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function wb(a){function b(a){return function(){return a.apply(this.delegate?this.delegate:this,arguments)}}var c=w;v(a,vb);var a=a.prototype,c=c.prototype,d;for(d in c){var e=c[d];"function"===typeof e&&"constructor"!==d&&(a[d]=b(e))}}var z;z=rb("ScoreLibrary");z.rm=function(a,b){if("undefined"==typeof a)return"undefined";if(a==k)return"NULL";var c=[],d;for(d in a)if(b||"function"!=da(a[d])){var e=d+" = ";try{e+=a[d]}catch(g){e+="*** "+g+" ***"}c.push(e)}return c.join("\n")};
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p+" ***")}}var c=new cb,d=[];b(a,"");return d.join("")};function xb(){}var B=B||new xb;xb.prototype.toString=r("Renderer.PaintHelper");xb.prototype.J=function(a,b,c,d,e){a.moveTo(b,c);a.lineTo(d,e)};function yb(a,b,c,d,e,g,h){var j=g?1:-1,g=2*j,m=d-b,p=e-c,q=0.4*m;h>q&&20>p&&(h=q);h*=j;q=p/m;j=b+0.25*m;p=c+(j-b)*q+h;m=d-0.25*m;h=c+(m-b)*q+h;a.moveTo(b,c);a.bezierCurveTo(j,p,m,h,d,e);a.bezierCurveTo(m,h+g,j,p+g,b,c)}
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function Rb(a,b){this.target=a;b&&(this.xa=b.xa,this.ya=b.ya,this.za=b.za,this.Aa=b.Aa,this.x=b.x,this.y=b.y)}Rb.prototype.toString=r("Renderer.PaintableTransformer");Rb.prototype.xh=function(){return{xa:this.xa,ya:this.ya,za:this.za,Aa:this.Aa,x:this.x,y:this.y}};Rb.prototype.transform=function(){var a=this,b=sb({},Kb);do{if(Mb.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)){var c=a,a=b;c.ci&&(a=Lb(c.xh(),a));c.ci=i;c.Xh=a.xa;c.Yh=a.ya;c.Zh=a.za;c.$h=a.Aa;c.ai=a.x;c.bi=a.y;break}b=Lb(b,a);a=a.target}while(1);return b};
function Sb(a,b,c){this.yl=b!==f?b:1;this.zl=c!==f?c:1;Sb.a.constructor.call(this,a,{xa:this.yl,ya:0,za:0,Aa:this.zl,x:0,y:0})}u(Sb,Rb);Sb.prototype.toString=r("Renderer.PaintableScaler");function Tb(a,b){this.bf=b||0;var c=Math.cos(this.bf),d=Math.sin(this.bf);Tb.a.constructor.call(this,a,{xa:c,ya:d,za:-d,Aa:c,x:0,y:0})}u(Tb,Rb);Tb.prototype.toString=r("Renderer.PaintableRotator");
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s.zh=function(){this.sa.outline===f&&this.sa.g!==f&&(this.sa.outline=this.sa.g.split(" "));return this.sa.outline};
s.p=function(a){Wb.a.p.call(this,a);a.save();this.transform(a);a.X(1);a.qa("#000000");a.beginPath();if(!(0>=this.sa.width)){var b=this.zh();if(b!==f)for(var c=b.length,d=0;d<c;)switch(b[d++]){case "m":a.moveTo(b[d++],b[d++]);break;case "l":a.lineTo(b[d++],b[d++]);break;case "q":var e=b[d++],g=b[d++];a.quadraticCurveTo(b[d++],b[d++],e,g);break;case "b":e=b[d++],g=b[d++],a.bezierCurveTo(b[d++],b[d++],b[d++],b[d++],e,g)}}a.closePath();a.fill();a.restore()};function Xb(){}
function Yb(a){var b=Zb;a.sd=a.sd||[];a.sd.some(function(a){return b.ih===a.ih?i:l})||a.sd.push(b)}function $b(a,b){a.tc===f&&(a.tc={},a.sd.forEach(function(a){for(var b in a.tc){var e=a.tc[b],g=e.name;e.fm=b;this.tc[g]=e}},a));return a.tc[b]}function ac(a,b){var c=f;a.sd.some(function(a){return(c=a.tc[b])!==f?i:l});return c}function G(a,b,c,d){a=$b(a,b);b=a!==f?new Wb(a):f;return bc(a,b,c,d)}function cc(a,b,c){a=ac(a,b);b=a!==f?new Wb(a):f;return bc(a,b,f,c)}
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"lyric",function(a,b){c.Qa=c.Qa||[];var d=bd(this,b);c.Qa.push(d)},a);a.O(b,c);cd(a,b,c);M(a,b,c);Lc(b,c);c.Pk=dd(b,"chord");(d=P(b,"pitch"))&&a.ha(d,c);(a=P(b,"unpitched"))&&Tc(a,c);if(b=P(b,"rest"))c.ig=i,Uc(b,c)}function ed(a,b,c){return L(a,b,"1024th 512th 256th 128th 64th 32nd 16th eighth quarter half whole breve long maxima".split(" "),c)}function Yc(a,b){b=b||{};b.type=ed(a,f,f);b.size=Qc(a,b.hg?"full":"cue")}function ad(a,b){b=b||{};b.Gl=L(a,f,["down","up","none","double"],f)}
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g},c)}s.jb=function(a,b){b=b||{};b.Yb=L(a,f,["none","brace","line","bracket","square"],"brace");b.rf=K(a,"top-staff",f);b.me=K(a,"bottom-staff",f);Ac(a,b);Bc(a,b);return b};function id(a,b){var b=b||{},c=P(a,"slash-type");c&&(b.tn=Oc(c,f,f))}function Zc(a,b){var c=0;Q(a,b,function(){c+=1});return c}
function jd(a,b){var c=I(),b=b||{};b.Va=Mc(K(a,"divisions",f));b.staves=K(a,"staves",f);Q(a,"measure-style",function(a,c){b.Xc=b.Xc||[];var g;g=g||{};g.k=K(c,"number",1);this.oa(c,g);Bc(c,g);var h=P(c,"multiple-rest");if(h){g.Kd="multiple-rest";var j;j=g||{};j.Gi=N(h,"use-symbols",l);j.og=K(h,f,2)}if(h=P(c,"measure-repeat"))g.Kd="measure-repeat",j=g||{},j.type=O(Oc(h,"type",f)),j.El=K(h,"slashes",1),j.og=K(h,f,2);if(h=P(c,"beat-repeat"))g.Kd="beat-repeat",j=g||{},j.type=O(Oc(h,"type",f)),j.El=K(h,
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s=H.prototype;s.Ob=function(a,b){b=b||{};b.Na=L(a,f,kd,f);b.md=N(a,"cautionary",l);b.se=N(a,"editorial",l);Rc(a,b);M(this,a,b);return b};
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s.getKey=function(a,b){b=b||{};b.k=K(a,"number",-1);b.eb=Kc(a);M(this,a,b);var c=P(a,"cancel");if(c){var d;d=b||{};d.cancel=K(c,f,f);d.cancel&&(d.dm=L(c,"location",["left","right","before-barline"],"left"))}dd(a,"fifths")?(b.we=K(a,"fifths",0),b.mode=L(a,"mode","major minor dorian phrygian lydian mixolydian aeolian ionian locrian none".split(" "),"major")):b.fe=ld(this,a);return b};function md(a,b){b=b||{};b.Yb=L(a,"symbol","common cut single-number note dotted-note normal".split(" "),"normal")}
function nd(a,b){b=b||{};b.separator=L(a,"separator",["none","horizontal","diagonal","vertical","adjacent"],"none")}function od(a,b,c){var c=c||{},d=f;Q(b,"beats",function(a,b){d=d||[];d.push(b.Rb())},a);var e=f;Q(b,"beat-type",function(a,b){e=e||[];e.push(b.Rb())},a);d.forEach(function(a,b){c.ke=c.ke||[];c.ke.push({Jc:a,le:e[b]})})}
s.getTime=function(a,b){b=b||{};b.k=K(a,"number",-1);md(a,b);nd(a,b);Fc(this,a,b);b.eb=Kc(a);b.ri=dd(a,"senza-misura");if(!b.ri){od(this,a,b);var c=P(a,"interchangeable");if(c){var d=b,e;e=e||{};e.Hn=L(c,"time-relation","parentheses bracket equals slash space hyphen".split(" "),f);md(c,e);nd(c,e);od(this,c,e);d.Hm=e}}return b};s.Ah=function(a,b){b=b||{};b.Yk=K(a,"millimeters",7);b.Kl=K(a,"tenths",40);return b};
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s.Fk=function(a,b,c){b=b||{};b.type=O(Oc(a,"type",f));b.k=vd(a);b.dc=N(a,"bracket",i);b.Al=L(a,"show-number",["actual","both","none"],"actual");b.Cl=L(a,"show-type",["actual","both","none"],"none");this.R(a,b);if(c=c?c.Ll:f)b.Zd={be:c.Mi,ce:c.ii,$d:c.hi};var d=P(a,"tuplet-actual");d&&(b.Zd=wd(d,b.Zd));c&&(b.ae={be:c.fl,ce:c.ii,$d:c.hi});if(a=P(a,"tuplet-normal"))b.ae=wd(a,b.ae);return b};
s.Ck=function(a,b){var c=b=b||{},d;d=L(a,"type",["start","stop","single"],"single");c.type=d;b.k=K(a,f,0);M(this,a,b);this.R(a,b);return b};s.Dk=function(a,b){b=b||{};M(this,a,b);this.R(a,b,"above");xd(a,b);return b};s.Fe=function(a,b){b=b||{};M(this,a,b);this.R(a,b,"above");xd(a,b);b.ed=N(a,"slash",l);return b};s.Pj=H.prototype.Fe;s.$j=H.prototype.Fe;s.Oj=H.prototype.Fe;s.Ch=function(a,b){b=b||{};M(this,a,b);this.R(a,b,"above");xd(a,b);return b};s.mk=H.prototype.Ch;
s.Dh=function(a,b){b=b||{};b.type=Pc(a,"start");b.k=vd(a);Ac(a,b);this.R(a,b,"above");Bc(a,b);xd(a,b);return b};s.yh=function(a,b){b=b||{};b.Jd=N(a,"long",l);b.Jd&&(b.kd=L(a,"approach",["above","below"],f),b.re=L(a,"departure",["above","below"],f));M(this,a,b);this.R(a,b,"above");xd(a,b);return b};s.Zj=H.prototype.yh;s.lk=function(a,b){b=b||{};M(this,a,b);this.R(a,b,"above");return b};
function yd(a,b,c,d,e,g,h){c=c||{};Q(b,h,function(a,b){var h=f,q=b.v?b.v.prop("nodeName"):"",x=g[q];x&&(h=x.call(this,b,f,c),h[e]=q);h&&(c[d]=c[d]||[],c[d].push(h))},a);return c}function zd(a){var b=oc;b===f&&(oc=b={tremolo:a.Ck,"trill-mark":a.Dk,turn:a.Fe,"delayed-turn":a.Pj,"inverted-turn":a.$j,"delayed-inverted-turn":a.Oj,"vertical-turn":a.Ch,"wavy-line":a.Dh,shake:a.mk,mordent:a.yh,"inverted-mordent":a.Zj,schleifer:a.lk,"accidental-mark":a.oh,"other-ornament":k});return b}
s.Sc=function(a,b){var b=b||{},c=zd(this),d=pc;d===f&&(pc=d=tb(c).join(","));return yd(this,a,b,"ornaments","ornament",c,d)};s.rh=function(a,b){b=b||{};b.text=L(a,f,["normal","angled","square"],"normal");b.type=L(a,"type",["upright","inverted"],"upright");M(this,a,b);return b};s.Gj=function(a,b){b=b||{};b.k=vd(a);b.direction=L(a,"direction",["up","down"],f);Ac(a,b);this.R(a,b);Bc(a,b);return b};
s.ck=function(a,b){var c=b=b||{},d;d=L(a,"type",["top","bottom"],f);c.type=d;b.k=vd(a);Ac(a,b);this.R(a,b);Bc(a,b);return b};s.oh=function(a,b){b=b||{};b.Na=L(a,f,kd,f);M(this,a,b);this.R(a,b);return b};function Ad(a){var b=qc;b===f&&(qc=b={accent:a.ib,"strong-accent":a.vk,staccato:a.sk,tenuto:a.yk,"detached-legato":a.Qj,staccatissimo:a.rk,spiccato:a.qk,scoop:a.Ce,plop:a.hk,doit:a.Rj,falloff:a.Uj,"breath-mark":a.Jj,caesura:a.Kj,stress:a.uk,unstress:a.Gk,"other-articulation":a.fk});return b}
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function Bd(a){var b=sc;b===f&&(sc=b={tied:a.Ak,slur:a.ok,tuplet:a.Fk,ornaments:a.Sc,fermata:a.rh,"accidental-mark":a.oh,articulations:a.Uf,technical:a.xk,dynamics:a.qh,arpeggiate:a.Gj,"non-arpeggiate":a.ck,glissando:a.Vj,slide:a.nk,"other-notation":k});return b}s.yd=function(a,b){var b=b||{},c=Bd(this),d=tc;d===f&&(tc=d=tb(c).join(","));return yd(this,a,b,"notations","notation",c,d)};
function bd(a,b){var c;c=c||{};c.k=vd(b);c.name=J(b,"name","");zc(b,c);Ac(b,c);a.R(b,c);Bc(b,c);c.eb=Kc(b);c.pm=dd(b,"end-line");c.qm=dd(b,"end-paragraph");Cd(a,b,c);if(dd(b,"laughing"))c.Lm=i;else if(dd(b,"humming"))c.Em=i;else{var d=0;Q(b,"elision, text",function(a,b){d+=1;c.text=c.text||"";c.text=b.is("elision")?c.text+L(b,f,[String.fromCharCode(160),String.fromCharCode(95),String.fromCharCode(8255)],String.fromCharCode(160)):c.text+J(b,f,"")},a);var e=P(b,"syllabic");e&&1===d&&(c.Jl=L(e,f,["single",
"begin","end","middle"],"single"));if(e=P(b,"extend"))c.extend=Pc(e,i)}return c}function Cd(a,b,c){var c=c||{},d=P(b,"footnote");d&&(c.zm=Jc(a,d));if(a=P(b,"level"))c.Uh={},c.Uh.ln=N(a,"reference",l),Rc(a,c.Uh)}function cd(a,b,c){c=c||{};Cd(a,b,c);c.sf=K(b,"voice",1)}function Dd(a,b){a&&b&&(a.Ta=b.Ta,a.Zg=b.Zg,a.Ka=b.Ka,a.sf=b.sf)}s.kk=function(a,b,c){b=b||{};Dd(b,c);b.Ta=b.Ta||"above";b.te="square";Jc(this,a,b);return b};
s.Ik=function(a,b,c){b=b||{};Dd(b,c);b.Ta=b.Ta||"below";b.te="none";Jc(this,a,b);return b};s.De=function(a,b,c){b=b||{};Dd(b,c);b.Ta=b.Ta||"above";Fc(this,a,b);return b};s.Lj=H.prototype.De;var Ed="p pp ppp pppp ppppp pppppp f ff fff ffff fffff ffffff mp mf sf sfp sfpp fp rf rfz sfz sffz fz other-dynamics".split(" ");s=H.prototype;
s.qh=function(a,b,c){b=b||{};Dd(b,c);Fc(this,a,b);this.R(a,b);Ic(a,b);uc=uc||Ed.join(",");Q(a,uc,function(a,c){b.qf=b.qf||[];c.is("other-dynamics")?b.qf.push(J(c,f,"")):Ed.some(function(a){return c.is(a)?(b.qf.push(a),i):l})});return b};s.gk=function(a,b,c){b=b||{};Dd(b,c);b.type=O(L(a,"type",["start","stop","continue","change"],f));b.Vb=N(a,"line",l);b.T=N(a,"sign",i);Fc(this,a,b);return b};
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s.Ij=function(a,b,c){b=b||{};Dd(b,c);b.type=O(Pc(a,f));b.k=vd(a);b.Pm=O(L(a,"line-end",["up","down","both","arrow","none"],f));b.mj=K(a,"end-length",5);b.xb=Gc(a,"line-type","solid");"dashed"===b.xb&&Hc(a,b);Ac(a,b);Bc(a,b);return b};s.dk=function(a,b,c){b=b||{};Dd(b,c);b.type=O(L(a,"type",["up","down","stop","continue"],f));b.k=vd(a);b.size=K(a,"size",8);Hc(a,b);M(this,a,b);return b};
s.bk=function(a,b,c){b=b||{};Dd(b,c);Q(a,"beat-unit",function(a,c){b["beat_unit"+a]=ed(c,f,"quarter");var g=Fd(c,":not(beat-unit-dot)");g&&(b["beat_unit"+a+"_dots"]=Zc(g,f))},this);if(c=P(a,"per-minute"))b.ni=J(c,f,"");b.bd=N(a,"parentheses",l);Fc(this,a,b);zc(a,b);return b};s.Yj=function(a,b,c){b=b||{};Dd(b,c);Fc(this,a,b);b.mi={D:0,C:0,B:0,E:0,F:0,G:0,A:0};Q(a,"pedal-tuning",function(a,c){var g=O(L(c,"pedal-step","DCBEFGA".split(""),f)),h=K(c,"pedal-alter",0);b.mi[g]=h},this);return b};
s.Fj=function(a,b){b=b||{};b.Ki=dd(a,"accordion-high");b.Li=dd(a,"accordion-low");b.Mg=Mc(K(a,"accordion-middle",0));Fc(this,a,b);return b};function Gd(a,b){b=b||{};b.Zg=N(a,"directive",i)}
s.s=function(a,b){var b=b||{},c=P(a,"offset");c&&(b.offset=Hd(c));cd(this,a,b);this.O(a,b);this.R(a,b);Gd(a,b);Q(a,"direction-type",function(a,c){var g=b,g=g||{},h;h=vc;if(h===f)vc=h={rehearsal:this.kk,segno:this.De,coda:this.Lj,words:this.Ik,dynamics:this.qh,pedal:this.gk,wedge:this.Hk,dashes:this.Nj,bracket:this.Ij,"octave-shift":this.dk,"harp-pedals":this.Yj,"accordion-registration":this.Fj,metronome:this.bk,damp:k,"damp-all":k,percussion:k,eyeglasses:k,"string-mute":k,scordatura:k,image:k,"principal-voice":k,
"other-direction":k};var j=wc;if(j===f)wc=j=tb(h).join(",");yd(this,c,g,"directions","direction",h,j)},this);return b};function Hd(a){var b;b=b||{};b.duration=K(a,f,0);b.un=N(a,"sound",l);return b}function xd(a,b){b=b||{};b.yn=L(a,"start-note",["upper","main","below"],"upper");b.Kn=L(a,"trill-step",["whole","half","unison"],"whole");b.Ln=L(a,"two-note-turn",["whole","half","none"],"none");b.Sl=N(a,"accelerate",l);b.Jc=K(a,"beats",4);b.rn=K(a,"second-beat",25);b.Km=K(a,"last-beat",75)}
function Id(a){var b=xc;b===f&&(xc=b={"up-bow":a.Sb,"down-bow":a.Tj,harmonic:a.Xj,"open-string":a.ek,"thumb-position":a.zk,pluck:a.ik,"double-tongue":a.Sj,"triple-tongue":a.Ek,stopped:a.tk,"snap-pizzicato":a.pk,fingering:a.Xf,fret:a.sh,string:a.Rb,tap:a.wk,heel:a.th,toe:a.Bk,"hammer-on":a.Wj,"pull-off":a.jk,bend:a.Hj,fingernails:a.Xf,hole:k,arrow:k,handbell:k,"other-technical":k});return b}
s.xk=function(a,b){var b=b||{},c=Id(this),d=yc;d===f&&(yc=d=tb(c).join(","));return yd(this,a,b,"technical","technical",c,d)};s.Sb=function(a,b){b=b||{};M(this,a,b);this.R(a,b,"above");return b};s.Tj=H.prototype.Sb;s.Xj=function(a,b){b=b||{};P(a,"natural")?b.Wm=i:P(a,"artificial")&&(b.Wl=i);var c=P(a,"base-pitch");if(c)b.Yl=this.ha(c);else if(c=P(a,"touching-pitch"))b.In=this.ha(c);else if(c=P(a,"sounding-pitch"))b.vn=this.ha(c);b.eb=Kc(a);M(this,a,b);this.R(a,b,"above");return b};s.ek=H.prototype.Sb;
s.zk=H.prototype.Sb;s.ik=function(a,b){b=b||{};b.text=J(a,f,"");M(this,a,b);this.R(a,b,"above");return b};s.Sj=H.prototype.Sb;s.Ek=H.prototype.Sb;s.tk=H.prototype.Sb;s.pk=H.prototype.Sb;s.Xf=function(a,b){b=b||{};b.text=J(a,f,"");b.Il=N(a,"substitution",l);b.Vl=N(a,"alternate",l);M(this,a,b);this.R(a,b,"above");return b};s.sh=function(a,b){b=b||{};b.text=J(a,f,"");this.oa(a,b);Bc(a,b);return b};s.Rb=function(a,b){b=b||{};b.text=J(a,f,"");M(this,a,b);this.R(a,b,"above");return b};
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function qe(a,b,c,d){var e=a.Ya(d),d=b.i(d),b=E(b,a.ga,c),d=b+d,g=E(a,a.ga,c),h=g!==f?g+e:f,h=h!==f?Math.max(h,d):d,g=g!==f?Math.min(g,b):b;F(a,a.ga,c,g);return e=Math.max(e,h-g)}oe.prototype.Hg=function(a,b){var c=f;a.Yc!==f?c=qe(this,a,this.Z,this.U):(c=this.Ya(this.U),c+=a.W,c+=a.Ra,0<b&&(c+=this.Sa),c+=a.i(this.U));Gb(this,this.U,c)};function re(){}v(re,Ab);s=re.prototype;s.vb=function(){return!this.Ne};
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s.p=function(a){Je.a.p.call(this,a);if(!this.gl){a.save();var b=this.n;b.repeat&&"backward"===b.repeat.direction&&(Ne(this,a),a.translate(8*U(this),0));var c=0,d=f;switch(b.Ic){case "light-light":d=U(this);c+=0.5*d;this.J(a,c,d);c=c+0.5*d+2*U(this);c+=0.5*d;this.J(a,c,d);break;case "light-heavy":d=U(this);c+=0.5*d;this.J(a,c,d);c=c+0.5*d+2*U(this);d=4*U(this);c+=0.5*d;this.J(a,c,d);break;case "heavy-light":d=4*U(this);c+=0.5*d;this.J(a,c,d);c=c+0.5*d+2*U(this);d=U(this);c+=0.5*d;this.J(a,c,d);break;
case "heavy-heavy":d=4*U(this);c+=0.5*d;this.J(a,c,d);c=c+0.5*d+2*U(this);c+=0.5*d;this.J(a,c,d);break;case "heavy":d=4*U(this);c+=0.5*d;this.J(a,c,d);break;case "dotted":for(var e=c,g=Ke(this),h=0;h<g;h+=10)Me(a,e+2,h+5,2);break;case "dashed":this.Mc(a,c);break;case "tick":d=U(this);c+=0.5*d;this.J(a,c,d,35,45);break;case "short":d=U(this);c+=0.5*d;this.J(a,c,d,10,30);break;case "regular":d=U(this),c+=0.5*d,this.J(a,c,d)}b.repeat&&"forward"===b.repeat.direction&&(a.translate(c+d,0),Ne(this,a));a.restore()}};
