I've templated the (workable) best practice in the following package.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/xflash96/pybind11_package_example
Start from it and reference its README.md for the cheatsheet.
Python is dominant in the ML community. However, oftentimes we still need to optimize the critical path with C or C++ extensions (e.g., pytorch/torch/csrc). Although writing a C++ extension for Python has become much easier since the introduction of pybind11, there are still many nuances. In this tutorial, we will go through an example numerical Python package with a C++ extension that you can easily write, profile, and publish.
The main component inside the example package has the following structure.
├── setup.py # Flags and package dependencies
├── pybind11_package_example # The Python package
│ ├── __init__.py # API definitions
│ └── models.py # Python implementation
├── src # The C++ extension
│ ├── solvers.cpp # C++ implementation
│ ├── solvers.h # C++ header
│ └── pybind.cpp # Bindings to Python
├── bin # Command-line entries
│ └── example_cmd
├── tests # Unit tests for Python and C++ API
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── test_main.py
└── third_party # External liberaries as Git submodules
└── pybind11
We place the Python code in pybind11_package_example
, the C++ extension in src
, command-line executables in bin
, unit tests in tests
, and third party libraries/headers in third_party
as Git submodules.
As a toy example, assume that we want to replace the core matrix_vector_product
with a C++ extension.
In the Python code we expose the following API in pybind11_package_example/__init__.py
from .models import matrix_vector_product
__all__ = ['matrix_vector_product']
And in the pibind11_package_example/models.py
, we do all the checks, conversions and call the C++ extension.
As configured in setup.py
, we compile the C++ part into an extension in _cpp
, and call it by passing the NumPy array.
import numpy as np
from . import _cpp
def matrix_vector_product(M, v):
''' Perform a matrix-vector product '''
M = np.require(M, np.float32, 'C') # Ensure M is a continuous float array
v = np.require(v, np.float32, 'C') # Ensure v is a continuous float array
assert M.shape[1] == v.shape[0] # Perform checks and conversion in Python
x = np.zeros(M.shape[0], dtype=np.float32) # Allocating output array in Python
_cpp.matrix_vector_product(M, v, x) # Call the function in C++
return x # Return the output array
To speed up development, I prefer only optimizing the critical path in C++ and leave everything else in Python.
In src/solvers.cpp
, we implement the matrix_vector_product
by calling an optimized dot-product function sdot
// vector dot product: \sum_i x[i]*y[i];
float sdot(const float *x, const float *y, int l)
void matrix_vector_product(int m, int n, float * M, float * v, float * x)
for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
x[i] = sdot(M+i*n, v, n);
The code is in C fashion. Of course, you can also use
or other C++ libraries you like.
We expose the C++ interface in the header file src/solvers.h
void matrix_vector_product(int m, int n, const float *M, const float *v, float *x);
Now we provide the Python binding in src/pybind.cpp
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/numpy.h>
using Tensor = pybind11::array;
// Get the float* pointer to the data
// Note: define different caster for different dtype in Numpy
float *FPTR(Tensor& a) { return (float*) a.mutable_data(); }
#include "solvers.h"
// Define the interface for the Python binding
// The Tensor arguments takes Numpy arrays (with the same underlying data pointer)
// Note that you can also use int / float / etc to
void py_matrix_vector_product(Tensor M, Tensor v, Tensor x)
int m = M.shape(0);
int n = M.shape(1);
matrix_vector_product(m, n, FPTR(M), FPTR(v), FPTR(x));
// Register a Python extension with EXTENSION_NAME (defined in setup.py
// bind `matrix_vector_product` in Python to the C++ function py_matrix_vector_product
m.def("matrix_vector_product", &py_matrix_vector_product);
The Tensor
class (actually, pybind11::array
) automatically takes the Python Numpy object and convert it to a CPP array. If done right, there is zero-copy for the underlying data between Numpy and C++.
Also, the Tensor interface is pretty similar to that of PyTorch (as intended). So the code can easily be converted to a PyTorch extension by changing setup.py
and replacing the top part with the following.
#include <torch/extension.h>
using Tensor = torch::Tensor;
float *FPTR(Tensor& a) { return a.data_ptr<float>(); }
Although this tutorial works without Docker, I strongly recommend setting-up a Docker environment for each project for maximum reproducibility. An example environment can be found in the docker
directory of the package.
To build the extension alone when developing the C++ code, run
python setup.py build_ext -i
The above command invokes the setup_helpers.py in pybind11 to compile the extension using flags defined in setup.py
If you prefer CMake in a more complex project, please refer to the cmake_example.
Note that the package structure allows it to be run/imported without installation (under the main directory). For system-wide installation, use
(sudo) `which python` setup.py develop # or
(sudo) `which python` setup.py install
Note that the which python
above prevents the wrong install destination when the root uses a different python distribution.
