note 作者:Andrew Hay ##目录##
Have you ever wondered what was happening on your network at any given time?
What about the type of traffic trying to get to a server on your network?
Intrusion detection is the act of detecting events that have been deemed inappropriate or unwelcome by the business, organizational unit, department, or group.
This can be anything from the emailing of company secrets to a competitor, to malicious attacks from a host on the Internet, to the viewing of inappropriate Web content during your lunch break.
当然这些行为事件包括很多。从发送商业机密到竞争对手的邮件 到来自互联网主机的破坏攻击,再到在你午休都偷看私人网络内容
Intrusion detection can be performed manually, by inspecting network traffic and logs from access resources, or automatically, using tools.
A tools used to automate the processing of intrusion-related information is typically classified as an intrusion detection system (IDS).
Before understanding how the Open Source Security (OSSEC) host intrusion detection system (HIDS) works, we should first review the differences between an HIDS and a network intrusion detection system (NIDS).
在了解开源软件主机入侵检测系统(ossec)如何工作之前。我们最好能先来看下 主机入侵检测hids与网络入侵检测nids的区别.
**Network Intrusion Detection **
**基于网络的入侵检测 **
When you hear the term “intrusion detection system,” or “IDS,” you probably think of an NIDS.
当你听到ids或者入侵检测时 你第一反应应该时NIDS
Network intrusion detection systems have become widely used over the past decade because of the impressive capability to provide a granular view of what is happening on your network.
The NIDS monitors network traffic using a network interface card (NIC) that is directly connected into your network.
NIDS 可以使用直接连入网络的网卡监控网络通道
The monitoring can be implemented by connecting your NIC to a HUB (Figure 1.1), which allows you to monitor all traffic that crosses the hub;
如图1.1 那样 监控可以直接连接到网卡到hub上的,可以监控所有经过这个hub(集线器)的网络流量
connecting to a SPAN port on a switch (Figure 1.2), which mirrors the traffic seen on another port of the switch;
如图1.2 连接到路由器的SPAN端口,可以监控路由器另一个端口的流量
or connecting to a network tap (Figure 1.3), which is an inline device that sits between two interfaces and mirrors the traffic that passes between devices.
NIDS is typically deployed to passively monitor a sensitive segment of your network, such as a DMZ off the firewall where your corporate Web servers are located (Figure 1.4) or monitoring connections to an internal database that holds your customer credit card information (Figure 1.5).
一般来说NIDS都会部署在网络比较敏感的地方。例如防火墙连接网络的DMZ(如图1.4所示)或者 监控连接的存放客户信用卡信息等重要数据的数据库(如图1.5所示)
This monitoring allows you to passively watch all communications between your server and the systems attempting to access it.
A signature or pattern is used to match specific events, such as an attack attempt, to traffic seen on your network.
If the traffic seen on your network matches your defined IDS signature, an alert is generated.
An alert can also trigger an action, such as logging the alert to a file, sending an email to someone with details of the alert, or following an action to address this alert, such as adding a firewall rule to block the traffic on another device.
一条警告可以触发相应的行为。例如 把警告写入文件中,把警告的详细信息发送给某人。或者把产生这个警告的地址加入到防火墙的策略中阻止其通过。
An NIDS is a powerful monitoring system for your network traffic, but there are some things to remember before deploying one:
- What do you do if well-known NIDS evasion techniques are used to bypass your NIDS and signatures? Common NIDS evasion techniques such as fragmentation attacks, session splicing, and even denial-of-service (DoS) attacks can be used to bypass your NIDS, rendering it useless.
*如果著名的抵抗NIDS检测的技术被用来绕过你的NIDS系统与特征,你将如何应对?例如常见的片段储存、会话分割(就是把会话数据放到多个数据包中发出) 、拒绝服务攻击等技术绕过你的NIDS的检测使得其失去作用。
*What do you do if the communications between hosts are encrypted? With an NIDS you are passively monitoring traffic and do not have the ability to look into an encrypted packet.
