHorizons/Schemas/star_system_schema.json", "canEnterViaWarpDrive" : true, "startHere" : false, - "coords" : { - "x" : [0, 1], - "y" : [1, 2], - "z" : [2, 3] + "Vessel": { + "coords": { + "x" : [ 4, 0, 1, 2, 5, 3 ], + "y" : [ 1, 0, 2, 4 ], + "z" : [ 1, 0, 2, 4 ] + }, + "vesselSpawn": { + "position": { + "x" : 0, + "y" : 0, + "z" : 8000 + }, + "rotation": { + "x": 0, + "y": 180, + "z": 0 + } + } }, - "vesselPosition" : { - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - "z" : 8000 + "Skybox": { + "destroyStarField": false, + "useCube": true, + "rightPath": "planets/assets/sky_pos_x.jpg", + "leftPath": "planets/assets/sky_neg_x.jpg", + "topPath": "planets/assets/sky_pos_y.jpg", + "bottomPath": "planets/assets/sky_neg_y.jpg", + "frontPath": "planets/assets/sky_pos_z.jpg", + "backPath": "planets/assets/sky_neg_z.jpg" }, - "warpExitPosition" : { - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - "z" : 1000 + "GlobalMusic": { + "travelAudio": "planets/assets/SpaceInRealLife.ogg" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/english.json b/translations/english.json index 0bf4801..2db878f 100644 --- a/translations/english.json +++ b/translations/english.json @@ -1,19 +1,190 @@ { + "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Outer-Wilds-New-Horizons/new-horizons/main/NewHorizons/Schemas/translation_schema.json", "DialogueDictionary" : { - "RSS_EARTH_HEA_CAMPSITE_RECORDER_PAGE_1" : "So for starters I have no idea how I ended up here.", - "RSS_EARTH_HEA_CAMPSITE_RECORDER_PAGE_2" : "I'm also not entirely sure where exactly here is.", - "RSS_EARTH_HEA_CAMPSITE_RECORDER_PAGE_3" : "Seems I'm not the only one who's been here, judging by the Nomai ruins nearby.", - "RSS_EARTH_HEA_CAMPSITE_RECORDER_PAGE_4" : "I'll go check those out tomorrow, for now I think I deserve a little rest.", - - "RSS_EARTH_NOM_RAFT_RECORDER_PAGE_1" : "Allium: This raft was here when we arrived.", - "RSS_EARTH_NOM_RAFT_RECORDER_PAGE_2" : "Allium: Hypothesis 1: It was left here by the original inhabitants of this planet.", - "RSS_EARTH_NOM_RAFT_RECORDER_PAGE_3" : "Allium: Hypothesis 2: We are not the only ones to have been marooned here.", - "RSS_EARTH_NOM_RAFT_RECORDER_PAGE_4" : "Musa: Unrelated hypothesis, this raft would have made our ocean crossing much easier.", - "RSS_EARTH_NOM_RAFT_RECORDER_PAGE_5" : "Allium: I believe that is more of an objective fact than a theory, Musa." + + + "Jammer" : "Jammer", + "RSS_Jammer11" : "Speical birthday gift!", + "RSS_Jammer1A" : "Wahoo!", + "RSS_Jammer21" : "Ur winning!", + "RSS_Jammer22" : "Im winning!", + "RSS_Jammer23" : "Will fund!", + "RSS_Jammer24" : "HOT", + "RSS_Jammer25" : "YAY!!~!!!", + "RSS_Jammer26" : "Oak doak!", + "RSS_Jammer27" : "Bestest day!", + + "Gustavo" : "Gustavo", + "RSS_Gustavo01" : "Why, hello traveler! What brings you to Europa]]>?", + "RSS_Gustavo0A" : "I saw the geysers.", + "RSS_Gustavo0B" : "Can I ask you something?", + "RSS_Gustavo11" : "Ah right, the vents melted through the ice down there. Must be pretty from the outside.", + "RSS_Gustavo21" : "What can I do for you?", + "RSS_Gustavo2A" : "I met all of your children.", + "RSS_Gustavo2B" : "Where should I explore here?", + "RSS_Gustavo2C" : "Is there any other life in this solar system?", + "RSS_Gustavo2D" : "Are we safe from the meteors?", + "RSS_Gustavo2E" : "Just saying hi.", + "RSS_Gustavo31" : "Have you met my eleven children? Well one’s