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Lindsay Kay edited this page Sep 21, 2016 · 4 revisions

![]({{ site.url }}/images/xeoengine/worldRayPicking.gif)
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xeoEngine is a WebGL-based engine for 3D visualization on the Web. In this article I'm going to describe xeoEngine's GPU-assisted picking system, which allows you to efficiently select entities in complex 3D scenes.


xeoEngine supports four basic types of picking, which I'll describe below:

  1. Picking entity at canvas coordinates
  2. Picking entity surface at canvas coordinates
  3. Picking entity with a World-space ray
  4. Picking entity surface with a World-space ray

When we pick just the entity (types 1 and 3), the result contains just the entity, nothing else. When we pick the surface of an entity (types 2 and 4), the result will also contain information about the position on the surface that we picked, such as the triangle, barycentric coordinates with the triangle, interpolated position, normal vector, UV etc., which is super useful for fun things like drawing on entities, attaching decals, and manipulating entities with stylus input devices.

Picking entities at canvas coordinates

The most basic type of picking involves finding the closest entity at the given canvas coordinates. This is equivalent to firing a ray through the canvas, down the negative Z-axis, to find the closest intersecting entity. However, this type of picking only finds the entity and does not return any information about the ray intersection.

To start with, let's create a [Model]( component that loads a glTF model of a gearbox. We'll use this scene in all our examples.
var gearbox = new XEO.Model({
    src: "models/gltf/gearbox/gearbox_assy.gltf"

// Our gearbox is not centered at the World-space origin,
// so we need to move the camera to arrange it in view
var view =;
view.eye = [184.21, 10.54, -7.03];
view.look = [159.20, 17.02, 3.21];
view.up = [-0.15, 0.97, 0.13];

Now let's attempt to pick the closest entity at the given canvas coordinates:

var hit = gearbox.scene.pick({  
    canvasPos: [500,400]

If we hit an entity, then xeoEngine will return a hit result containing a reference to the entity:

if (hit) { // Picked an Entity
    var entity = hit.entity;     

Internally, xeoEngine performs the following steps for this type of picking:

  1. User picks at given canvas coordinates.
  2. Do a render pass to a hidden frame buffer, rendering each entity with a unique colour. Each colour is the RBGA-encoded index of the entity's position within xeoEngine's internal display list.
  3. Read the colour from the framebuffer at the canvas coordinates, map the colour back to the entity.

Picking entity surfaces at canvas coordinates

As with the previous example, this type of picking fires a ray through the canvas, down the negative Z-axis, to pick the first entity that intersects the ray. However, this time we'll get some geometric information about the intersection.

Reusing the scene that we created for the previous example, we'll now fire a ray through the canvas coordinates, this time supplying a pickSurface flag, causing it to pick a 3D position on the surface of the entity:

var hit = gearbox.scene.pick({   
    canvasPos: [500,400],
    pickSurface: true,    // <<--------- Indicates that we want to pick on surface

This time, in addition to the entity, the hit result will contain information about the position that we picked on the entity's surface:

if (hit) { // Picked an Entity

    var entity = hit.entity;        // Entity we picked
    var primitive = hit.primitive;  // Type of primitive we picked, usually "triangles"
    var primIndex = hit.primIndex;  // Triangle's first index within geometry indices
    var indices = hit.indices;      // Triangle's vertex indices (a three element array)
    var localPos = hit.localPos;    // Local-space position within the triangle
    var worldPos = hit.worldPos;    // World-space position within the triangle
    var viewPos = hit.viewPos;      // View-space position within the triangle
    var bary = hit.bary;            // Barycentric coordinate within the triangle
    var normal = hit.normal;        // Interpolated normal vector within the triangle
    var uv = hit.uv;                // Interpolated UVs within the triangle

xeoEngine performs the following steps for this type of picking:

  1. User ray-picks at given canvas coordinates.
  2. Do a render pass to a hidden frame buffer, rendering each entity with a unique colour. Each colour is the RBGA-encoded index of the entity within xeoEngine's internal display list.
  3. Read the colour from the framebuffer at the canvas coordinates, map the colour back to the entity.
  4. Clear the framebuffer, and render a second render pass, this time rendering only the triangles of the picked entity, each with a unique color. Each colour is the RBGA-encoded index of the triangle within the entity's geometry.
  5. Read the colour from the framebuffer at the canvas coordinates, map the colour back to the triangle.
  6. Now that we have the entity and the triangle, make a ray in clip-space from the eye position that passes through the near projection plane, then unproject that ray to get a ray in the entity's local coordinate space.
  7. Find the intersection of the ray with the triangle in local space.
  8. Find the barycentric coordinates of the local-space intersection, then use those to interpolate within the triangle to find the normal vector and UV coordinates at that position.

Picking entities with a World-space ray

![]({{ site.url }}/images/xeoengine/worldRayPicking.gif)
Click to run

Picking entity surfaces with a World-space ray

World-space ray casting involves fire an arbitrarily-positioned ray through the scene in World-space, to pick the first entity that intersects the ray. This is usually done when we want to interact with a scene using a 3D stylus input device.

![]({{ site.url }}/images/xeoengine/worldRayPicking.gif)
Click to run

Fire a ray through the scene in World-space, to pick a 3D position on the surface of the first entity hit by the ray:

var hit = scene.pick({
    origin: [0,0,-5],   // Ray origin
    direction: [0,0,1], // Ray direction
    pickSurface: true   // <<--------- Indicates that we want to pick on surface

if (hit) { // Picked an Entity with the ray

    // Hit result contains the same properties as the previous example    
     var entity = hit.entity;        // Entity we picked
     var primitive = hit.primitive;  // Type of primitive we picked, usually "triangles"
     var primIndex = hit.primIndex;  // Triangle's first index within geometry indices
     var indices = hit.indices;      // Triangle's vertex indices (a three element array)
     var localPos = hit.localPos;    // Local-space position within the triangle
     var worldPos = hit.worldPos;    // World-space position within the triangle
     var viewPos = hit.viewPos;      // View-space position within the triangle
     var bary = hit.bary;            // Barycentric coordinate within the triangle
     var normal = hit.normal;        // Interpolated normal vector within the triangle
     var uv = hit.uv;                // Interpolated UVs within the triangle

xeoEngine performs the following steps for this type of picking:

  1. User ray-picks at given canvas coordinates.
  2. Do a render pass to a hidden frame buffer, rendering each entity with a unique colour. Each colour is the RBGA-encoded index of the entity within xeoEngine's internal display list.
  3. Read the colour from the framebuffer at the canvas coordinates, map the colour back to the entity.
  4. Clear the framebuffer, and render a second render pass, this time rendering only the triangles of the picked entity, each with a unique color. Each colour is the RBGA-encoded index of the triangle within the entity's geometry.
  5. Read the colour from the framebuffer at the canvas coordinates, map the colour back to the triangle.
  6. Now that we have the entity and the triangle, make a ray in clip-space from the eye position that passes through the near projection plane, then unproject that ray to get a ray in the entity's local coordinate space.
  7. Find the intersection of the ray with the triangle in local space.
  8. Find the barycentric coordinates of the local-space intersection, then use those to interpolate within the triangle to find the normal vector and UV coordinates at that position.



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