I will use two models are: Decision Tree and Support Vector Machine, and a real dataset to train each of these models. The dataset includes information about transactions made by credit cards in September 2013 by European cardholders. I will use the trained model to assess if a credit card transaction is legitimate or not.
- Perform basic data preprocessing in Python
- Model a classification task using the Scikit-Learn and Snap ML Python APIs
- Train Suppport Vector Machine and Decision Tree models using Scikit-Learn and Snap ML
- Run inference and assess the quality of the trained models
- Import Libraries
- Dataset Analysis
- Dataset Preprocessing
- Dataset Train/Test Split
- Build a Decision Tree Classifier model with Scikit-Learn
- Build a Decision Tree Classifier model with Snap ML
- Evaluate the Scikit-Learn and Snap ML Decision Tree Classifiers
- Build a Support Vector Machine model with Scikit-Learn
- Build a Support Vector Machine model with Snap ML
- Evaluate the Scikit-Learn and Snap ML Support Vector Machine Models