away, but still, they’re quite something.", + "RSS_Gustavo41" : "Indeed, out at Enceladus]]>. A son of mine married a fine lad from there. Oh and Earth]]> too, I suppose. Not much is left there though.", + "RSS_Gustavo51" : "Ah yes, don’t worry about Io]]>. The ice takes a beating, but it holds. Outside is a different story, but you’re welcome to stay here.", + "RSS_Gustavo61" : "You- all of them? Really? Well I suppose it’s an achievement, but I respect your tolerance.", + "RSS_Gustavo62" : "You have Achievements+ right?]]>", + "RSS_Gustavo71" : "Have a good one.", + + "Garry" : "Garry", + "RSS_EuropaIntro11" : "Oh hey, you’re new.", + "RSS_EuropaIntro21" : "Welcome to Europa, I’m Garry.", + "RSS_EuropaIntro22" : "As you can see, the heat from tidal forces maintains this ocean below the ice.", + "RSS_EuropaIntro23" : "It’s pretty nice here, although I do wonder what’s beyond the shell.", + "RSS_EuropaIntro24" : "Need anything?", + "RSS_GarryHey11" : "Hey.", + "RSS_GarryHey21" : "Hey again.", + "RSS_GarryQuestionsA1" : "Is Gustavo here?", + "RSS_GarryQuestionsA2" : "Where is Gustavo again?", + "RSS_GarryQuestionsB" : "What are you up to?", + "RSS_GarryQuestionsC" : "Where should I explore here?", + "RSS_GarryQuestionsD" : "Seeya.", + "RSS_GarryGustavo11" : "Dad’s at the north pole, yeah.", + "RSS_GarryGustavo21" : "The north pole.", + "RSS_GarryGustavo22" : "He’s giant, you can’t miss him.", + "RSS_GarryGeysers1" : "Not much, just warming up by these vents.", + "RSS_GarryGeysers2" : "And thinking about the surface...", + "RSS_GarryGeysers3" : "Uh...]]> anything else?", + "RSS_GarryExplore1" : "Well there’s not much going on with Europa, most of the vents are dormant right now.", + "RSS_GarryExplore2" : "You could go talk to Dad at the north pole though, he likes visitors.", + + "Geoffrey" : "Geoffrey", + "RSS_Geoffrey11" : "Have you ever thought “hey, I am a thing that exists”? It’s wild. You are a something, and I am also a something.", + "RSS_Geoffrey12" : "Does that mean we’re both the same thing? But that would also mean we’re the same thing as everything.", + "RSS_Geoffrey13" : "Am I a toothbrush? I mean, I’m a jellyfish. I have no clue what teeth are. But am I a toothbrush?", + "RSS_Geoffrey21" : "This is very conchfusing...", + + "Griffin" : "Griffin", + "RSS_Griffin11" : "I like tea. Tea is good.", + "RSS_Griffin12" : "Sometimes I come back from my jellyjob, and I’m really stressed.", + "RSS_Griffin13" : "But when I take a sip of some tea, it all goes away.", + "RSS_Griffin14" : "Granted, it’s rather difficult to drink a liquid while being underwater, and to acquire it from a teapot in deep space.", + "RSS_Griffin15" : "But I do like some tea.", + + "Gertrude" : "Gertrude", + "RSS_Gertrude11" : "Greetings! May the Holy Shell be with you.", + "RSS_Gertrude1A" : "The what now?", + "RSS_Gertrude21" : "Do you not know the way of the Teapot?", + "RSS_Gertrude2A" : "Uh...", + "RSS_Gertrude31" : "Goodness, you must be so lost without It!", + "RSS_Gertrude32" : "Russell's Teapot cast The Holy Shell around the ocean to protect us from the demons of Io!", + "RSS_Gertrude33" : "No one can disprove Russell's Teapot, for It is too small to see as It orbits somewhere between Earth and Mars.", + "RSS_Gertrude3A" : "Interesting...", + + "Gooseberry" : "Gooseberry", + "RSS_Gooseberry11" : "Hallo!", + "RSS_Gooseberry1A" : "I like your vibe.", + "RSS_Gooseberry1B" : "What