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Ve.prototype.toString=r("Score.PartListItem");s=Se.prototype;s.qj=function(a,b){if(Pe.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)){if("start"===a.type)for(b=b.clone();b.Tc();){var c=b.Ld();if(Pe.prototype.isPrototypeOf(c)&&"stop"===c.type&&c.k===a.k&&a.Wd&&a.nf&&a.Wd!==a.nf){this.qd(a);break}else Ve.prototype.isPrototypeOf(c)&&(a.Wd||(a.Wd=c),a.nf=c)}return a}};s.xd=function(){var a=Ue;a===f&&(Ue=a=[this.qj]);return a};s.toString=r("Score.PartList");s.m=r(k);
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s.ia=function(){aa(Error("ScoreLibrary.Score.Connector.getFarmostNoteToMe(): overload me!"))};s.Q=function(a){a.n=this;this.cf=a};s.t=o("cf");s.m=function(){aa(Error("ScoreLibrary.Score.Connector.createRenderer(): overload me!"))};function wf(){}function xf(a,b,c){b.forEach(function(a){var b=c.ka(a.prototype.l());b&&yf(this,c,a,b)},a)}wf.prototype.Mh=r(i);
wf.prototype.reset=function(){if(this.ra){var a=f;this.ra.forEach(function(b){!b.ended&&/slur|tied/.test(b.l())&&(a=a||[],b=b.clone(),b.Vc=i,a.push(b))});this.ra=a}};wf.prototype.ka=function(a,b){return a?this.ra?this.ra.filter(function(c){return RegExp.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)?b?!a.test(c.l()):a.test(c.l()):b?a!==c.l():a===c.l()}):[]:this.ra||[]};
function yf(a,b,c,d){function e(a,b,c){zf.prototype.isPrototypeOf(c)&&(c=c.ub(/(wedge|dashes|bracket)/.test(a.prototype.l())?i:a.prototype.na(b.type)));return c}var g=f;d.forEach(function(a){if(c.prototype.ta(a.type)){this.ra=this.ra||[];if(c.prototype.na(a.type)||!this.Mh(c,a.k))g=new c(a.k,a),this.ra.push(g);else for(var d=this.ra.length-1;0<=d;--d){g=this.ra[d];var m=g.r();b=e(c,a,b);if(!g.ended&&0<m.length&&(Af.prototype.isPrototypeOf(b)||Af.prototype.isPrototypeOf(m[0])||b.sc()===m[0].sc())&&
g.la()===a.k&&c.prototype.toString()===g.toString())break;else g=f}g&&(b=e(c,a,b),g.Gc(a.k,a.type,b,a))}},a)}function Bf(a,b){Bf.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Bf,uf);s=Bf.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Anchor");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Bf(this.k,this.j);return Bf.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.na=r(i);s.va=r(i);s.ta=r(i);function Cf(a){this.anchor=a}Cf.prototype.Wa=n();Cf.prototype.fb=function(a,b){0===b&&(this.anchor.Ec=a)};Bf.prototype.$f=function(){return[new Cf(this)]};
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this.n;if(If(c)){d=c.ja();e=this.aa();b=Ib(e,"width");e=e.P();g=c.H();h=0.5*c.q().tb();a.X(h);var j=Jf(g,h,b),m=Kf(d,g,h,e),p=Lf(c,d,g,h,e);a.beginPath();B.J(a,j,m,j,p);a.stroke();if("long"===d||"breve"===d)d="breve",g=1===g?-1:1,j=Jf(g,h,b),m=Kf(d,g,h,e),p=Lf(c,d,g,h,e),a.beginPath(),B.J(a,j,m,j,p),a.stroke()}c=this.n;e=Mf(c);if(e!==k&&"single"===e.type&&0<e.k){e=Ib(this.aa(),"width");d=c.H();b=0.5*e;1===d&&(b*=-1);g=0.5*e;-1===d&&(g+=e);e=Mf(c);for(h=0;h<e.k;++h){j=d;m=c.Za();p=h;this.n.q();m=m-
8-6*p;1===j&&(m*=-1);j=y0=m;this.n.q();y1=j-4;radian=30*Math.PI/360;a.beginPath();var q=(g-b)*Math.tan(radian),j=a,m=b,p=g,x=y1,A=y1+q,q=y0+q;j.moveTo(m,y0);j.lineTo(m,x);j.lineTo(p,A);j.lineTo(p,q);a.closePath();a.fill()}}c=this.n;Nf(c)&&this.Pf&&(a.save(),d=this.n,b=this.aa().P(),d.q().tb(),e=this.Pf.P(),1===d.H()?a.transform(1,0,0,-1,-b.e,-d.Za()+-e.c):a.translate(b.f+e.e,d.Za()+e.c),this.Pf.p(a),this.ed&&(a.translate(-3.5,0.2*c.Za()),this.ed.p(a)),a.restore());a.restore()}};
function Of(a,b){var c=f;te(a,function(a){return b.test(a.getName())?(c=a,i):l});return c}Ef.prototype.aa=function(){return Of(this,/(^noteheads|^rests|^ChordNote|^fret)/)};Ef.prototype.Ob=function(){return Of(this,/(^Accidental|^accidentals)/)};function Pf(){Pf.a.constructor.call(this,"ChordCompound")}u(Pf,R);Pf.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Pf;return Pf.a.clone.call(this,a)};Pf.prototype.aa=Ef.prototype.aa;Pf.prototype.Ob=Ef.prototype.Ob;function Qf(){}
function Rf(a,b,c,d){var e=a.n,g=e.r(),h=e.s(),j=g[0].q(),m=a.yf,p=a.xf,j="upper"===h?V(j,j.fa):V(j,1);e.Vc?m=j:e.Ke&&(p=j);var q=j=f;1<g.length?(j=b===g[0]?m:p,q=c===g[0]?m:p):1===g.length&&d?(j=m,q=p):1===g.length&&!d&&(j=p,q=m);j="lower"===h?(j<=q?0:j-q)+a.i("height"):j>=q?0:j-q;a.Uc(b)&&(j+=a.Vf(b));e.Ke&&!d&&(j+="upper"===h?10:-5);return j}Qf.prototype.Uc=n();Qf.prototype.Vf=n();function Sf(a){Sf.a.constructor.call(this,a||"Slur")}u(Sf,S);v(Sf,Qf);s=Sf.prototype;
s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Sf;return Sf.a.clone.call(this,a)};
s.p=function(a){Sf.a.p.call(this,a);var b=this.n,c;c=this.n;if(c.Vc)c=35;else{c=c.r()[0];var d=c.t(),e=d.aa(),d=d.W+E(e,"parent","x"),g=this.Uc(c),h=c.H();c=d=g&&-1===h?d+e.i("width"):g&&1===h&&(this.Ie(c)||!Tf(this))?d+0:d+0.5*e.i("width")}e=this.n.r();e=Rf(this,e[0],e[e.length-1],i);h=this.n;if(h.Ke)d=this.i("width");else var g=h.r(),d=g[g.length-1],j=g[0].t(),m=d.t(),g=m.aa(),h=E(m,"parent","x")-(h.Vc?0:E(j,"parent","x"))+j.W+E(g,"parent","x"),j=this.Uc(d),m=d.H(),d=h=j&&1===m?h+0:j&&-1===m&&(this.Ie(d)||
!Tf(this))?h+g.i("width"):h+0.5*g.i("width");g=this.n.r();g=Rf(this,g[g.length-1],g[0],l);a.save();a.qa("#000000");a.beginPath();yb(a,c,e,d,g,"upper"===b.s(),25);a.closePath();a.fill();a.restore();if(b=this.Ma(a))e=g+35,j=Ib(b,"width"),h=Ib(b,"height"),c+=0.5*(d-c-j),e=g+0.5*(e-g-h),a.save(),a.translate(c,e),b.p(a),a.restore()};s.Vf=function(a){var b=this.n,c=0;!this.Ie(a)&&Tf(this)&&(c=a.Za(),c-=Math.abs(b.ia(a).u()-b.V(a).u()),c=c*("upper"===b.s()?-1:1)*(Uf(b)&&!Vf(a)?0.8:0.5));return c};
s.Uc=function(a){var b=this.n;return"upper"===b.s()&&If(a)&&-1===a.H()||"lower"===b.s()&&If(a)&&1===a.H()?i:l};s.Ie=function(a){a=this.n.V(a);return Nf(a)||a.ka("beam")?i:l};function Tf(a){var b=a.n,c=b.r(),a=b.V(c[0]),b=b.V(c[c.length-1]);return 6*Le(a.q())>=Math.abs(b.u()-a.u())}s.Ma=function(a){var b=f,c=this.n.Ga();c&&(b=new T("center"),Ie(b,c,"italic bold 12px sans-serif",a),b.wa({width:b.i("width"),height:b.i("height")}));return b};function Wf(a,b){Wf.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}
ja("ScoreLibrary.Score.Slur",Wf);u(Wf,uf);s=Wf.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Slur");s.l=r("slur");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Wf(this.k,this.j);return Wf.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.ta=function(a){return/(start|stop)/.test(a)};s.na=function(a){return"start"===a};s.va=function(a){return"stop"===a};s.Ie=o("Im");s.Ga=r("");s.s=function(){var a=1,b=this.r();if(b){var c=b[0],b=b[b.length-1];Vf(c)?a=-1===c.H()?1:-1:c.ca||b.ca?a=-1:c.H()===b.H()&&(a=c.H())}return-1===a?"lower":"upper"};s.Je=r(l);
s.V=function(a){if(Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)){var b="lower"===this.s()?0:a.I.length-1;return a.I[b]}return a};s.ia=function(a){if(Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)){var b="lower"===this.s()?a.I.length-1:0;return a.I[b]}return a};s.m=function(){var a=new Sf;C(a,"height",Uf(this)?0:17.5);this.Q(a);return a};s.Gb=function(){return Uf(this)?0:5};function Uf(a){return(a=a.r())&&(a[0].ca||a[a.length-1].ca)}function Xf(){Xf.a.constructor.call(this,"Curve")}u(Xf,S);
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Yf.prototype.N=function(){return["scripts.sforzato"]};Yf.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Yf(this.k,this.j);return Yf.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Zf(a,b){Zf.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Zf,X);Zf.prototype.toString=r("Score.StrongAccent");Zf.prototype.l=r("strong-accent");Zf.prototype.N=function(){return["upper"===this.s()?"scripts.umarcato":"scripts.dmarcato"]};Zf.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Zf(this.k,this.j);return Zf.a.clone.call(this,a)};
function $f(a,b){$f.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u($f,X);$f.prototype.toString=r("Score.Staccato");$f.prototype.l=r("staccato");$f.prototype.N=function(){return["scripts.staccato"]};$f.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new $f(this.k,this.j);return $f.a.clone.call(this,a)};function ag(a,b){ag.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(ag,X);ag.prototype.toString=r("Score.Tenuto");ag.prototype.l=r("tenuto");ag.prototype.N=function(){return["scripts.tenuto"]};
ag.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new ag(this.k,this.j);return ag.a.clone.call(this,a)};function bg(a,b){bg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(bg,X);bg.prototype.toString=r("Score.DetachedLegato");bg.prototype.l=r("detached-legato");bg.prototype.N=function(){return["upper"===this.s()?"scripts.dportato":"scripts.uportato"]};bg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new bg(this.k,this.j);return bg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function cg(a,b){cg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(cg,X);cg.prototype.toString=r("Score.Staccatissimo");
cg.prototype.l=r("staccatissimo");cg.prototype.N=function(){return["upper"===this.s()?"scripts.ustaccatissimo":"scripts.dstaccatissimo"]};cg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new cg(this.k,this.j);return cg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function dg(a,b){dg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(dg,X);s=dg.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.BreathMark");s.l=r("breath-mark");s.N=function(){return["comma"]};s.clone=function(a){a=a||new dg(this.k,this.j);return dg.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.s=r("upper");
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s.clone=function(a){a=a||new fg(this.k,this.j);return fg.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.Je=r(l);s.m=function(){var a=new Xf;C(a,"width",gg(this));C(a,"height",hg(this));this.Q(a);return a};s.Gb=function(){return-hg(this)};function ig(a,b){ig.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(ig,fg);s=ig.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Plop");s.l=r("plop");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new ig(this.k,this.j);return ig.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.m=function(){var a=ig.a.m.call(this);(new Ub(new Vb(a,l),0,hg(this))).transform();return a};
s.Gb=r(0);function jg(a,b){jg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(jg,fg);s=jg.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Doit");s.l=r("doit");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new jg(this.k,this.j);return jg.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.m=function(){var a=jg.a.m.call(this);(new Ub(new Vb(new Vb(a,l),i),gg(this),hg(this))).transform();return a};s.Gb=r(0);function kg(a,b){kg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(kg,fg);kg.prototype.toString=r("Score.Falloff");kg.prototype.l=r("falloff");
kg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new kg(this.k,this.j);return kg.a.clone.call(this,a)};kg.prototype.m=function(){var a=kg.a.m.call(this);(new Ub(new Vb(a,i),gg(this),0)).transform();return a};function lg(a){lg.a.constructor.call(this,"TextAnchor");this.$b=a}u(lg,S);lg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new lg(this.$b);return lg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function mg(a,b){var c=b.i("width"),d=b.i("height");return/(square|circle|oval)/.test(a.$b.Wf())?Math.max(c,d):d}
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a,0,0,b,c,8)}a.stroke();a.restore()}a.restore()}};lg.prototype.Ma=function(a){if(this.Da===f){var b=this.$b.Ga(a);b&&(this.Da=new T("left"),kc(a).Ea=14,Ie(this.Da,b,this.$b.oa(),a,this.$b.qc()),a=this.Da.i("width"),b=this.Da.i("height"),this.Da.wa({width:a,height:b}),b=mg(this,this.Da),C(this,"width",a),C(this,"height",b))}return this.Da};function ng(a){ng.a.constructor.call(this,"TextAnchor");this.$b=a}u(ng,lg);ng.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new ng(this.$b);return ng.a.clone.call(this,a)};
ng.prototype.p=function(a){ng.a.p.call(this,a);var b=this.n,c=b.r(),d=f;if(c&&(d=c[0].ka("tied"))&&"stop"===d[0].type)a.save(),a.Td(b.oa()),b="(",c=0-a.measureText(b),d=0+this.i("height")-1,a.fillText(b,c,d),b=")",c=0+this.i("width"),a.fillText(b,c,d),a.restore()};function og(a,b){og.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(og,Bf);s=og.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.TextAnchor");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new og(this.k,this.j);return og.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.Wf=function(){return this.j.te};s.Ga=function(){return this.j.text};
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qg.prototype.N=function(){return["scripts.downbow"]};qg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new qg(this.k,this.j);return qg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function rg(a,b){rg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(rg,X);rg.prototype.toString=r("Score.Harmonic");rg.prototype.l=r("harmonic");rg.prototype.N=function(){return["scripts.flageolet"]};rg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new rg(this.k,this.j);return rg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function sg(a,b){sg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(sg,X);sg.prototype.toString=r("Score.OpenString");
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function wg(a,b){wg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(wg,og);s=wg.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Fret");s.l=r("fret");s.s=r("upper");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new wg(this.k,this.j);return wg.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.oa=r("bold 12px sans-serif");s.Ad=function(){return this.j.wl};s.m=function(a){var b=new ng(this);b.Ma(a);this.Q(b);return b};function xg(a,b){xg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(xg,og);xg.prototype.toString=r("Score.String");xg.prototype.l=r("string");
xg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new xg(this.k,this.j);return xg.a.clone.call(this,a)};xg.prototype.oa=ug.prototype.oa;function yg(a,b){yg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(yg,X);yg.prototype.toString=r("Score.DoubleTongue");yg.prototype.l=r("double-tongue");yg.prototype.N=function(){return["dots.dot","dots.dot"]};yg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new yg(this.k,this.j);return yg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function zg(a,b){zg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(zg,X);zg.prototype.toString=r("Score.TripleTongue");
zg.prototype.l=r("triple-tongue");zg.prototype.N=function(){return["dots.dot","dots.dot","dots.dot"]};zg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new zg(this.k,this.j);return zg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Ag(a,b){Ag.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Ag,X);Ag.prototype.toString=r("Score.Stopped");Ag.prototype.l=r("stopped");Ag.prototype.N=function(){return["scripts.stopped"]};Ag.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Ag(this.k,this.j);return Ag.a.clone.call(this,a)};
function Bg(a,b){Bg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Bg,X);Bg.prototype.toString=r("Score.SnapPizzicato");Bg.prototype.l=r("snap-pizzicato");Bg.prototype.N=function(){return["scripts.snappizzicato"]};Bg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Bg(this.k,this.j);return Bg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Cg(a,b){Cg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Cg,og);Cg.prototype.toString=r("Score.Tap");Cg.prototype.s=r("upper");Cg.prototype.l=r("tap");
Cg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Cg(this.k,this.j);return Cg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Dg(a,b){Dg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Dg,X);s=Dg.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Heel");s.l=r("heel");s.s=r("upper");s.N=function(){var a;a="scripts."+("upper"===this.s()?"u":"d");return[a+"pedalheel"]};s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Dg(this.k,this.j);return Dg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Eg(a,b){Eg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Eg,X);s=Eg.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Toe");s.l=r("toe");s.s=r("upper");
