diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index 83826030c..99009e7e1 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ dependencies = [
  "sync_wrapper 1.0.2",
- "tower 0.5.1",
+ "tower 0.5.2",
@@ -4817,7 +4817,9 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "reqwest"
-version = "0.12.9"
+version = "0.12.12"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "43e734407157c3c2034e0258f5e4473ddb361b1e85f95a66690d67264d7cd1da"
 dependencies = [
  "base64 0.22.1",
@@ -4849,8 +4851,8 @@ dependencies = [
+ "tower 0.5.2",
- "tracing",
@@ -6161,14 +6163,15 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "tower"
-version = "0.5.1"
+version = "0.5.2"
 source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
-checksum = "2873938d487c3cfb9aed7546dc9f2711d867c9f90c46b889989a2cb84eba6b4f"
+checksum = "d039ad9159c98b70ecfd540b2573b97f7f52c3e8d9f8ad57a24b916a536975f9"
 dependencies = [
- "sync_wrapper 0.1.2",
+ "sync_wrapper 1.0.2",
+ "tokio",
@@ -6906,10 +6909,11 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "wasm-streams"
 version = "0.4.2"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "15053d8d85c7eccdbefef60f06769760a563c7f0a9d6902a13d35c7800b0ad65"
 dependencies = [
- "tracing",
@@ -7333,7 +7337,7 @@ dependencies = [
- "reqwest 0.12.9",
+ "reqwest 0.12.12",
  "thiserror 2.0.6",
@@ -7513,7 +7517,7 @@ dependencies = [
- "reqwest 0.12.9",
+ "reqwest 0.12.12",
  "sha2 0.10.8",
diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 2939b6399..69b6c8acc 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -158,6 +158,4 @@ diesel = { git = "https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel", branch = "master" }
 diesel_derives = { git = "https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel", branch = "master" }
 diesel_migrations = { git = "https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel", branch = "master" }
 sqlite-web = { git = "https://github.com/xmtp/sqlite-web-rs", branch = "main" }
-reqwest = { path = "/Users/insipx/Projects/seanmonster/reqwest" }
-wasm-streams = { path = "/Users/insipx/Projects/wasm-streams" }
diff --git a/common/src/test.rs b/common/src/test.rs
index 802f01fbc..215e682f3 100644
--- a/common/src/test.rs
+++ b/common/src/test.rs
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ pub fn logger() {
     use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;
     INIT.get_or_init(|| {
-        let filter = EnvFilter::builder()
-            .parse_lossy("xmtp_mls::subscriptions=TRACE,xmtp_api_http=TRACE,xmtp_common=TRACE,wasm_streams=TRACE,reqwest=TRACE");
-            // .with_default_directive(tracing::metadata::LevelFilter::DEBUG.into())
+        let filter = EnvFilter::builder().parse_lossy("xmtp_mls::subscriptions=debug");
+        // .parse_lossy("xmtp_mls::subscriptions=TRACE,xmtp_api_http=TRACE,xmtp_common=TRACE,wasm_streams=TRACE,reqwest=TRACE");
+        // .with_default_directive(tracing::metadata::LevelFilter::TRACE.into());
diff --git a/common/src/wasm.rs b/common/src/wasm.rs
index 8c2724bc6..4c02b3554 100644
--- a/common/src/wasm.rs
+++ b/common/src/wasm.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-use std::{pin::Pin, task::Poll, future::Future};
-use futures::{Stream, FutureExt, StreamExt};
+use futures::{FutureExt, Stream, StreamExt};
+use std::{future::Future, pin::Pin, task::Poll};
 #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
 use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
@@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ pub struct StreamWrapper<'a, I> {
 impl<'a, I> Stream for StreamWrapper<'a, I> {
     type Item = I;
-    fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
+    fn poll_next(
+        mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
+        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
+    ) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
         let inner = &mut self.inner;
@@ -106,19 +109,3 @@ pub async fn yield_() {
 pub async fn yield_() {
-#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
-mod inner {
-    use super::*;
-    #[wasm_bindgen]
-    extern "C" {
-        #[wasm_bindgen (extends = js_sys::Object, js_name = Scheduler, typescript_type = "Scheduler")]
-        pub type Scheduler;
-        #[wasm_bindgen(method, structural, js_class = "Scheduler", js_name = yield)]
-        pub fn r#yield(this: &Scheduler) -> js_sys::Promise;
-    }
-#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
-use inner::*;
diff --git a/dev/test-wasm-interactive b/dev/test-wasm-interactive
index 81980bdda..51e1535bf 100755
--- a/dev/test-wasm-interactive
+++ b/dev/test-wasm-interactive
   cargo test --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release \
-  -p $PACKAGE -- subscriptions::stream_conversations::test::test_stream_welcomes
+  -p $PACKAGE -- subscriptions::
diff --git a/xmtp_api_http/src/http_stream.rs b/xmtp_api_http/src/http_stream.rs
index ff3d77b8f..cf18c1027 100644
--- a/xmtp_api_http/src/http_stream.rs
+++ b/xmtp_api_http/src/http_stream.rs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use serde_json::Deserializer;
 use std::{
-    task::{Context, Poll, ready},
+    task::{ready, Context, Poll},
 use xmtp_common::StreamWrapper;
 use xmtp_proto::{Error, ErrorKind};
@@ -49,15 +49,11 @@ where
         use Poll::*;
         let this = self.as_mut().project();
         let response = ready!(this.inner.poll(cx));
-        tracing::info!("ESTABLISH READY");
         let stream = response
-        .inspect_err(|e| {
-            tracing::error!(
-                "Error during http subscription with grpc http gateway {e}"
-            );
-        })
-        .map_err(|_| Error::new(ErrorKind::SubscribeError))?;
-        tracing::info!("Calling bytes stream!");
+            .inspect_err(|e| {
+                tracing::error!("Error during http subscription with grpc http gateway {e}");
+            })
+            .map_err(|_| Error::new(ErrorKind::SubscribeError))?;
@@ -89,13 +85,13 @@ where
                     .inspect_err(|e| tracing::error!("Error in http stream to grpc gateway {e}"))
