scan the reference genome to get microsatellites information
Usage: msisensor-pro scan [options]
-d <string> reference genome sequences file, *.fasta or *.fa format [required]
-o <string> output homopolymers and microsatellites file [required]
-l <int> minimal homopolymer(repeat unit length = 1) size, [default=8]
-c <int> context length (5-32), [default=5]
-m <int> maximal homopolymer size, [default=50]
-s <int> maximal length of microsatellite (1-32) , [default=6]
-r <int> minimal repeat times of microsatellite(repeat unit length>=2), [default=5]
-p <int> output homopolymer only, 0: no; 1: yes, [default=0]
-h help
evaluate MSI using paired tumor-normal sequencing data (msisensor)
Usage: msisensor-pro msi [options]
-d <string> homopolymers and microsatellites file [required]
-n <string> normal bam file with index [required]
-t <string> tumor bam file with index [required]
-g <string> reference file [required if *.cram for -t]
-o <string> output path (Ending with a slash is not allowed.) [required]
-f <double> FDR threshold for somatic sites detection, [default=0.05]
-c <int> coverage threshold for msi analysis, WXS: 20; WGS: 15, [default=15]
-z <int> coverage normalization for paired tumor and normal data, 0: no; 1: yes, [default=0]
-p <int> minimal homopolymer size for distribution analysis, [default=8]
-m <int> maximal homopolymer size for distribution analysis, [default=50]
-s <int> minimal microsatellite size for distribution analysis, [default=5]
-w <int> maximal microsatellite size for distribution analysis, [default=40]
-u <int> span size around window for extracting reads, [default=500]
-b <int> threads number for parallel computing, [default=1]
-x <int> output homopolymer only, 0: no; 1: yes, [default=0]
-y <int> output microsatellites only, 0: no; 1: yes, [default=0]
-0 <int> output site have no read coverage, 1: no; 0: yes, [default=1]
-h help
evaluate MSI using single (tumor) sample sequencing data
Usage: msisensor-pro pro [options]
-d <string> homopolymers and microsatellites file [required]
-t <string> bam/cram file of tumor/normal(for baseline building) sample [required]
-g <string> reference file [required if *.cram for -t]
-o <string> output path (Ending with a slash is not allowed.) [required]
-i <double> minimal threshold for instable sites detection (just for tumor only data), [default=0.1]
-c <int> coverage threshold for msi analysis, WXS: 20; WGS: 15, [default=15]
-p <int> minimal homopolymer size for distribution analysis, [default=8]
-m <int> maximal homopolymer size for distribution analysis, [default=50]
-s <int> minimal microsatellite size for distribution analysis, [default=5]
-w <int> maximal microsatellite size for distribution analysis, [default=40]
-u <int> span size around window for extracting reads, [default=500]
-b <int> threads number for parallel computing, [default=1]
-x <int> output homopolymer only, 0: no; 1: yes, [default=0]
-y <int> output microsatellite only, 0: no; 1: yes, [default=0[
-0 <int> output site have no read coverage, 1: no; 0: yes, [default=1]
-h help
build baseline for tumor only detection
Usage: msisensor-pro baseline [options]
-d <string> homopolymer and microsatellite file [required]
-i <string> configure files for building baseline (text file) [required]
you need to provide the output (*_all) from pro command
case1 /path/to/case1_sorted_all
case2 /path/to/case2_sorted_all
case3 /path/to/case3-sorted_all
-o <string> output path for baseline [required]
-s <double> microsatellite sites with support from fewer than -d samples will not pass quality control, [default=10]
-h help