is your wisdom?", + "RSS_Gooseberry21" : "Yay!", + "RSS_Gooseberry31" : "Jammer is always within 12,756 kilometers.", + "RSS_Gooseberry32" : "Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?", + "RSS_Gooseberry33" : "Cookies are baked and bacon is cooked.", + "RSS_Gooseberry34" : "Maybe the real Eye of the universe was the friends we made along the way.", + "RSS_Gooseberry35" : "All problems can and should be solved with arson.", + "RSS_Gooseberry36" : "Joe.", + + "Gabro" : "Gabro", + "RSS_Gabro11" : "Hola.", + "RSS_Gabro1A" : "Hehe one b.", + "RSS_Gabro21" : "¿Qué te ríes?", + "RSS_Gabro2A" : "Nada.", + + "Goldie" : "Goldie", + "RSS_Goldie11" : "Hello.", + "RSS_Goldie12" : "I've been studying quantum physics.", + "RSS_Goldie1A" : "I see.", + "RSS_Goldie21" : "Only sometimes.]]> Heh...]]>", + + "Gideon" : "Gideon", + "RSS_Gideon11" : "I LOVE COFFEE.", + "RSS_Gideon12" : "COFFEE IS THE BEST THING EVER.", + "RSS_Gideon13" : "WHEN I SLEEP FOR THIRTEEN HOURS STRAIGHT AND I NEED TO WAKE UP I JUST NEED SOME COFFEE.]]>", + "RSS_Gideon14" : "AND BY SOME I MEAN 34 INDUSTRIAL CONTAINERS FULL OF RAW COFFEE BEANS.]]>", + "RSS_Gideon15" : "COFFEE IS THE BEST THING EVER I LOVE IT SO MUCH I’D LITERALLY JUST STOP EXISTING WITHOUT COFFEE MY BLOOD IS NOW COFFEE I’M SERIOUS IF A VAMPIRE BIT ME THEY’D GET SUPER ENERGETIC CUZ MY BLOOD IS MADE OF COFFEE.]]>", + "RSS_Gideon16" : "A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>A]]>", + "RSS_Gideon17" : "One sec ima go get some coffee...]]>", + "RSS_Gideon21" : "Styx, did dad hide it again...]]>", + + "Gregory" : "Gregory", + "RSS_Gregory11" : "Hey, you're from space, right? I've always wanted to see the stars.", + "RSS_Gregory1A" : "Well they're not doing too good...", + "RSS_Gregory21" : "Oh, well, I hope they get better soon.", + + "Gerald" : "Gerald", + "RSS_Gerald11" : "Did you know that water is the most lethal substance ever?", + "RSS_Gerald12" : "Yeah, 100% of things that consume water die.", + "RSS_Gerald13" : "So, stop drinking water. Also, stop breathing. That one also has a 100% mortality rate.", + "RSS_Gerald14" : "Wait.", + "RSS_Gerald15" : "Oh my gaia.", + "RSS_Gerald1A" : "You’re drinking water!", + "RSS_Gerald21" : "Oh styx oh phocis oh my ganymede oh no what will I do oh no dear zeus oh no-", + "RSS_Gerald22" : "Wait, I know what to do!", + "RSS_Gerald23" : "PANIC!", + "RSS_Gerald24" : "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!]]>", + "RSS_Gerald25" : "Okay I’m good now.", + + "Eduardo" : "Eduardo", + "RSS_Eduardo01" : "Hey", + "RSS_Eduardo0A" : "Who are you?", + "RSS_Eduardo0B" : "I have a question.", + "RSS_Eduardo11" : "Hey again.", + "RSS_Eduardo21" : "Eduardo.", + "RSS_EduardoQA" : "I found the White Hole Forge.", + "RSS_EduardoQB" : "Where are we?", + "RSS_EduardoQC" : "I like your house.", + "RSS_EduardoQD" : "Are you, uh, married?", + "RSS_EduardoQE" : "Okay goodbye.", + "RSS_Eduardo31" : "The core of Enceladus]]>.]]> Inside a Bramble node.]]