                     .map_err(|_| Error::new(ErrorKind::SubscribeError))?;
                 let item = Self::on_bytes(bytes, this.remaining)?.pop();
-                if let None = item {
+                if item.is_none() {
                 } else {
                     Ready(Some(Ok(item.expect("handled none;"))))
-            },
-            None => Ready(None)
+            }
+            None => Ready(None),
@@ -119,7 +115,6 @@ where
     for<'de> R: Deserialize<'de> + DeserializeOwned + Send,
     fn on_bytes(bytes: bytes::Bytes, remaining: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<Vec<R>, Error> {
-        tracing::info!("BYTES: {:x}", bytes);
         let bytes = &[remaining.as_ref(), bytes.as_ref()].concat();
         let de = Deserializer::from_slice(bytes);
         let mut deser_stream = de.into_iter::<GrpcResponse<R>>();
@@ -138,7 +133,6 @@ where
                 Err(e) => {
                     if e.is_eof() {
                         *remaining = (&**bytes)[deser_stream.byte_offset()..].to_vec();
-                        tracing::debug!("IS EOF");
                     } else {
                         return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::MlsError).with(e.to_string()));
@@ -147,6 +141,10 @@ where
                 Ok(GrpcResponse::Empty {}) => continue,
+        if items.len() > 1 {
+            tracing::warn!("more than one item deserialized from http stream");
+        }
@@ -179,7 +177,9 @@ where
         let id = xmtp_common::rand_string::<12>();
         tracing::info!("new http stream id={}", &id);
         Self {
-            state: HttpStreamState::NotStarted { future: HttpStreamEstablish::new(request) },
+            state: HttpStreamState::NotStarted {
+                future: HttpStreamEstablish::new(request),
+            },
@@ -197,22 +197,21 @@ where
         cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
     ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
         use ProjectHttpStream::*;
-        tracing::info!("Polling http stream id={}", &self.id);
+        tracing::trace!("Polling http stream id={}", &self.id);
         let mut this = self.as_mut().project();
         match this.state.as_mut().project() {
             NotStarted { future } => {
                 let stream = ready!(future.poll(cx))?;
-                tracing::info!("Ready TOP LEVEL");
-                this.state.set(HttpStreamState::Started { stream: HttpPostStream::new(stream)});
-                tracing::info!("Stream {} ready, polling for the first time...", &self.id);
+                this.state.set(HttpStreamState::Started {
+                    stream: HttpPostStream::new(stream),
+                });
+                tracing::debug!("Stream {} ready, polling for the first time...", &self.id);
-            },
+            }
             Started { stream } => {
-                let res = stream.poll_next(cx);
-                if let Poll::Ready(_) = res {
-                    tracing::info!("stream id={} ready with item", &self.id);
-                }
-                res
+                let item = ready!(stream.poll_next(cx));
+                tracing::debug!("stream id={} ready with item", &self.id);
+                Poll::Ready(item)
@@ -221,8 +220,8 @@ where
 impl<'a, F, R> std::fmt::Debug for HttpStream<'a, F, R> {
     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
         match self.state {
-            HttpStreamState::NotStarted{..} => write!(f, "not started"),
-            HttpStreamState::Started{..} => write!(f, "started"),
+            HttpStreamState::NotStarted { .. } => write!(f, "not started"),
+            HttpStreamState::Started { .. } => write!(f, "started"),
diff --git a/xmtp_mls/' b/xmtp_mls/'
deleted file mode 100644
index b088ca7b4..000000000
--- a/xmtp_mls/'
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
-use std::{
-    collections::HashMap,
-    future::Future,
-    pin::Pin,
-    task::{Context, Poll, ready},
-use super::{Result, SubscribeError};
-use crate::{
-    api::GroupFilter,
-    groups::{scoped_client::ScopedGroupClient, MlsGroup},
-    types::GroupId,
-    storage::{
-        group::StoredGroup, group_message::StoredGroupMessage, refresh_state::EntityKind,
-        StorageError,
-    },
-    XmtpOpenMlsProvider,
-use futures::{Stream, TryFutureExt};
-use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
-use xmtp_common::FutureWrapper;
-use xmtp_common::{retry_async, Retry};
-use xmtp_id::InboxIdRef;
-use xmtp_proto::{
-    api_client::{trait_impls::XmtpApi, XmtpMlsStreams},
-    xmtp::mls::api::v1::{group_message, GroupMessage},
-#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
-pub enum MessageStreamError {
-    #[error("received message for not subscribed group {id}", id = hex::encode(_0))]
-    NotSubscribed(Vec<u8>),
-    #[error("Invalid Payload")]
-    InvalidPayload,
-impl xmtp_common::RetryableError for MessageStreamError {
-    fn is_retryable(&self) -> bool {
-        use MessageStreamError::*;
-        match self {
-            NotSubscribed(_) | InvalidPayload => false,
-        }
-    }
-fn extract_message_v1(message: GroupMessage) -> Result<group_message::V1> {
-    match message.version {
-        Some(group_message::Version::V1(value)) => Ok(value),
-        _ => Err(MessageStreamError::InvalidPayload.into()),
-    }
-/// the position of this message in the backend topic
-#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
-pub struct MessagePositionCursor(u64);
-impl MessagePositionCursor {
-    pub(super) fn set(&mut self, cursor: u64) {
-        self.0 = cursor;
-    }
-impl std::fmt::Display for MessagePositionCursor {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
-        write!(f, "{}", self.0)
-    }
-impl From<StoredGroup> for (Vec<u8>, u64) {
-    fn from(group: StoredGroup) -> (Vec<u8>, u64) {
-        (group.id, 0u64)
-    }
-impl From<StoredGroup> for (Vec<u8>, MessagePositionCursor) {
-    fn from(group: StoredGroup) -> (Vec<u8>, MessagePositionCursor) {
