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Developing numerical C++ extension in Python using pybind11


I've templated the (workable) best practice in the following package.

git clone --recursive

Start from it and reference its for the cheatsheet.


Python is dominant in the ML community. However, oftentimes we still need to optimize the critical path with C or C++ extensions (e.g., pytorch/torch/csrc). Although writing a C++ extension for Python has become much easier since the introduction of pybind11, there are still many nuances. In this tutorial, we will go through an example numerical Python package with a C++ extension that you can easily write, profile, and publish.

The package structure

The main component inside the example package has the following structure.

├──                 # Flags and package dependencies
├── pybind11_package_example # The Python package
│   ├──	      #    API definitions
│   └──            #    Python implementation
├── src				      # The C++ extension
│   ├── solvers.cpp 	     #    C++ implementation
│   ├── solvers.h		    #    C++ header
│   └── pybind.cpp		   #    Bindings to Python
├── bin				      # Command-line entries
│   └── example_cmd
├── tests			        # Unit tests for Python and C++ API
│   ├──
│   └──		
└── third_party			  # External liberaries as Git submodules
    └── pybind11 

We place the Python code in pybind11_package_example, the C++ extension in src, command-line executables in bin, unit tests in tests, and third party libraries/headers in third_party as Git submodules.

The Python Part

As a toy example, assume that we want to replace the core matrix_vector_product with a C++ extension. In the Python code we expose the following API in pybind11_package_example/

from .models import matrix_vector_product
__all__ = ['matrix_vector_product']

And in the pibind11_package_example/, we do all the checks, conversions and call the C++ extension. As configured in, we compile the C++ part into an extension in _cpp, and call it by passing the NumPy array.

import numpy as np
from . import _cpp

def matrix_vector_product(M, v):
    ''' Perform a matrix-vector product '''
    M = np.require(M, np.float32, 'C')          # Ensure M is a continuous float array
    v = np.require(v, np.float32, 'C')          # Ensure v is a continuous float array
    assert M.shape[1] == v.shape[0]             # Perform checks and conversion in Python

    x = np.zeros(M.shape[0], dtype=np.float32)  # Allocating output array in Python
    _cpp.matrix_vector_product(M, v, x)         # Call the function in C++
    return x                                    # Return the output array

To speed up development, I prefer only optimizing the critical path in C++ and leave everything else in Python.

The CPP Extension

In src/solvers.cpp, we implement the matrix_vector_product by calling an optimized dot-product function sdot.

// vector dot product: \sum_i x[i]*y[i];
float sdot(const float *x, const float *y, int l)

void matrix_vector_product(int m, int n, float * M, float * v, float * x)
    for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
        x[i] = sdot(M+i*n, v, n);

The code is in C fashion. Of course, you can also use Eigen or other C++ libraries you like. We expose the C++ interface in the header file src/solvers.h.

void matrix_vector_product(int m, int n, const float *M, const float *v, float *x);

Binding C++ to Python with pybind11

Now we provide the Python binding in src/pybind.cpp

#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/numpy.h>
using Tensor = pybind11::array;

// Get the float* pointer to the data
// Note: define different caster for different dtype in Numpy
float *FPTR(Tensor& a) { return (float*) a.mutable_data(); }

#include "solvers.h"

// Define the interface for the Python binding
// The Tensor arguments takes Numpy arrays (with the same underlying data pointer)
// Note that you can also use int / float / etc to 
void py_matrix_vector_product(Tensor M, Tensor v, Tensor x)
    int m = M.shape(0);
    int n = M.shape(1);

    matrix_vector_product(m, n, FPTR(M), FPTR(v), FPTR(x));

// Register a Python extension with EXTENSION_NAME (defined in
    // bind `matrix_vector_product` in Python to the C++ function py_matrix_vector_product
    m.def("matrix_vector_product", &py_matrix_vector_product);

The Tensor class (actually, pybind11::array) automatically takes the Python Numpy object and convert it to a CPP array. If done right, there is zero-copy for the underlying data between Numpy and C++. Also, the Tensor interface is pretty similar to that of PyTorch (as intended). So the code can easily be converted to a PyTorch extension by changing and replacing the top part with the following.

    #include <torch/extension.h>
    using Tensor = torch::Tensor;
    float *FPTR(Tensor& a) { return a.data_ptr<float>(); }

Building the extension and installing the package

Although this tutorial works without Docker, I strongly recommend setting-up a Docker environment for each project for maximum reproducibility. An example environment can be found in the docker directory of the package.

To build the extension alone when developing the C++ code, run

python build_ext -i

The above command invokes the in pybind11 to compile the extension using flags defined in If you prefer CMake in a more complex project, please refer to the cmake_example.

