A Keras 2 implementation of MobileNet V2.
According to the paper:Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks Mobile Networks for Classification, Detection and Segmentation
Currently only the network structure is defined, and the training function will be updated later.
- Python 3.5
- Tensorflow-gpu 1.2.0
- Keras 2.1.3
MobileNet v2:
Each line describes a sequence of 1 or more identical (modulo stride) layers, repeated n times. All layers in the same sequence have the same number c of output channels. The first layer of each sequence has a stride s and all others use stride 1. All spatial convolutions use 3 X 3 kernels. The expansion factor t is always applied to the input size.
Residual Block Architectures:
Architectures of this implementation with (224, 224, 3) inputs and 1000 output:
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