-        (group.id, 0u64.into())
-    }
-impl std::ops::Deref for MessagePositionCursor {
-    type Target = u64;
-    fn deref(&self) -> &u64 {
-        &self.0
-    }
-impl From<u64> for MessagePositionCursor {
-    fn from(v: u64) -> MessagePositionCursor {
-        Self(v)
-    }
-pin_project! {
-    pub struct StreamGroupMessages<'a, C, Subscription> {
-        #[pin] inner: Subscription,
-        #[pin] state: State<'a, Subscription>,
-        client: &'a C,
-        group_list: HashMap<GroupId, MessagePositionCursor>,
-    }
-pin_project! {
-    #[project = ProjectState]
-    #[derive(Default)]
-    enum State<'a, Out> {
-        /// State that indicates the stream is waiting on the next message from the network
-        #[default]
-        Waiting,
-        /// state that indicates the stream is waiting on a IO/Network future to finish processing
-        /// the current message before moving on to the next one
-        Processing {
-            #[pin] future: FutureWrapper<'a, Result<Option<(StoredGroupMessage, u64)>>>
-        },
-        Adding {
-            #[pin] future: FutureWrapper<'a, Result<Out>>
-        }
-    }
-pub(super) type MessagesApiSubscription<'a, C> =
-    <<C as ScopedGroupClient>::ApiClient as XmtpMlsStreams>::GroupMessageStream<'a>;
-impl<'a, C> StreamGroupMessages<'a, C, MessagesApiSubscription<'a, C>>
-    C: ScopedGroupClient + 'a,
-    <C as ScopedGroupClient>::ApiClient: XmtpApi + XmtpMlsStreams + 'a,
-    pub async fn new(
-        client: &'a C,
-        group_list: Vec<GroupId>,
-    ) -> Result<Self> {
-        tracing::debug!("setting up messages subscription");
-        let group_list = group_list.into_iter().map(|group_id| {
-            Ok((group_id, 1u64))
-        }).collect::<Result<HashMap<GroupId, u64>>>()?;
-        let filters: Vec<GroupFilter> = group_list
-            .iter()
-            .map(|(group_id, cursor)| GroupFilter::new(group_id.to_vec(), Some(*cursor)))
-            .collect();
-        for filter in &filters {
-            tracing::debug!("Subscribing to {} for group messages", hex::encode(&filter.group_id));
-        }
-        let subscription = client.api().subscribe_group_messages(filters).await?;
-        Ok(Self {
-            inner: subscription,
-            client,
-            state: Default::default(),
-            group_list: group_list.into_iter().map(|(g, c)| (g, c.into())).collect(),
-        })
-    }
-    /// Add a new group to this messages stream
-    pub(super) fn add(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, group: MlsGroup<C>) {
-        tracing::info!("creating new messages stream to add group {}", hex::encode(&group.group_id));
-        if self.group_list.contains_key(group.group_id.as_slice()) {
-            tracing::info!("group {} already in stream", hex::encode(&group.group_id));
-            return;
-        }
-        tracing::debug!(
-            inbox_id = self.client.inbox_id(),
-            installation_id = %self.client.installation_id(),
-            group_id = hex::encode(&group.group_id),
-            "begin establishing new message stream to include group_id={}",
-            hex::encode(&group.group_id)
-        );
-        let this = self.as_mut().project();
-        let mut filters = self.filters();
-        // add the new group but not to our state.
-        // We will add the group to our state once we get the first message.
-        // In that message will be the real cursor, rather than a temporary `1`
-        filters.push(GroupFilter::new(group.group_id, Some(1)));
-        let future = self.client.api().subscribe_group_messages(filters).map_err(SubscribeError::from);
-        let mut this = self.as_mut().project();
-        this.state.set(State::Adding { future: FutureWrapper::new(future)});
-    }
-impl<'a, C, Subscription> Stream for StreamGroupMessages<'a, C, Subscription>
-    C: ScopedGroupClient + 'a,
-    Subscription: Stream<Item = std::result::Result<GroupMessage, xmtp_proto::Error>> + 'a,
-    type Item = Result<StoredGroupMessage>;
-    fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
-        // tracing::debug!("POLLING STREAM MESSAGES");
-        use std::task::Poll::*;
-        use ProjectState::*;
-        let mut this = self.as_mut().project();
-        match this.state.as_mut().project() {
-            Waiting =>  {
-                if let Some(envelope) = ready!(this.inner.poll_next(cx)) {
-                    tracing::debug!("processing message in stream");
-                    let future = ProcessMessageFuture::new(*this.client, envelope?)?;
-                    let future = future.process();
-                    this.state.set(State::Processing {
-                        future: FutureWrapper::new(future),
-                    });
-                    self.try_update_state(cx)
-                } else { // the stream ended
-                    Ready(None)
-                }
-            },
-            Processing { .. } => self.try_update_state(cx),
-            Adding { future } => {
-                let stream = ready!(future.poll(cx))?;
-                let mut this = self.as_mut().project();
-                this.inner.set(stream);
-                this.state.as_mut().set(State::Waiting);
-                tracing::debug!("added group to messages stream");
-                self.poll_next(cx)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-impl<'a, C, S> StreamGroupMessages<'a, C, S> {
-    fn filters(&self) -> Vec<GroupFilter> {
-        self.group_list
-            .iter()
-            .map(|(group_id, cursor)| GroupFilter::new(group_id.to_vec(), Some(**cursor)))
-            .collect()
-    }
-impl<'a, C, Subscription> StreamGroupMessages<'a, C, Subscription>
-    C: ScopedGroupClient + 'a,
-    Subscription: Stream<Item = std::result::Result<GroupMessage, xmtp_proto::Error>> + 'a,
-    /// Try to finish processing the stream item by polling the stored future.
-    /// Update state to `Waiting` and insert the new cursor if ready.
-    /// If Stream state is in `Waiting`, returns `Pending`.