> Inside Enceladus]]>.", + "RSS_Eduardo3A" : "But how did the Bramble get here?", + "RSS_Eduardo41" : "Thanks, I built it with my own twelve tentacles.", + "RSS_Eduardo4A" : "Your... what?", + "RSS_Eduardo4B" : "Where did you get the gravity crystal though?", + "RSS_Eduardo51" : "No, my brother Ernesto is. If you’re looking for him, he’s out visiting his cousin, but he’ll probably be back soon.", + "RSS_Eduardo61" : "Count them.", + "RSS_Eduardo71" : "I found it in the big thing by the swirly thing.", + "RSS_Eduardo7A" : "Um, elaborate?", + "RSS_Eduardo7B" : "You mean the White Hole Forge?", + "RSS_Eduardo81" : "Dunno. It was like this when I got here.", + "RSS_Eduardo91" : "Bye bye.", + "RSS_Eduardo101" : "Okay.", + "RSS_Eduardo102" : "...", + "RSS_Eduardo103" : "You’re the expert now, not me.", + "RSS_Eduardo111" : "I don’t know what it is, I just found it in the red and cloudy place.", + "RSS_Eduardo121" : "Probably." + }, "ShipLogDictionary" : { "" : "" - } + }, + "AchievementTranslations" : + { + "RSS_AllSpacecraft" : { + "Name" : "Forgotten Flagships", + "Description" : "Discover every spacecraft." + }, + "RSS_AllJellyfish" : { + "Name" : "Full Bloom", + "Description" : "Meet every jellyfish." + }, + "RSS_FindJammer" : { + "Name" : "You Win!", + "Description" : "Find Jammer." + }, + "RSS_FindVesselWormhole" : { + "Name" : "The Other Side", + "Description" : "Find another swirly thing by a broken thing." + }, + "RSS_CompleteShipLog" : { + "Name" : "Ethnographer", + "Description" : "Complete the ship log." + } + } } diff --git a/translations/polish.json b/translations/polish.json index 4b5d12f..cdba3a5 100644 --- a/translations/polish.json +++ b/translations/polish.json @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ { + "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Outer-Wilds-New-Horizons/new-horizons/main/NewHorizons/Schemas/translation_schema.json", "DialogueDictionary" : { "" : "" @@ -34,7 +35,6 @@ "Pluto-Charon" : "Pluton-Charon", "Vesta" : "Westa", - "Russel's Teapot" : "Czajniczek Russella", "Alpha Centauri" : "Alfa Centauri", @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ "Lunar Lander" : "Lądownik Księżycowy", "Perserverance Rover" : "Łazik Perserverance", - "Russel's Teapot" : "Czajniczek Russella" + "Russell's Teapot" : "Czajniczek Russella" } } diff --git a/translations/russian.json b/translations/russian.json index eef806e..b2f19fa 100644 --- a/translations/russian.json +++ b/translations/russian.json @@ -1,7 +1,104 @@ { + "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Outer-Wilds-New-Horizons/new-horizons/main/NewHorizons/Schemas/translation_schema.json", "DialogueDictionary" : { - "" : "" + "Fred: Earth." : "Фред: Земля.", + + "RSS_EarthCampsiteRecorder1" : "Для начала, я понятия не имею, как я тут оказался.", + "RSS_EarthCampsiteRecorder2" : "Так-же я не уверен, где я нахожусь.", + "RSS_EarthCampsiteRecorder3" : "Судя по руинам номаи, я не первый, кто попал сюда.", + "RSS_EarthCampsiteRecorder4" : "Я проверю их завтра. А сейчас - время отдохнуть.", + + "RSS_EarthRaftRecorder1" : "Аллиум: Этот плот был здесь до того, как мы сюда пришли.", + "RSS_EarthRaftRecorder2" : "Аллиум: Гипотеза 1: Он остался здесь после прошлых обитателей планеты.", + "RSS_EarthRaftRecorder3" : "Аллиум: Гипотеза 2: Мы не единственные на этой планете.", + "RSS_EarthRaftRecorder4" : "Муса: Теория: С этим плотом нам будет гораздо легче путешествовать по океану.", + "RSS_EarthRaftRecorder5" : "Аллиум: Муса, я думаю, что это больше факт, чем теория.", + + "Jammer" : "Джеммер", + "RSS_Jammer11" : "Спеицальный подарок на день рождения!", + "RSS_Jammer1A" : "Вау!", + "RSS_Jammer21" : "Ты выиграл!", + "RSS_Jammer22" : "Я выиграл!", + "RSS_Jammer23" : "Дам денег!", + "RSS_Jammer24" : "ГОРЯЧ", + "RSS_Jammer25" : "УРА!!