Releases: xmartlabs/Eureka
Releases · xmartlabs/Eureka
This version includes the following changes:
- Support for Swift Package Manager (#1976)
- Add GenericMultivaluedSection to allow changing add button (#1843)
- Remove InputTypeInitiable constraint for PickerInputRow (#1975)
- Fix: avoid reloading rows in viewWillAppear when tableView is not added to window (#1971)
- Fix optional header and footer in SelectorViewController. (#1962)
- Fix table view contentInset adjustment with safe area when keyboard shows (#1960)
- Fix for iOS 13 that was not removing the row automatically anymore even after calling the completion handler in a destructive swipe action (#1944)
- Fixed reference cycle (#1930)
- Allows a section's header and footer to be
This version adds:
- Support for Xcode 11 and iOS 13
- Dark mode support
- Bug fixes and stability improvements.
- iOS deployment target increased to iOS9.3.
- Swift 5 support.
- Bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Changes for Swift 4.2, Xcode 10 and iOS 12
- Add ability to customise the text color of UIPickerView used by PickerRow
- Make
result discardable - Add
insert(row: after:)
method on Section which allows inserting rows after a hidden row - Other minor fixes
- Adding support for RowType.subtitle on FieldRow (#1468)
- CompletionHandler for SwipeAction under iOS < 11
- Allow setting position of the cell after scrolling (#1452)
- Add Chinese readme (#1487)
- Implement readOnly textAreaRow feature (#1489)
- Update cell when tintColor changes (#1492)
- PickerRow for 2 and 3 components (#1540)
- And several bug fixes
- Bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Add compatibility for Xcode 9.3 beta 2 and Swift 4.1.
- New functionality 🎉. Thanks @marbetschar.
- Add sectionIndexTitles and sectionForSectionIndexTitles to FormViewController to allow for subclasses to override.
- Fix SliderRow layout.
- Fix regular expression for URLs to allow query and location parameter.
- Corrected issue in section sorting function of MultipleSelectorViewController, where all options were placed in one section, with a section title based on the first option.
- Added missing call to super.updateConstraints in SegmentedCell.
- Add ability to setup alert cancel title from AlertRow.
- remove blank section headers/footers from plain tables on iOS 11. This prevents blank section headers and footers from appearing on iOS
11 when setting the table view style to plain and there are no headers
or footers. - Fix UIDatePicker bug when mode == .countDownTimer.
- Allow non-selectable rows to exist besides selectable rows in a selectable section.
- SliderRow - added option 'shouldHideValue' to hide value label (default to false).
- Update cell when tintColor changes.
- Support dynamic font size changes.
Minor cocoapods fix to make it compile using swift 4.