- 如果主机之间的会话被加密,你又如何应对?使用NIDS,你只能被动的检测网络流量。而且没有能力查看加密的数据包
*What do you do if an attack is used against your server, but it is encrypted? Your carefully designed signatures would be unable to catch the attacks that your NIDS is deployed to protect against.
Tuning your NIDS to detect or account for these types of attacks will go a long way to help you focus your time on actual incidents instead of chasing down false positives.
使用NIDS 去检测或者记录这种类型的攻击会花费你很多的时间在误报上而不是真正的危险事件
Each NIDS must be tuned for the network segment it is monitoring.
Remember that most NIDS solutions take a top-down approach to comparing traffic against your signature set.
Reducing the number of rules in your deployed signature set reduces processor and memory usage on your NIDS solution.
If the DMZ your NIDS is deployed on doesn’t contain any Web servers, you probably do not need to include signatures to detect Web server attacks.
如果你部署的NIDS的DMZ 不包含任何web服务器,因为不用去检测web攻击所以你可以不包含任何特征库
Attackers are becoming adept at sidestepping an NIDS, which is why an HIDS is now a necessary safeguard to supplement your current NIDS deployments.
Detecting these attacks at the final destination allow you to mitigate the previously mentioned NIDS headaches.
Host-Based Intrusion Detection
An HIDS detects events on a server or workstation and can generate alerts similar to an NIDS.
An HIDS, however, is able to inspect the full communications stream.
NIDS evasion techniques, such as fragmentation attacks or session splicing, do not apply because the HIDS is able to inspect the fully recombined session as it is presented to the operating system.
Encrypted communications can be monitored because your HIDS inspection can look at the traffic before it is encrypted.
This means that HIDS signatures will still be able to match against common attacks and not be blinded by encryption.
这也就意味着HIDS 的特征库可以有效的抵抗常见的攻击,即使是加密的。
An HIDS is also capable of performing additional system level checks that only IDS software installed on a host machine can do, such as file integrity checking, registry monitoring, log analysis, rootkit detection, and active response.
另外,HIDS 也可以实现向安装到主机的IDS才可以做的一样系统级别的检测,例如 完整性检测、监控注册表、日志分析、rootkit 检测、和联动机制
File Integrity Checking
Every file on an operating system generates a unique digital fingerprint, also known as a cryptographic hash.
利用常见的hash加密,操作系统中的每一个文件都可以产生一个唯一的 数字指纹
This fingerprint is generated based on the name and contents of the file (Figure 1.6).
An HIDS can monitor important files to detect changes in this fingerprint when someone, or something, modifies the contents of the file or replaces the file with a completely different version of the file.
Registry Monitoring
The system registry is a directory listing of all hardware and software settings, operating system configurations, and users, groups, and preferences on a Microsoft Windows system.
Changes made by users and administrators to the system are recorded in the system registry keys so that the changes are saved when the user logs out or the system is rebooted.
The registry also allows you to look at how the system kernel interacts with hardware and software.
An HIDS can watch for these changes to important registry keys to ensure that a user or application isn’t installing a new or modifying an existing program with malicious intent.
For example, a password management utility can be replaced with a modified executable and the registry key changed to point to the malicious copy (Figure 1.7).
Rootkit Detection
Rootkit 检测
A rootkit is a program developed to gain covert control over an operating system while hiding from and interacting with the system on which it is installed.
rootkit 是一种被设计用来隐藏在操作系统伺机控制系统或者与安装的系统交互的程序
An installed rootkit can hide services, processes, ports, files, directories, and registry keys from the rest of the operating system and from the user.
Active Response
Active response allows you to automatically execute commands or responses when a specific event or set of events is triggered.