To profile the C extension, I would recommend creating a Python command-line entry.
This is because most Python profiling tools support only Python input (you cannot pass python -m ...
to the profiler.) We provide an example script in
, which benchmark the performance of the matrix_vector_product
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import timeit
import numpy as np
from pybind11_package_example import matrix_vector_product
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--dtype', type=str, default='float32')
args = parser.parse_args()
args.m, args.n, args.iter, args.seed = 1000, 2000, 100, 1234
M = np.random.rand(args.m, args.n).astype(args.dtype)
v = np.random.rand(args.n).astype(args.dtype)
print(f'running matrix vector product with m={args.m} n={args.n} (iter={args.iter})')
t = timeit.timeit(lambda: matrix_vector_product(M, v), number=args.iter)
print(f'average time: {t} sec')
if __name__ == '__main__':
The above code performs 100 rounds of matrix-vector product using dtype
as the Numpy type.
Now we profile the python part of the library using the line_profiler. First, we add a @profile
decorator to the functions we'd like to profile (remember to remove it afterward).
def main():
To profile the script, run
kernprof -l ./bin/example_cmd
In the last line of the output, the profiler hints the result is written to example_cmd.lprof
running matrix-vector product with m=1000 n=2000 (iter=100)
average time: 0.008280581969302148 sec
Wrote profile results to example_cmd.lprof
Show the report of the result with
python -m line_profiler example_cmd.lprof
Then the profiler outputs the following
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
14 @profile
15 def main():
26 1 21452.0 21452.0 20.2 M = np.random.rand(args.m, args.n).astype(args.dtype)
30 1 83115.0 83115.0 78.4 t = timeit.timeit(lambda: matrix_vector_product(M, v), number=args.iter)
31 1 37.0 37.0 0.0 print(f'average time: {t} sec')
Following the report, the critical path is indeed matrix_vector_product
, so we will now profile the C++ extension.
We use perf from the Linux kernel to profile the C++ extension. It is a light-weight profiling tool utilizing the CPU performance counters, which means that it won't slow down the process too much. To enable perf, we need
sudo sh -c 'echo 1 >/proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid'
To record the function calls in the process, we do
perf record bin/example_cmd
And show the report with
perf report
First, run perf
with --dtype=float64
, that is, setting the Numpy data type to be double
perf record ./bin/example_cmd --dtype=float64
running matrix vector product with m=1000 n=2000 (iter=100)
average time: 0.08063185098581016 sec
[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.063 MB perf.data (1410 samples) ]
Then, we analyze the output with
perf report
The report shows that most of the time spent is on _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_float
in a Numpy shared object,
that is, casting the float64 array to float.
Now, we run the command with --dtype=float32
, that is, float
in C++.
perf record ./bin/example_cmd --dtype=float32
running matrix vector product with m=1000 n=2000 (iter=100)
average time: 0.33169691101647913 sec
[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.102 MB perf.data (2420 samples) ]
Again show the report using
perf report
So without the type conversion, the critical path is on the sdot
in our C++ extension.
We can further annotate the function by pressing enter
on the sdot
One advantage of the hybrid Python/C++ package is that we can test the underlying C++ code in Python. Here, we provide an example unit test in src/test_main.py
, which utilizes the Numpy assert_allclose
to assert the array outputs.
import unittest
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
import pybind11_package_example as mod
from pybind11_package_example import _cpp
class MainTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_matrix_vector_product(self):
M = np.array([[1,2],[3,4.]])
v = np.array([0.1, 0.2])
x = mod.matrix_vector_product(M, v)
ans = np.array([0.5, 1.1])
assert_allclose(x, ans)
def test_matrix_vector_product_cpp(self):
M = np.array([[1,2],[3,4.]], dtype=np.float32)
v = np.array([0.1, 0.2], dtype=np.float32)
x = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.float32)
_cpp.matrix_vector_product(M, v, x)
ans = np.array([0.5, 1.1])
assert_allclose(x, ans)
To run the test, we can use one of the following commands
python setup.py test # https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html
pytest # https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/contents.html
The users can always install the package via the Github URL, e.g.,
pip install https://github.com/xflash96/pybind11_package_example
If you like to publish the package to PyPI (ref), first use the following command to package it into a source distribution.
python setup.py sdist
Before uploading, please check the zip files in dist/pybind11_package_example-0.0.1.tar.gz
indeed contains everything you need. You may need to modify the MANIFEST.in
to include the missing source.
Once done, test the upload by
python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/* # and
pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ pybind11_package_example
If this works, rerun the command and remove the --repository
This will upload it to the official PyPI.
- I reference a lot from the post Hybrid Python/C++ packages, revisited .
- You can also manipulate a Python object (e.g., use the Python list) in C++ using
! See the cheatsheet to understand more about pybind11. - For more examples on the Numpy interface in pybind11, see the Git repo and the header file.