-    fn try_update_state(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<<Self as Stream>::Item>> {
-        use ProjectState::*;
-        let mut this = self.as_mut().project();
-        if let Processing { future } = this.state.as_mut().project() {
-            match ready!(future.poll(cx))? {
-                Some((msg, new_cursor)) => {
-                    this.state.set(State::Waiting);
-                    if let Some(tracked_cursor) = this.group_list.get_mut(msg.group_id.as_slice()) {
-                        tracked_cursor.set(new_cursor);
-                        return Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(msg)));
-                    } else {
-                        tracing::info!("\n\nGot new group\n\n");
-                        this.group_list
-                            .insert(msg.group_id.clone().into(), new_cursor.into());
-                        return self.poll_next(cx);
-                    }
-                },
-                None => {
-                    tracing::warn!("skipping message streaming payload");
-                    this.state.set(State::Waiting);
-                    // we are skipping this message and need to add the task
-                    // back to the queue to start polling for the next one
-                    return self.poll_next(cx);
-                    // cx.waker().wake_by_ref();
-                    // return Poll::Pending;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        Poll::Pending
-    }
-impl<'a, C, S> StreamGroupMessages<'a, C, S>
-    S: Stream<Item = std::result::Result<GroupMessage, xmtp_proto::Error>> + 'a,
-    C: ScopedGroupClient + 'a,
-    /*
-    pub(super) fn drain(
-        mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
-        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
-    ) -> Vec<Option<Result<StoredGroupMessage>>> {
-        let mut drained = Vec::new();
-        while let Poll::Ready(msg) = self.as_mut().poll_next(cx) {
-            drained.push(msg);
-        }
-        drained
-    }
-    */
-/// Future that processes a group message from the network
-pub struct ProcessMessageFuture<Client> {
-    provider: XmtpOpenMlsProvider,
-    client: Client,
-    msg: group_message::V1,
-impl<C> ProcessMessageFuture<C>
-    C: ScopedGroupClient,
-    /// Create a new Future to process a GroupMessage.
-    pub fn new(client: C, envelope: GroupMessage) -> Result<ProcessMessageFuture<C>> {
-        let msg = extract_message_v1(envelope)?;
-        let provider = client.mls_provider()?;
-        tracing::info!(
-            inbox_id = client.inbox_id(),
-            group_id = hex::encode(&msg.group_id),
-            "Received message streaming payload"
-        );
-        Ok(Self {
-            provider,
-            client,
-            msg,
-        })
-    }
-    fn inbox_id(&self) -> InboxIdRef<'_> {
-        self.client.inbox_id()
-    }
-    /// process a message, returning the message from the database and the cursor of the message.
-    pub(crate) async fn process(self) -> Result<Option<(StoredGroupMessage, u64)>> {
-        let group_message::V1 {
-            // the cursor ID is the position in the monolithic backend topic
-            id: ref cursor_id,
-            ref created_ns,
-            ..
-        } = self.msg;
-        tracing::info!(
-            inbox_id = self.inbox_id(),
-            group_id = hex::encode(&self.msg.group_id),
-            cursor_id,
-            "client [{}]  is about to process streamed envelope: [{}]",
-            self.inbox_id(),
-            &cursor_id
-        );
-        if self.needs_to_sync(*cursor_id).await? {
-            self.process_stream_entry().await
-        }
-        // Load the message from the DB to handle cases where it may have been already processed in
-        // another thread
-        let new_message = self
-            .provider
-            .conn_ref()
-            .get_group_message_by_timestamp(&self.msg.group_id, *created_ns as i64)?;
-            /*
-            .inspect(|e| {
-                if matches!(e, SubscribeError::GroupMessageNotFound) {
-                    tracing::warn!(
-                        cursor_id,
-                        inbox_id = self.inbox_id(),
-                        group_id = hex::encode(&self.msg.group_id),
-                        "group message not found"
-                    );
-                }
-            })?;
-        */
-        if let Some(msg) = new_message {
-            Ok(Some((msg, *cursor_id)))
-        } else {
-            tracing::warn!(
-                cursor_id,
-                inbox_id = self.inbox_id(),
-                group_id = hex::encode(&self.msg.group_id),
-                "group message not found"
-            );
-            Ok(None)
-        }
-    }
-    /// stream processing function
-    async fn process_stream_entry(&self) {
-        let process_result = self
-            .client
-            .store()
-            .retryable_transaction_async(&self.provider, |provider| async move {
-                let (group, _) =
-                    MlsGroup::new_validated(&self.client, self.msg.group_id.clone(), provider)?;
-                tracing::info!(
-                    inbox_id = self.inbox_id(),
-                    group_id = hex::encode(&self.msg.group_id),
-                    cursor_id = self.msg.id,
-                    "current epoch for [{}] in process_stream_entry()",
-                    self.inbox_id(),
-                );
-                group
-                    .process_message(provider, &self.msg, false)
-                    .await
-                    // NOTE: We want to make sure we retry an error in process_message
-                    .map_err(SubscribeError::ReceiveGroup)
-            })
-            .await;
-        if let Err(SubscribeError::ReceiveGroup(e)) = process_result {
-            tracing::warn!("error processing streamed message {e}");
-            self.attempt_message_recovery().await
-        // This should never occur because we map the error to `ReceiveGroup`
-        // But still exists defensively
-        } else if let Err(e) = process_result {
-            tracing::error!(
-                inbox_id = self.client.inbox_id(),
-                group_id = hex::encode(&self.msg.group_id),
-                cursor_id = self.msg.id,
-                err = e.to_string(),
-                "process stream entry {:?}",
-                e
-            );
-        } else {
-            tracing::trace!(
-                cursor_id = self.msg.id,
-                inbox_id = self.inbox_id(),
-                group_id = hex::encode(&self.msg.group_id),
-                "message process in stream success"
-            );
-        }
-    }
-    /// Checks if a message has already been processed through a sync
-    // TODO: Make this not async, and instead of retry add it back to wake queue.