For example, look at Figure 1.8. An attacker launches an attack against your organization’s mail server (1). 例如:如果1.8所示,攻击者向你的组织的邮件服务器发动了攻击
The attack then passes through your firewall (2), and finally, transparently, passes by your deployed network tap that inspects all traffic destined for your mail server (3).
Your NIDS happens to have a signature for this particular attack.
NIDS 对于这种攻击有相应的特征库
The NIDS active response service sends a command to your firewall (4) to reset the attacker’s session and place a rule blocking that host.
When the attacker, whose connection has been reset, tries to initiate the attack again (5), the attacker is blocked.
The benefits of active response are enormous, but also risky.
For example, legitimate traffic might generate a false positive and block a legitimate user/host if the rules are poorly designed.
If an attacker knows that your HIDS blocks a certain traffic signature, the attacker could spoof IP addresses of critical servers in your infrastructure to deny you access.
This is essentially a DoS attack that prevents your host from interacting with that IP address.
Introducing OSSEC
**OSSEC 简介 **
OSSEC is a scalable, multiplatform, open source HIDS with more than 5,000 downloads each month.
ossec 是一个可扩展的、跨平台的、每个月超过5000的下载量的开源HIDS
It has a powerful correlation and analysis engine, log analysis integration, file integrity checking, Windows registry monitoring, centralized policy enforcement, rootkit detection, real-time alerting, and active response.
In addition to being deployed as an HIDS,it is commonly used strictly as a log analysis tool, monitoring and analyzing firewalls, IDSs,Web servers, and authentication logs.
OSSEC runs on most operating systems, includingLinux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Sun Solaris, and Microsoft Windows.
_ossec可以运行在大多数操作系统上面,这其中包括linux、OpenBSD、FreeBSD、Mac OS X、Sun Solaris, and Microsoft Windows 等系统 _
OSSEC is free software and will remain so in the future.
OSSEC 不管是在现在或者将来都是自由软件
You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 3) as published by the Free Software Foundation (FSF).
你可以在FSF发布的GNU GPL3的协议条款下,自由的发布或者修改ossec ISPs, universities, governments, and large corporate data centers are using OSSEC as their main HIDS solution.
The project has contributors from all over the globe and a quarterly release schedule for major fixes, enhancements, and new features.
Bugs and feature requests can be sent through the OSSEC bug submission page ( or OSSEC mailing lists(
We will do our best to solve the submitted requests.
If you are interested in being a part of this project, the OSSEC team is always open to new contributors.
The easiest way to get involved with OSSEC is by helping to test the product.
The OSSEC team is always releasing beta versions and requires good quality control on every supported version before public release.
OSSEC 团队总是会先发布beta测试版本并且在正式的版本发布之前总是会进行高质量的测试
To get involved in the development side you must know C and be willing to take some time (actually quite some time) to understand how the internals work.
Planning Your Deployment
Before starting your OSSEC HIDS installation you must know the differences between the installation types and know how plan your deployment.
The OSSEC HIDS can be installed on one system, on multiple systems to provide protection for a large network, or on a few systems with the plan to scale the deployment later to secure your entire organization.
OSSEC HIDS可以安装到一个系统上去为网络上大量的其它多个系统提供保护,也可以安装到几个系统上去为整个组织提供安全保护
We will discuss three OSSEC installation types to help you understand how to deploy the OSSEC HIDS in your environment:
- Local installation: Used to secure and protect a single host
- Agent installation: Used to secure and protect hosts while reporting back to a central OSSEC server
- Server installation: Used to aggregate information from deployed OSSEC agents and collect syslog events from third-party devices
- 本地安装:用来保护单个主机的安全
- 客户端安装:用来保护主机的全员并将获取的报告数据发回远端的OSSEC服务器
- 服务器安装:用于收集汇总分析来自各个部署的OSSEC客户端与第三方设备收集的Syslog日志信息
Local Installation
The Local installation type is recommended if you plan to install the OSSEC HIDS on only one system, such as a personal laptop, workstation, or single server.