Note that the package structure allows it to be run/imported without installation (under the main directory). For system-wide installation, use

(sudo) `which python` develop # or
(sudo) `which python` install

Note that the which python above prevents the wrong install destination when the root uses a different python distribution.


To profile the C extension, I would recommend creating a Python command-line entry. This is because most Python profiling tools support only Python input (you cannot pass python -m ... to the profiler.) We provide an example script in bin/example_cmd, which benchmark the performance of the matrix_vector_product function.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import timeit
import numpy as np
from pybind11_package_example import matrix_vector_product

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--dtype', type=str, default='float32')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    args.m, args.n, args.iter, args.seed = 1000, 2000, 100, 1234

    M = np.random.rand(args.m, args.n).astype(args.dtype)
    v = np.random.rand(args.n).astype(args.dtype)

    print(f'running matrix vector product with m={args.m} n={args.n} (iter={args.iter})')
    t = timeit.timeit(lambda: matrix_vector_product(M, v), number=args.iter)
    print(f'average time: {t} sec')

if __name__ == '__main__':

The above code performs 100 rounds of matrix-vector product using dtype as the Numpy type.


Now we profile the python part of the library using the line_profiler. First, we add a @profile decorator to the functions we'd like to profile (remember to remove it afterward).

def main():

To profile the script, run

kernprof -l ./bin/example_cmd

In the last line of the output, the profiler hints the result is written to example_cmd.lprof.

running matrix-vector product with m=1000 n=2000 (iter=100)
average time: 0.008280581969302148 sec
Wrote profile results to example_cmd.lprof

Show the report of the result with

python -m line_profiler example_cmd.lprof

Then the profiler outputs the following

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
    14                                           @profile
    15                                           def main():
    26         1      21452.0  21452.0     20.2      M = np.random.rand(args.m, args.n).astype(args.dtype)
    30         1      83115.0  83115.0     78.4      t = timeit.timeit(lambda: matrix_vector_product(M, v), number=args.iter)
    31         1         37.0     37.0      0.0      print(f'average time: {t} sec')

Following the report, the critical path is indeed matrix_vector_product, so we will now profile the C++ extension.


We use perf from the Linux kernel to profile the C++ extension. It is a light-weight profiling tool utilizing the CPU performance counters, which means that it won't slow down the process too much. To enable perf, we need

sudo sh -c 'echo 1 >/proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid'

To record the function calls in the process, we do

perf record bin/example_cmd

And show the report with

perf report


First, run perf with --dtype=float64, that is, setting the Numpy data type to be double.

perf record ./bin/example_cmd --dtype=float64

running matrix vector product with m=1000 n=2000 (iter=100)
average time: 0.08063185098581016 sec
[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.063 MB (1410 samples) ]

Then, we analyze the output with

perf report

Perf report of float64 The report shows that most of the time spent is on _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_float in a Numpy shared object, that is, casting the float64 array to float.

Now, we run the command with --dtype=float32, that is, float in C++.

perf record ./bin/example_cmd --dtype=float32

running matrix vector product with m=1000 n=2000 (iter=100)
average time: 0.33169691101647913 sec
[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.102 MB (2420 samples) ]

Again show the report using

perf report

Perf report of float32 So without the type conversion, the critical path is on the sdot in our C++ extension.

We can further annotate the function by pressing enter on the sdot. Perf annotation


One advantage of the hybrid Python/C++ package is that we can test the underlying C++ code in Python. Here, we provide an example unit test in src/, which utilizes the Numpy assert_allclose to assert the array outputs.

import unittest
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose

import pybind11_package_example as mod
from pybind11_package_example import _cpp

class MainTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_matrix_vector_product(self):
        M = np.array([[1,2],[3,4.]])
        v = np.array([0.1, 0.2])
        x = mod.matrix_vector_product(M, v)
        ans = np.array([0.5, 1.1])

        assert_allclose(x, ans)

    def test_matrix_vector_product_cpp(self):
        M = np.array([[1,2],[3,4.]], dtype=np.float32)
        v = np.array([0.1, 0.2], dtype=np.float32)
        x = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.float32)
        _cpp.matrix_vector_product(M, v, x)
        ans = np.array([0.5, 1.1])

        assert_allclose(x, ans)

To run the test, we can use one of the following commands

python test #
pytest               #

Publish the package

The users can always install the package via the Github URL, e.g.,

pip install

If you like to publish the package to PyPI (ref), first use the following command to package it into a source distribution.

python sdist

Before uploading, please check the zip files in dist/pybind11_package_example-0.0.1.tar.gz indeed contains everything you need. You may need to modify the to include the missing source.

Once done, test the upload by

python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/* # and
pip install --index-url pybind11_package_example

If this works, rerun the command and remove the --repository. This will upload it to the official PyPI.