-    async fn needs_to_sync(&self, current_msg_cursor: u64) -> Result<bool> {
-        let check_for_last_cursor = || -> std::result::Result<i64, StorageError> {
-            self.provider
-                .conn_ref()
-                .get_last_cursor_for_id(&self.msg.group_id, EntityKind::Group)
-        };
-        let last_synced_id = retry_async!(Retry::default(), (async { check_for_last_cursor() }))?;
-        Ok(last_synced_id < current_msg_cursor as i64)
-    }
-    /// Attempt a recovery sync if a group message failed to process
-    async fn attempt_message_recovery(&self) {
-        let group = MlsGroup::new(
-            &self.client,
-            self.msg.group_id.clone(),
-            self.msg.created_ns as i64,
-        );
-        tracing::debug!(
-            inbox_id = self.client.inbox_id(),
-            group_id = hex::encode(&self.msg.group_id),
-            cursor_id = self.msg.id,
-            "attempting recovery sync"
-        );
-        // Swallow errors here, since another process may have successfully saved the message
-        // to the DB
-        if let Err(err) = group.sync_with_conn(&self.provider).await {
-            tracing::warn!(
-                inbox_id = self.client.inbox_id(),
-                group_id = hex::encode(&self.msg.group_id),
-                cursor_id = self.msg.id,
-                err = %err,
-                "recovery sync triggered by streamed message failed: {}", err
-            );
-        } else {
-            tracing::debug!(
-                inbox_id = self.client.inbox_id(),
-                group_id = hex::encode(&self.msg.group_id),
-                cursor_id = self.msg.id,
-                "recovery sync triggered by streamed message successful"
-            )
-        }
-    }
-mod tests {
-    use std::sync::Arc;
-    use futures::stream::StreamExt;
-    use wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test;
-    use crate::{assert_msg, assert_msg_exists};
-    use crate::{builder::ClientBuilder, groups::GroupMetadataOptions};
-    use xmtp_cryptography::utils::generate_local_wallet;
-    #[wasm_bindgen_test(unsupported = tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread"))]
-    async fn test_stream_messages() {
-        xmtp_common::logger();
-        let alice = Arc::new(ClientBuilder::new_test_client(&generate_local_wallet()).await);
-        let bob = ClientBuilder::new_test_client(&generate_local_wallet()).await;
-        let alice_group = alice
-            .create_group(None, GroupMetadataOptions::default())
-            .unwrap();
-        tracing::info!("Group Id = [{}]", hex::encode(&alice_group.group_id));
-        alice_group
-            .add_members_by_inbox_id(&[bob.inbox_id()])
-            .await
-            .unwrap();
-        let bob_groups = bob
-            .sync_welcomes(&bob.mls_provider().unwrap())
-            .await
-            .unwrap();
-        let bob_group = bob_groups.first().unwrap();
-        alice_group.sync().await.unwrap();
-        let stream = alice_group.stream().await.unwrap();
-        futures::pin_mut!(stream);
-        bob_group.send_message(b"hello").await.unwrap();
-        // group updated msg/bob is added
-        // assert_msg_exists!(stream);
-        assert_msg!(stream, "hello");
-        bob_group.send_message(b"hello2").await.unwrap();
-        assert_msg!(stream, "hello2");
-    }
diff --git a/xmtp_mls/src/groups/device_sync/consent_sync.rs b/xmtp_mls/src/groups/device_sync/consent_sync.rs
index ea3d5587d..4a59a9552 100644
--- a/xmtp_mls/src/groups/device_sync/consent_sync.rs
+++ b/xmtp_mls/src/groups/device_sync/consent_sync.rs
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
     #[wasm_bindgen_test(unsupported = tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 1))]
     #[cfg_attr(target_family = "wasm", ignore)]
     async fn test_consent_sync() {
-        xmtp_common::logger();
         let history_sync_url = format!("http://{}:{}", HISTORY_SERVER_HOST, HISTORY_SERVER_PORT);
         let wallet = generate_local_wallet();
         let amal_a = ClientBuilder::new_test_client_with_history(&wallet, &history_sync_url).await;
diff --git a/xmtp_mls/src/groups/mod.rs b/xmtp_mls/src/groups/mod.rs
index c6d60a05a..81adfc8fa 100644
--- a/xmtp_mls/src/groups/mod.rs
+++ b/xmtp_mls/src/groups/mod.rs
@@ -65,12 +65,10 @@ use crate::storage::{
     NotFound, StorageError,
 use xmtp_common::time::now_ns;
-use xmtp_proto::xmtp::mls::{
-    message_contents::{
-        content_types::ReactionV2,
-        plaintext_envelope::{Content, V1},
-        EncodedContent, PlaintextEnvelope,
-    },
+use xmtp_proto::xmtp::mls::message_contents::{
+    content_types::ReactionV2,
+    plaintext_envelope::{Content, V1},
+    EncodedContent, PlaintextEnvelope,
 use crate::{
diff --git a/xmtp_mls/src/lib.rs b/xmtp_mls/src/lib.rs
index ddbb119a7..6e0266abf 100644
--- a/xmtp_mls/src/lib.rs
+++ b/xmtp_mls/src/lib.rs
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ use std::collections::HashMap;
 use std::sync::{Arc, LazyLock, Mutex};
 use storage::{xmtp_openmls_provider::XmtpOpenMlsProvider, DuplicateItem, StorageError};
 use tokio::sync::{OwnedSemaphorePermit, Semaphore};
-pub use xmtp_openmls_provider::XmtpOpenMlsProvider;
 pub use xmtp_id::InboxOwner;
 pub use xmtp_proto::api_client::trait_impls::*;
diff --git a/xmtp_mls/src/storage/encrypted_store/group.rs b/xmtp_mls/src/storage/encrypted_store/group.rs
index 86838c6d5..b127475bc 100644
--- a/xmtp_mls/src/storage/encrypted_store/group.rs
+++ b/xmtp_mls/src/storage/encrypted_store/group.rs
@@ -351,10 +351,8 @@ impl DbConnection {
-        Ok(self
-            .raw_query(|conn| query.load(conn))
-            .map(|mut g| g.pop())?)