如果你计划将OSSEC HIDS 安装到单个系统中、例如个人电脑、工作站、或者单个服务器中,那么这种方式是推荐的安装方式
However, if you are administering a network where you have more than one system to secure and monitor, you should consider using the Agent/Server Installation types.
A Local installation is easier to manage and can be customized for the system on which it is installed.
This installation also combines all the functionality of the OSSEC HIDS software, including agent and server functionality, on one system (Figure 1.9).
这种安装方式可以包含了OSSEC HIDS 软件的客户端与服务器的所有功能在一个系统上面(如果1.9)
The only downside to a Local installation is if you decide later that you want to send your alerts to a central OSSEC server.
To do so, you will have to uninstall the Local installation and run an Agent installation.
Agent Installation
The Agent installation type is recommended if you plan to deploy the OSSEC HIDS on several systems in your organization.
当你计划把OSSEC HIDS 安装到机构上的许多系统上的时候,客户端方式安装是被推荐的一种安装方式
This installation type allows you to deploy the security and protection offered by OSSEC on the host of your choosing and centralizes your information by sending alerts back to a single OSSEC server.
The Agent installation eliminates the overhead of logging on your deployed agent and ensures that generated alerts are not kept on the system.
Figure 1.10 shows the Agent role in a typical Agent/Server type deployment.
图10给出了一个典型的服务器/客户端 类型的部署中客户端的作用
Server Installation
The Server installation type is recommended if you already have multiple Agent installations deployed throughout your organization and must collect the host-generated alerts.
The role of an OSSEC server is to collect all alerts from deployed Agent installations and provide an overall view of what is being reported by all deployed Agent installations (Figure 1.10).
OSSEC 服务器的作用是收集来自部署的客户端安装的收集到的所有警告信息并且统筹分析这些警告信息对于这些客户端安装的系统的危害程度(如图 1.10 所示)
Consider the following situation.
You check your assigned issues in the ticketing system and notice that three users have logged issues that morning indicating that their workstations are running slower than usual.
The users also indicate that they can hear the computer hard disks working very hard, when they are not doing anything on the system.
You decide to walk down and look at the first computer of the first user who reported the issue.
After reviewing the OSSEC logs on the system, you notice that a rootkit was detected at 3 a.m.
看完在电脑上的OSSEC 的日志之后,你发现在3点的时候有一个rootkit被检测到了
that morning: Received From: rootcheck Rule: 14 fired (level 8) -> “Rootkit detection engine message’ ” Portion of the log(s): Rootkit ‘t0rn’ detected by the presence of file ‘/lib/libproc.a’.
After reading this information, alarms go off and questions start to go through your mind:
- “Is this rootkit installed on the other two workstations that reported problems this morning?”
- “How many other systems has this rootkit been installed on?”
- “Were the rootkits all installed last night, or have these rootkits been installed over time on various systems?”
- “Is this rootkit only installed on workstations, or has it also been installed on any critical systems?”
- “Should I begin handling this incident on this workstation, or should I check the other workstations first?”
- 在另外两台今天早上预报问题的工作站是否也被安装了rootkit呢?
- 还有多少种系统被安装了rootkit了?
- 这个rootkit是昨天晚上rootkit还是已经在多个系统上安装了很长时间了。
- 这种rookit只是在安装在工作站或者这种重要的系统上面吗?
- 我是先处理这台电脑上的问题还是先看看另外两台?
If OSSEC agents were installed on all these systems, instead of Local OSSEC installations, you would have been able to first check the OSSEC server before leaving your desk.
如果我们在这些系统上面安装的是 客户端模式的OSSEC 而不是本地话的OSSEC 安装。那么你应该在离开桌子之前先查看OSSEC 服务器的分析
This initial check would have allowed you to see if any alerts, such as those generated by the installation of a rootkit, were common across all systems with deployed agents.
