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RabbitMQ is an open source message broker software that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP).

This Helm chart is deprecated

Given the stable deprecation timeline, the Bitnami maintained RabbitMQ Helm chart is now located at bitnami/charts.

The Bitnami repository is already included in the Hubs and we will continue providing the same cadence of updates, support, etc that we've been keeping here these years. Installation instructions are very similar, just adding the bitnami repo and using it during the installation (bitnami/<chart> instead of stable/<chart>)

$ helm repo add bitnami
$ helm install my-release bitnami/<chart>           # Helm 3
$ helm install --name my-release bitnami/<chart>    # Helm 2

To update an exisiting stable deployment with a chart hosted in the bitnami repository you can execute

$ helm repo add bitnami
$ helm upgrade my-release bitnami/<chart>

Issues and PRs related to the chart itself will be redirected to bitnami/charts GitHub repository. In the same way, we'll be happy to answer questions related to this migration process in this issue created as a common place for discussion.


$ helm install my-release stable/rabbitmq


This chart bootstraps a RabbitMQ deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

Bitnami charts can be used with Kubeapps for deployment and management of Helm Charts in clusters. This chart has been tested to work with NGINX Ingress, cert-manager, fluentd and Prometheus on top of the BKPR.


  • Kubernetes 1.12+
  • Helm 2.11+ or Helm 3.0-beta3+
  • PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

