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A lean process flowchart generator built with based on CSS Grid and React

css-grid-flowchart demo of permuations

css-grid-flowchart demo for plus sign

css-grid-flowchart demo for plus sign

Data-driven Visualization

data = {
    firstStep: "b1fe-auth",
    workflows: {
        "b1fe-auth": { id: "b1fe-auth", name: "Authorize", type: AUTHORIZE, children: ["b1fe"] },
        "b1fe": { id: "b1fe", name: "Decision", type: DECISION, children: ["3902", "e5d2"] },
        "3902": { id: "3902", name: "Human", type: TRANSLATION, children: [ "2910"] },
        "e5d2": { id: "e5d2", name: "MachineMachine", type: TRANSLATION, children: ["3bb4"] },
        "2910": { id: "2910", name: "Edit", type: POST_TRANSLATION, children: ["3bb4"] },
        "3bb4": { id: "3bb4", name: "Review", type: REVIEW, children: ["51fa"] },
        "51fa": { id: "51fa", name: "Published", type: PUBLISH, children: [] }


css-grid-flowchart example workflow

High Level Design Approach


css-grid-flowchart design approach

The visualization component (WorkflowVis) takes as inputs

  • matrix - A N x M matrix where N is the number of columns and M is the number of rows. Each element of the matrix specifies the i of building block to render.
  • workflowVisData - A datastructure that represents the graph of all the workflow steps with information on how they are connected and the distance between the node and the root of the graph (assumed to be a directed acyclic graph (DAG)).

matrix is created from workflowVisData. (WorkflowVisContainer) creates matrix as follows:

  1. Initialize a N x M matrix. N is longest path in the DAG (workflowStepOrder is pre-calculated for each node in the graph which provides the path of the node from the root node). M is calculated from the largest frequency of workflowStepOrder. matrix is initialized with empty.

  2. Populate matrix with nodes (BFS of on the workflowVisData). Each time we loop, a node is placed into the matrix and its children are added to the toExplore queue to be placed into the matrix in the future. Additionally, two hash maps are created during this process:

    • nodeIdToCoord maps nodeId to its encoded colNum, rowNum string representing the node's position in the matrix.
    • nodeToParentCoords maps nodeId of a node to an array of the coordinates (encoded colNum, rowNum string) of all the node's parents in the matrix.
  3. Populate matrix with connectors using the hash map generated from the previous step.


You can add a new node to the flowchart by clicking the plus button. WorkflowVisContainer passes a function down to the visualization that gets called when a plus sign is clicked.

Populate Matrix In Depth

There are three major considerations to placing the nodes into the matrix:

Order of visiting the nodes

The order in which we explore the nodes is critical to the correctness of the visualization. Because our algorithm places a node into the matrix every time we loop, it's making a myopic and irrevocable decision that has consequences down the line that would affect the quality of the visualization. Our goal is to minimize the number of intersecting lines in our visualization. the following techniques are employed to achieve this goal:

The toExplore queue is maintained as a priority queue (minHeap), with the priority being

priority = workflowStepOrder + childOrder


  • workflowStepOrder is the number that indicates the distance of the current node from the root node of the visualization and
  • chilrenOrder is a number between 0 and 1 which indicates the order in which we will explore the children of a node.

The smaller the priority, the earlier we place the node into the matrix.

How do we determine childOrder? Given a children array. There are two cases:

  1. When the node is not a decision step, it has exactly one child. so the childOrder is 0.

  2. When the node is a decision step (fork step), it can have multiple children. Each child has an attribute called primary, which indicates if it's the master branch and as such, should be place at the very top of the fork (there can only be one primary branch per fork). When there are multiple children. This is the case when the node is a decision step. The childOrder is i / children.length where i is the index of the child node in a sorted children array. To sort the children array:

    • We are given an array of children. We only perform the sort when there are 2 or more children and only one of the children can be primary.

      Important Assumptions: The graph begins with a single source node and ends with a single sink node. All branches merge back into the primary branch, so by induction, all branches share a single sink node.

    • We create paths for each node in the children array. A path is defined as a sequence of nodes to reach the sink node in the graph beginning with the child node. We set the path containing the primary child node to be currPrimaryPath.
    • We keep track of the other child nodes which we want to sort in an array called nodesToSort. We keep track of the sorted child nodes in sortedNodes. We initialize:
      • nodesToSort contains all child nodes except fo the the primary child node.
      • sortedNodes contains only the primary child node.
    • We start looking at the nodes (i.e., descendants) in the currPrimaryPath from left to right. For every descendant in currPrimaryPath, we determine if any of the paths corresponding to child nodes in nodesToSort shares that descendant and if so, where in the path it is encountered.
      • If multiple paths contain the descendant, the winner is the one which we encounter the descendant earliest in the path. Once we find the winner from the nodesToSort, we add that child node to the end of sortedNodes, remove that child node from nodesToSort, and make that child node's path the new currPrimaryPath.
      • If no paths contains the descendant, we move on to the next descendant until we reach the end of currPrimaryPath. At that point, we may choose any child node nodesToSort as the winner.
    • Then, we recursively update currPrimaryPath, add next child nodes to sortedNodes, and remove child nodes from nodesToSort until we have nothing left in nodesToSort.

    Aside: Can we use Dijkstra's?

    • Yes, O(N * M)
    • Suppose we build the graph backward beginning from the sink node where all the branches eventually merge into and creates a tree in which the sink node is the root and all our leaves are nodes in our children array. Then we look at the descendants of the primary path from left to right. For each descendant, we traverse the tree starting from the descendant until we reach the leaf nodes and label the leaf nodes a number designating the number of hops from the descendant node. Then we get back the subset of leaf nodes branching from that descendant sorted by their distance from the descendant node (in ascending order) and append it to our result. After that, we look at the next descendant of the primary path until we reach the sink node.

Column Number

  • Naive: The column number of the node is workflowStepOrder * 2.

Row Number

The row number of the node is determined as follows:

  • Naive: rowNum is the first unoccupied. Each node is placed into the next empty spot in the column array.
  • Better: If no parent, rowNum is the first unoccupied. If has parent, rowNum is the parent's rowNum
  • Even Better: If no parent, rowNum is the first unoccupied. If has parent, rowNum is parent rowNum but if that is occupied, then we shift col 2 places to the right.

Limitations of this visualization engine

  • The flowchart has to be a DAG
  • The longest path cannot be greater than 1000 (limitation of the grid column template specified in the css)

Run the Project

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

npm test launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.


  1. Render connectors for step merge from 2 or more rows away
  2. Sort workflow steps with the same WorkflowStepOrder - encode that in priority
  3. Support for when a decision step has the same distance from the root node as another node - need to shift things to the right