s.N=function(){var a;a="scripts."+("upper"===this.s()?"u":"d");return[a+"pedaltoe"]};s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Eg(this.k,this.j);return Eg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Fg(a,b){Fg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Fg,Wf);s=Fg.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.HammerOn");s.l=r("hammer-on");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Fg(this.k,this.j);return Fg.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.Ga=function(){return this.j.text};s.Ad=wg.prototype.Ad;function Gg(a,b){Gg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Gg,Fg);
Gg.prototype.toString=r("Score.PullOff");Gg.prototype.l=r("pull-off");Gg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Gg(this.k,this.j);return Gg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Hg(a,b){Hg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Hg,Bf);s=Hg.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Bend");s.l=r("bend");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Hg(this.k,this.j);return Hg.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.Gb=function(){return E(this.cf,"bendlist","y")};
s.m=function(a){var b=fc(kc(a)),c=f,d=this.j.Si;if(d&&0<d.length){c=new R("BendList");F(c,"bendlist","x",0);F(c,"bendlist","y",0);var e=0,g=0;d.forEach(function(d){var j=c,m=!d.Ag,p=m?new jg:new kg;d.ul?p.Xg=0:d.wf||(p.Wg=0);var q=p.m();if(q){var x=g+p.Gb();F(q,"bendlist","x",e);F(q,"bendlist","y",x);j.o(q,l,l,0,0,"bendlist");g+=(m?1:-1)*hg(p);e+=gg(p)}if(d.wf&&q){j=c;m=!d.Ag;if(p=G(b,m?"arrowheads.close.11":"arrowheads.close.1M1",f,8))q=p.i("width"),F(p,"bendlist","x",e-0.5*q),F(p,"bendlist","y",
m?g:g-8),j.o(p,l,l,0,0,"bendlist");if(p){var j=c,m=!d.Ag,x=d.wf,A=f,d=f;(q=Math.floor(x))&&(A=q.toString());(x-=q)&&(d="1/2");1===q&&!x&&(A="full");var D=p.i("height"),x=q=p=f;A&&(p=new T("center"),Ie(p,A,"12px sans-serif",a),q=p.i("width"),x=p.i("height"));var qa=A=f,ha=f;d&&(A=new T("center"),Ie(A,d,"normal 8px sans-serif",a),qa=A.i("width"),ha=A.i("height"));d=g;d=m?d+D:d-D;D=e;q!==f&&x!==f&&(D-=0.5*q,m||(d-=x));qa!==f&&ha!==f&&(D-=0.5*qa,m||(d-=ha));p&&(F(p,"bendlist","x",D),F(p,"bendlist","y",
d),j.o(p,l,l,0,0,"bendlist"));q!==f&&(D+=q);A&&(d+=2,F(A,"bendlist","x",D),F(A,"bendlist","y",d),j.o(A,l,l,0,0,"bendlist"))}}},this)}this.Q(c);return c};s.Ad=wg.prototype.Ad;function Ig(a,b){Ig.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Ig,X);s=Ig.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.TrillMark");s.l=r("trill-mark");s.N=function(){return["scripts.trill"]};s.s=r("upper");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Ig(this.k,this.j);return Ig.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Jg(a,b){Jg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Jg,X);
Jg.prototype.toString=r("Score.Turn");Jg.prototype.l=r("turn");Jg.prototype.N=function(){return[this.j.ed?"scripts.reverseturn":"scripts.turn"]};Jg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Jg(this.k,this.j);return Jg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Kg(a,b){Kg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Kg,Jg);Kg.prototype.toString=r("Score.DelayedTurn");Kg.prototype.l=r("delayed-turn");Kg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Kg(this.k,this.j);return Kg.a.clone.call(this,a)};
function Lg(a,b){Lg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Lg,Jg);Lg.prototype.toString=r("Score.InvertedTurn");Lg.prototype.l=r("inverted-turn");Lg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Lg(this.k,this.j);return Lg.a.clone.call(this,a)};Lg.prototype.m=function(a){(a=Lg.a.m.call(this,a))&&(new Vb(a,i)).transform();return a};function Mg(a,b){Mg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Mg,Lg);Mg.prototype.toString=r("Score.DelayedInvertedTurn");Mg.prototype.l=r("delayed-inverted-turn");
Mg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Mg(this.k,this.j);return Mg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Ng(a,b){Ng.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Ng,Jg);Ng.prototype.toString=r("Score.VerticalTurn");Ng.prototype.l=r("vertical-turn");Ng.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Ng(this.k,this.j);return Ng.a.clone.call(this,a)};Ng.prototype.m=function(a){(a=Ng.a.m.call(this,a))&&(new Tb(a,0.5*Math.PI)).transform();return a};function Og(a,b){Og.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Og,X);s=Og.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.WavyLine");
s.l=r("wavy-line");s.ta=function(a){return/(start|continue|stop)/.test(a)};s.na=function(a){return"start"===a};s.va=function(a){return"stop"===a};s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Og(this.k,this.j);return Og.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.ja=function(){return this.j.type};s.s=r("upper");s.N=function(){return["scripts.trill","scripts.trill_element"]};s.af=function(a,b){var c=this.r(),d=c[0].t(),c=c[c.length-1].t(),d=Pg(a,d,b);this.Ql=Pg(a,c,b)-d;return Og.a.af.call(this,a,b)};
s.m=function(a){if(a=Og.a.m.call(this,a,i))for(var b=a.i("width"),c=a.children&&0<=we(a)-1&&we(a)-1<a.children.length?a.children[we(a)-1]:f,d=c.i("width"),b=(this.Ql-b)/d,d=0;d<=b;++d){var e=c.clone(),g=e.P();F(e,"glyph_anchor","y",g.c);a.o(e,l,l,0,0,"glyph_anchor")}return a};function Qg(a,b){Qg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Qg,X);Qg.prototype.toString=r("Score.Shake");Qg.prototype.l=r("shake");Qg.prototype.N=function(){return["scripts.prallprall"]};
Qg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Qg(this.k,this.j);return Qg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Rg(a,b){Rg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Rg,X);Rg.prototype.toString=r("Score.Mordent");Rg.prototype.l=r("mordent");Rg.prototype.N=function(){var a="scripts.";if(this.j.Jd)switch(this.j.kd){case "above":a+="down";break;case "below":a+="up";break;default:a+="prall"}return[a+"mordent"]};Rg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Rg(this.k,this.j);return Rg.a.clone.call(this,a)};
function Sg(a,b){Sg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Sg,Rg);Sg.prototype.toString=r("Score.InvertedMordent");Sg.prototype.l=r("inverted-mordent");Sg.prototype.N=function(){var a="scripts.";this.j.Jd&&("above"===this.j.kd?a+="down":"below"===this.j.kd&&(a+="up"));a+="prall";this.j.Jd&&!this.j.kd&&this.j.re&&("above"===this.j.re&&(a+="up"),"below"===this.j.re&&(a+="down"));this.j.Jd&&!this.j.kd&&!this.j.re&&(a+="prall");return[a]};
Sg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Sg(this.k,this.j);return Sg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Tg(a,b){Tg.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Tg,X);Tg.prototype.toString=r("Score.Schleifer");Tg.prototype.l=r("schleifer");Tg.prototype.N=function(){return["scripts.upprall"]};Tg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Tg(this.k,this.j);return Tg.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Ug(){}u(Ug,re);Ug.prototype.xe=function(a){var b=Ug.a;return a.da===f||b.xe.call(this,a)};
Ug.prototype.Lf=function(a,b,c,d,e,g){if(b.da!==f&&b.yj)d[this.U]=Pg(this,b,e,i)-Pg(this,b,e);else{if(b.da!==f){var h=this.vh(b.da,i);d[this.U]=h[this.U]}Ug.a.Lf.call(this,a,b,c,d,e,g)}};Ug.prototype.ne=function(a,b,c){return a.da!==f?(a=this.kg(a.da),b*a/this.Pb()):Ug.a.ne.call(this,a,b,c)};Ug.prototype.vg=function(a,b,c,d,e){b.da!==f?c[this.Z]=Pg(this,b,e):Ug.a.vg.call(this,a,b,c,d)};
function Pg(a,b,c,d){var e=b.da;d&&(e+=b.duration);var g=c*e/a.Pb(),c=a.mc(i),h=a.Ub(e);0>h&&(h=c.length);1<=h&&c.some(function(a,b){if(b<h){g=g+a[this.U];g=g+a.Qd;g=g+a.Pd;return l}return i},a);0<h&&(g+=h*a.Sa);return g+=b.W}function Vg(){}ja("ScoreLibrary.DurationAccumulator",Vg);Vg.prototype.vd=function(){return this.bc||0};Vg.prototype.getAccDuration=Vg.prototype.vd;Vg.prototype.Pb=function(){return this.mg||0};Vg.prototype.getMaxDuration=Vg.prototype.Pb;
Vg.prototype.Mj=function(){return this.fj||0};Vg.prototype.getCurDuration=Vg.prototype.Mj;Vg.prototype.qb=function(a){this.fj=a;this.bc=this.bc!==f?this.bc+a:a;0>this.bc&&(this.bc=0);this.mg=this.mg!==f?Math.max(this.mg,this.bc):this.bc};Vg.prototype.accumulate=Vg.prototype.qb;function Wg(){}ja("ScoreLibrary.DurationKeyGenerator",Wg);v(Wg,Vg);Wg.prototype.mh=function(a){var b=this.vd();this.qb(a);return b};Wg.prototype.generate=Wg.prototype.mh;function w(){}ja("ScoreLibrary.DurationMapper",w);
v(w,Wg);w.prototype.Ub=function(a){this.Ha=this.Ha||[];return Xa(this.Ha,function(a,c){return a-c.wb}||Ya,a)};w.prototype.keyDurationToIndex=w.prototype.Ub;w.prototype.Cg=function(a,b,c,d){var c=c||l,e=this.Ub(a);0<=e?d?d(this.Ha[e],b):sb(this.Ha[e],b):(c||(b=sb({},b)),b.wb=a,Va(this.Ha,-(e+1),0,b))};w.prototype.setInformation=w.prototype.Cg;w.prototype.Wh=function(a,b,c,d){a=this.mh(a);this.Cg(a,b,c,d);return a};w.prototype.mapInformation=w.prototype.Wh;
w.prototype.mc=function(a){return this.Ha?a||l?this.Ha:this.Ha.map(function(a){a=sb({},a);delete a.wb;return a}):f};w.prototype.getAllInformations=w.prototype.mc;w.prototype.vh=function(a,b){var b=b||l,c=f;if(this.Ha){var d=this.Ub(a);0<=d&&(c=this.Ha[d],b||(c=sb({},c),delete c.wb))}return c};w.prototype.getInformation=w.prototype.vh;w.prototype.wh=function(){return this.Ha?this.Ha.map(function(a){return a.wb}):[]};w.prototype.getKeyDurations=w.prototype.wh;
w.prototype.nh=function(){var a=this.wh();a.push(this.Pb());return a};w.prototype.getAbsDurations=w.prototype.nh;w.prototype.kg=function(a){var b=0;if(this.Ha){var c=this.Ub(a);c>=this.Ha.length-1?b=this.Pb()-a:0<=c&&(b=this.Ha[c+1].wb-a)}return b};w.prototype.keyDurationToDuration=w.prototype.kg;
w.prototype.ie=function(a){if(1E3>a||0!==a%1E3)this.qb(-a);else{var b=this.nh();b.reverse();b.some(function(b,d,e){if(d<e.length-1&&1E3<=b){b-=e[d+1];if(a<b)return this.qb(-a),i;this.qb(-b);1E3<=b&&(a-=b)}return l},this)}};w.prototype.backup=w.prototype.ie;w.prototype.save=function(){var a=this.vd();this.tf=this.tf||[];this.tf.push(a)};w.prototype.save=w.prototype.save;w.prototype.restore=function(){var a=this.vd()-this.tf.pop();0<a?this.ie(a):0>a&&this.qb(-a);return a};w.prototype.restore=w.prototype.restore;
function Xg(){Xg.a.constructor.call(this)}u(Xg,Ae);wb(Xg);Xg.prototype.toString=r("Renderer.DurationContainer");Xg.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Xg;return Xg.a.clone.call(this,a)};Xg.prototype.Yf=function(){return this.delegate?this.delegate:this};Xg.prototype.ff=ba("delegate");function Yg(){}u(Yg,oe);Yg.prototype.o=function(a,b,c,d,e,g,h){if(a.da===f&&a.duration===f){var j=a.n;j&&(a.duration=j.La())}return Yg.a.o.call(this,a,b,c,d,e,g,h)};
Yg.prototype.zg=function(a,b,c,d,e,g,h){function j(a,b){sb(a,b,Math.max)}Yg.a.zg.apply(this,arguments);var m={};m[this.U]=a.i(this.U);m.Qd=a.W;m.Pd=a.Ra;a.yb&&(m=Zg(a.yb,this,a,m),delete a.yb);m&&(a.da===f?a.da=this.Wh(a.duration,m,i,j):this.Cg(a.da,m,i,j))};Yg.prototype.Hg=function(a,b){if(!a.rl)if(0<=a.duration){var c=0;this.mc(i).forEach(function(a,b){c+=a[this.U];c+=a.Qd;c+=a.Pd;0<b&&(c+=this.Sa)},this);var d=this.Ya(this.U),d=Math.max(d,c);Gb(this,this.U,d)}else Yg.a.Hg.call(this,a,b)};
function $g(a){$g.a.constructor.call(this,a);ne(this,1);this.Sa=a||0}u($g,Xg);v($g,me);v($g,Yg);v($g,Ug);$g.prototype.toString=r("Renderer.DurationBox");$g.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new $g(this.Sa);return $g.a.clone.call(this,a)};function ah(){ah.a.constructor.call(this)}u(ah,Ee);wb(ah);ah.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new ah;return ah.a.clone.call(this,a)};ah.prototype.toString=r("Renderer.Part");function bh(a){var b=a.n.ba().ma(1);return E(a,"staff","y")+a.i("height")-V(b,b.fa)}
function ch(a,b){te(a,function(a){te(a,function(a){Je.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)&&(a.ve=a.ve!==f?Math.max(a.ve,b):b)},this);return l},a)}ah.prototype.Yf=function(){return this.delegate?this.delegate:this};ah.prototype.ff=ba("delegate");function dh(a,b,c){var b=b||1,c=c||l,d=f;te(a,function(a){return a.Ka===b?(d=a,i):l},a);!d&&c&&(d=new $g,d.Ka=b,d.ff(a.Yf()),d.Dc=a.Dc,c="p"+a.Dc,d.gd=c+"s"+b,pe(a,d));return d}
function eh(a){var b=ye(a);b.sort(function(a,b){return a.Ka-b.Ka});b.forEach(function(a){a.Ue=i;fix_org_coord="staff";this.o(a,l,l,0,0,fix_org_coord)},a)}function fh(a,b){fh.a.constructor.call(this,a,b);hd(this,this)}u(fh,de);s=fh.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Staff");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new fh(this.w,this.v);this.ud!==f&&(a.ud=this.ud);return fh.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.La=o("ud");s.m=function(){var a=new Df(this);this.Q(a);return a};s.tb=function(){return this.Rm||1};
function Le(){return 10}function Hf(a,b){var c=Math.abs(b),c=10*Math.floor(c/2)+5*(c%2);return gh(a,0<=b?c:-c)}function Oe(a){return Math.ceil(0.5*a.fa)}function V(a,b){return Hf(a,2*(b-1))}s.ma=function(a){return this.w?this.w.ma(a):f};s.pa=function(){return this.w?this.w.pa():1};function gh(a,b){var c;c=a.O();c-=1;c=a.w&&1<=c&&c<=a.w.pa()?a.w.ma(c):f;c!==f&&(b-=(a.w?a.w.ag():NaN)+10*(a.fa-1),b=gh(c,b));return b}
function hh(a){this.Ia=a.Ia;this.step=(a.step.charCodeAt(0)-65+7-2)%7;this.L=a.L!==f?a.L:0}hh.prototype.tj=function(a){return this.Ia===a.Ia&&this.step===a.step&&this.L===a.L};hh.prototype.uj=function(a){return this.step===a.step};hh.prototype.vj=function(a){return this.step===a.step&&this.L===a.L};hh.prototype.clone=function(a){return a=a||new hh({Ia:this.Ia,step:String.fromCharCode((this.step+2)%7+65),L:this.L})};function ih(a){return 7*a.Ia+a.step}
function jh(a,b){jh.a.constructor.call(this,a,b);I().rb(this,this)}u(jh,de);s=jh.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Clef");s.getName=function(){var a=f;switch(this.T){case "G":a="clefs.G";break;case "C":a="clefs.C";break;case "F":a="clefs.F";break;case "percussion":a="clefs.percussion";break;case "TAB":a="clefs.tab";break;default:a="none"}return a};
function kh(a){if(a.Ef===f){var b=a.q();if(/(G|C|F)/.test(a.T)&&a.Vb!==f){var c='<staff-details number="'+b.O()+'"><staff-type>regular</staff-type><staff-lines>5</staff-lines></staff-details>',c=new fh(a.w,c);a.Ef=2*(a.Vb-1)-(c.fa-b.fa)}else a.Ef=Math.ceil(1*(b.fa-1))}return a.Ef}function lh(a,b){var c=kh(a),d=a.ha();d&&(c+=ih(b)-ih(d));return Hf(a.q(),c)}function mh(a,b){var c=a.q();relative_steps=2*(c.fa-b+1-1);return Hf(c,relative_steps)}s.u=function(){return Hf(this.q(),kh(this))};
s.nc=function(){var a={width:f,height:f};switch(this.T){case "G":a.height=8*Le(this.q());break;case "C":a.height=4*Le(this.q());break;case "F":a.height=3*Le(this.q());break;case "percussion":a.height=2*Le(this.q());break;case "TAB":a.height=5*Le(this.q())}return a};s.ha=function(){this.pitch===f&&(this.pitch=/(G|C|F)/.test(this.T)?new hh({Ia:("F"===this.T?3:4)+this.nd,step:this.T,L:0}):k);return this.pitch};
s.m=function(a,b){var c=f;"none"!==this.T&&"jianpu"!==this.T&&(c=this.nc(),b||(c.height*=0.75),(c=G(a,this.getName(),c.width,c.height))&&this.Q(c));return c};function nh(a,b){nh.a.constructor.call(this,a,b);I().getTime(this,this)}u(nh,de);nh.prototype.toString=r("Score.Time");nh.prototype.clone=function(){clone=new nh(this.w,this.v);return nh.a.clone.call(this,clone)};
function oh(a,b,c,d){for(var e=1<c.length?new R("TimeSignature.Compound"):f,g=0;g<c.length;++g){var h=c.charAt(g),h=cc(b,h,"+"===h?Le(a.q()):2*Le(a.q()));if(e!==f){var j=h.P();F(h,"staff","y",j.c);e.o(h,l,l,0,0,"staff")}else e=h}d&&(a=e,b=a.P(),c=b.d-b.c,b.c-=0.5*c,b.d-=0.5*c,a.dd(b),e=a);return e}
function ph(a,b,c){var d=new Fe("TimeSignature.Fractional");[c.le,c.Jc].forEach(function(a){var a=oh(this,b,a),c=a.P();F(a,"fractional","x",0.5*-(c.f-c.e));d.o(a,l,l,0,0,"fractional")},a);c=d.P();c.c-=2*Le(a.q());c.d-=2*Le(a.q());d.dd(c);return d}
nh.prototype.m=function(a){var b=f,c=f;this.ri||(c=1<this.ke.length?new R("TimeSignature.Compound"):f,this.ke.forEach(function(d,e,g){b=f;"single-number"===this.Yb&&1===g.length&&(!/\D+/.test(g[0].Jc)&&!/\D+/.test(g[0].le))&&(b=oh(this,a,d.Jc,i));if("common"===this.Yb||"cut"===this.Yb){var h=f;"4"===d.Jc&&"4"===d.le?h=G(a,"timesig.C44",f,2*Le(this.q())):"2"===d.Jc&&"2"===d.le&&(h=G(a,"timesig.C22",f,3.4*Le(this.q())));b=h}b===f&&(b=ph(this,a,d));c!==f&&(d=b.P(),F(b,"compound","y",d.c),c.o(b,l,l,0,