This situational awareness provides a method to assist you in determining if an attack is targeting multiple machines or only one host.
Which Type Is Right For Me?
Although we would like to answer that question for you, there are too many factors to consider.
However, we have included a helpful table (Table 1.1) to assist you in the decision-making process.
Identifying OSSEC Pre-installation Considerations
Now that you know about the different installation types, it is time to perform the installation, right?
Before you rush into installing OSSEC, take a moment to make sure you have all the information you need, especially if you are going to deploy OSSEC agents and OSSEC servers.
Depending on the operating system you are looking to install OSSEC on, there might be some dependencies you must satisfy prior to installation.
Supported Operating Systems
The OSSEC HIDS has been tested on the following operating systems:
OSSEC HIDS 已经在下列的操作系统上面测试过了
- OpenBSD 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 4.0, 4.1, and 4.2
- GNU/Linux
- Slackware 10.1 and 10.2
- Ubuntu 5.04, 5.10, and 6.06 (32 and 64 bits)
- Red Hat 8.0 and 9.0
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4 and 5
- SUSE ES 9 and 10
- Fedora Core 2, 3, 4, and 5
- Debian 3.1 Sarge
- FreeBSD 5.2.1, 5.4-RELEASE, 6.0-STABLE, and 6.1-RELEASE
- NetBSD 3.0
- Solaris 2.8, 2.9 (Sparc) and 10 (x86)
- AIX 5.2 ML-07
- HP-UX 11i v2
- Mac OS X 10.x
- Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 (agent only)
Special Considerations
Every operating system has specific requirements that must be addressed before new software is installed.
We have identified known prerequisites for some of the more popular operating systems here.
- Microsoft Windows
- Before installation of the OSSEC HIDS software, no additional packages must be installed on a Microsoft Windows platform.
- 对于windows系列,在安装OSSEC HIDS软件之前我们并不需要一些其它的软件包需要安装
- Please note that continued development and support are only available for:
- 注意我们仅仅对于以下这些保持持续的开发与支持:
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Workstation
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
- Microsoft Windows XP Home
- Microsoft Windows XP Professional
- Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
- The OSSEC HIDS can only be installed as an Agent at this time because of the reliance on Unix sockets for the server portion.
- 由于作为服务器要求的Unix套接子的稳定性的要求,目前OSSEC HIDS 仅仅可以当作 客户端安装这种方式(在windows上面安装)
- Local and Server type installations are currently being investigated.
- 本地与服务器的安装方式目前正在调研研究中
- Sun Solaris
- Before beginning your OSSEC installation on a Sun Solaris platform, ensure that you have installed the SUNWxcu4 package.
- 在Sun solaris 平台上面安装OSSEC之前必须确保系统已经安装了SUNWxcu4 包
- To check if the SUNWxcu4 package has previously been installed, execute the following from your Solaris command line:
- 可以在你的Solaris命令行中运行如下的命令来检测是否已经安装了SUNWxcu4 包
- $ pkginfo | grep SUNWxcu4
- If you do not have the SUNWxcu4 package installed, execute the following command to install it:
- 如果你没有安装SUNWxcu4 安装包。可以执行如下的命令安装
- $ pkgadd SUNWxcu4
- Ubuntu Linux
- If using an Ubuntu Linux version before release 7.04 you must ensure that the build-essential package is installed before you install the OSSEC HIDS software.
- 如果你使用的ubuntu版本是7.04 之前的化那么一定要在安装OSSEC HIDS之前确定系统有没有安装build-essential软件包
- To check if the build-essential package has already been installed, execute the following from your Ubuntu command line:
- 检测是否安装了build-essential 软件包可以执行如下的命令
- $ aptitude search build-essential
- If the build-essential package is installed, you will see an i beside the package:
- 如果build-essential软件包已经安装了的话,可以看到如下的信息
- i build-essential - informational list of build-essential pack
- If you do not have the build-essential package installed, execute the following command to install it:
- 当然如果你没有安装 build-essential软件包的话,可以执行如下的命令安装
- $ sudo apt-get install build-essential
- If using Ubuntu Linux version 7.04 or later you must ensure that the gcc and glibc-dev packages are installed before you install the OSSEC HIDS software.