+        let groups = self.raw_query(|conn| query.load(conn))?;
+        Ok(groups.into_iter().next())
     /// Return a single group that matches the given welcome ID
@@ -366,14 +364,14 @@ impl DbConnection {
-        let mut groups = self.raw_query(|conn| query.load(conn))?;
+        let groups = self.raw_query(|conn| query.load(conn))?;
         if groups.len() > 1 {
                 "More than one group found for welcome_id {welcome_id}"
-        Ok(groups.pop())
+        Ok(groups.into_iter().next())
     pub fn find_dm_group(
@@ -386,12 +384,12 @@ impl DbConnection {
-        let mut groups: Vec<StoredGroup> = self.raw_query(|conn| query.load(conn))?;
+        let groups: Vec<StoredGroup> = self.raw_query(|conn| query.load(conn))?;
         if groups.len() > 1 {
             tracing::info!("More than one group found for dm_inbox_id {members:?}");
-        Ok(groups.pop())
+        Ok(groups.into_iter().next())
     /// Updates group membership state
diff --git a/xmtp_mls/src/storage/encrypted_store/mod.rs b/xmtp_mls/src/storage/encrypted_store/mod.rs
index 3f7af2ce8..68f5d11e2 100644
--- a/xmtp_mls/src/storage/encrypted_store/mod.rs
+++ b/xmtp_mls/src/storage/encrypted_store/mod.rs
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ use diesel::{
 use diesel_migrations::{embed_migrations, EmbeddedMigrations, MigrationHarness};
-use std::sync::Arc;
 use xmtp_common::{retry_async, Retry, RetryableError};
 pub const MIGRATIONS: EmbeddedMigrations = embed_migrations!("./migrations/");
@@ -366,17 +365,17 @@ where
         Fut: futures::Future<Output = Result<T, E>>,
         E: From<diesel::result::Error> + From<StorageError>,
         Db: 'a;
-    pub async fn retryable_transaction_async<'a, T, F, E, Fut>(
-            &self,
-            provider: &'a XmtpOpenMlsProviderPrivate<<Db as XmtpDb>::Connection>,
-            retry: Option<Retry>,
-            fun: F,
-        ) -> Result<T, E>
-        where
-            F: Copy + FnMut(&'a XmtpOpenMlsProviderPrivate<<Db as XmtpDb>::Connection>) -> Fut,
-            Fut: futures::Future<Output = Result<T, E>>,
-            E: From<diesel::result::Error> + From<StorageError> + RetryableError;
+    #[allow(async_fn_in_trait)]
+    async fn retryable_transaction_async<'a, T, F, E, Fut>(
+        &'a self,
+        retry: Option<Retry>,
+        fun: F,
+    ) -> Result<T, E>
+    where
+        F: Copy + FnMut(&'a XmtpOpenMlsProviderPrivate<Db, <Db as XmtpDb>::Connection>) -> Fut,
+        Fut: futures::Future<Output = Result<T, E>>,
+        E: From<diesel::result::Error> + From<StorageError> + RetryableError,
+        Db: 'a;
 impl<Db> ProviderTransactions<Db> for XmtpOpenMlsProviderPrivate<Db, <Db as XmtpDb>::Connection>
@@ -463,15 +462,6 @@ where
         // ensuring we have only one strong reference
         let result = fun(self).await;
         let local_connection = self.conn_ref().inner_ref();
-        if Arc::strong_count(&local_connection) > 1 {
-            tracing::warn!(
-                "More than 1 strong connection references still exist during async transaction"
-            );
-        }
-        if Arc::weak_count(&local_connection) > 1 {
-            tracing::warn!("More than 1 weak connection references still exist during transaction");
-        }
         // after the closure finishes, `local_provider` should have the only reference ('strong')
         // to `XmtpOpenMlsProvider` inner `DbConnection`..
@@ -497,22 +487,21 @@ where
-    pub async fn retryable_transaction_async<'a, T, F, E, Fut>(
-            &self,
-            provider: &'a XmtpOpenMlsProviderPrivate<<Db as XmtpDb>::Connection>,
-            retry: Option<Retry>,
-            fun: F,
-        ) -> Result<T, E>
-        where
-            F: Copy + FnMut(&'a XmtpOpenMlsProviderPrivate<<Db as XmtpDb>::Connection>) -> Fut,
-            Fut: futures::Future<Output = Result<T, E>>,
-            E: From<diesel::result::Error> + From<StorageError> + RetryableError,
-        {
-            retry_async!(
-                retry.unwrap_or_default(),
-                (async { self.transaction_async(provider, fun).await })
-            )
-        }
+    async fn retryable_transaction_async<'a, T, F, E, Fut>(
+        &'a self,
+        retry: Option<Retry>,
+        fun: F,
+    ) -> Result<T, E>
+    where
+        F: Copy + FnMut(&'a XmtpOpenMlsProviderPrivate<Db, <Db as XmtpDb>::Connection>) -> Fut,
+        Fut: futures::Future<Output = Result<T, E>>,
+        E: From<diesel::result::Error> + From<StorageError> + RetryableError,
+    {
+        retry_async!(
+            retry.unwrap_or_default(),
+            (async { self.transaction_async(fun).await })
+        )
+    }
@@ -779,6 +768,7 @@ pub(crate) mod tests {
     #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), tokio::test)]
     #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
     async fn test_transaction_rollback() {
+        use std::sync::Arc;
         use std::sync::Barrier;
         let db_path = tmp_path();
diff --git a/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/mod.rs b/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/mod.rs
index 616fd9052..efce36735 100644
--- a/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/mod.rs
+++ b/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/mod.rs
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ use crate::{
-        group::{ConversationType, GroupQueryArgs, StoredGroup},
+        group::ConversationType,
-        ProviderTransactions, StorageError, NotFound, group::ConversationType
+        StorageError, NotFound,
     Client, XmtpApi,
diff --git a/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/stream_all.rs b/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/stream_all.rs
index 1cab003ff..9de224e0a 100644
--- a/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/stream_all.rs
+++ b/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/stream_all.rs
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 use std::{
-    task::{Context, Poll, ready},
+    task::{ready, Context, Poll},
 use crate::subscriptions::stream_messages::MessagesApiSubscription;
 use crate::{
-    types::GroupId,
     groups::{scoped_client::ScopedGroupClient, MlsGroup},
         group::{ConversationType, GroupQueryArgs},
+    types::GroupId,
 use futures::stream::Stream;
@@ -102,9 +102,8 @@ where
         if let Some(group) = ready!(this.conversations.poll_next(cx)) {
-            return this.messages.poll_next(cx);
-        Poll::Pending
+        this.messages.poll_next(cx)
@@ -177,7 +176,6 @@ mod tests {
     #[wasm_bindgen_test(unsupported = tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 10))]
     async fn test_stream_all_messages_unchanging_group_list() {