~!!!", + "RSS_Jammer26" : "Ока-дока!", + "RSS_Jammer27" : "Наилучший день!", + + "Gustavo" : "Густаво", + + "Garry" : "Гэрри", + "RSS_EuropaIntro11" : "О, привет, ты новенький.", + "RSS_EuropaIntro21" : "Добро пожаловать на Европу. Я Гэрри.", + "RSS_EuropaIntro22" : "Как ты видишь, тепло ядра поддерживает этот океан подо льдом.", + "RSS_EuropaIntro23" : "Здесь довольно хорошо, но мне интересно, что на поверхности.", + "RSS_EuropaIntro24" : "Что-нибудь нужно?", + "RSS_GarryHey11" : "Привет.", + "RSS_GarryHey21" : "Привет снова.", + "RSS_GarryQuestionsA1" : "Густаво здесь?", + "RSS_GarryQuestionsA2" : "Где опять Густаво?", + "RSS_GarryQuestionsB" : "Как дела?", + "RSS_GarryQuestionsC" : "Что здесь можно найти?", + "RSS_GarryQuestionsD" : "Увидимся.", + "RSS_GarryGustavo11" : "Папа на северном полюсе.", + "RSS_GarryGustavo21" : "Северный полюс.", + "RSS_GarryGustavo22" : "Он гигант, ты не сможешь пропустить его.", + "RSS_GarryGeysers1" : "Не очень, просто греемся у вулканов.", + "RSS_GarryGeysers2" : "И думаем о поверхности...", + "RSS_GarryGeysers3" : "Ух...]]> что-нибудь ещё?", + "RSS_GarryExplore1" : "Ну, на Европе мало что происходит. Большинство вулканов сейчас спят.", + "RSS_GarryExplore2" : "Ты можешь поговорить с моим отцом на северном полюсе. Он рад гостям.", + + "Geoffrey" : "Геффри", + + "Griffin" : "Гриффин", + + "Gertrude" : "Гертруда", + "RSS_Gertrude11" : "Добро пожаловать! Да пребудет с тобой святая раковина.", + "RSS_Gertrude1A" : "Что?", + "RSS_Gertrude21" : "Ты не знаешь про Чайник?", + "RSS_Gertrude2A" : "Ух...", + "RSS_Gertrude31" : "Боже, вы должны были умереть без него!", + "RSS_Gertrude32" : "Чайник Рассела положил святую раковину на океан, чтобы защитить нас от демонов с Ио!", + "RSS_Gertrude33" : "Никто не может найти Чайник Рассела, так как он слишком мал, чтобы его увидеть, поскольку вращается по орбите где-то между Землёй и Марсом.", + "RSS_Gertrude3A" : "Интересно...", + + "Gooseberry" : "Госбери", + "RSS_Gooseberry11" : "Привет!", + "RSS_Gooseberry1A" : "Мне нравится твои вибрации.", + "RSS_Gooseberry1B" : "Какова твоя мудрость?", + "RSS_Gooseberry21" : "Ура!", + "RSS_Gooseberry31" : "Джеммер всегда находится в пределах 12,756 километров.", + "RSS_Gooseberry32" : "Почему печь называется духовкой, когда там никого не душат?", + "RSS_Gooseberry33" : "Печенья пекут, бекон жарят.", + "RSS_Gooseberry34" : "Может быть, настоящее Око вселенной - это друзья, которых мы нашли на пути к нему.", + "RSS_Gooseberry35" : "Все проблемы можно и нужно решать с помощью поджога.", + "RSS_Gooseberry36" : "Джо.", + + "Gabro" : "Габро", + "RSS_Gabro11" : "Hola.", + "RSS_Gabro1A" : "Hehe one b.", + "RSS_Gabro21" : "¿Qué te ríes?", + "RSS_Gabro2A" : "Nada.", + + "Goldie" : "Голди", + "RSS_Goldie11" : "Привет.", + "RSS_Goldie12" : "Я изучал квантовую физику.", + "RSS_Goldie1A" : "Понятно.", + "RSS_Goldie21" : "Только иногда.]]> Хех...]]>", + + "Gideon" : "Гидеон", + + "Gregory" : "Грегорий", + "RSS_Gregory11" : "Хей, ты из космоса, да? Я всегда хотел увидеть звёзды.", + "RSS_Gregory1A" : "Ну, сейчас им не очень хорошо...", + "RSS_Gregory21" : "Ох, ладно, надеюсь им скоро станет лучше.", + + "Gerald" : "Геральд", + + "Joe" : "Джо", + "There are worms under your skin, rip off your skin, get them out." : "У тебя под кожей черви, содри кожу, вытащи их." }, "ShipLogDictionary" : { @@ -9,6 +106,7 @@ }, "UIDictionary" : { + "xen.RealSolarSystem" : "Реальная солнечная система", "Sol" : "Солнце", "Gateway