$ helm install my-release stable/rabbitmq

The command deploys RabbitMQ on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The Parameters section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the RabbitMQ chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
global.imageRegistry Global Docker image registry nil
global.imagePullSecrets Global Docker registry secret names as an array [] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods)
global.storageClass Global storage class for dynamic provisioning nil
image.registry Rabbitmq Image registry
image.repository Rabbitmq Image name bitnami/rabbitmq
image.tag Rabbitmq Image tag {TAG_NAME}
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets Specify docker-registry secret names as an array nil
image.debug Specify if debug values should be set false
nameOverride String to partially override rabbitmq.fullname template with a string (will prepend the release name) nil
fullnameOverride String to fully override rabbitmq.fullname template with a string nil
rbacEnabled Specify if rbac is enabled in your cluster true
podManagementPolicy Pod management policy OrderedReady
rabbitmq.username RabbitMQ application username user
rabbitmq.password RabbitMQ application password random 10 character long alphanumeric string
rabbitmq.existingPasswordSecret Existing secret with RabbitMQ credentials nil
rabbitmq.erlangCookie Erlang cookie random 32 character long alphanumeric string
rabbitmq.existingErlangSecret Existing secret with RabbitMQ Erlang cookie nil
rabbitmq.plugins List of plugins to enable rabbitmq_management rabbitmq_peer_discovery_k8s
rabbitmq.extraPlugins Extra plugings to enable nil
rabbitmq.clustering.address_type Switch clustering mode ip or hostname
rabbitmq.clustering.k8s_domain Customize internal k8s cluster domain cluster.local
rabbitmq.clustering.rebalance Rebalance master for queues in cluster when new replica is created false
rabbitmq.logs Value for the RABBITMQ_LOGS environment variable -
rabbitmq.setUlimitNofiles Specify if max file descriptor limit should be set true
rabbitmq.ulimitNofiles Max File Descriptor limit 65536
rabbitmq.maxAvailableSchedulers RabbitMQ maximum available scheduler threads 2
rabbitmq.onlineSchedulers RabbitMQ online scheduler threads 1
rabbitmq.env RabbitMQ environment variables {}
rabbitmq.configuration Required cluster configuration See values.yaml
rabbitmq.extraConfiguration Extra configuration to add to rabbitmq.conf See values.yaml
rabbitmq.advancedConfiguration Extra configuration (in classic format) to add to advanced.config See values.yaml
rabbitmq.tls.enabled Enable TLS support to rabbitmq false
rabbitmq.tls.failIfNoPeerCert When set to true, TLS connection will be rejected if client fails to provide a certificate true
rabbitmq.tls.sslOptionsVerify verify_peer Should peer verification be enabled?
rabbitmq.tls.caCertificate Ca certificate Certificate Authority (CA) bundle content
rabbitmq.tls.serverCertificate Server certificate Server certificate content
rabbitmq.tls.serverKey Server Key Server private key content
rabbitmq.tls.existingSecret Existing secret with certificate content to rabbitmq credentials nil
ldap.enabled Enable LDAP support false
ldap.server LDAP server ""
ldap.port LDAP port 389
ldap.user_dn_pattern DN used to bind to LDAP cn=${username},dc=example,dc=org
ldap.tls.enabled Enable TLS for LDAP connections false (if set to true, check advancedConfiguration parameter in values.yml)
service.type Kubernetes Service type ClusterIP
service.port Amqp port 5672
service.loadBalancerIP LoadBalancerIP for the service nil
service.tlsPort Amqp TLS port 5671
service.distPort Erlang distribution server port 25672
service.nodePort Node port override, if serviceType NodePort random available between 30000-32767
service.nodeTlsPort Node port override, if serviceType NodePort random available between 30000-32767
service.managerPort RabbitMQ Manager port 15672
service.extraPorts Extra ports to expose in the service nil
service.extraContainerPorts Extra ports to be included in container spec, primarily informational nil
persistence.enabled Use a PVC to persist data true
service.annotations service annotations {}
schedulerName Name of the k8s service (other than default) nil
persistence.storageClass Storage class of backing PVC nil (uses alpha storage class annotation)
persistence.existingClaim RabbitMQ data Persistent Volume existing claim name, evaluated as a template ""
persistence.accessMode Use volume as ReadOnly or ReadWrite ReadWriteOnce
persistence.size Size of data volume 8Gi
persistence.path Mount path of the data volume /opt/bitnami/rabbitmq/var/lib/rabbitmq
securityContext.enabled Enable security context true
securityContext.fsGroup Group ID for the container 1001
securityContext.runAsUser User ID for the container 1001
resources resource needs and limits to apply to the pod {}
replicas Replica count 1
priorityClassName Pod priority class name ``
networkPolicy.enabled Enable NetworkPolicy false
networkPolicy.allowExternal Don't require client label for connections true
networkPolicy.additionalRules Additional NetworkPolicy rules nil
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
affinity Affinity settings for pod assignment {}
tolerations Toleration labels for pod assignment []
updateStrategy Statefulset update strategy policy RollingUpdate
ingress.enabled Enable ingress resource for Management console false
ingress.hostName Hostname to your RabbitMQ installation nil
ingress.path Path within the url structure /
ingress.tls enable ingress with tls false
ingress.tlsSecret tls type secret to be used myTlsSecret
ingress.annotations ingress annotations as an array []
livenessProbe.enabled would you like a livenessProbed to be enabled true
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds number of seconds 120
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds number of seconds 20
livenessProbe.periodSeconds number of seconds 30
livenessProbe.failureThreshold number of failures 6
livenessProbe.successThreshold number of successes 1
podDisruptionBudget Pod Disruption Budget settings {}
readinessProbe.enabled would you like a readinessProbe to be enabled true
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds number of seconds 10
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds number of seconds 20
readinessProbe.periodSeconds number of seconds 30
readinessProbe.failureThreshold number of failures 3
readinessProbe.successThreshold number of successes 1
metrics.enabled Start a side-car prometheus exporter false
metrics.image.registry Exporter image registry
metrics.image.repository Exporter image name bitnami/rabbitmq-exporter
metrics.image.tag Exporter image tag {TAG_NAME}
metrics.image.pullPolicy Exporter image pull policy IfNotPresent
metrics.livenessProbe.enabled would you like a livenessProbed to be enabled true
metrics.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds number of seconds 15
metrics.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds number of seconds 5
metrics.livenessProbe.periodSeconds number of seconds 30
metrics.livenessProbe.failureThreshold number of failures 6
metrics.livenessProbe.successThreshold number of successes 1
metrics.readinessProbe.enabled would you like a readinessProbe to be enabled true
metrics.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds number of seconds 5
metrics.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds number of seconds 5
metrics.readinessProbe.periodSeconds number of seconds 30
metrics.readinessProbe.failureThreshold number of failures 3
metrics.readinessProbe.successThreshold number of successes 1
metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled Create ServiceMonitor Resource for scraping metrics using PrometheusOperator false
metrics.serviceMonitor.namespace Namespace where servicemonitor resource should be created nil
metrics.serviceMonitor.interval Specify the interval at which metrics should be scraped 30s
metrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout Specify the timeout after which the scrape is ended nil
metrics.serviceMonitor.relabellings Specify Metric Relabellings to add to the scrape endpoint nil
metrics.serviceMonitor.honorLabels honorLabels chooses the metric's labels on collisions with target labels. false
metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels Used to pass Labels that are required by the Installed Prometheus Operator {}
metrics.serviceMonitor.release Used to pass Labels release that sometimes should be custom for Prometheus Operator nil
metrics.prometheusRule.enabled Set this to true to create prometheusRules for Prometheus operator false
metrics.prometheusRule.additionalLabels Additional labels that can be used so prometheusRules will be discovered by Prometheus {}
metrics.prometheusRule.namespace namespace where prometheusRules resource should be created Same namespace as rabbitmq
metrics.prometheusRule.rules rules to be created, check values for an example. []
metrics.port Prometheus metrics exporter port 9419
metrics.env Exporter configuration environment variables {}
metrics.resources Exporter resource requests/limit nil
metrics.capabilities Exporter: Comma-separated list of extended scraping capabilities supported by the target RabbitMQ server bert,no_sort
podLabels Additional labels for the statefulset pod(s). {}
volumePermissions.enabled Enable init container that changes volume permissions in the data directory (for cases where the default k8s runAsUser and fsUser values do not work) `false
volumePermissions.image.registry Init container volume-permissions image registry
volumePermissions.image.repository Init container volume-permissions image name bitnami/minideb
volumePermissions.image.tag Init container volume-permissions image tag buster
volumePermissions.image.pullPolicy Init container volume-permissions image pull policy Always
volumePermissions.resources Init container resource requests/limit nil
forceBoot.enabled Executes 'rabbitmqctl force_boot' to force boot cluster shut down unexpectedly in an unknown order. Use it only if you prefer availability over integrity. false
extraSecrets Optionally specify extra secrets to be created by the chart. {}

