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291 lines (226 loc) · 4.52 KB


floop is a minimal, lisp-like language implemented in C. The best way to get a quick feel for floop is to take a peek at the standard prelude, written in floop and defined in prelude.flp.

A way to compile floop would be cc -std=c99 -Wall floop.c mpc.c -ledit -lm -o floop.

Instead of macro-powered, quoted expressions, floop features Q-expressions; macroless unevaluated stuff. Just surround an expression with curly braces:

floop> {1 2 3 4}
{1 2 3 4}

floop> {crouch grossman}
{crouch grossman}

Staying true to its C ancestry, floop doesn't have boolean types. Everything that isn't 0 is true:

floop> (> 17 11)

floop> (< 17 11)

You can define stuff using def:

floop> (def {shaman} "thrall")

floop> shaman

There's lambda functions (duh):

floop> (\ {a b} {(+ a b)})
(\ {a b} {(+ a b)})

floop> ((\ {a b} {(+ a b)}) 1 2)

Prelude helps us define functions easier:

floop> (def {fun} (\ {f b} {
         def (head f) (\ (tail f) b)

floop> (fun {not x} {- 1 x})

floop> (not 0)

floop> (not 1)

You can also print:

floop> print "hi"

floop> def {hi} "hi"

floop> print hi

floop> print 23

Or error:

floop> error "Instructions unclear: joined a cult"
Error: Instructions unclear: joined a cult

There's builtin functions:

floop> head {+ - * /}

floop> eval (head {+ - * /})

floop> (eval (head {+ - * /})) 10 20

Wait!! I almost forgot:

; Fibonacci
(fun {fib n} {
    { (== n 0) 0 }
    { (== n 1) 1 }
    { otherwise (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))) }

Some nifty, easy to piece-up things from prelude:

(def {fun} (\ {f b} {
  def (head f) (\ (tail f) b)

(fun {let b} {
  ((\ {_} b) ())

(fun {unpack f l} {
  eval (join (list f) l)

(fun {pack f & xs} {f xs})

(fun {do & l} {
  if (== l nil)
    {last l}

(fun {min & xs} {
  if (== (tail xs) nil) {fst xs}
      (= {rest} (unpack min (tail xs)))
      (= {item} (fst xs))
      (if (< item rest) {item} {rest})

(fun {max & xs} {
  if (== (tail xs) nil) {fst xs}
      (= {rest} (unpack max (tail xs)))
      (= {item} (fst xs))
      (if (> item rest) {item} {rest})

(fun {select & cs} {
  if (== cs nil)
    {error "No Selection Found"}
    {if (fst (fst cs)) {snd (fst cs)} {unpack select (tail cs)}}

(fun {case x & cs} {
  if (== cs nil)
    {error "No Case Found"}
    {if (== x (fst (fst cs))) {snd (fst cs)} {
	  unpack case (join (list x) (tail cs))}}

(fun {flip f a b} {f b a})

(fun {comp f g x} {f (g x)})

(fun {fst l} { eval (head l) })

(fun {snd l} { eval (head (tail l)) })

(fun {trd l} { eval (head (tail (tail l))) })

(fun {len l} {
  if (== l nil)
    {+ 1 (len (tail l))}

(fun {nth n l} {
  if (== n 0)
    {fst l}
    {nth (- n 1) (tail l)}

(fun {last l} {nth (- (len l) 1) l})

(fun {map f l} {
  if (== l nil)
    {join (list (f (fst l))) (map f (tail l))}

(fun {filter f l} {
  if (== l nil)
    {join (if (f (fst l)) {head l} {nil}) (filter f (tail l))}

(fun {init l} {
  if (== (tail l) nil)
    {join (head l) (init (tail l))}

(fun {reverse l} {
  if (== l nil)
    {join (reverse (tail l)) (head l)}

(fun {foldl f z l} {
  if (== l nil)
    {foldl f (f z (fst l)) (tail l)}

(fun {foldr f z l} {
  if (== l nil)
    {f (fst l) (foldr f z (tail l))}

(fun {take n l} {
  if (== n 0)
    {join (head l) (take (- n 1) (tail l))}

(fun {drop n l} {
  if (== n 0)
    {drop (- n 1) (tail l)}

(fun {split n l} {list (take n l) (drop n l)})

(fun {take-while f l} {
  if (not (unpack f (head l)))
    {join (head l) (take-while f (tail l))}

(fun {drop-while f l} {
  if (not (unpack f (head l)))
    {drop-while f (tail l)}

(fun {elem x l} {
  if (== l nil)
    {if (== x (fst l)) {true} {elem x (tail l)}}

(fun {lookup x l} {
  if (== l nil)
    {error "No Element Found"}
      (= {key} (fst (fst l)))
      (= {val} (snd (fst l)))
      (if (== key x) {val} {lookup x (tail l)})

(fun {zip x y} {
  if (or (== x nil) (== y nil))
    {join (list (join (head x) (head y))) (zip (tail x) (tail y))}

(fun {unzip l} {
  if (== l nil)
    {{nil nil}}
      (= {x} (fst l))
      (= {xs} (unzip (tail l)))
      (list (join (head x) (fst xs)) (join (tail x) (snd xs)))