0,"compound"),e!==g.length-1&&(e=cc(a,"+",Le(this.q())),g=e.P(),F(e,"compound","y",0.5*-(g.d-g.c)),c.o(e,l,l,0,0,"compound")))},this),b=c!==f?c:b);b&&this.Q(b);return b};
function qh(a,b,c,d){if(a)this.Na=a.Na,this.se=a.se,this.md=a.md;else{a=f;switch(c){case 2:a="double-sharp";break;case 1.5:a="three-quarters-sharp";break;case 1:a="sharp";break;case 0.5:a="quarter-sharp";break;case 0:a="natural";break;case -0.5:a="quarter-flat";break;case -1:a="flat";break;case -1.5:a="three-quarters-flat";break;case -2:a="double-flat"}this.Na=a}this.ea=b;this.ca=d?i:l}
qh.prototype.m=function(a){var b=f,c=f,c=f;if(this.md||this.se){b=new R("Accidental",1);F(b,"accidental","y",0);var c=this.ee("leftparen"),d=15;this.ca&&(d*=0.65);c=G(a,c,f,d);c!==f&&(d=c.P(),F(c,"accidental","y",d.c),b.o(c,l,l,0,0,"accidental"))}this.Na!==f&&(c=this.ee(this.Na),d="accidentals.doublesharp"===c?10:20,this.ca&&(d*=0.75),c=G(a,c,f,d),c!==f&&(b!==f?(d=c.P(),F(c,"accidental","y",d.c),b.o(c,l,l,0,0,"accidental")):b=c));if(this.md||this.se)c=this.ee("rightparen"),d=15,this.ca&&(d*=0.65),
c=G(a,c,f,d),c!==f&&(d=c.P(),F(c,"accidental","y",d.c),b.o(c,l,l,0,0,"accidental"));return b};
var rh={sharp:"accidentals.sharp","sharp-sharp":"accidentals.doublesharp","double-sharp":"accidentals.doublesharp",flat:"accidentals.flat","flat-flat":"accidentals.flatflat","double-flat":"accidentals.flatflat",natural:"accidentals.natural","natural-sharp":"accidentals.natural","natural-flat":"accidentals.natural","quarter-flat":"accidentals.mirroredflat","quarter-sharp":"accidentals.sharp.slashslash.stem","three-quarters-flat":"accidentals.mirroredflat.flat","three-quarters-sharp":"accidentals.sharp.slashslash.stemstemstem",
"sharp-2":"accidentals.2","sharp-3":"accidentals.3","sharp-5":"accidentals.4","flat-1":"accidentals.M1","flat-2":"accidentals.M2","flat-3":"accidentals.M3","flat-4":"accidentals.M4",leftparen:"accidentals.leftparen",rightparen:"accidentals.rightparen",sori:"sori",koron:"koron"};qh.prototype.ee=function(a){return rh[a]};function sh(a,b){sh.a.constructor.call(this,a,b);I().getKey(this,this)}u(sh,de);sh.prototype.toString=r("Score.Key");
sh.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new sh(this.w,this.v);return sh.a.clone.call(this,a)};var th={"#":"FCGDAEB".split(""),b:"BEADGCF".split("")},uh={"#":[5,5,5,5,4,5,4],b:[4,5,4,5,4,5,4]},vh={"#":[4,4,4,4,3,4,3],b:[3,4,3,4,3,4,3]},wh={"#":[3,4,3,4,3,4,3],b:[3,4,3,4,3,4,3]},xh={"#":[3,3,3,3,2,3,2],b:[2,3,2,3,2,3,2]};
function yh(a){var b=a.rb(),c=f,d=f;switch(b.T){default:case "G":c=uh;break;case "C":3===b.Vb?c=vh:4===b.Vb&&(c=wh);break;case "F":c=xh}0<a.we?(c=c["#"],d=th["#"]):0>a.we&&(c=c.b,d=th.b);for(var e=f,g=Math.abs(a.we),h=7<=g?7:g,j=0;j<h;++j){var m=(j+(7<=g?g%7:0))%7,p=(0<a.we?1:-1)*Math.floor((j+(7<=g?g:7))/7),e=e||[];e.push({Ia:c[m]+b.nd,step:d[m],L:p})}return e}function zh(a){if(a.Lg===f&&(a.fe||(a.fe=yh(a)),a.fe))a.Lg=a.fe.map(function(a){a.Ia=a.Ia+0;return new hh(a)});return a.Lg}
sh.prototype.m=function(a){function b(a,b,c,d){d=d||0;c=(new qh(f,this.q(),a.L)).m(c);if(c!==f){var e=c.P(),a=lh(this.rb(),a)+e.c;F(c,"staff","y",a);b.o(c,l,l,0,d,"staff")}}var c=f,d=zh(this),e=this.ll;if(e!==d&&(e||d))c=new R("KeyAccidentals"),this.Q(c);e&&e.forEach(function(d,e,j){d.L=0;b.call(this,d,c,a,e===j.length-1?5:0)},this);d&&d.forEach(function(d){b.call(this,d,c,a)},this);return c};function Z(a,b){Z.a.constructor.call(this,a,b,Ah);jd(this,this)}u(Z,ee);
var Ah=["part-symbol","staff-details","clef","key","time"];s=Z.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Attributes");s.m=r(k);s.ua=r(0);s.La=function(){return this.ua()};s.Fa=o("Va");function Bh(a,b){Bh.a.constructor.call(this,a,b);b&&this.is("part-symbol")&&I().jb(this,this);this.Fd=this.Yb;this.rf=this.rf||1;this.me=this.me||a.ba().pa()}u(Bh,Pe);Bh.prototype.toString=r("Score.PartSymbol");s=Z.prototype;s.jb=o("part_symbol");
function Ch(a,b){var c=a.staves?"number"===typeof a.staves?a.staves:a.pa():b?b.pa():1;a.staves=Array(c);for(c=We(a);c.S();){var d=a,e=c.next(),g=f;Bh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)&&(g="part_symbol");fh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)&&(g="staves");jh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)&&(g="clefs");nh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)&&(g="times");sh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)&&(g="keys");if(g&&"part_symbol"===g)d[g]=e;else if(g&&-1===e.k)for(var h=1;h<=d.pa();++h){var j=e.clone();j.k=h;d[g]=d[g]||[];d[g].push(j)}else g&&
1<=e.k&&e.k<=d.pa()&&(d[g]=d[g]||[],d[g][e.k-1]=e)}}s.pa=function(){return this.staves.length};s.getAttribute=function(a,b){var c=this[a];return c?c[b-1]:f};s.Tf=function(){return["staves","clefs","times","keys"].map(function(a){return this[a]},this).reduce(function(a,b){return a.concat(b)},[]).filter(function(a){return a!==f})};s.ma=function(a){return this.getAttribute("staves",a)};s.Eb=function(a){return this.getAttribute("clefs",a)};s.Bd=function(a){return this.getAttribute("times",a)};
s.Qc=function(a){return this.getAttribute("keys",a)};s.ag=r(50);function Dh(a){this.zb=a}s=Dh.prototype;s.toString=r("ScoreNoteHead");s.clone=function(a){return a=a||new Dh(this.zb)};s.m=function(a){var b=this.nc();return G(a,this.getName(),b.width,b.height)};s.q=function(){return this.zb.q()};s.ja=function(){return this.zb.Te?this.zb.Te.Te:"normal"};s.nc=function(){this.q();var a={};switch(this.ja()){case "slash":a.height=18;break;default:a.height=10}this.zb.ca&&(a.height*=0.65);return a};
s.getName=function(){var a="noteheads.",b=this.ja(),c=this.zb.ja();"circle-x"===b?a+="s2xcircle":/(breve|long|maxima|whole)/.test(c)?a+="s0":("triangle"!==b?a+="s":a+=-1===this.zb.H()?"u":"d",a="square"===b?a+"2":"half"===c?a+"1":a+"2");if("slash"===b||"triangle"===b||"diamond"===b||"cross"===b)a+=b;"x"===b&&(a+="cross");"square"===b&&(a+="harmonic");return a};function W(a,b){W.a.constructor.call(this,a,b);b&&fd(this,this)}u(W,ee);s=W.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Note");s.m=r(k);
function Eh(a){var b=f;switch(a){case "1024th":case "512th":case "256th":case "128th":b="flags.u7";break;case "64th":b="flags.u6";break;case "32nd":b="flags.u5";break;case "16th":b="flags.u4";break;case "eighth":b="flags.u3"}return b}s.Gd=function(){return this.ja()&&/whole/.test(this.ja())};function Fh(a){return a.ca}s.sc=o("sf");s.O=o("Ka");s.ja=o("type");
function Gh(a){var b=0,c=f;be(a,function(a){if(!Hh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)&&zf.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)){var b=a.ka(Ih.prototype.l());if(b&&0<b.length)return c=a,"stop"===b[0].type&&(c=f),i}return l},i);c&&(a=c.ka(Ih.prototype.l()),b=8===a[0].size?1:15===a[0].size?2:0,b*="up"===a[0].type?1:-1);return b}s.ha=function(){if(this.Se===f){var a=this.$g||this.Ia,b=this.ah||this.step,c=this.L||0;if(a){var d=Gh(this);this.Se=new hh({Ia:a+d,step:b,L:c});0!==d&&(this.Se.ji=i)}else this.Se=k}return this.Se};
s.ua=function(){return this.duration?this.duration:this.ca?1:f};s.La=function(){var a=W.a;return this.ca?this.ua():a.La.call(this)};s.u=function(){if(this.Kg===f){var a=this.rb();if("TAB"===a.T){var b=Jh(this,"string");this.Kg=mh(a,b&&b[0].text?Number(b[0].text):1)}else this.Kg=lh(a,this.ha())}return this.Kg};s.Ud=ba("yi");function Kh(a){if(a.ca)return-1;var b=a.q();return 0<=a.u()-V(b,Oe(b))?1:-1}function Vf(a){var b=a.w;return b&&(1>=a.O()?1<Lh(b,a.O()):1<Lh(b,a.O())-Lh(b,a.O()-1))?i:l}
s.H=function(){var a;if(this.yi!==f)a=this.yi;else{if(this.jf===f)switch(this.Gl){case "up":this.jf=-1;break;case "down":this.jf=1;break;default:this.Vg===f&&(Vf(this)?(a=this.w,a=this.sc()===(1>=this.O()?1:Lh(a,this.O()-1)+1)?-1:1):a=Kh(this),this.Vg=a),this.jf=this.Vg}a=this.jf}return a};function Nf(a){beams=a.ka("beam");return!beams&&Eh(a.ja())&&!a.el}s.gf=function(a){this.el=a?i:l};
function If(a){if(a.gi||a.ig)return l;var b=i;switch(a.ja()){case "breve":b=i;break;case "long":b=i;break;case "maxima":case "whole":b=l;break;default:b=i}return b}
s.Za=function(){if(this.fd!==f)return this.fd;var a=this.q(),b=35,a=Math.abs(this.u()-V(a,Oe(a)));Vf(this)&&this.H()!==Kh(this)?b-=Math.min(a,30)/3:this.ca||(b=Math.max(a,b));if(Nf(this)){switch(this.ja()){case "1024th":case "512th":case "256th":case "128th":b+=25;break;case "64th":b+=15;break;case "32nd":b+=10}b=Math.max(b,35)}this.ca&&(b*=0.65);return b};s.Fc=function(a,b,c){a=a.filter(function(a){return a[b]===c},this);return 0<a.length?a:f};
s.yd=function(a){if(this[a]===f){if(this.notations){var b=this.Fc(this.notations,"notation",a);if(("ornaments"===a||"articulations"===a||"technical"===a)&&b&&0<b.length)b=b.reduce(function(b,d){var e={};e.type=a;e[a]=b[a].concat(d[a]);return e})[a];this[a]=b}this[a]===f&&(this[a]=k)}return this[a]};
function Mh(a,b,c,d,e){var g=f,h=d;"ornament"===c&&"accidental-mark"===d&&(h=c+"-"+d);if(a[h]===f){if((g=a.yd(b))&&0<g.length)b=a.Fc(g,c,d),a[h]=b;a[h]===f&&(a[h]=k)}(g=a[h])&&e&&(g=g.filter(e));return g}s.Sc=function(a,b){return Mh(this,"ornaments","ornament",a,b)};s.Uf=function(a,b){return Mh(this,"articulations","articulation",a,b)};function Jh(a,b){return Mh(a,"technical","technical",b,f)}
s.ka=function(a){var b=f;if("beam"===a)b=this.je?this.je:k;else if("lyric"===a)b=this.Qa?this.Qa:k;else if("accidental-mark"===a){var c=this.yd(a);c&&0<c.length&&(b=c);(a=this.Sc(a))&&0<a.length&&!b&&(b=a);b||(b=k)}else Ad(I())[a]?b=this.Uf(a):Id(I())[a]?(b=Jh(this,a),"bend"===a&&b&&(b=[{Dn:"bend",Si:b}]),/fret|bend|hammer-on|pull-off/.test(a)&&b&&b.forEach(function(a){a.wl=this},this)):zd(I())[a]?b="tremolo"===a?this.Sc(a,function(a){return"single"!==a.type}):this.Sc(a):Bd(I())[a]&&(b=this.yd(a));
b&&b.sort(function(a,b){return a.k-b.k});return b};function Mf(a){if(a.vi===f){var b=f,c=a.Sc("tremolo");c&&(b=a.Fc(c,"type","single"));a.vi=b&&0<b.length?b[0]:k}return a.vi}function Gf(a){var b=a.q(),a=a.u();return a<=Hf(b,-2)?-1:a>=Hf(b,2*(b.fa+1-1))?1:0}function Ff(a){return a.ig||!a.ha()?l:0!==Gf(a)?i:l}function Nh(a){return a.vf}s.wd=o("bf");function Oh(a){return a.w}function Kf(a,b,c,d){var e=0;if("long"===a||"breve"===a)e=1===b?d.d+2*c:d.c-2*c;return e}
function Lf(a,b,c,d,e){var g=0;1===c?(g=-a.Za(),"breve"===b&&(g=e.c-2*d)):(g=a.Za(),"breve"===b&&(g=e.d+2*d));return g}function Jf(a,b,c){return 1===a?0.5*b:c-0.5*b}function Ph(){}
function Zg(a,b,c,d){var e=c.n;if(W.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)||jh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)||nh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)||sh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)){var a=c.Od||0,e=a+c.i(b.ab),g=a,h=e;if(c=c.n.q())g=Math.min(g,V(c,1)),h=Math.max(h,V(c,c.fa));d["notes_lower_bound_"+b.gd]=Qh(l,a);d["notes_upper_bound_"+b.gd]=Qh(i,e);d["staff_lower_bound_"+b.gd]=Qh(l,g);d["staff_upper_bound_"+b.gd]=Qh(i,h);return d}if(fh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e))return b="staff_duration_p"+c.Dc,d[b]=c.duration,d;if(uf.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)){e=
c.n;g=g||e.R();h=h||e.s();d="upper"===h;c.Pg=Rh(g,h,b.gd);"notes"===g&&(c.Dg=Rh("staff",h,b.gd));a.Nb=a.Nb||0;g=E(c,b.ga,b.lb);if(g===f){var h=c.n,j=c.i(b.U),m=c.i(b.ab),p=b.mc(i),q=b.Ub(c.da),x=p.length-1;0<=c.Bc&&(j=0,x=b.Ub(c.Bc));var A=0.5*(q+x);if(x<q){var D=x,x=q,q=D,D=c.da;c.Bc=c.da;c.da=D}D=f;for(a.hc=q;(0<=j||0<=c.Bc)&&a.hc<=x;++a.hc){var qa=p[a.hc],D=Qh(d,qa[c.Pg]);if(D!==f)if(g===f)g=D,c.yf=D;else{if(Wf.prototype.isPrototypeOf(h)&&2<x-q&&(d?D>g:D<g))D-=(d?1:-1)*m*(1-Math.abs(a.hc-A)/(A-
q));g=d?Math.max(g,D):Math.min(g,D)}var ha=a.Nb*((a.hc===p.length-1?b.Pb():p[a.hc+1].wb)-qa.wb)/b.Pb(),ha=ha+qa[b.U],ha=ha+qa.Qd,ha=ha+qa.Pd,ha=ha+b.Sa;0<=c.Bc?(j+=ha,c.Bc===qa.wb&&(C(c,b.U,j),c.xf=D)):j-=ha}g+=(d?1:-1)*e.Gb();j=c.i(b.ab);h=g+(d?1:-1)*j;if(0<j&&e.Je()){e=b.mc(i);for(j=b.Ub(c.da);j<a.hc;++j)m=e[j],m[c.Pg]=Qh(d,h),c.Dg&&(p=Qh(d,m[c.Dg]),p=d?Math.max(p,h):Math.min(p,h),m[c.Dg]=Qh(d,p))}g=d?g:h;F(c,b.ga,b.lb,g)}c.Od=g;c.rl=i}}function Qh(a,b){return b===f?f:a?b:-b}
function Rh(a,b,c){return""+a+"_"+b+"_bound_"+c}function zf(a,b){zf.a.constructor.call(this,a,b);b&&I().s(this,this)}u(zf,ee);s=zf.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Direction");s.ua=n();s.sc=o("sf");s.O=o("Ka");s.Fc=W.prototype.Fc;s.ka=function(a){var b=f;this[a]===f&&(this.directions&&(b=this.Fc(this.directions,"direction",a),this[a]=b),this[a]===f&&(this[a]=k));(b=this[a])&&b.sort(function(a,b){return a.k-b.k});return b};
s.ub=function(a){return be(this,function(a){return W.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)},!a)};function Hh(a,b){ee.prototype.constructor.call(this,a,b);if(b&&(Xd(this,this),this.oe&&(this.directions=this.oe.map(function(a){a.direction="harmony-chord";a.Ta=this.Ta;a.Ka=this.Ka;return a},this)),this.frame)){var c=this.frame;c.direction="harmony-frame";c.Ta=this.Ta;c.Ka=this.Ka;this.directions=this.directions||[];this.directions.push(c)}}u(Hh,zf);Hh.prototype.toString=r("Score.Harmony");Hh.prototype.sc=r(1);
function Sh(a,b){Sh.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Sh,og);Sh.prototype.toString=r("Score.Rehearsal");Sh.prototype.l=r("rehearsal");Sh.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Sh(this.k,this.j);return Sh.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Th(a,b){Th.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Th,og);Th.prototype.toString=r("Score.Words");Th.prototype.l=r("words");Th.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Th(this.k,this.j);return Th.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Uh(a,b){Uh.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Uh,og);s=Uh.prototype;
s.toString=r("Score.Metronome");s.l=r("metronome");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Uh(this.k,this.j);return Uh.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.Ga=function(a){var b="",c=-1;this.j.bd&&(b+="(");if(this.j.Qi){var b=b+"%"+ ++c,d=this.qc(i),e=this.od(this.j.Qi,this.j.$l,a);e.wa({width:e.i("width"),height:e.i("height")});d.push(e)}b+=" = ";this.j.ni?b+=this.j.ni:this.j.Ri&&(b=b+"%"+ ++c,d=this.qc(i),e=this.od(this.j.Ri,this.j.am,a),e.wa({width:e.i("width"),height:e.i("height")}),d.push(e));this.j.bd&&(b+=")");return b};
s.qc=function(a){this.hb===f&&a&&(this.hb=[]);return this.hb};s.Wf=r("none");s.s=r("upper");s.od=function(a,b,c){var d="<note><duration>1</duration><pitch><octave>4</octave><step>G</step></pitch><type>"+a+"</type></note>",a=this.ub(),d=new W(a.w,d);d.rd=b;d.prev=a;d.ea=a.ea;d.Db=a.Db;d.time=a.time;d.key=a.key;return(new Vh(c)).m(d)};function Wh(a,b){Wh.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Wh,og);Wh.prototype.toString=r("Score.HarmonyChord");Wh.prototype.l=r("harmony-chord");Wh.prototype.qc=Uh.prototype.qc;
Wh.prototype.Ga=function(a){a=fc(kc(a));this.fh=-1;var b="",c="",d=this.j.root;d&&(c+=d.step.text||d.step.value,d.L&&d.L.eb&&d.L.value&&(c=Xh(this,c,d.L,a)));b+=c;d="";if(c=this.j.Me){if(c.Gi){var d=d+Yh(c.Me),e=c.Me,g="";/dominant$|seventh$|^half|major-minor/.test(e)?g="7":/sixth$/.test(e)?g="6":/ninth$/.test(e)?g="9":/11th$/.test(e)?g="11":/13th$/.test(e)?g="13":"suspended-second"===e?g="sus2":"suspended-fourth"===e&&(g="sus4");d+=g}c.text&&(d+=c.text)}return a=b+d+Zh(this,a)};
function Xh(a,b,c,d){b="left"===c.location?"%"+ ++a.fh+b:b+"%"+ ++a.fh;c=(new qh(f,new fh(f,'<staff-details number="1"><staff-type>regular</staff-type><staff-lines>5</staff-lines></staff-details>'),c.value,i)).m(d);c.wa({width:c.i("width"),height:c.i("height")});a.qc(i).push(c);return b}var $h={Uk:9651,Zk:45,Ni:43,ij:176,Lk:248};
function Yh(a){var b=f;/major/.test(a)&&(b=$h.Uk);/minor/.test(a)&&(b=$h.Zk);/augmented/.test(a)&&(b=$h.Ni);/diminished/.test(a)&&(b=$h.ij,/half/.test(a)&&(b=$h.Lk));return b?String.fromCharCode(b):""}function Zh(a,b){var c="",d=a.j.Gf;d&&d.forEach(function(a){c+="/";if(a.eb){var d=a.type;d&&(c+=d.text||("add"===d.value?"add":""));(d=a.L)&&(d.tl?c+=0<d.value?"+":"-":d.value&&(c=Xh(this,c,d,b)));if(a=a.value)a.Yb&&(c+=Yh(a.Yb)),c+=a.text||a.value}},a);return c}