- 如果使用的ubuntu的系统是7.04或者之后的版本那么一定要确认系统是否已经安装了gcc 和 glibc-dev 软件包
- These packages are required to properly build the OSSEC HIDS software for your system.
- 这些软件包对于安装OSSEC HIDS 软件都是必须需要的。
- If you do not have the gcc and glibc-dev packages installed, execute the following command to install the packages:
- 如果你没有安装 gcc 和 glibc-dev 软件包,可以执行如下的命令安装:
- $ sudo apt-get install gcc glibc-dev
- Mac OS X
- Before you install the OSSEC HIDS software on a system running Mac OS X, you must ensure that the Xcode development package is installed to compile the OSSEC HIDS software.
- 在Mac OS系统上面安装 OSSEC HIDS 需要确保系统装了可以编译OSSEC HIDS的 Xcode 开发工具
- This package can be found on your Mac OS X installation media or at the Apple Developer Connection site.
- 你可以在Mac OS X的安装中心或者连接到 苹果的开发网站查看
- To install Xcode, you must:
- Download Xcode from the Apple Developer Connection tool site located at
- Run the installer to install the packages you need.
- 安装Xcode 按如下步骤:
- 在苹果的开发者工具集 网站里下载 Xcode
- 运行安装执行文件
- For the OSSEC HIDS software, at a minimum, you need the Developer Tools Software package, but feel free to install any of the other useful packages contained within the Xcode installer.
- 安装OSSEC HIDS 软件的最低需要 开发工具包,安装Xcode可以包含很多非常有用的软件
IDSs act as security guards deployed throughout your network.
IDS 在网络的部署中中扮演着网络守护者
An IDS watches for intruders on your network in the form of malicious users, bots, and worms, and alerts you as soon as the intrusions are detected.
An NIDS is a powerful monitoring system for your network traffic.
When properly deployed, it has the capability to alert you of attacks destined for your critical systems.
If an NIDS is incorrectly deployed, you might find yourself chasing down false positives instead of handling valid incidents.
Tuning your NIDS solution for your environment is key to reducing false positives.
Proper signature creation allows you to mitigate common NIDS evasion techniques such as string matching, session splicing, fragmentation attacks, and DoS attacks.
Most network intrusion detection systems currently have a method to mitigate these techniques by reasembling the full traffic session in memory.
As you would expect, this can prove dangerous on a busy network or on an NIDS that has not been properly tuned, because it has the potential to exhaust all system resources.
正如你可以预见的一样,在一个繁忙的或者NIDS 并没有很好的被调整的网络中这将是十分危险的,因为这可能会耗尽系统的所有资源。
An HIDS is designed to protect the server on which it is installed.
HIDS 是被用来设计保护安装它的系统的
It is able to inspect the full communications stream between the local and remote system interacting with the HIDS.
NIDS evasion techniques do not cause the same headaches with an HIDS solution because the HIDS is able to inspect the fully recombined session as presented to the operating system.
An HIDS is also capable of performing additional system level checks that only IDS software installed on a host machine can do, such as f ile integrity checking, registry monitoring, rootkit detection, and active response.
另外,HIDS 也可以实现向安装到主机的IDS才可以做的一样系统级别的检测,例如 完整性检测、监控注册表、日志分析、rootkit 检测、和联动机制
OSSEC is a scalable, multiplatform, open source HIDS with more than 5,000 downloads each month.
ossec 是一个可扩展的、跨平台的、每个月超过5000的下载量的开源HIDS
It has a powerful correlation and analysis engine that integrates log analysis, file integrity checking, Windows registry monitoring, centralized policy enforcement, rootkit detection, and real-time alerting and active response.