The above parameters map to the env variables defined in bitnami/rabbitmq. For more information please refer to the bitnami/rabbitmq image documentation.

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

$ helm install my-release \
  --set rabbitmq.username=admin,rabbitmq.password=secretpassword,rabbitmq.erlangCookie=secretcookie \

The above command sets the RabbitMQ admin username and password to admin and secretpassword respectively. Additionally the secure erlang cookie is set to secretcookie.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install my-release -f values.yaml stable/rabbitmq

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml

Configuration and installation details

It is strongly recommended to use immutable tags in a production environment. This ensures your deployment does not change automatically if the same tag is updated with a different image.

Bitnami will release a new chart updating its containers if a new version of the main container, significant changes, or critical vulnerabilities exist.

Production configuration and horizontal scaling

This chart includes a values-production.yaml file where you can find some parameters oriented to production configuration in comparison to the regular values.yaml. You can use this file instead of the default one.

  • Resource needs and limits to apply to the pod:
- resources: {}
+ resources:
+   requests:
+     memory: 256Mi
+     cpu: 100m
  • Replica count:
- replicas: 1
+ replicas: 3
  • Node labels for pod assignment:
- nodeSelector: {}
+ nodeSelector:
+ amd64
  • Enable ingress with TLS:
- ingress.tls: false
+ ingress.tls: true
  • Start a side-car prometheus exporter:
- metrics.enabled: false
+ metrics.enabled: true
  • Enable init container that changes volume permissions in the data directory:
- volumePermissions.enabled: false
+ volumePermissions.enabled: true

To horizontally scale this chart once it has been deployed you have two options:

  • Use kubectl scale command

  • Upgrading the chart with the following parameters:


Note: please note it's mandatory to indicate the password and erlangCookie that was set the first time the chart was installed to upgrade the chart. Otherwise, new pods won't be able to join the cluster.