Wh.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Wh(this.k,this.j);return Wh.a.clone.call(this,a)};function ai(a,b){ai.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(ai,X);ai.prototype.toString=r("Score.Segno");ai.prototype.l=r("segno");ai.prototype.N=function(){return["scripts.segno"]};ai.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new ai(this.k,this.j);return ai.a.clone.call(this,a)};function bi(a,b){bi.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(bi,X);bi.prototype.toString=r("Score.Coda");bi.prototype.l=r("coda");bi.prototype.N=function(){return["scripts.coda"]};
bi.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new bi(this.k,this.j);return bi.a.clone.call(this,a)};function ci(a,b){ci.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(ci,X);ci.prototype.toString=r("Score.Pedal");ci.prototype.l=r("pedal");ci.prototype.N=function(){var a=f;switch(this.j.type){case "start":a=["pedal.Ped","pedal.."];break;case "stop":a=["pedal.*"];break;case "change":a=["pedal.*","pedal.Ped","pedal.."]}return a};ci.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new ci(this.k,this.j);return ci.a.clone.call(this,a)};
function di(a,b){di.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(di,X);s=di.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Accordion");s.l=r("accordion-registration");s.N=function(){return["accordion.accDiscant"]};s.clone=function(a){a=a||new di(this.k,this.j);return mc.Tl.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.s=r("upper");
s.m=function(a){function b(a,b,c,d){var m=b.i("width"),p=b.i("height"),q=this.nc("accordion.accDot"),a=G(a,"accordion.accDot",q.width,q.height);q.width=a.i("width");q.height=a.i("height");m=0.5*(m-q.width);c=(3-c)*p/3+0.5*q.height;1===d?(F(a,"glyph_anchor","x",m),F(a,"glyph_anchor","y",c),b.o(a,l,l,0,0,"glyph_anchor")):2===d?(F(a,"glyph_anchor","x",m-q.width),F(a,"glyph_anchor","y",c),b.o(a,l,l,0,0,"glyph_anchor"),d=a.clone(),F(d,"glyph_anchor","x",m+q.width),F(d,"glyph_anchor","y",c),b.o(d,l,l,0,
0,"glyph_anchor")):3===d&&(F(a,"glyph_anchor","x",m-2*q.width),F(a,"glyph_anchor","y",c),b.o(a,l,l,0,0,"glyph_anchor"),d=a.clone(),F(d,"glyph_anchor","x",m),F(d,"glyph_anchor","y",c),b.o(d,l,l,0,0,"glyph_anchor"),d=a.clone(),F(d,"glyph_anchor","x",m+2*q.width),F(d,"glyph_anchor","y",c),b.o(d,l,l,0,0,"glyph_anchor"))}var c=di.a.m.call(this,a,i);if(c){F(c,"glyph_anchor","x",0);var a=fc(kc(a)),d=this.j;d.Ki&&b.call(this,a,c,1,1);0<d.Mg&&b.call(this,a,c,2,d.Mg);d.Li&&b.call(this,a,c,3,1)}return c};
function Vh(a){if(this.context=a)this.z=fc(kc(a))}var ei,fi;s=Vh.prototype;s.$=function(a,b){var b=b||new ah,c=this.m(a),d=a.rb();E(c,"staff","y");var e=Math.max(c.Qd||0,a.Gd()?1:0),g=Math.max(c.Pd||0,a.ca?5:1);c.yb=new Ph;var h=dh(b,a.O(),i);h.o(c,i,l,e,g,"staff");!a.ka("beam")&&"TAB"!==d.T&&this.eh(a,c,h);return b};
s.m=function(a,b){var c=a.rb(),d=f,d=new Ef;"TAB"===c.T?(C(d,"width",10),C(d,"height",10),gi(this,a,d)):this.dh(a,d,b);var e=0;(c=a.ka("lyric"))&&c.forEach(function(a){e=Math.max(e,this.context.measureText(a.text))},this);Hh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a.prev)&&(c=a.prev.ka("harmony-chord"))&&c.forEach(function(a){a=new Wh(0,a);e=Math.max(e,this.context.measureText(a.Ga(this.context)))},this);d.Qd=a.Gd()?0.5*e:0;d.Pd=a.Gd()?0.5*e:e;a.Q(d);return d};
function gi(a,b,c){b.q();var d=f;if(d=Jh(b,"fret")){var d=(new wg(d[0].k,d[0])).m(a.context),a=d.i("width"),e=d.i("height");d.dd({e:0.5*-a,c:0.5*-e,f:0.5*a,d:0.5*e});a=d.P();b=b.u()+a.c;F(d,"staff","y",b);c.o(d,l,l,5,5,"staff")}}
s.dh=function(a,b,c){a.Sd!==f&&(a.fd=a.Sd);if(!c){hi(this,a,b,i);var d=a.Lb;if(d&&(d=d.m(this.z))){var e=d.P(),e=a.u()+e.c;F(d,"staff","y",e);b.o(d,l,l,0,0,"staff")}}this.kc(a,b,c);Nf(a)&&(a.q(),c=Eh(a.ja()),c!==f&&(d=10,a.ca&&(d*=0.65),c=G(this.z,c,d,f),c.wa({width:c.i("width"),height:c.i("height")}),b.Pf=c,a.ca&&a.ca&&a.ed&&(c=-1===a.H()?"flags.ugrace":"flags.dgrace",c=G(this.z,c,12,f),c.wa({width:c.i("width"),height:c.i("height")}),b.ed=c)));this.ue(a,b);hi(this,a,b,l)};
s.eh=function(a,b,c,d){var e=Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)?a.sb():a;if(d||!d&&If(e)){var d=e.H(),g=e.t().aa(),h=g.i("height"),j=e.Za(),j=j+0.5*h,m=new S("StemPlaceHolder");C(m,"width",0);C(m,"height",j);g=E(g,"staff","y");1===d&&(g=g-j+h);F(m,"staff","y",g);m.da=b.da;m.n=e;m.yb=new Ph;c.o(m,l,l,0,0,"staff");a.Bn=m}};s.kc=function(a,b,c){a.q();var d=(new Dh(a)).m(this.z),e=d.P(),a=a.u()+e.c;F(d,"staff","y",a);c=c?0:2;b.o(d,l,l,c,c,"staff")};
s.ue=function(a,b,c){a.q();for(var d=a.rd,e=0;e<d;++e){var g=G(this.z,"dots.dot",f,4);a.ha()&&(c=a.u());0===Math.abs(c)%10&&(c+=5);var h=g.P(),c=c+h.c;F(g,"staff","y",c);b.o(g,l,l,2,2,"staff")}};function ii(a,b){xf(this,a,b)}v(ii,wf);function hi(a,b,c,d){ei=ei||[fg,ig];fi=fi||[jg,kg,Hg];(new ii(d?ei:fi,b)).ka().forEach(function(a){var d=a.m(this.context);if(d){var h=b.u(),h=h+a.Gb();F(d,"staff","y",h);c.o(d,l,l,0,0,"staff")}},a)}function ji(){ji.a.constructor.call(this,"Tuplet")}u(ji,S);v(ji,Qf);
s=ji.prototype;s.clone=function(a){a=a||new ji;return ji.a.clone.call(this,a)};
s.p=function(a){ji.a.p.call(this,a);var b=this.n,c;c=this.n;var d=c.r()[0],e=d.t(),g=e.aa(),e=e.W+E(g,"parent","x");c.j.dc||-1===d.H()&&(e+=g.i("width"));c=e;var d=this.n,e=d.r(),g=e[e.length-1],h=e[0].t(),j=g.t(),e=j.aa(),h=E(j,"parent","x")-E(h,"parent","x")+h.W+E(e,"parent","x")+e.i("width");d.j.dc||1===g.H()&&(h-=e.i("width"));d=h;e=("upper"===this.n.s()?0.5:-0.5)*this.i("height");g=this.n.r();h=Rf(this,g[0],g[g.length-1]);g=h+e;j=this.n.r();j=Rf(this,j[j.length-1],j[0]);e=j+e;b.j.dc&&(a.save(),
a.X(1),a.qa("#000000"),a.beginPath(),a.moveTo(c,h),a.lineTo(c,g),a.lineTo(d,e),a.lineTo(d,j),a.stroke(),a.restore());if(1===b.la()&&(b=this.Ma(a))){var h=E(b,"parent","x")||0,j=E(b,"parent","y")||0,m=Ib(b,"width"),p=Ib(b,"height");c+=0.5*(d-c-m);d=g+0.5*(e-g-p);a.save();a.translate(c,d);a.clearRect(h-3,j,m+6,p);b.p(a);a.restore()}};
s.od=function(a,b,c,d){var e=this.n,a=new W(a,"<note><duration>1</duration><pitch><octave>4</octave><step>G</step></pitch><type>"+b+"</type></note>");a.rd=c;c=e.r()[0];a.prev=c;a.ea=c.ea;a.Db=c.Db;a.time=c.time;a.key=c.key;return(new Vh(d)).m(a)};
s.Ma=function(a){var b=this.n,c=f,d=b.j.Al,e=b.j.Cl;if("none"!==d){var c=new T("center"),g="",h=f;if("actual"===d||"both"===d)if(g+=b.j.Zd.be,"actual"===e||"both"===e){var j=b.r(),j=j[0],m=b.j.Zd.ce,m=m!==f?m:b.ia(j).ja(),p=b.j.Zd.$d,p=p!==f?p:b.ia(j).rd,j=this.od(Oh(b.ia(j)),m,p,a);j.wa({width:j.i("width"),height:j.i("height")});h=h||[];h.push(j);g+="%0"}"both"===d&&(g=g+":"+b.j.ae.be,"both"===e&&(j=b.r(),d=j[0],e=b.j.ae.ce,e=e!==f?e:b.ia(d).ja(),j=b.j.ae.$d,j=j!==f?j:b.ia(d).rd,j=this.od(Oh(b.ia(d)),
e,j,a),j.wa({width:j.i("width"),height:j.i("height")}),h=h||[],h.push(j),g+="%1"));kc(a).Ea=14;Ie(c,g,"italic bold 12px sans-serif",a,h);c.wa({width:c.i("width"),height:c.i("height")})}return c};s.Uc=r(l);function ki(a,b){ki.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(ki,uf);s=ki.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Tuplet");s.l=r("tuplet");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new ki(this.k,this.j);return ki.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.ta=function(a){return/(start|stop)/.test(a)};s.na=function(a){return"start"===a};
s.va=function(a){return"stop"===a};s.s=function(){var a=this.r(),b=a[0],a=a[a.length-1];return b.H()===a.H()?-1===b.H()?"upper":"lower":"upper"};s.m=function(){var a=new ji;C(a,"height",14);this.Q(a);return a};s.V=function(a){if(Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)){var b="upper"===this.s()?a.I.length-1:0;return a.I[b]}return a};s.ia=function(a){if(Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)){var b="upper"===this.s()?0:a.I.length-1;return a.I[b]}return a};function li(a){this.Bb=a}
li.prototype.Wa=function(a,b){0===b&&(this.Ec=a)};li.prototype.fb=function(a,b){if(0===b){this.Bb.Ec=this.Ec;var c=Nh(this.Bb.ia(this.Ec));c&&0<c.length&&c.some(function(a){var a=a.r(),b=this.Bb.r();return this.Bb.ia(a[0])===this.Bb.ia(b[0])&&this.Bb.ia(a[a.length-1])===this.Bb.ia(b[b.length-1])},this)&&(this.Bb.j.dc=l);if((c=Mf(this.Bb.ia(this.Ec)))&&"single"===c.type&&0<c.k)this.Bb.j.dc=l}};ki.prototype.$f=function(){return[new li(this)]};function mi(){mi.a.constructor.call(this,"Tied")}u(mi,S);
mi.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new mi;return mi.a.clone.call(this,a)};
mi.prototype.p=function(a){mi.a.p.call(this,a);var b=this.n,c;c=this.n;if(c.Vc)c=35;else{var d=c.r()[0],e=d.t(),g=e.W;Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(d)?(e=e.aa(),g+=E(e,"parent","x"),d=ni(c,d),e=d.t(),g+=E(e,"parent","x")+e.i("width")):g+=e.i("width");c=g}d=this.n;if(d.Ke)d=this.i("width");else{var h=d.r(),g=h[h.length-1],e=h[0].t(),h=h[h.length-1].t(),e=E(h,"parent","x")-(d.Vc?0:E(e,"parent","x"))+e.W;Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(g)&&(h=h.aa(),e+=E(h,"parent","x"),g=ni(d,g),h=g.t(),e+=E(h,"parent","x"));
d=e}var h=this.n,g=h.s(),e=0,h=ni(h,h.r()[0]),j=this.yf||this.xf,m=this.xf||this.yf;h.q();var p=h.u();0===Math.abs(p)%10&&(e+="upper"===g?-2:2);"upper"===g&&j!==m&&(e-=Math.abs(j-m));e-=Math.min(j,m)-h.u();g=e+("upper"===g?5:-5);a.save();a.qa("#000000");a.beginPath();yb(a,c,g,d,g,"upper"===b.s(),5);a.closePath();a.fill();a.restore()};function Y(a,b){Y.a.constructor.call(this,a,b);this.Gc(b)}u(Y,W);s=Y.prototype;s.toString=r("ScoreChord");function oi(a,b){a.gb=b}s.sb=o("gb");
s.Gc=function(a){this.I=this.I||[];a.prev=this;this.I.push(a)};s.H=function(){return this.sb().H()};s.ka=function(a){var b=f;this.I.forEach(function(c){var d=c.ka(a);d&&(b=b||[],d.forEach(function(d){"tied"===a&&(d.zb=c);b.push(d)}))});b===f&&(b=k);return b};s.Ud=function(a){this.I.forEach(function(b,c,d){b.H();b.Ud(a);b.gi=c!==(-1===a?0:d.length-1)?i:l})};s.gf=function(a){this.I.forEach(function(b){b.gf(a)})};s.Za=function(){return this.sb().Za()};s.m=r(k);
function pi(a){pi.a.constructor.call(this,a)}u(pi,uf);s=pi.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Tied");s.l=r("tied");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new pi(this.k);return pi.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.ta=function(a){return/(start|stop)/.test(a)};s.na=function(a){return"start"===a};s.va=function(a){return"stop"===a};s.zc=function(a,b,c,d){pi.a.zc.call(this,a,b,c,d);if(Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(c)&&(this.na(b)&&(this.il=d.zb),this.va(b)))this.hl=d.zb};s.m=function(){var a=new mi;this.Q(a);return a};
s.s=function(){if(this.direction===f){var a=1,b=f,c=f,d=this.r();if(d){var e=d[0],d=d[d.length-1];e.H()===d.H()&&(a=e.H());Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)?(b=e,c=ni(this,e)):Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(d)&&(b=d,c=ni(this,d))}b?(a=c.q(),this.direction=c.u()>=V(a,Oe(a))?"upper":"lower"):this.direction=-1===a?"lower":"upper"}return this.direction};function ni(a,b){return Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(b)?b===a.r()[0]?a.il:a.hl:b}function qi(a){qi.a.constructor.call(this,a||"Beam")}u(qi,S);v(qi,Qf);s=qi.prototype;
s.clone=function(a){a=a||new qi;return qi.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.p=function(a){qi.a.p.call(this,a);var b=this.n;a.save();a.qa("#000000");var c=this.Dd(),d=this.bg(),e=this.Ge(),g=this.cg(),h=b.ub();a.beginPath();b.vb()||b.Hd?(b=b.ia(h).wd(),h=(d-c)*Math.tan(b),b=g+h,h=e+h,a.moveTo(c,e),a.lineTo(c,g),a.lineTo(d,b),a.lineTo(d,h)):(h=ri(b)*("upper"===b.s()?-1:1),b=e+h,h=g+h,a.moveTo(c,e),a.lineTo(c,b),a.lineTo(d,h),a.lineTo(d,g));a.closePath();a.fill();a.restore()};
s.Dd=function(){var a=this.n,b=a.r()[0].t(),c=b.aa(),a=c.Hi?0.5*c.i("width"):"upper"===a.s()?c.i("width"):0;return b.W+E(c,"parent","x")+a};s.bg=function(){var a=this.n,b=f;if(a.Hd)b=this.Dd()-si(a);else if(a.vb())b=this.Dd()+si(a);else var b=a.r(),c=b[b.length-1],b=b[0].t(),c=c.t(),d=c.aa(),a=d.Hi?0.5*d.i("width"):"upper"===a.s()?d.i("width"):0,b=E(c,"parent","x")-E(b,"parent","x")+b.W+E(d,"parent","x")+a;return b};
s.Ge=function(){var a=this.n;if(a.vb()||a.Hd)return 0+("lower"===a.s()?1:-1)*(a.la()-1)*(ri(a)+ti(a));a=a.r();return Rf(this,a[0],a[a.length-1])};s.cg=function(){var a=this.n;if(a.vb()||a.Hd)return this.Ge()+("lower"===a.s()?1:-1)*ri(a);a=a.r();return Rf(this,a[a.length-1],a[0])};s.Uc=r(i);s.Vf=function(){var a=this.n;return("lower"===a.s()?1:-1)*(a.la()-1)*(ri(a)+ti(a))};function ui(){ui.a.constructor.call(this,"TremoloBeam")}u(ui,qi);s=ui.prototype;
s.clone=function(a){a=a||new ui;return ui.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.p=function(a){for(var b=ui.a,c=this.n,d=c.la(),e=1;e<=d+1;++e)c.k=e,b.p.call(this,a);c.k=d};s.Dd=function(){return ui.a.Dd.call(this)+5};s.bg=function(){return ui.a.bg.call(this)-5};s.Ge=function(){var a=ui.a,b=this.n,c=b.ub(),b=b.ia(c).wd();return a.Ge.call(this)+5*Math.tan(b)};s.cg=function(){var a=ui.a,b=this.n,c=b.ub(),b=b.ia(c).wd();return a.cg.call(this)-5*Math.tan(b)};function vi(a){vi.a.constructor.call(this,a)}u(vi,uf);s=vi.prototype;
s.toString=r("Score.Beam");s.l=r("beam");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new vi(this.k);return vi.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.na=function(a){return vi.a.na.call(this,a)||/(forward\shook|backward\shook)/.test(a)};s.ta=function(a){return vi.a.ta.call(this,a)||/(forward\shook|backward\shook)/.test(a)};s.zf=function(a,b,c){return!vi.a.zf.call(this,a,b,c)||this.I&&1<this.I.length&&/(forward\shook|backward\shook)/.test(b)?l:i};
s.zc=function(a,b,c){vi.a.zc.call(this,a,b,c);"forward hook"===b?this.Le=i:"backward hook"===b&&(this.Hd=i);/(forward\shook|backward\shook)/.test(b)&&(this.ended=i)};s.vb=o("Le");s.s=function(){return this.I&&1===this.I[0].H()?"lower":"upper"};s.m=function(){var a=new qi(this);this.Q(a);return a};function ti(a){var b=a.r(),c=0.2*Le(a.V(b[0]).q());Fh(a.V(b[0]))&&(c*=0.65);return c}function ri(a){var b=a.r(),c=0.5*Le(a.V(b[0]).q());Fh(a.V(b[0]))&&(c*=0.65);return c}
function si(a){var b=a.r(),c=Le(a.V(b[0]).q());Fh(a.V(b[0]))&&(c*=0.65);return c}s.Ee=o("kf");function wi(a){this.K=a;this.Jb=this.Ib=this.Nd=this.Md=0;this.yc=this.xc=f}wi.prototype.Wa=function(a){if(Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a))a.I.forEach(this.Wa,this);else{var b=a.q(),b=V(b,Oe(b)),b=a.u()-b;0<b&&(++this.Md,b=Math.abs(b),this.Ib<b&&(this.Ib=b,this.xc=a));0>b&&(++this.Nd,b=Math.abs(b),this.Jb<b&&(this.Jb=b,this.yc=a))}};wi.prototype.fb=function(a){var b=this.sb().H();a.Ud(b);this.K.hm=i};
wi.prototype.sb=function(){if(this.gb===f&&(this.gb=this.Ib===this.Jb?this.Md>=this.Nd?this.xc:this.yc:this.Ib>=this.Jb?this.xc:this.yc,this.K.vb()||this.K.Hd||this.gb===f))this.gb=this.K.r()[0];return this.gb};function xi(a,b,c,d,e,g){this.K=a;this.gg=0;this.Fg=b;this.wi=c;this.Rd=d;this.Vd=e;this.Nb=g}xi.prototype.Wa=function(a){if(1===this.K.la()&&(this.K.V(a).q(),(a=a.ka("beam"))&&2<a.length))this.gg=Math.max(this.gg,(a.length-2)*(ri(this.K)+ti(this.K)))};
function yi(a,b,c){var d;d="note"+b+"_x";a[d]===f&&(a[d]=Pg(a.Vd,c[b].t(),a.Nb));return a[d]}function zi(a,b,c){var d;d="note"+b+"_y";a[d]===f&&(a[d]=a.K.V(c[b]).u());return a[d]}function Ai(a,b,c){var d;d="note"+b+"_slant";if(a[d]===f){var e=f;0===b?e=0:b===c.length-1?(e=a.wi.Ee(),1===a.Fg.sb().H()&&(e*=-1)):e=Ai(a,c.length-1,c)*((yi(a,b,c)-yi(a,0,c))/(yi(a,c.length-1,c)-yi(a,0,c)));a[d]=e}return a[d]}
xi.prototype.wd=function(a){this.Og===f&&(this.Og=Math.atan(Ai(this,a.length-1,a)/(yi(this,a.length-1,a)-yi(this,0,a))));return this.Og};
xi.prototype.fb=function(a,b,c){if(1===this.K.la()){a.gf(i);var d=this.K.ia(a),e=this.wd(c),e=-1===d.H()?e:-e;d.bf=e;e="note"+b+"_stem_length";if(this[e]===f){var g;if(this.oi===f){var h=this.Rd.ub();g=h.Za();g-=Math.abs(this.K.ia(h).u()-this.K.V(h).u());g+=this.gg;var h=c[0],j=c[c.length-1];Ff(this.K.V(h))&&Ff(this.K.V(j))&&(j=this.K.V(h).q(),j=V(j,Math.ceil(0.5*j.fa)),35<=Math.abs(this.K.V(h).u()-j)&&(g+=0<this.wi.Ee()?ri(this.K):-ri(this.K)));this.oi=g}g=this.oi;h=c[b];j=this.Rd.ub()===this.Rd.Ig?