OSSEC runs on most operating systems,including Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris, and Windows.
_ossec可以运行在大多数操作系统上面,这其中包括linux、OpenBSD、FreeBSD、Mac OS X、Sun Solaris, and Microsoft Windows 等系统 _
In addition to being deployed as an HIDS, it is commonly used strictly as a log analysis tool, to monitor and analyze firewalls, IDSs, Web servers, and authentication logs.
There are three installation types to consider when installing the OSSEC HIDS.
当安装OSSEC HIDS 时可以有3种方式选择
The Local installation type is designed to be an all-in-one solution that includes all the protection and logging capabilities the OSSEC HIDS software provides.
本地安装是一种包含了OSSEC HIDS 软件提供的保护与日志所有功能于一体的集中解决方案
The Agent installation type protects the host it is installed on, reports all alerts, and logs back to a server installation.
The Server installation type protects the system it is installed on and allows you to centralize the alerting and logging of remote agents and third-party devices such as routers, switches, firewalls, and so on.
The OSSEC HIDS software can be installed on every popular operating system currently available.
OSSEC HIDS 可以安装在所有流行的操作系统上面
Certain operating systems have dependencies that must be satisfied prior to beginning installation.
The most current list of supported operating systems can be found on the OSSEC Wiki site located at
Appendix A
Log Data Mining
- Solutions in this chapter:
- Introduction
- Data Mining Intro
- Log Mining Intro
- Log Mining Requirements
- What We Mine For?
- Deeper into Interesting
- Conclusion
- 本章主要内容:
- 1.介绍
- 2.数据挖掘介绍
- 3.日志挖掘介绍
- 4.日志挖掘需求
- 5.数据挖掘的目的
- 6.深入理解其有趣性
- 7.总结
Introduction A vast majority of log analysis techniques required that an analyst know something specific about what he is looking for in the logs. For example, he might “scan” the server logs for “known bad” log ( just as OSSEC does!) records that indicate attacks, exploits, server failures, or whatever other infraction of interest by using string matching or regular expressions. One can observe that it requires significant domain knowledge; in the preceding case,expertise in security and specific type of logs available for analysis on all stages of the log analysis process, from reviewing the data to running queries and searches all the way to interpreting the results to acting on the conclusions. In other words, you have to know what questions to ask before you get the answer you want—a tricky proposition at best. In addition, it requires an immense amount of patience to merely start the task, since one can be going through logs for a long time without finding the aberrant line or a group of lines; or, it might not even be there.
绝大部分日志分析技术都要求分析师知道他正在查找的相关日志的一些特殊信息。例如,一个分析师会通过字符串匹配或者正则表达式在服务器日志记录中浏览预先定义好的错误日志记录(就像OSSEC一样),而这些错误日志记录可以是表示攻击、开发、服务失败或者其他任何对服务不利信息。通过前面的例子,我们注意到,在日志分析的整个阶段,为了根据结果解释结果,从数据回顾到运行查询和搜索,我们都需要有重要的领域知识、安全专业知识以及特殊的日志记录信息。也就是说,在你想得到你想要的答案之前你最好先知道你要问的问题 —— 一个复杂的命题。另外,仅仅是开始日志分析任务就需要巨大的耐心,因为你可能处理日志很长时间了也没发现一行异常或者一组异常,甚至异常根本就不在那。
In this appendix, we describe methods for discovering interesting patterns in log files for security without specifically knowing what we look for and thus without the onerous “patience requirement” and the expensive “expertise requirements” on all analysis stages. We review some practical results of such methods, demonstrate the tools, and discuss how they can be used in various scenarios that occur in the process of maintaining security and availability of IT operation as well as assisting with compliance initiatives.
Since the techniques we will cover are similar in many regards to data mining, we need to step back and provide a brief data mining overview for those readers not familiar with it.