to Earth" : "Телепорт на Землю", @@ -28,11 +126,26 @@ "Europa" : "Европа", "Ganymede" : "Ганимед", "Callisto" : "Каллисто", + "Amalthea" : "Амальтея", + "Calypso" : "Калипсо", + "Dione" : "Диона", + "Iapetus" : "Япет", + "Enceladus" : "Энцелад", + "Mimas" : "Мимас", + "Pan" : "Пан", + "Prometheus" : "Прометей", "Rhea" : "Рея", + "Telesto" : "Телесто", "Titan" : "Титан", "Titania" : "Титания", + "Tethys" : "Тефия", "Puck" : "Пак", + "Ariel" : "Ариэль", + "Miranda" : "Миранда", + "Oberon" : "Оберон", + "Umbriel" : "Умбриэль", "Triton" : "Тритон", + "Proteus" : "Протей", "Ceres" : "Церера", "Charon" : "Харон", @@ -44,29 +157,85 @@ "Pluto" : "Плутон", "Pluto-Charon" : "Плутон-Харон", "Vesta" : "Веста", + "Chariklo" : "Харикло", + "Churyumov" : "Чурюмов", + "Dactyl" : "Дактиль", + "Ida" : "Ида", + "Dysnomia" : "Дисномия", + "Eris" : "Эрида", + "Haumea" : "Хаумеа", + "Makemake" : "Макемаке", + "MK2" : "MK2", + "Orcus" : "Орк", + "Pallas" : "Паллада", + "Quaoar" : "Квавар", + "Sedna" : "Седна", + "Vanth" : "Вант", + "Weywot" : "Вейвот", + "Hiʻiaka" : "Хииака", + "Namaka" : "Намака", + "Ixion" : "Иксион", + "Gonggong" : "Гунгун", + "Xiangliu" : "Сянлю", "Cassini" : "Кассини", - "Russel's Teapot" : "Чайник Рассела", + "Russell's Teapot" : "Чайник Рассела", "Voyager" : "Вояджер", + "LRO" : "ЛРА", + "Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter" : "Лунный разведовательный аппарат", + "Venera 9" : "Венера-9", + "Europa Clipper" : "Европа Клиппер", + "Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer" : "Эксплорер ледяных лун Юпитера", + "Laplace-P" : "Лаплас-П", + "Uranus Orbiter" : "Уранский орбитальный аппарат", + "Neptune Odyssey" : "Нептун Одиссея", + "Mars Odyssey" : "Марк Одиссея", + "Parker Solar Probe" : "Солнечный зонд «Паркер»", + "MESSENGER" : "Мессенджер", + "Huygens" : "Гюгенс", + "Aquarius" : "Водолей", + "Perserverance" : "Персеверанс", + "Hubble Space Telescope" : "Космический телескоп Хаббла", + "Jammer" : "Джеммер", + "International Space Station" : "Международная космичесая станция", + "Dawn" : "Рассвет", + "New Horizons" : "Новые горизонты", - - "Alpha Centauri" : "Альфа Центавра", - "Alpha Centauri A" : "Альфа Центавра A", - "Perdition" : "Альфа Центавра AB", - "Alpha Centauri B" : "Альфа Центавра B", + "Alpha Centauri" : "Альфа Центавра", + "Toliman" : "Толиман ", + "Rigil Kentaurus" : "Ригиль Кентавра", - "Proxima B" : "Проксима B", - "Proxima C" : "Проксима C", + "Proxima b" : "Проксима b", + "Proxima c" : "Проксима c", + "Proxima d" : "Проксима d", + "Proxima Centauri b" : "Проксима Центавра b", + "Proxima Centauri c" : "Проксима Центавра c", "Proxima Centauri" : "Проксима Центавра", - - "Lunar Lander" : "Лунный модуль", - "Perserverance Rover" : "Марсоход Персеверанс", - "Cassini" : "Кассини", - "Russel's Teapot" : "Чайник Рассела", - "Voyager" : "Вояджер" + "Barnard's Star" : "Звезда Барнарда", + "Barnard's Star B" : "Звезда Барнарда b", + "Barnard b" : "Барнарда b", + - } + "Luhman 16" : "Луман 16", + "Luhman 16A" : "Луман 16A", + "Luhman 16B" : "Луман 16B" + }, +"AchievementTranslations" : + { + "RSS_AllSpacecraft" : { + "Name" : "Таинственные реликвии", + "Description" : "Найти каждый космический аппарат." + }, + "RSS_AllJellyfish" : { + "Name" : "Счастливая семья", + "Description" : "Поговорить с каждой медузой." + }, + "RSS_FindJammer" : { + "Name" : "Ты выиграл!", + "Description" : "Найти Джеммера." + } + } }