this.Rd.Nl:this.Rd.Tk;b!==j&&(g-=Ai(this,j,c),g+=Math.abs(zi(this,j,c)-zi(this,b,c)),g+=Ai(this,b,c));g+=Math.abs(this.K.ia(h).u()-this.K.V(h).u());this[e]=g}b=this[e];d.Sd===f&&(d.Sd=d.fd);d.fd=b;Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)&&(a.gb=d);Vh.prototype.eh.call(this,a,a.t(),this.Vd,i)}};function Bi(a,b){this.K=a;this.Ji=-Infinity;this.Ii=Infinity;this.Vh=this.Ig=f;this.Fg=b}
Bi.prototype.Wa=function(a,b){var c=this.K.V(a).u();c>this.Ji&&(this.Ji=c,this.Ig=a,this.Nl=b);c<this.Ii&&(this.Ii=c,this.Vh=a,this.Tk=b)};Bi.prototype.ub=function(){return-1===this.Fg.sb().H()?this.Ig:this.Vh};Bi.prototype.fb=function(a,b){if(0===b){this.K.Ec=this.ub();var c=this.K;a.vf=a.vf||[];a.vf.push(c)}};function Ci(a){this.K=a;this.kf=this.T=f}
Ci.prototype.Wa=function(a,b,c){if(1===this.K.la()&&b<Math.floor(0.5*c.length)){this.K.V(a).q();var c=c[c.length-(b+1)],d=this.K.V(a).u(),d=(this.K.V(c).u()-d)/10,e=0!==d?0<d?1:-1:0;this.T=this.T===f?e:this.T!==e?0:this.T;if(0===b){d=Math.abs(d);Ff(this.K.V(a))&&Ff(this.K.V(c))&&0!==d&&(d=0.5);switch(d){case 0:case 0.5:case 1:case 1.5:break;case 2:case 2.5:case 3:d=1.5;break;default:d=2}this.kf=10*d}}};Ci.prototype.fb=function(){1===this.K.la()&&(this.K.kf=this.Ee())};
Ci.prototype.Ee=function(){return this.T*this.kf};vi.prototype.af=function(a,b){var c=new wi(this),d=[c];this.td(d);this.jd(d);var e=f,g=f,d=[e=new Ci(this),g=new Bi(this,c),new xi(this,c,e,g,a,b)];this.td(d);this.jd(d)};vi.prototype.V=function(a){if(Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)){var b="upper"===this.s()?a.I.length-1:0;return a.I[b]}return a};vi.prototype.ia=function(a){if(Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)){var b="upper"===this.s()?0:a.I.length-1;return a.I[b]}return a};
function Di(a){Di.a.constructor.call(this,a)}u(Di,vi);s=Di.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.TremoloBeam");s.l=r("tremolo");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Di(this.k);return Di.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.ta=function(a){return/(start|stop)/.test(a)};s.na=function(a){return"start"===a};s.va=function(a){return"stop"===a};s.m=function(){var a=new ui;this.Q(a);return a};function Ei(a,b){Ei.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Ei,X);s=Ei.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Fermata");s.l=r("fermata");
s.N=function(){var a="scripts.";switch(this.ja()){default:case "upright":a+="u";break;case "inverted":a+="d"}switch(this.Ga()){case "angled":a+="short";break;case "square":a+="long"}return[a+"fermata"]};s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Ei(this.k,this.j);return Ei.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.Ga=function(){return this.j.text};s.ja=function(){return this.j.type};s.s=function(){return"upright"===this.ja()?"upper":"lower"};function Fi(a,b){Fi.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Fi,X);s=Fi.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.AccidentalMark");
s.l=r("accidental-mark");s.N=function(){return[qh.prototype.ee.call(this,this.Ob())]};s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Fi(this.k,this.j);return Fi.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.Ob=function(){return this.j.Na};s.nc=function(a){var b={width:f,height:f};b.height="accidentals.doublesharp"===a?10:20;return b};function Gi(a,b){Gi.a.constructor.call(this,"rests.line");this.ea=b}u(Gi,S);
Gi.prototype.p=function(a){Gi.a.p.call(this,a);a.save();var b=E(this,"parent","x"),c=E(this,"parent","y"),d=Ib(this,"width"),e=Ib(this,"height");a.translate(b,c);var b=8*this.ea.tb(),c=0,g=d,h=0,j=e,h=j=0.5*e;a.X(b);a.beginPath();B.J(a,c,h,g,j);a.stroke();b=0.5*this.ea.tb();h=c=g=0;j=e;a.X(b);a.beginPath();B.J(a,c,h,g,j);a.stroke();c=g=d;a.X(b);a.beginPath();B.J(a,c,h,g,j);a.stroke();a.restore()};Gi.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Gi;return Gi.a.clone.call(this,a)};
Gi.prototype.Ya=function(a){return"width"===a?100:20};function Hi(a,b){Hi.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Hi,W);s=Hi.prototype;s.toString=r("ScoreRest");s.Rc=o("jl");s.Gd=function(){var a=Hi.a;return 1<this.Rc()||a.Gd.call(this)};
function Ii(a,b){var c=a.q(),d=f;switch(b){case "double-whole":d={name:"rests.M1",height:10,Ua:V(c,3)};break;case "whole":d={name:"rests.0",height:5,Ua:V(c,4)};break;case "half":d={name:"rests.1",height:5,Ua:V(c,3)};break;case "quarter":d={name:"rests.2",height:30,Ua:V(c,3)};break;case "eighth":d={name:"rests.3",height:20,Ua:V(c,3)};break;case "16th":d={name:"rests.4",height:30,Ua:V(c,3)};break;case "32nd":d={name:"rests.5",height:40,Ua:V(c,3)};break;case "64th":d={name:"rests.6",height:50,Ua:V(c,
3)};break;case "128th":d={name:"rests.7",height:60,Ua:V(c,3)}}return d}s.ja=function(){var a=Hi.a.ja.call(this);if(!a)switch(32*this.ua()/this.Fa()){case 1:a="128th";break;case 2:a="64th";break;case 4:a="32nd";break;case 8:a="16th";break;case 16:a="eighth";break;case 32:a="quarter";break;case 64:a="half";break;case 128:a="whole";break;case 256:a="double-whole"}return a};s.u=function(){if(this.ha())return Hi.a.u.call(this);var a=this.ja();if(a)return Ii(this,a).Ua};
s.ua=function(){var a=Hi.a.ua.call(this),b=this.Rc();0<b&&(a+=4*b*this.Fa());return a};function Ji(a,b){Ji.a.constructor.call(this,a,b);var c=this,d=I(),c=c||{};d.ua(this,c);c.Rh=this.is("backup");c.Rh?Cd(d,this,c):(c.Le=this.is("forward"),c.Le&&(cd(d,this,c),d.O(this,c)))}u(Ji,ee);Ji.prototype.toString=r("Score.Mover");Ji.prototype.vb=o("Le");Ji.prototype.O=function(){if(this.vb())return this.Ka||1};Ji.prototype.m=function(){var a=new R("Mover");C(a,"width",10);C(a,"height",10);this.Q(a);return a};
function Ki(){Ki.a.constructor.call(this)}u(Ki,Ee);wb(Ki);Ki.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Ki;return Ki.a.clone.call(this,a)};Ki.prototype.toString=r("Renderer.Measure");Ki.prototype.Yf=function(){return this.delegate?this.delegate:this};Ki.prototype.ff=ba("delegate");function Li(a,b){Li.a.constructor.call(this,a,b,Mi);var c=this;I();c=c||{};c.k=O(K(this,"number",f));c.Gm=N(this,"implicit",l);c.Ym=N(this,"non-controlling",l);c.width=K(this,"width",f)}var Ni;u(Li,ae);var Mi="attributes note direction harmony backup forward barline".split(" ");
s=Li.prototype;s.pj=function(a,b,c,d){function e(a){var b=f,c=be(a,function(a){return Z.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)},i);c&&c.Xc&&(c.Xc.some(function(a){return"multiple-rest"===a.Kd?(b=a,i):l})&&b)&&(a.jl=b.og)}if(W.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)&&a.ig)return a=d.create(c,f,a,"rest"),a=this.qd(a),e(a),a};
s.oj=function(a,b,c,d,e){if(W.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)){for(var g=f;b.Tc();){var h=b.Ld();if(W.prototype.isPrototypeOf(h)&&h.Pk)g===f&&(g=d.create(c,f,a,"chord"),e.filter(a),this.qd(g)),g.Gc(h),e.filter(h);else{--b.M;break}}return g}};s.xd=function(){return Ni=Ni||[this.pj,this.oj]};s.toString=r("ScoreMeasure");s.m=r(k);
function fe(a){if(a.lh===f){for(var b=[],c=We(a),d=i;c.S();){var e=c.next();d&&!Z.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)&&b.push(e.Fa());d=l;Z.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)&&e.Fa()&&b.push(e.Fa())}0===b.length&&b.push(a.Fa());a.lh=b.reduce(function(a,b){for(var c,d=b,e=a;0!==a%b;)c=b,b=a%b,a=c;return d*e/b})}return a.lh}
s.Rc=function(){if(this.pg===f)for(var a=We(this);a.S();){var b=a.next();if(Z.prototype.isPrototypeOf(b)&&b.Xc&&b.Xc.some(function(a){return"multiple-rest"===a.Kd?(this.pg=a,i):l},this))break}return this.pg?this.pg.og:0};function Lh(a,b){b=b||1;if(a.Qe===f){a.Qe=[];for(var c=We(a);c.S();){var d=c.next();d&&d.O&&d.sc&&(a.Qe[d.O()]=Math.max(a.Qe[d.O()]||1,d.sc()))}}return a.Qe[b]}s.oc=function(){var a=this.ob;a===f&&(this.ob=a=this.w.oc());return a};s.O=n();s.ba=function(){return ke(this.oc(),this)};
s.Fa=function(){return this.ba().Fa()};s.jb=function(){return this.ba().jb()};function Af(a,b){Af.a.constructor.call(this,a,b);ud(this,this)}u(Af,ee);s=Af.prototype;s.toString=r("ScoreBarline");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Af(this.w,this.v);return Af.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.m=function(){var a=new Je;this.Q(a);return a};s.ua=r(1);s.La=function(){return this.ua()};s.ph=o("Ic");s.ka=function(a){var b=f;this[a]&&(b="fermata"===a?this[a]:[this[a]]);b&&b.sort(function(a,b){return a.k-b.k});return b};
function Oi(){}Oi.prototype.toString=r("ScoreElementFactory");
Oi.prototype.create=function(a,b,c,d){c=$d.prototype.isPrototypeOf(c)?c:new $d(c);b=f;switch(d){case "rest":b=new Hi(a,c);break;case "chord":b=new Y(a,c);break;case "barline":b=new Af(a,c);break;default:b=c.is("score-partwise")?new Ye(c):c.is("part-list")?new Se(a,c):c.is("score-part")?new Ve(a,c):c.is("part-group")?new Pe(a,c):c.is("part-symbol")?new Bh(a,c):c.is("part")?new ge(a,c):c.is("measure")?new Li(a,c):c.is("note")?new W(a,c):c.is("direction")?new zf(a,c):c.is("harmony")?new Hh(a,c):c.is("backup")||
c.is("forward")?new Ji(a,c):c.is("staff-details")?new fh(a,c):c.is("clef")?new jh(a,c):c.is("key")?new sh(a,c):c.is("time")?new nh(a,c):c.is("attributes")?new Z(a,c):c.is("barline")?new Af(a,c):new ce(a,c)}return b};function Pi(){}Pi.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Pi;return ub(a,this)};Pi.prototype.reset=function(){tb(this,/^\d+/).forEach(function(a){delete this[a]},this)};function Qi(a,b,c){var c="key_pitches_"+(c||1),d=a[c];a[c]=b;return d}
function Ri(a,b,c){c="key_pitches_"+(c||1);return!a[c]||!a[c].some(hh.prototype.vj,b)?l:i}function Si(){}s=Si.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.ElementTunnelStates");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Si;this.Va&&(a.Va=this.Va);this.part_symbol&&(a.part_symbol=this.part_symbol);this.staves&&(a.staves=this.staves.slice(0));this.clefs&&(a.clefs=this.clefs.slice(0));this.times&&(a.times=this.times.slice(0));this.keys&&(a.keys=this.keys.slice(0));return a};
s.reset=function(a){this.Va=a.Va||this.Va;this.part_symbol=a.part_symbol||this.part_symbol;Ti(this,a)};function Ui(a,b,c,d,e){a[d]=a[d]||[];var g=b-1;c&&c[d]&&c[d][g]?(a[d][g]=c[d][g],a[d][g].w=a):a[d][g]||(a[d][g]=e.call(a,b))}
function Ti(a,b){for(var c=b?b.pa():1,d=1;d<=c;++d){Ui(a,d,b,"staves",function(a){return new fh(this,'<staff-details number="'+a+'"><staff-type>regular</staff-type><staff-lines>5</staff-lines></staff-details>')});Ui(a,d,b,"clefs",function(a){return new jh(this,'<clef number="'+a+'"><sign>G</sign><line>2</line></clef>')});var e=a.Eb(d);e&&"TAB"!==e.T&&(Ui(a,d,b,"times",function(a){return new nh(this,'<time number="'+a+'" symbol="common"><beats>4</beats><beat-type>4</beat-type></time>')}),Ui(a,d,b,
"keys",function(a){return new sh(this,'<key number="'+a+'"><fifths>0</fifths></key>')}))}}s.jb=function(){var a=this.part_symbol;if(a===f&&0===this.Nh){var b=this.pa();1<b&&(this.part_symbol=a=new Bh(this,'<part-symbol top-staff="1" bottom-staff="'+b+'">brace</part-symbol>'))}return a};s.pa=Z.prototype.pa;s.Fa=Z.prototype.Fa;s.getAttribute=Z.prototype.getAttribute;s.Tf=Z.prototype.Tf;s.ma=Z.prototype.ma;s.Eb=Z.prototype.Eb;s.Bd=Z.prototype.Bd;s.Qc=Z.prototype.Qc;s.ag=Z.prototype.ag;
function je(a){this.w=a;this.Hb=new Pi}je.prototype.toString=r("Score.ElementTunnel");function Vi(a,b){for(var c=a.Hb,d=b.pa(),e=1;e<=d;++e){var g=b.Qc(e);if(g){var h=f,j=zh(g);j&&(h=Qi(c,j,e));h&&j&&(h=h.filter(function(a){return!j.some(hh.prototype.tj,a)}),g.ll=h)}}}function Wi(a,b){a.Xd=a.Xd||[];var c=a.Xd,d=f;0>=c.length?(d=new Si,Ch(b)):(d=c[c.length-1],Ch(b,d),d=d.clone());d.reset(b);d.Nh=c.length;c.push(d);return d}
je.prototype.filter=function(a){a.ob=this;if(Li.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a))this.Hb.reset();else if(Z.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a))Xi(this,a);else if(Yi(this,a),W.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)&&!Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)&&!Hi.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)){var b=a.ha();if(!a.dl&&b&&(a.prev||!a.ka("tied"))){var c;if(!(c=!this.Hb)){if(!(c=b.ji)){c=this.Hb;var d=a.O(),d=d||1;if(b.L)if(Ri(c,b,d))c=i;else{var e;e=""+ih(b);c=c[e+d]===b.L}else c=l;c=!c}c=c||a.Na&&a.Na.md}if(c){if(a.Na)a.Lb=new qh(a.Na,a.q(),f,
a.ca);else if(b.L)a.Lb=new qh(f,a.q(),b.L,a.ca);else{if(c=this.Hb)c=this.Hb,d=(d=a.O())||1,b.L?c=l:(e=""+ih(b),e=c[e+d],0===e?c=l:e?c=i:(d="key_pitches_"+(d||1),c=c[d]&&c[d].some(hh.prototype.uj,b)?i:l));c&&(a.Lb=new qh(f,a.q(),0,a.ca),c=a.O(),d=""+ih(b),this.Hb[d+(c||1)]=0)}!b.ji&&this.Hb&&(c=this.Hb,a=(a=a.O())||1,b.L&&!Ri(c,b,a)&&(d=""+ih(b),d+=a,c[d]!==b.L&&(c[d]=b.L)))}}}};function Xi(a,b){var c=Wi(a,b);b.pb=c;c.Tf().forEach(function(a){Yi(this,a)},a);Vi(a,c)}
function Yi(a,b){var c;a.Xd=a.Xd||[];c=a.Xd;if(0>=c.length){var d=new Si;Ti(d);d.Nh=c.length;c.push(d)}c=c[c.length-1];b.pb=c;b.Va=c.Fa();b.Ab=c.jb();if(d=b.O())!b.ea&&!fh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(b)&&(b.ea=c.ma(d)),!b.Db&&!jh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(b)&&(b.Db=c.Eb(d)),!b.time&&!nh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(b)&&(b.time=c.Bd(d)),!b.key&&!sh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(b)&&(b.key=c.Qc(d))}function ke(a,b){var c=b.Aj;c===f&&(c=We(b).next().ba(),b.Aj=c);return c}
function Zi(a,b,c){this.w=a;this.Oi=b?i:l;this.ob=c}s=Zi.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.ElementIterator");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Zi;return ub(a,this)};function $i(a){return(a=a.w)&&a.fc?a.fc.length:0}function aj(){var a=Zi.factory;a===f&&(a=new Oi);return a}function bj(a){a.M=a.M!==f?a.M:a.Oi?$i(a):0}s.S=function(){return this.M<$i(this)};s.next=function(){return this.w.fc[this.M++]};s.Tb=function(){return 0<this.M};s.prev=function(){return this.w.fc[--this.M]};
function cj(a,b,c,d){this.element=a;this.bh=b||[];this.bh.push(this.qd);this.lc=a.fc||[];a.fc=this.lc;this.lj=c;this.Hf=d}cj.prototype.toString=r("Score.ElementEnfolder");function dj(a,b){var c=f;if(b.Tc()){var d=b.Ld();a.bh.some(function(a){return(c=a.call(this,d,b,this.element,this.lj,this.Hf))?i:l},a)}return c}cj.prototype.qd=function(a){var b=0<this.lc.length?this.lc[this.lc.length-1]:f,c=this.lc.length;this.lc.push(a);a.Bj=c;b&&(b.next=a,a.prev=b);this.Hf&&this.Hf.filter(a);return a};
function ej(a,b,c){ej.a.constructor.call(this,a,b,c);if((a=this.w)&&!a.Af){var b=a.xd(),c=aj(),d=fj(this,a);a.Nc=a.Nc||new cj(a,b,c,this.ob);for(b=new gj(d);b.Tc();)dj(a.Nc,b);a.fc=a.Nc.lc;a.Af=i}bj(this)}u(ej,Zi);ej.prototype.toString=r("Score.ElementFullInitIter");ej.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new ej;return ej.a.clone.call(this,a)};function fj(a,b){var c=f,d=aj();Q(b,b.Bf.join(","),function(a,g){var h=d.create(b,a,g);c=c||[];c.push(h)},a);return c}function gj(a){this.cd=a;this.M=0}
gj.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new gj;return ub(a,this)};gj.prototype.Tc=function(){return this.cd?this.M<this.cd.length:l};gj.prototype.Ld=function(){return this.cd[this.M++]};
function hj(a,b,c){hj.a.constructor.call(this,a,b,c);if((owner=this.w)&&!owner.Af){a=owner;if(!(b=owner.Df))b=P(owner,owner.Bf);a.Df=b;var a=owner,d;b=owner.Df;b.v&&(d=new $d(b.v.first()));a.cj=d;d=owner;var e;a=owner.Df;a.v&&(e=new $d(a.v.last()));d.gm=e;owner.Kc=owner.Kc||owner.cj;owner.Nc=owner.Nc||new cj(owner,owner.xd(),aj(),this.ob)}bj(this)}u(hj,Zi);s=hj.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.ElementLazyInitIter");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new hj;return hj.a.clone.call(this,a)};
s.S=function(){return hj.a.S.call(this)||this.Nk()};s.next=function(a){bj(this);var b=hj.a;if(b.S.call(this))b=b.next.call(this);else{var b=this.w,c=dj(b.Nc,this);++this.M;b.Kc||(b.Af=i);b=c}!a&&this.S()&&(this.next(i),this.prev());return b};s.Tc=function(){return this.w.Kc?i:l};s.Ld=function(){var a=this.w,b=aj(),c=a.Kc,d;d=a.Kc;d=(d=d.v?d.v.next():f)&&d.length?new $d(d):f;a.Kc=d;b=b.create(a,f,c);a.cd=a.cd||[];a.cd.push(b);return b};s.Nk=hj.prototype.Tc;
function We(a,b){var c=f;ge.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)?c=a.oc():Li.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)&&(c=a.w.oc());return ge.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)?new hj(a,b,c):new ej(a,b,c)}function ij(){ij.a.constructor.call(this,"Wedge")}u(ij,S);ij.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new ij;return ij.a.clone.call(this,a)};
ij.prototype.p=function(a){ij.a.p.call(this,a);var b=this.n;a.save();a.X(1);a.qa("#000000");a.beginPath();var c=this.Fh(),d=this.Gh(),e=b.j.lf||10;("crescendo"===b.j.type?4:1)&1?(a.moveTo(c,0+e),a.lineTo(d,0+0.5*e),a.lineTo(c,0)):(a.moveTo(d,0+e),a.lineTo(c,0+0.5*e),a.lineTo(d,0));a.stroke();a.restore()};ij.prototype.Fh=function(){var a=this.n.r()[0].t(),b=a.aa();return a.W+E(b,"parent","x")};
ij.prototype.Gh=function(){var a=this.n.r(),b=a[0].t(),a=a[a.length-1].t(),c=a.aa();return E(a,"parent","x")-E(b,"parent","x")+b.W+E(c,"parent","x")+c.i("width")};function jj(a,b){jj.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(jj,uf);s=jj.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Wedge");s.l=r("wedge");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new jj(this.k,this.j);return jj.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.ta=function(a){return/(crescendo|diminuendo|continue|stop)/.test(a)};s.na=function(a){return/crescendo|diminuendo/.test(a)};
s.va=function(a){return"stop"===a};s.m=function(){var a=new ij;C(a,"height",this.j.lf||10);this.Q(a);return a};function kj(){kj.a.constructor.call(this,"Dashes")}u(kj,S);kj.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new kj;return kj.a.clone.call(this,a)};kj.prototype.p=function(a){kj.a.p.call(this,a);var b=this.n;a.save();a.X(1);a.qa("#000000");var c=this.Jk(),d=this.Kk();a.beginPath();B.Mc(a,c,0,d,0,b.j.hj,b.j.Fl);a.stroke();a.restore()};kj.prototype.Jk=ij.prototype.Fh;kj.prototype.Kk=ij.prototype.Gh;
function lj(a,b){lj.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(lj,uf);s=lj.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Dashes");s.l=r("dashes");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new lj(this.k,this.j);return lj.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.ta=function(a){return/(start|continue|stop)/.test(a)};s.na=function(a){return"start"===a};s.va=function(a){return"stop"===a};s.s=r("upper");s.m=function(){var a=new kj;C(a,"height",10);this.Q(a);return a};function mj(a,b){mj.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(mj,Bf);mj.prototype.toString=r("Score.Dynamics");
mj.prototype.l=r("dynamics");mj.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new mj(this.k,this.j);return mj.a.clone.call(this,a)};
mj.prototype.m=function(a){var b=fc(kc(a)),c=f;(a=this.j.qf)&&a.forEach(function(a){for(var e=0;e<a.length;++e){var g=a.charAt(e),h;h={width:f,height:f};switch(g){case "r":case "z":case "s":case "m":h.height=8;break;case "p":h.height=13;break;case "f":h.height=18;break;case "-":h.width=10;break;default:h.width=15}if(h=G(b,g,h.width,h.height)){h.wj*=0.6;c=c||new R("Dynamics");var j=h.P();F(h,"dynamics","y",j.c);g="p"===g?1:"z"===g?2:0;c.o(h,l,l,g,g,"dynamics")}}},this);this.Q(c);return c};
function nj(){nj.a.constructor.call(this,"Slide")}u(nj,S);nj.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new nj;return nj.a.clone.call(this,a)};
nj.prototype.p=function(a){nj.a.p.call(this,a);var b=this.n,c=this.n.r()[0].t().i("width"),d=oj(this),e,g=this.n.r();e=g[g.length-1];g=g[0].t();e=e.t();e.aa();e=E(e,"parent","x")-E(g,"parent","x");var h=this.n.r(),g=h[0],h=h[h.length-1],g=oj(this)+(h.u()-g.u());a.save();a.X(1);a.qa("#000000");a.beginPath();switch(b.j.xb){default:case "solid":B.J(a,c,d,e,g);break;case "dashed":B.Mc(a,c,d,e,g);break;case "dotted":B.Mc(a,c,d,e,g,1,4);break;case "wavy":var b=B,h=e-c,j=g-d,m=Math.atan(j/h);a.transform(Math.cos(m),
Math.sin(m),-Math.sin(m),Math.cos(m),c+3,d);for(var h=Math.abs(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(h,2)+Math.pow(j,2)))-3,m=j=0,p=i;j<h;){var q=j+3,x=m+(p?1:-1)*3*(5/3);b.J(a,j,m,q,x);j=q;m=x;p=!p}}a.stroke();a.restore();a.save();if(b=this.Ma(a))h=b.i("width"),e-=c,g-=d,j=Math.atan(g/e),a.transform(Math.cos(j),Math.sin(j),-Math.sin(j),Math.cos(j),c+0.5*e-0.5*h*Math.cos(j),d+0.5*g-0.5*h*Math.sin(j)),b.p(a);a.restore()};function oj(a){var a=a.n.r()[0],b=a.t().aa();return 0.5*(-1===a.H()?1:-1)*b.i("height")}