-        xmtp_common::logger();
         let alix = ClientBuilder::new_test_client(&generate_local_wallet()).await;
         let bo = ClientBuilder::new_test_client(&generate_local_wallet()).await;
         let caro = ClientBuilder::new_test_client(&generate_local_wallet()).await;
@@ -227,7 +225,7 @@ mod tests {
         let alix_dm = alix
-            .create_dm_by_inbox_id(&alix.mls_provider().unwrap(), bo.inbox_id().to_string())
+            .create_dm_by_inbox_id(bo.inbox_id().to_string())
@@ -237,9 +235,15 @@ mod tests {
-        alix_dm.send_message("first DM msg".as_bytes()).await.unwrap();
+        alix_dm
+            .send_message("first DM msg".as_bytes())
+            .await
+            .unwrap();
         tracing::info!("\n\nsent first DM message\n\n");
-        alix_group.send_message("second GROUP msg".as_bytes()).await.unwrap();
+        alix_group
+            .send_message("second GROUP msg".as_bytes())
+            .await
+            .unwrap();
         tracing::info!("\n\nsent second group msg\n\n");
         assert_msg!(stream, "second GROUP msg");
         tracing::info!("\n\ngot `second`: Group-Only message\n\n");
@@ -250,9 +254,15 @@ mod tests {
-        alix_group.send_message("second GROUP msg".as_bytes()).await.unwrap();
+        alix_group
+            .send_message("second GROUP msg".as_bytes())
+            .await
+            .unwrap();
         tracing::info!("\n\nSENDING SECOND DM MSG\n\n");
-        alix_dm.send_message("second DM msg".as_bytes()).await.unwrap();
+        alix_dm
+            .send_message("second DM msg".as_bytes())
+            .await
+            .unwrap();
         tracing::info!("\nSENT SECOND DM MSG\n\n");
         assert_msg!(stream, "second DM msg");
         tracing::info!("Got second DM Only Message");
@@ -268,7 +278,7 @@ mod tests {
         assert_msg!(stream, "second");
-    #[wasm_bindgen_test(unsupported = tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 10))]
+    #[wasm_bindgen_test(unsupported = tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread"))]
     async fn test_stream_all_messages_does_not_lose_messages() {
         let caro = ClientBuilder::new_test_client(&generate_local_wallet()).await;
         let alix = Arc::new(ClientBuilder::new_test_client(&generate_local_wallet()).await);
@@ -288,9 +298,12 @@ mod tests {
         let alix_group_pointer = alix_group.clone();
         crate::spawn(None, async move {
             let mut sent = 0;
-            for i in 0..50 {
-                let msg = format!("spam {i}");
-                alix_group_pointer.send_message(msg.as_bytes()).await.unwrap();
+            for i in 0..15 {
+                let msg = format!("main spam {i}");
+                alix_group_pointer
+                    .send_message(msg.as_bytes())
+                    .await
+                    .unwrap();
                 sent += 1;
                 tracing::info!("sent {sent}");
@@ -303,27 +316,25 @@ mod tests {
         let caro_id = caro.inbox_id().to_string();
         crate::spawn(None, async move {
             let caro = &caro_id;
-            for i in 0..50 {
+            for i in 0..5 {
                 let new_group = eve
                     .create_group(None, GroupMetadataOptions::default())
                 tracing::info!("\n\n EVE SENDING {i} \n\n");
-                let msg = format!("spam {i} from new group");
-                new_group
-                    .send_message(msg.as_bytes())
-                    .await
-                    .unwrap();
+                let msg = format!("EVE spam {i} from new group");
+                new_group.send_message(msg.as_bytes()).await.unwrap();
         let mut messages = Vec::new();
-        let _ = tokio::time::timeout(core::time::Duration::from_secs(30), async {
+        let timeout = if cfg!(target_arch = "wasm32") { 15 } else { 5 };
+        let _ = xmtp_common::time::timeout(core::time::Duration::from_secs(timeout), async {
             loop {
-                if messages.len() < 100 {
+                if messages.len() < 20 {
                     if let Some(Ok(msg)) = stream.next().await {
-                        tracing::info!(
+                        tracing::error!(
                             message_id = hex::encode(&msg.id),
                             sender_inbox_id = msg.sender_inbox_id,
                             sender_installation_id = hex::encode(&msg.sender_installation_id),
@@ -342,7 +353,7 @@ mod tests {
         tracing::info!("Total Messages: {}", messages.len());
-        assert_eq!(messages.len(), 100);
+        assert_eq!(messages.len(), 20);
     #[wasm_bindgen_test(unsupported = tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 10))]
@@ -369,7 +380,7 @@ mod tests {
         let mut messages = Vec::new();
-        let _ = tokio::time::timeout(core::time::Duration::from_secs(20), async {
+        let _ = xmtp_common::time::timeout(core::time::Duration::from_secs(20), async {
             loop {
                 if messages.len() < 5 {
diff --git a/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/stream_conversations.rs b/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/stream_conversations.rs
index 8273e7081..0eeb39074 100644
--- a/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/stream_conversations.rs
+++ b/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/stream_conversations.rs
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ use std::{
-    task::{Context, Poll},
+    task::{ready, Context, Poll},
 use crate::{
     groups::{scoped_client::ScopedGroupClient, MlsGroup},
-    storage::{group::ConversationType, NotFound, refresh_state::EntityKind},
+    storage::{group::ConversationType, refresh_state::EntityKind, NotFound, ProviderTransactions},
     Client, XmtpOpenMlsProvider,
 use futures::{prelude::stream::Select, Stream};
@@ -64,19 +64,17 @@ impl Stream for BroadcastGroupStream {
     fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
         use std::task::Poll::*;
         let this = self.project();
-        match this.inner.poll_next(cx) {
-            Ready(Some(event)) => {
-                let ev = xmtp_common::optify!(event, "Missed messages due to event queue lag")
-                    .and_then(LocalEvents::group_filter);
-                if let Some(g) = ev {
-                    Ready(Some(Ok(WelcomeOrGroup::Group(g))))
-                } else {
-                    // skip this item since it was either missed due to lag, or not a group
-                    Pending
-                }
+        if let Some(event) = ready!(this.inner.poll_next(cx)) {
+            if let Some(group) =
+                xmtp_common::optify!(event, "Missed messages due to event queue lag")