Load Definitions

It is possible to load a RabbitMQ definitions file to configure RabbitMQ. Because definitions may contain RabbitMQ credentials, store the JSON as a Kubernetes secret. Within the secret's data, choose a key name that corresponds with the desired load definitions filename (i.e. load_definition.json) and use the JSON object as the value. For example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: rabbitmq-load-definition
type: Opaque
  load_definition.json: |-
      "vhosts": [
          "name": "/"

Then, specify the management.load_definitions property as an extraConfiguration pointing to the load definition file path within the container (i.e. /app/load_definition.json) and set loadDefinition.enable to true.

Any load definitions specified will be available within in the container at /app.

Loading a definition will take precedence over any configuration done through Helm values.

If needed, you can use extraSecrets to let the chart create the secret for you. This way, you don't need to manually create it before deploying a release. For example :

    load_definition.json: |
        "vhosts": [
            "name": "/"
    enabled: true
    secretName: load-definition
  extraConfiguration: |
    management.load_definitions = /app/load_definition.json

Enabling TLS support

To enable TLS support you must generate the certificates using RabbitMQ documentation.

You must include in your values.yaml the caCertificate, serverCertificate and serverKey files.

  caCertificate: |-
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  serverCertificate: |-
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  serverKey: |-
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

This will be generate a secret with the certs, but is possible specify an existing secret using existingSecret: name-of-existing-secret-to-rabbitmq. The secret is of type

Disabling failIfNoPeerCert allows a TLS connection if client fails to provide a certificate

sslOptionsVerify: When the sslOptionsVerify option is set to verify_peer, the client does send us a certificate, the node must perform peer verification. When set to verify_none, peer verification will be disabled and certificate exchange won't be performed.


LDAP support can be enabled in the chart by specifying the ldap. parameters while creating a release. The following parameters should be configured to properly enable the LDAP support in the chart.

  • ldap.enabled: Enable LDAP support. Defaults to false.
  • ldap.server: LDAP server host. No defaults.
  • ldap.port: LDAP server port. 389.
  • ldap.user_dn_pattern: DN used to bind to LDAP. cn=${username},dc=example,dc=org.
  • ldap.tls.enabled: Enable TLS for LDAP connections. Defaults to false.

For example:


If ldap.tls.enabled is set to true, consider using ldap.port=636 and checking the settings in the advancedConfiguration.

Common issues

  • Changing the password through RabbitMQ's UI can make the pod fail due to the default liveness probes. If you do so, remember to make the chart aware of the new password. Updating the default secret with the password you set through RabbitMQ's UI will automatically recreate the pods. If you are using your own secret, you may have to manually recreate the pods.


The Bitnami RabbitMQ image stores the RabbitMQ data and configurations at the /opt/bitnami/rabbitmq/var/lib/rabbitmq/ path of the container.

The chart mounts a Persistent Volume at this location. By default, the volume is created using dynamic volume provisioning. An existing PersistentVolumeClaim can also be defined.

Existing PersistentVolumeClaims

  1. Create the PersistentVolume
  2. Create the PersistentVolumeClaim
  3. Install the chart
$ helm install my-release --set persistence.existingClaim=PVC_NAME stable/rabbitmq

Adjust permissions of the persistence volume mountpoint

As the image runs as non-root by default, it is necessary to adjust the ownership of the persistent volume so that the container can write data into it.

By default, the chart is configured to use Kubernetes Security Context to automatically change the ownership of the volume. However, this feature does not work in all Kubernetes distributions. As an alternative, this chart supports using an initContainer to change the ownership of the volume before mounting it in the final destination.

You can enable this initContainer by setting volumePermissions.enabled to true.


To 6.0.0

This new version updates the RabbitMQ image to a new version based on bash instead of node.js. However, since this Chart overwrites the container's command, the changes to the container shouldn't affect the Chart. To upgrade, it may be needed to enable the fastBoot option, as it is already the case from upgrading from 5.X to 5.Y.

To 5.0.0

This major release changes the clustering method from ip to hostname. This change is needed to fix the persistence. The data dir will now depend on the hostname which is stable instead of the pod IP that might change.

IMPORTANT: Note that if you upgrade from a previous version you will lose your data.

To 3.0.0

Backwards compatibility is not guaranteed unless you modify the labels used on the chart's deployments. Use the workaround below to upgrade from versions previous to 3.0.0. The following example assumes that the release name is rabbitmq:

$ kubectl delete statefulset rabbitmq --cascade=false