nj.prototype.Ma=function(a){var b=f,c=this.n.Ga();c&&(b=new T("center"),Ie(b,c,"10px sans-serif",a),b.wa({width:b.i("width"),height:b.i("height")}));return b};function pj(a,b){pj.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(pj,Bf);s=pj.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Slide");s.l=r("slide");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new pj(this.k,this.j);return pj.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.ta=function(a){return/(start|stop)/.test(a)};s.na=function(a){return"start"===a};s.va=function(a){return"stop"===a};s.Ga=function(){return this.j.text};
s.Je=r(l);s.s=function(){return-1===this.r()[0].H()?"lower":"upper"};s.m=function(){var a=new nj;this.Q(a);return a};function qj(a,b){qj.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(qj,pj);qj.prototype.toString=r("Score.Glissando");qj.prototype.l=r("glissando");qj.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new qj(this.k,this.j);return qj.a.clone.call(this,a)};function rj(a){rj.a.constructor.call(this,"Bracket");this.Ac=a||8}u(rj,S);s=rj.prototype;s.clone=function(a){a=a||new rj;return rj.a.clone.call(this,a)};
s.p=function(a){rj.a.p.call(this,a);a.save();a.X(1);a.qa("#000000");a.beginPath();var b;this.Ac&10?b=0:this.Ac&5&&(b=0);zb(B,a,0,b,this.kb(),this.Xa(),this.Ac);a.stroke();a.restore();if(b=this.Ma(a))a.save(),a.translate(5,-(b.i("height")-this.Xa()+2)),b.p(a),a.restore()};
s.kb=function(){var a=this.n;if(this.Ac&10){var b=a.r(),c=b[0].t(),b=b[b.length-1].t(),c=E(c,"parent","x"),d=E(b,"parent","x"),b=b.i("width");sj.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)&&(b-=2);return c===f?Hb(this,"width")-2:d-c+b}if(this.Ac&5)return a.pc()};s.Xa=function(){var a=this.n;if(this.Ac&10)return a.pc();if(this.Ac&5){var a=a.r(),b=a[0].u();return a[a.length-1].u()-b+10}};
s.Ma=function(a){var b=f,c=this.n;if("ending"===c.l()){var d="";(d=c.j?c.j.kl:"")?(d=d.split(/,\s+/).join("., "),d+="."):d=c.Ga();d&&(b=new T("center"),kc(a).Ea=14,Ie(b,d,"bold 11px sans-serif",a),b.wa({width:b.i("width"),height:b.i("height")}))}return b};function tj(a,b){tj.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(tj,uf);s=tj.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Bracket");s.l=r("bracket");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new tj(this.k,this.j);return tj.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.ta=function(a){return/(start|continue|stop)/.test(a)};
s.na=function(a){return"start"===a};s.va=function(a){return"stop"===a};s.s=r("upper");s.pc=r(10);s.m=function(a,b){var c=new rj(b);C(c,"height",this.pc());this.Q(c);return c};function sj(a,b){sj.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(sj,tj);s=sj.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Ending");s.l=r("ending");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new sj(this.k,this.j);return sj.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.ta=function(a){return/(start|discontinue|stop)/.test(a)};s.na=function(a){return"start"===a};
s.va=function(a){return"stop"===a||"discontinue"===a};s.zc=function(a,b,c){"discontinue"===b&&(this.Rk=i);return sj.a.zc.call(this,a,b,c)};s.m=function(a){var b=8;this.Rk&&(b|=4);return sj.a.m.call(this,a,b)};s.Ga=function(){return this.j?this.j.text:""};function uj(){uj.a.constructor.call(this,"HarpPedals");C(this,"width",80);C(this,"height",25)}u(uj,S);uj.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new uj;return uj.a.clone.call(this,a)};
uj.prototype.p=function(a){uj.a.p.call(this,a);a.save();a.X(1);a.qa("#000000");var b=this.i("width"),c=this.i("height");a.beginPath();B.J(a,0,0.5*c,0+b,0.5*c);a.stroke();a.beginPath();B.J(a,0.43*b,0,0.43*b,0+c);a.stroke();a.restore();vj(this,a)};
function vj(a,b){var c=a.n;b.save();b.X(3);b.qa("#000000");var d=a.i("width"),e=a.i("height"),g=c.j.mi,h=d/8,j=e/3;"DCBEFGA".split("").forEach(function(a,c){var d=g[a],e=0.5*h+c*h,e=e+(3<=c?h:0),A=j;0>d?A+=j:0<d&&(A+=-j);d=A+j;b.beginPath();B.J(b,e,A,e,d);b.stroke()});b.restore()}function wj(a,b){wj.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(wj,Bf);wj.prototype.toString=r("Score.HarpPedals");wj.prototype.l=r("harp-pedals");
wj.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new wj(this.k,this.j);return wj.a.clone.call(this,a)};wj.prototype.m=function(){var a=new uj;this.Q(a);return a};function xj(){xj.a.constructor.call(this,"HarmonyFrame");C(this,"width",80);C(this,"height",25)}u(xj,S);var yj={marginTop:15,marginLeft:15,marginRight:5,marginBottom:5,Xb:10,Pc:15};xj.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new xj;return xj.a.clone.call(this,a)};
xj.prototype.i=function(a){var b=this.n;return"width"===a?yj.marginLeft+yj.marginRight+yj.Xb*(b.j.of-1):yj.marginTop+yj.marginBottom+yj.Pc*b.j.Rf};
xj.prototype.p=function(a){xj.a.p.call(this,a);a.save();a.transform(1,0,0,-1,0,this.i("height"));var b=this.n;a.X(0.5);a.qa("#000000");for(var c=yj.marginTop,d=yj.marginTop+b.j.Rf*yj.Pc,e=this.i("width"),g=1;g<=b.j.of;++g){var h=e-yj.marginRight-(g-1)*yj.Xb;a.beginPath();B.J(a,h,c,h,d);a.closePath();a.stroke()}c=yj.marginLeft;d=yj.marginLeft+(b.j.of-1)*yj.Xb;for(e=0;e<=b.j.Rf;++e){g=yj.marginTop+e*yj.Pc;if(0<e){var j=(e+b.j.ye-1).toString();a.hf("bottom");h=yj.marginLeft-0.5*yj.Xb-a.measureText(j);
a.fillText(j,h,g)}a.beginPath();B.J(a,c,g,d,g);a.closePath();0===e&&1===b.j.ye?a.X(3):a.X(1);a.stroke()}zj(this,a);a.restore()};function Aj(a,b,c,d,e,g){for(var h=1;h<=b.j.of;++h)if(!a[h-1]){var j=c-d.marginRight-(h-1)*d.Xb,m=d.marginTop+-0.5*d.Pc;g.X(1);g.beginPath();e.J(g,j-2,m-2,j+2,m+2);g.closePath();g.stroke();g.beginPath();e.J(g,j-2,m+2,j+2,m-2);g.closePath();g.stroke()}}
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function zj(a,b){var c=a.n,d=[],e=c.j.Qf;if(e){var g=B,h=yj,j=a.i("width"),m=f;e.forEach(function(a){var e=Number(a.Hl.text);d[e-1]=i;var g=Number(a.Ej.text),g=0===g?g:g-c.j.ye+1,A=j-h.marginRight-(e-1)*h.Xb,D=h.marginTop+(g-0.5)*h.Pc,qa=a.Pi;qa&&(m=m||[],m[g]=m[g]||{},m[g][qa.type]=e);e=A;0===g?(b.X(1),b.beginPath(),b.arc(e,D,2,0,2*Math.PI),b.closePath(),b.stroke()):a.jh?(b.X(0.5),b.beginPath(),b.arc(e,D,5,0,2*Math.PI),b.closePath(),b.fill(),a=a.jh,a.text&&(b.save(),b.Td("bold 8px sans-serif"),b.qa("#FFFFFF"),
b.hf("middle"),e-=0.5*b.measureText(a.text),b.fillText(a.text,e,D+1),b.restore())):(b.X(0.5),b.beginPath(),b.arc(e,D,3,0,2*Math.PI),b.closePath(),b.fill())},a)}Aj(d,c,j,h,g,b);Bj(m,j,h,b)}function Cj(a,b){Cj.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Cj,Bf);Cj.prototype.toString=r("Score.HarmonyFrame");Cj.prototype.l=r("harmony-frame");Cj.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Cj(this.k,this.j);return Cj.a.clone.call(this,a)};Cj.prototype.m=function(){var a=new xj;this.Q(a);return a};
function Dj(a,b){Dj.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Dj,og);Dj.prototype.toString=r("Score.Lyric");Dj.prototype.l=r("lyric");Dj.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Dj(this.k,this.j);return Dj.a.clone.call(this,a)};function Ej(a,b){Ej.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Ej,uf);s=Ej.prototype;s.ta=function(a){return/(start|continue|stop)/.test(a)};s.na=function(a){return"start"===a};s.va=function(a){return"stop"===a};s.toString=r("Score.StaffLyrics");s.l=r("staff-lyrics");
s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Ej(this.k,this.j);return Ej.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.s=r("lower");s.r=function(){if(this.Qa){var a=this.Qa[this.Qa.length-1].r();return[this.Qa[0].r()[0],a[a.length-1]]}return Ej.a.r.call(this)};function Fj(a,b,c){a.Vd=b;a.Nb=c}
s.m=function(a){var b=new R("StaffLyrics"),c=this.r();if(c&&0<c.length&&(c=Pg(this.Vd,c[0].t(),this.Nb),F(b,"staff_lyrics","x",c),F(b,"staff_lyrics","y",0),this.Qa)){var d=f;this.Qa.forEach(function(c,g){var h=c.m(a),j=c.r();if(j&&!(0>=j.length)){var j=Pg(this.Vd,j[0].t(),this.Nb),m=(this.Pe-c.la())*h.i("height");if(0<g){var p=c.j.Jl||"single",q=d[c.la()-1];if(q!==f&&("middle"===p||"end"===p))p=new T("left"),Ie(p,"-",c.oa(),a),F(p,"staff_lyrics","x",q+0.5*(j-q-p.i("width"))),F(p,"staff_lyrics","y",
m),b.o(p,l,l,0,0,"staff_lyrics")}F(h,"staff_lyrics","x",j);F(h,"staff_lyrics","y",m);b.o(h,l,l,0,0,"staff_lyrics");q=j+h.i("width");d=d||[];d[c.la()-1]=q;c.j.extend&&(p=new T("left"),Ie(p," __",c.oa(),a),F(p,"staff_lyrics","x",q),F(p,"staff_lyrics","y",m),b.o(p,l,l,0,0,"staff_lyrics"))}},this)}this.Q(b);return b};function Gj(){Gj.a.constructor.call(this,"Shift")}u(Gj,S);Gj.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Gj;return Gj.a.clone.call(this,a)};
Gj.prototype.p=function(a){Gj.a.p.call(this,a);var b=this.Ma(a);if(b){var c=this.n;a.save();var d=c.r();if(d[0]!==d[1]){a.X(1);a.qa("#000000");var d=this.n.r(),e=d[0].t(),d=d[d.length-1].t(),e=E(e,"parent","x"),g=E(d,"parent","x"),d=d.i("width"),d=0+(g-e+d),e="upper"===c.s()?0:0.5*this.i("height"),g=1|("upper"===c.s()?8:2),h=b.i("width");a.beginPath();zb(B,a,0+h+5,e,d-(0+h+5),c.pc(),g,"dashed",4,4);a.stroke()}b.p(a);a.restore()}};
Gj.prototype.Ma=function(a){if(this.Da===f){var b=this.n.Ga();b!==f&&(this.Da=new T("left"),Ie(this.Da,b,"italic 12px sans-serif",a),a=this.Da.i("width"),b=this.Da.i("height"),this.Da.wa({width:a,height:b}),C(this,"height",b))}return this.Da};function Ih(a,b){Ih.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Ih,uf);s=Ih.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Shift");s.l=r("octave-shift");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Ih(this.k,this.j);return Ih.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.ta=function(a){return/(up|down|continue|stop)/.test(a)};
s.na=function(a){return/(up|down)/.test(a)};s.va=function(a){return"stop"===a};s.s=function(){return"up"===this.j.type?"lower":"upper"};s.pc=r(5);s.Ga=function(){var a=this.j.size;return a?a+(8===a?"v":"m")+("upper"===this.s()?"a":"b"):f};s.m=function(a){var b=new Gj;this.Q(b);b.Ma(a);return b};function Hj(){}var Ij,Jj,Kj,Lj;v(Hj,wf);
Hj.prototype.Gc=function(a){Ij=Ij||[Fi,Yf,Zf,$f,bg,cg,ag,dg,Ig,Jg,Kg,Lg,Mg,Ng,Og,Qg,Rg,Sg,Tg,pg,qg,rg,sg,tg,ug,yg,zg,Ag,Bg,vg,wg,Cg,Dg,Eg,eg,Fg,Gg,Hg,Ei,vi,Di,ki,Wf,pi,mj,pj,qj,Dj];xf(this,Ij,a)};function Mj(a){Mj.a.constructor.call(this,a)}u(Mj,Vh);
Mj.prototype.dh=function(a,b){F(b,"staff","x",0);switch(a.Rc()){case 3:this.kc(a,b,"double-whole");this.kc(a,b,"whole");Nj(this,a,b);break;case 2:this.kc(a,b,"double-whole");Nj(this,a,b);break;case 1:this.kc(a,b,"whole");break;case 0:case f:this.kc(a,b);this.ue(a,b);break;default:var c=a.q(),d=new Gi(0,c),c=V(c,2);F(d,"staff","y",c);b.o(d,l,l,0,0,"staff");Nj(this,a,b)}};
Mj.prototype.kc=function(a,b,c){if(c=c||a.ja()){var d=Ii(a,c),c=G(this.z,d.name,d.width,d.height);y=a.u();y===f&&(y=d.Ua);a=c.P();y+=a.c;F(c,"staff","y",y);b.o(c,l,l,2,2,"staff")}};Mj.prototype.ue=function(a,b){var c=a.ja();c&&(c=Ii(a,c),Mj.a.ue.call(this,a,b,c.Ua))};
function Nj(a,b,c){var d=b.Rc();if(0<d){for(var e=d.toString(),d=1<e.length?new R("Renderer.RestNumber"):f,b=b.q(),g=0;g<e.length;++g){var h=cc(a.z,e.charAt(g),20);d?d.o(h,l,l,0,0):d=h}d&&(a=V(b,b.fa),e=0.5*(c.i("width")-d.i("width")),F(d,"staff","x",e),F(d,"staff","y",a),c.o(d,l,l,0,0,"staff"))}}function Oj(a,b){Oj.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Oj,Bf);s=Oj.prototype;s.toString=r("Score.Arpeggiate");s.l=r("arpeggiate");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Oj(this.k,this.j);return Oj.a.clone.call(this,a)};
s.ta=function(a){return a===f};s.na=r(l);s.va=r(l);s.s=function(){return this.j.direction};s.m=function(a){for(var b=f,c=this.r(),d=c[0].u(),c=c[c.length-1].u(),c=Math.ceil((c-d)/10),e=0;e<c;++e){var g=a,h=e,j=c,m="scripts.arpeggio";0===h&&"down"===this.s()&&(m="scripts.arpeggio.arrow.M1");h===j-1&&"up"===this.s()&&(m="scripts.arpeggio.arrow.1");if(g=G(g,m,f,10))b=b||new Fe("Arpeggiate"),b.o(g,l,l,0,0)}b&&F(b,"staff","y",d);return b};function Pj(a,b){Pj.a.constructor.call(this,a,b)}u(Pj,Bf);s=Pj.prototype;
s.toString=r("Score.NonArpeggiate");s.l=r("non-arpeggiate");s.clone=function(a){a=a||new Pj(this.k,this.j);return Pj.a.clone.call(this,a)};s.ta=function(a){return/(top|bottom)/.test(a)};s.na=r(l);s.va=r(l);s.pc=r(5);s.m=function(){var a=new rj(4),b=this.r(),c=b[0].u();requisite_height=b[b.length-1].u()-c;requisite_width=this.pc();C(a,"width",requisite_width);C(a,"height",requisite_height);F(a,"staff","y",c-5);this.Q(a);return a};function Qj(a){Qj.a.constructor.call(this,a)}u(Qj,Vh);
function Rj(a,b){this.z=a;this.ea=b}var Sj;v(Rj,wf);Rj.prototype.Wa=function(a){Sj=Sj||[Oj,Pj];xf(this,Sj,a)};Rj.prototype.fb=n();Rj.prototype.Mh=function(a,b){for(var c=0;c<(this.ra?this.ra.length:0);++c){var d=this.ra[c];if(d&&d.toString()===a.prototype.toString()&&d.la()===b)return i}return l};function Tj(a,b){if(a.df===f&&0<(a.ra?a.ra.length:0))for(var c=0;c<(a.ra?a.ra.length:0);++c){var d=a.ra[c];if(d&&(d=d.m(b)))a.df=a.df||[],a.df.push(d)}return a.df}function Uj(a,b){this.z=a;this.ea=b}
function Vj(a,b){return a.hd!==f&&a.hd.some(function(a){return a===b})?i:l}function Wj(a){a.Hc.reverse();a.Hc.forEach(function(a){F(a,"accidentals","y",E(a,"alignbox","y"));this.ge.o(a,l,l,2,2,"accidentals")},a);delete a.Hc;delete a.hd;delete a.cc}
Uj.prototype.Wa=function(a,b,c){if(!Vj(this,b)&&a.Lb){this.ge=this.ge||new R("AccidentalGroup");var d;d=a.ha();var e=f,g=l;b<c.length-1&&1===ih(c[b+1].ha())-ih(d)&&(g=i);this.cc===f&&(this.cc=c.length);for(var h=f,j=f;--this.cc>b;){var e=c[this.cc],j=e.ha(),h=e.Lb,m=2<=this.cc-b,j=6<=ih(j)-ih(d);if(h&&(m||j)){j&&g&&(++this.cc,e=f);break}else e=f}if(d=e){e=new Fe("AlignAccidentalBox");if(g=a.Lb.m(this.z))m=g.P(),m=a.u()+m.c,F(g,"alignbox","x",0),F(g,"alignbox","y",m),e.o(g,l,l,0,0,"alignbox");if(h=
d.Lb.m(this.z))m=h.P(),m=d.u()+m.c,a=a.ha(),j=0,6>ih(d.ha())-ih(a)&&(j+=g.i("width")),F(h,"alignbox","x",j),F(h,"alignbox","y",m),e.o(h,l,l,0,0,"alignbox");this.Hc=this.Hc||[];this.Hc.push(e);this.hd=this.hd||[];this.hd.push(this.cc)}else if(d=a.Lb.m(this.z))e=d.P(),a=a.u()+e.c,F(d,"accidentals","y",a),this.ge.o(d,l,l,2,2,"accidentals")}c.length-1===b&&this.Hc!==f&&Wj(this)};Uj.prototype.fb=function(a){a.dl=i};Uj.prototype.t=o("ge");
function Xj(){this.Jb=this.Ib=0;this.yc=this.xc=f;this.Nd=this.Md=0}Xj.prototype.Wa=function(a){var b=a.q(),b=V(b,Oe(b)),b=a.u()-b;0<b&&(++this.Md,b=Math.abs(b),this.Ib<b&&(this.Ib=b,this.xc=a));0>b&&(++this.Nd,b=Math.abs(b),this.Jb<b&&(this.Jb=b,this.yc=a))};Xj.prototype.fb=function(a,b,c){var d=(b=this.sb(c))?b.H():1;a.Ud(d);this.Yg===f&&b&&If(b)&&(c=b===c[0]?c[c.length-1]:c[0],c=this.Yg=b.Za()+Math.abs(b.u()-c.u()),b.Sd===f&&(b.Sd=b.fd),b.fd=c);a!==b&&(a.gf(i),a.gi=i)};
Xj.prototype.sb=function(a){if(this.gb===f){var b=f;if(a&&a[0].ca)b=a[0].H(),this.gb=-1===b?a[0]:a[a.length-1];else{var c=this.Ib===this.Jb?this.Md>=this.Nd?this.xc:this.yc:this.Ib>=this.Jb?this.xc:this.yc,b=c.H();1===b&&c===a[0]&&(c=a[a.length-1]);-1===b&&c===a[a.length-1]&&(c=a[0]);c.Ud(b);this.gb=c}}return this.gb};function Yj(a,b){this.context=a;this.z=b}Yj.prototype.Wa=n();
function Zj(a,b,c){var d=f,e=f;0<b&&(d=c[b-1]);b<c.length-1&&(e=c[b+1]);var g=a.ha();return[d,e].some(function(a){if(a===f)return l;a=a.ha();return 1===Math.abs(ih(g)-ih(a))?i:l})}Yj.prototype.fb=function(a,b,c){var d=this.t(),e=(new Vh(this.context)).m(a,i),g=0;if(Zj(a,b,c)){var b=e.aa().i("width"),g=0,h=a.ha(),a=a.H();(c=0!==(ih(c[c.length-1].ha())-ih(h))%2)&&1===a?g=-1:!c&&-1===a&&(g=1);g*=b;d.Hi=i}F(e,"staff","x",g);d.o(e,l,l,0,0,"staff")};
Yj.prototype.t=function(){this.Tg===f&&(this.Tg=new Fe("ChordNote"));return this.Tg};Qj.prototype.td=function(a,b){a.I.forEach(function(a,d,e){b.forEach(function(b){b.Wa(a,d,e)})},this)};Qj.prototype.jd=function(a,b){a.I.forEach(function(a,d,e){b.forEach(function(b){b.fb(a,d,e)})},this)};function $j(a,b){if(!W.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)||!W.prototype.isPrototypeOf(b))return 0;var c=a.O(),d=b.O();return c===d?(c=ih(a.ha()),d=ih(b.ha()),c-d):d-c}
Qj.prototype.m=function(a){var b=a.rb(),c=a.q(),d=f;if("TAB"!==b.T&&a.I!==f&&1<a.I.length){a.I.sort($j);var b=new Xj,e=new Rj(this.z,c),g=new Uj(this.z,c),c=new Yj(this.context,this.z),h=[b,e,g,c];this.td(a,h);this.jd(a,h);oi(a,b.sb());var j=new Pf;(b=Tj(e,this.z))&&b.forEach(function(a){F(a,"compound","y",E(a,"staff","y"));j.o(a,l,l,0,2,"compound")},this);if(b=g.t())F(b,"compound","y",E(b,"accidentals","y")),j.o(b,l,l,0,0,"compound");d=c.t();j&&(F(d,"compound","y",E(d,"staff","y")),j.o(d,l,l,0,0,
"compound"),F(j,"staff","y",E(j,"compound","y")),d=j)}else"TAB"===b.T&&a.I!==f&&1<a.I.length&&(d=new Fe("ChordFret"),a.I.forEach(function(a){a=(new Vh(this.context)).m(a,i);F(a,"staff","x",0);d.o(a,l,l,0,0,"staff")},this));a.Q(d);return d};function ak(a){this.context=a;this.z=fc(kc(a))}s=ak.prototype;s.$=function(a,b){b=b||new ah;a.prev&&bk(this,a,this.Mf,this.If,b,f);bk(this,a,this.Nf,this.Jf,b,f);bk(this,a,this.Of,this.Kf,b,f);return b};
function bk(a,b,c,d,e,g){for(var h=0,j=b.ba().pa(),m=1;m<=j;++m)h=c.call(a,b,m,g),e.save(),h&&(duration=d.call(a,h,dh(e,m,i),g)),h=e.restore();0===h&&(h=1);e.qb(h);return h}s.Mf=function(a,b,c){return c?a.ba().Eb(b):a.Eb(b)};
s.If=function(a,b,c){if(a&&(c=a.m(this.z,c))){var d=c.P(),e=a.u()+d.c;F(c,"staff","y",e);c.yb=new Ph;var g=5;b.o(c,i,l,g,10,"staff");if(a.nd){var h=new T,j;j=""+Math.abs(8*a.nd);Ie(h,j,"10px sans-serif",this.context);j=a.q();0<a.nd?(e+=d.d-d.c,e=Math.max(e,V(j,j.fa)),e+=2):(e=Math.min(e,V(j,1)),e-=h.i("height"),e-=2);F(h,"staff","y",e);h.da=c.da;g+=0.5*(d.f-d.e-h.i("width"));b.o(h,l,l,g,0,"staff")}return a.La()}return 0};
s.Nf=function(a,b,c){var d=a.ba(),e=d.ma(b),d=d.Eb(b),g=f;"alternate"===e.Eg&&"TAB"===d.T||(g=c?a.ba().Qc(b):a.Qc(b));return g};s.Jf=function(a,b){if(a){var c=a.m(this.z);if(c)return c.yb=new Ph,b.o(c,i,l,0,10,"staff"),a.La()}return 0};s.Of=function(a,b,c){var d=a.ba(),e=d.ma(b),d=d.Eb(b),g=f;"alternate"===e.Eg&&"TAB"===d.T||(g=c?a.ba().Bd(b):a.Bd(b));return g};
s.Kf=function(a,b){if(a){var c=a.m(this.z);if(c){var d=c.P();staff=a.q();d=V(staff,Oe(staff))+d.c;F(c,"staff","y",d);c.yb=new Ph;b.o(c,i,l,0,10,"staff");return a.La()}}return 0};s.zj=function(a,b){return a.ba().ma(b)};s.rj=function(a,b,c){if(a){var a=a.clone(),d=a.m(this.z);if(d)return a.ud=c,a=gh(a,0),F(d,"staff","y",a),d.yj=i,d.Dc=b.Dc,d.yb=new Ph,b.o(d,i,i,0,0,"staff"),c}return 0};function ck(a){this.z=a}
ck.prototype.$=function(a,b){b=b||new ah;if(a.Rh)b.ie(a.La());else{var c=a.m(this.z);c&&dh(b,a.O(),i).o(c,i,l,0,1,"staff")}return b};function dk(a){this.z=a}dk.prototype.$=function(a,b,c,d){var b=b||new ah,e=a.ba();if(e){var g=a.m(this.z);if(g){g.Ka=a.k;var h=e.ma(a.k),j=V(h,1),m=a.jb();"alternate"!==h.Eg&&m&&a.k===m.me&&(e=e.ma(m.rf),e=V(e,e.fa),g.ld=Math.abs(e-j));F(g,"staff","y",j);g.gl=d?i:l;dh(b,a.k,i).o(g,i,l,c?5:0,c?0:5,"staff")}}return b};function ek(a){this.context=a;this.z=fc(kc(a))}
ek.prototype.$=function(a,b,c,d,e,g){c||(c=new ah,d&&c.ff(d),c.Dc=e);b&&(c.n=a);if(a.prev&&b&&e===g-1&&(d=c,e=new T,Ie(e,a.Bj+1,"10px sans-serif",this.context),g=a.ba()))g=g.ma(1),F(e,"staff","y",V(g,g.fa)+5),e.duration=0,dh(d,1,i).o(e,l,l,0,0,"staff");for(a=We(a);a.S();){child_element=a.next();e=c;g=b;d=child_element;if(!d.prev&&!g){var h=d.w.prev,j=We(h,i).prev();if(!Af.prototype.isPrototypeOf(j)){var m=j,j=new Af(h,"<barline/>");j.pb=m.pb;j.Ab=m.Ab;j.prev=m}fk(this,j,e,i);j=d;h=l;Af.prototype.isPrototypeOf(j)||
(m=j,j=new Af(d.w,"<barline/>"),j.pb=m.pb,j.Ab=m.Ab,j.prev=m,h=i);fk(this,j,e,l,h)}!d.prev&&g?(g=e,j=d,h=new ak(this.context),bk(h,j,h.Mf,h.If,g,i),bk(h,j,h.Nf,h.Jf,g,i),j.w.prev||bk(h,j,h.Of,h.Kf,g,i)):Z.prototype.isPrototypeOf(d)&&(gk(this,e,d),g=new ak(this.context),g.$(d,e));Y.prototype.isPrototypeOf(d)?(g=new Qj(this.context),g.$(d,e)):Hi.prototype.isPrototypeOf(d)?(g=new Mj(this.context),g.$(d,e)):W.prototype.isPrototypeOf(d)&&(g=new Vh(this.context),g.$(d,e));Ji.prototype.isPrototypeOf(d)&&
(g=new ck(this.z),g.$(d,e));d.prev&&d.next&&Af.prototype.isPrototypeOf(d)&&fk(this,d,e,l);if(!d.next&&(d=d.w.next))if(g=We(d),d=f,g.S()&&Z.prototype.isPrototypeOf(d=g.next()))g=new ak(this.context),bk(g,d,g.Mf,g.If,e,f)}gk(this,c,child_element);return c};
function hk(a,b,c){function d(a,b){var c=0,d=new ak(this.context),c=c+bk(d,a,d.Nf,d.Jf,b,f);return c+=bk(d,a,d.Of,d.Kf,b,f)}var e=0,g=function(a){if(a){var a=We(a),b=f;if(a.S()&&(b=a.next(),!Z.prototype.isPrototypeOf(b)||!b.keys&&!b.Ml))b=f}return b}(b.next,c),h=We(b,i).prev();if(!Af.prototype.isPrototypeOf(h)){var j=h,h=new Af(b,"<barline/>");h.pb=j.pb;h.Ab=j.Ab;h.prev=j}e+=fk(a,h,c,g?l:i);g&&(e+=d.call(a,g,c));(function(a,b){te(a,function(a){var c=we(a)-1;do{var d=a.children&&0<=c&&c<a.children.length?
a.children[c]:f;if(Df.prototype.isPrototypeOf(d)){a=d.n;c=b+a.La();a.ud=c;d.duration=a.La();break}}while(0<=--c);return l},this)})(c,e)}function ik(a,b,c,d,e){var d=d||[],e=e||new w,g=0;b.forEach(function(a,b,m){e.save();d[b]=this.$(a,c,d?d[b]:f,e,b,m.length);g=e.restore()},a);e.qb(g);return d}function jk(a,b,c,d){var d=d||new w,e=0;b.forEach(function(a,b){d.save();hk(this,a,c[b]);e=d.restore()},a);d.qb(e);return c}
function fk(a,b,c,d,e){b.k=1;var g=0,a=new dk(a.z),h=b.ba();if(h){for(var h=h.pa(),j=1;j<=h;++j)b.k=j,c.save(),a.$(b,c,d,e),g=c.restore();c.qb(g)}b.k=1;return g}function gk(a,b,c){if(c){for(var d=b.vd(),e=b.mc(i),g=e.length-1;0<=g;--g){var h=e[g],j="staff_duration_p",j=j+b.Dc,j=h[j];if(0<=j){d-=j;d-=h.wb;break}}0<d&&(b.save(),b.ie(d),a=new ak(a.context),bk(a,c,a.zj,a.rj,b,d),b.restore())}}function kk(){kk.a.constructor.call(this,"LabelGroups")}u(kk,R);
kk.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new kk;return kk.a.clone.call(this,a)};function lk(a){if(0<we(a)){var b=0;te(a,function(a){b=Math.max(b,a.i("width"));return l},a);te(a,function(a){C(a,"width",b);return l},a)}}function mk(a,b){this.nb=a;this.uc=b}function nk(a,b,c){function d(a,b){return a?a.map(function(a){return a?a.i("width"):0}).reduce(function(a,b){return Math.max(a,b)},b):b}ok(a,b,c);pk(a,b,c);b=d(a.xg,0);b=d(a.dg,b);return b+=qk(a,rk(a))}
mk.prototype.t=function(a,b){if(this.Oa===f||this.xl!==a)if(this.Oa=f,this.xl=a,this.nb&&(this.Oa=new kk),sk(this,a),tk(this,a),this.Oa&&lk(this.Oa),uk(this,a,b),vk(this,a,b),this.nb){var c=1<this.nb.length?i:l,d=l;c||(d=1<a.cb[this.nb[0].id].n.ba().pa()?i:l);if(c||d){var c=this.Oa,e=this.nb,d=this.Oa.i("width"),g=wk(a,a.cb[e[0].id],xk),e=wk(a,a.cb[e[e.length-1].id],yk),h=new Je;h.n={Ic:"regular"};h.Oe=1;h.ld=Math.abs(e-g);F(h,"line","x",d+5);F(h,"line","y",g);c.o(h,l,l,0,0,"line")}}return this.Oa};
function ok(a,b,c){a.nb&&1<a.nb.length&&(a.xg=a.nb.map(function(a){if(a=c?a.getName():a.Sf()){var e=new T("right","middle",5);Ie(e,a,"Serif 12 Bold",b);return e}},a))}function sk(a,b){a.xg&&a.xg.forEach(function(a,d){if(a){var e=this.Oa,g=b.cb[this.nb[d].id],h=a.i("height"),g=wk(b,g,zk)-0.5*h;F(a,"line","x",0);F(a,"line","y",g);e.o(a,l,l,0,0,"line")}},a)}function pk(a,b,c){a.uc&&(a.dg=a.uc.map(function(a){if(a=c?a.Jh:a.Sf()){var e=new T("left","middle",5);Ie(e,a,"Serif 12 Bold",b);return e}}))}
function tk(a,b){a.dg&&a.dg.forEach(function(a,d){if(a){var e=this.Oa,g=this.uc[d],h=wk(b,b.cb[g.nf.id],xk),g=wk(b,b.cb[g.Wd.id],yk);F(a,"line","x",0);F(a,"line","y",0.5*(g+h));e.o(a,l,l,0,0,"line")}},a)}function rk(a){return a.uc?a.uc.map(function(a){return a.k},a).reduce(function(a,c){return Math.max(a,c)},1):1}function qk(a,b){return 10*(rk(a)-b)}
function uk(a,b,c){if(a.uc){var d=a.Oa.i("width");a.uc.forEach(function(a){var g=this.Oa,h=d+qk(this,a.k);if("none"!==a.Fd){var j=fc(kc(c)),m=b.cb[a.nf.id],p=wk(b,m,xk),q=wk(b,b.cb[a.Wd.id],yk),q=Math.abs(q-p),a=a.m(j,q);ch(m,q);F(a,"line","x",h);F(a,"line","y",p);g.o(a,l,l,0,0,"line")}},a)}}
function vk(a,b,c){if(a.nb){var d=a.Oa.i("width");a.nb.forEach(function(a){var g=this.Oa,h=d+qk(this,rk(this)),a=b.cb[a.id],j=a.n.ba(),m=j.jb();if(j&&m){var p=j.ma(m.rf),q=j.ma(m.me);if(p!==f&&q!==f&&p!==q){var p=V(p,p.fa),q=V(q,1),x=fc(kc(c)),m=m.m(x,Math.abs(p-q));m!==f&&(j=V(j.ma(j.pa()),1),a=wk(b,a,xk),F(m,"line","x",0<h?h-m.i("width"):h),F(m,"line","y",a+(q-j)),g.o(m,l,l,0,0,"line"))}}},a)}}function Ak(a){this.context=a}
Ak.prototype.$=function(a,b,c,d){if(!a)return b;a.forEach(function(a,g){var h=b[g]||new ah,j=0;te(h,function(a){j=Math.max(j,a.i("width"));return l},this);var m=(c?Math.min(d,1.7*j):d?d:1.7*j)-j,p=a.ka("beam");p&&Bk(this,p,h,m);(p=a.ka(/beam|lyric/,i))&&Bk(this,p,h,m);if(p=a.ka("lyric"))p=Ck(this,p,h,m),Bk(this,p,h,m)},this);return b};
function Bk(a,b,c,d){b.forEach(function(a){var b=wg.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a),h=Hg.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a),j=Wf.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a),m=pi.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a),p=a.r(),q=p[0].O();if(b||h){var x=p[0].rb();if("TAB"===x.T)return;q+=1;x=p[0].ba().Eb(q);if(!x||"TAB"!==x.T)return}q=dh(c,q,l);a.af(q,d);var A=a.m(this.context),D=(j||m)&&1===p.length&&!a.ended?i:l;A.da=(j||m)&&a.Vc?0:p[0].t().da;Bf.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)||(D?(a.Ke=i,j=q.mc(i),A.Bc=j[j.length-1].wb):A.Bc=p[p.length-1].t().da);
b&&(j=A.i("width"),m=A.i("height"),A.dd({e:0.5*-j,c:0.5*-m,f:0.5*j,d:0.5*m}));if(b||h)b=x,h=(h=Jh(a.Ad(),"string"))&&h[0].text?Number(h[0].text):1,x=A.P(),b=mh(b,h)+x.c,F(A,"staff","y",b);A.yb=new Ph;A.yb.Nb=d;q.o(A,l,l,vf(a,q,d),0,"staff")},a)}
function Ck(a,b,c,d){var e=[];b.forEach(function(a){var b=a.r()[0].O();e[b-1]=e[b-1]||[];e[b-1].push(a)},a);return e.map(function(a,b){var e=b+1;composed=f;a.forEach(function(a){var b=composed=composed||new Ej(e);b.Qa=b.Qa||[];b.Qa.push(a);b.Pe=b.Pe||1;b.Pe=Math.max(b.Pe,a.la())});composed&&Fj(composed,dh(c,e,l),d);return composed},a)}function Dk(){Dk.a.constructor.call(this)}u(Dk,Ee);wb(Dk);Dk.prototype.toString=r("Renderer.System");
Dk.prototype.clone=function(a){a=a||new Dk;return Dk.a.clone.call(this,a)};var yk=1,zk=2,xk=3;function wk(a,b,c){var d=0;te(a,function(a){if(0===c||c===yk||c===zk)d+=a.i("height");if(a===b){if(c===yk)d-=bh(b);else if(c===xk){var a=d,g;g=b.n.ba();g=V(g.ma(g.pa()),1)-E(b,"staff","y");d=a+g}else if(c===zk){a=d;g=bh(b);var h,j=b.n.ba();h=j.ma(1);j=j.ma(j.pa());h=V(h,h.fa)-V(j,1);d=a-(g+0.5*h)}return i}if(4===c||c===xk)d+=a.i("height");return l},a);return d}
function Ek(a){this.li=a.map(function(a){return We(a)});this.M=0}Ek.prototype.S=function(){return this.M<(this.Mb?this.Mb.length:0)?i:Fk(this)};Ek.prototype.next=function(){return this.M<(this.Mb?this.Mb.length:0)?this.Mb[this.M++]:Gk(this)};function Fk(a){return a.li.every(function(a){return a.S()})}function Gk(a){var b=a.li.map(function(a){return a.next()});a.Mb=a.Mb||[];a.Mb.push(b);++a.M;return b}Ek.prototype.Tb=function(){return 0<this.M};Ek.prototype.prev=function(){return this.Mb[--this.M]};
function Hk(a){this.z=a}Hk.prototype.$=function(a,b,c){b.forEach(function(b,e){eh(b);c=c||new Dk;var g=c,h=a[e].id;g.cb=g.cb||{};g.cb[h]===f&&(g.cb[h]=b,b.Ue=i,g.o(b,l,l,0,0))},this);return c};function Ik(a){this.context=a}function Jk(a,b,c){this.source=a;this.Pa=b;this.context=c;this.ef=$e(a).reverse();this.Sh=new mk(this.ef,a.Zf());this.ng=new ek(this.context);this.sl=new Ak(this.context);a=kc(this.context);this.Ai=new Hk(fc(a));this.Zc=new rf;this.gc=new Ek(this.ef);this.M=0}
function Kk(a,b){var c=b,d=a.Sh.t(b,a.context);d&&(c=new R("SystemWithLabels"),c.o(d,l,l,0,0,"line"),F(b,"line","x",c.i("width")),F(b,"line","y",0),c.o(b,i,i,0,0,"line"));return c}s=Jk.prototype;s.S=function(){return this.M<(this.Zb?this.Zb.length:0)?i:this.gc.S()};s.next=function(){return this.M<(this.Zb?this.Zb.length:0)?this.Zb[this.M++]:this.lg()};
s.lg=function(){var a=new Dk;this.he=this.he||0;for(var b=0,c=nk(this.Sh,this.context,!this.gc.Tb()),d=nf(this.Pa,this.Zc)-c,e=i,g=f,h=f,j=f;this.gc.S();){g=h;h=this.gc.next();this.pe=this.pe||h.map(function(){return new Hj},this);var m=this.Ai.$(this.ef,ik(this.ng,h,e,f)).i("width"),b=b+1.6*m;if(b>d){this.gc.prev();this.gc.Tb()||(e="score-div's width is not enough,",e+=" at least ",e+=Math.ceil(b+c+50),e+=" please!",aa(Error(e)));h=g;break}j=ik(this.ng,h,e,j,a);e=l;h.forEach(function(a,b){for(var c=
this.pe[b],d=We(a);d.S();){child_element=d.next();W.prototype.isPrototypeOf(child_element)&&c.Gc(child_element);if(Hh.prototype.isPrototypeOf(child_element)){var e=c,g=child_element;Kj=Kj||[Cj,Wh];xf(e,Kj,g)}else zf.prototype.isPrototypeOf(child_element)&&(e=c,g=child_element,Jj=Jj||[Sh,ai,bi,mj,ci,jj,Ih,lj,tj,Th,wj,di,Uh],xf(e,Jj,g));Af.prototype.isPrototypeOf(child_element)&&(e=c,g=child_element,Lj=Lj||[ai,bi,Ei,sj,Og],xf(e,Lj,g))}},this)}j?(j=jk(this.ng,h,j,a),b=!this.gc.S(),j=this.sl.$(this.pe,
j,b,d),this.pe.forEach(function(a){a.reset()}),a=this.Ai.$(this.ef,j,a),j=a.i("width"),b?C(a,"width",Math.min(d,1.7*j)):C(a,"width",d),a=Kk(this,a),this.he+=a.i("height"),this.he>of(this.Pa,this.Zc)&&sf(this.Zc),this.Zb=this.Zb||[],this.Zb.push(a),++this.M):a=f;return a};s.Tb=function(){return 0<this.M};s.prev=function(){return this.Zb[--this.M]};Ik.prototype.$=function(a,b){return new Jk(a,b,this.context)};function Lk(a){this.context=a}
function Mk(a,b,c,d){this.source=a;this.context=d;this.Zc=new rf;this.Pa=b;this.Yd=c;this.ga="page";this.M=0}s=Mk.prototype;s.S=function(){return this.M<(this.Wb?this.Wb.length:0)?i:this.Yd.S()};s.next=function(){return this.M<(this.Wb?this.Wb.length:0)?this.Wb[this.M++]:this.lg()};
s.lg=function(){var a=new tf(this.Zc);C(a,"width",this.Pa.zd());C(a,"height",this.Pa.Be());F(a,this.ga,"x",0);F(a,this.ga,"y",0);var b=new S("TopMargin");C(b,"height",lf(this.Pa,a,"top"));b.Ue=i;F(b,this.ga,"x",0);a.o(b,l,l,0,0,this.ga,i);(new qf(this.context)).$(this.Pa,a,i);Nk(this,a);this.Pa.di=Hb(a,"height")-a.Ya("height")-lf(this.Pa,a,"bottom");for(b=0;this.Yd.S();){var c=this.Yd.next(),b=b+5,b=b+c.i("height");if(b>of(this.Pa)){this.Yd.prev();this.Yd.Tb()||(c="score-div's height is not enough,",
c+=" at least ",c+=Math.ceil(b+50),c+=" please!",aa(Error(c)));break}F(c,this.ga,"x",lf(this.Pa,a,"left"));a.o(c,l,l,5,0,this.ga,i)}b=new S("BottomMargin");C(b,"height",lf(this.Pa,a,"bottom"));b.Ue=i;F(b,this.ga,"x",0);a.o(b,l,l,0,0,this.ga);(new qf(this.context)).$(this.Pa,a);sf(this.Zc);this.Wb=this.Wb||[];this.Wb.push(a);++this.M;return a};s.Tb=function(){return 0<this.M};s.prev=function(){return this.Wb[--this.M]};
function Nk(a,b){var c=new pf(a.context),d=hf(a.source);d&&d.forEach(function(a){c.$(a,b)},a)}Lk.prototype.$=function(a,b){b||(b=new jf(this.context,a),b.ui(this.context.kb()),b.ti(this.context.Xa()),kf(b,"top"),kf(b,"left"),kf(b,"right"),kf(b,"bottom"));var c=(new Ik(this.context)).$(a,b);return new Mk(a,b,c,this.context)};
function Ok(a,b,c,d){this.context=b;this.pf=c;this.Oc=d;var e=this;zip.workerScriptsPath||aa(Error("ScoreLibrary.Inflater(): set zip.workerScriptsPath first!"));zip.createReader(new zip.BlobReader(Pk(a)),function(a){Qk(e,a)},function(a){e.Oc.call(e.context,a)})}function Pk(a){for(var b=a.length,c=new Uint8Array(b),d=0;d<b;++d)c[d]=a.charCodeAt(d)&255;a=new zip.BlobBuilder;a.append(c.buffer);return a.getBlob("application/vnd.recordare.musicxml")}
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function Sk(a,b,c,d){this.bb="object"===typeof a?a.name:a;this.Jg=/.*\.mxl$/.test(this.bb)?i:l;this.context=b;this.pf=c;this.Oc=d}Sk.prototype.Sg=function(a){this.Jg?new Ok(a,this.context,this.pf,this.Oc):this.pf.call(this.context,a)};function Tk(a,b,c,d){Tk.a.constructor.call(this,a,b,c,d);this.mb=a;this.load()}u(Tk,Sk);Tk.prototype.load=function(){var a=new FileReader,b=this;a.onload=function(a){b.Sg(a.target.result)};a.onerror=b.ec;a.readAsBinaryString(this.mb)};
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This file is part of
score-library <http://www.musicxml-viewer.com>.
author & contact: XiongWenjie (navigator117 at gmail.com)
score-library is free software:
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
score-library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with score-library.
If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.