+                    .and_then(LocalEvents::group_filter)
+            {
+                Ready(Some(Ok(WelcomeOrGroup::Group(group))))
+            } else {
+                Pending
-            Pending => Pending,
-            Ready(None) => Ready(None),
+        } else {
+            Ready(None)
@@ -227,7 +225,6 @@ where
             Waiting => {
                 match this.inner.poll_next(cx) {
                     Ready(Some(item)) => {
-                        tracing::info!("READY, STARTING TO PROCESS");
                         let mut this = self.as_mut().project();
                         let future = ProcessWelcomeFuture::new(
@@ -243,16 +240,15 @@ where
                         // this will return immediately if we have already processed the welcome
                         // and it exists in the db
-                        let Processing { future } = this.state.project() else { unreachable!() };
+                        let Processing { future } = this.state.project() else {
+                            unreachable!()
+                        };
                         let poll = future.poll(cx);
                         self.as_mut().try_process(poll, cx)
                     // stream ended
-                    Ready(None) => {
-                        tracing::info!("READY NONE");
-                        Ready(None)
-                    }
-                    Pending => Pending
+                    Ready(None) => Ready(None),
+                    Pending => Pending,
             Processing { future } => {
@@ -291,8 +287,7 @@ where
                 // we have to re-ad this task to the queue
                 // to let http know we are waiting on the next item
-                cx.waker().wake_by_ref();
-                Pending
+                self.poll_next(cx)
             Ready(Err(e)) => Ready(Some(Err(e))),
             Pending => Pending,
@@ -407,10 +402,8 @@ where
             "Trying to process streamed welcome"
-        let group = client
-            .context()
-            .store()
-            .retryable_transaction_async(provider, |provider| async {
+        let group = provider
+            .retryable_transaction_async(None, |provider| async {
@@ -471,7 +464,6 @@ mod test {
     #[wasm_bindgen_test(unsupported = tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread"))]
     async fn test_stream_welcomes() {
-        xmtp_common::logger();
         let alice = Arc::new(ClientBuilder::new_test_client(&generate_local_wallet()).await);
         let bob = Arc::new(ClientBuilder::new_test_client(&generate_local_wallet()).await);
         let alice_bob_group = alice
@@ -490,7 +482,6 @@ mod test {
     #[wasm_bindgen_test(unsupported = tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread"))]
-    #[cfg_attr(target_family = "wasm", ignore)]
     async fn test_dm_streaming() {
         let alix = Arc::new(ClientBuilder::new_test_client(&generate_local_wallet()).await);
         let bo = Arc::new(ClientBuilder::new_test_client(&generate_local_wallet()).await);
diff --git a/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/stream_messages.rs b/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/stream_messages.rs
index fa3726c82..24b6007fa 100644
--- a/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/stream_messages.rs
+++ b/xmtp_mls/src/subscriptions/stream_messages.rs
@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@ use std::{
-    task::{Context, Poll, ready},
+    task::{ready, Context, Poll},
 use super::{Result, SubscribeError};
 use crate::{
     groups::{scoped_client::ScopedGroupClient, MlsGroup},
-    types::GroupId,
-        group::StoredGroup, group_message::StoredGroupMessage, refresh_state::EntityKind,
-        StorageError,
+        encrypted_store::ProviderTransactions, group::StoredGroup,
+        group_message::StoredGroupMessage, refresh_state::EntityKind, StorageError,
+    types::GroupId,
-use futures::{Stream, TryFutureExt};
+use futures::Stream;
 use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
 use xmtp_common::FutureWrapper;
 use xmtp_id::InboxIdRef;
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ fn extract_message_v1(message: GroupMessage) -> Result<group_message::V1> {
 /// the position of this message in the backend topic
 /// based only upon messages from the stream
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
@@ -66,10 +65,6 @@ impl MessagePosition {
     fn pos(&self) -> u64 {
-    fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
-        self.cursor.is_none()
-    }
 impl std::fmt::Display for MessagePosition {
@@ -92,9 +87,7 @@ impl From<StoredGroup> for (Vec<u8>, MessagePosition) {
 impl From<u64> for MessagePosition {
     fn from(v: u64) -> MessagePosition {
-        Self {
-            cursor: Some(v),
-        }
+        Self { cursor: Some(v) }
@@ -104,6 +97,7 @@ pin_project! {
         #[pin] state: State<'a, Subscription>,
         client: &'a C,
         group_list: HashMap<GroupId, MessagePosition>,
+        drained: Vec<Option<Result<GroupMessage>>>,
@@ -120,7 +114,7 @@ pin_project! {
             #[pin] future: FutureWrapper<'a, Result<Option<(StoredGroupMessage, u64)>>>
         Adding {
-            #[pin] future: FutureWrapper<'a, Result<Out>>
+            #[pin] future: FutureWrapper<'a, Result<(Out, Vec<u8>, Option<u64>)>>
@@ -133,23 +127,50 @@ where
     C: ScopedGroupClient + 'a,
     <C as ScopedGroupClient>::ApiClient: XmtpApi + XmtpMlsStreams + 'a,
-    pub async fn new(
-        client: &'a C,
-        group_list: Vec<GroupId>,
-    ) -> Result<Self> {
+    pub async fn new(client: &'a C, group_list: Vec<GroupId>) -> Result<Self> {
         tracing::debug!("setting up messages subscription");
-        let group_list = group_list.into_iter().map(|group_id| {
-            Ok((group_id, 0u64))
-        }).collect::<Result<HashMap<GroupId, u64>>>()?;
+        let mut group_list = group_list
+            .into_iter()
+            .map(|group_id| (group_id, 0u64))
+            .collect::<HashMap<GroupId, u64>>();
+        let cursors = group_list
+            .iter()
+            .map(|(group, _)| client.api().query_group_messages(group.to_vec(), Some(0)));
+        let cursors = futures::future::join_all(cursors)
+            .await
+            .into_iter()
+            .map(|r| r.map_err(SubscribeError::from))
+            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?
+            .into_iter()
+            .flatten()
+            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+        for message in cursors {
+            let group_message::V1 {
+                id: cursor,
+                group_id,
+                ..
+            } = extract_message_v1(message)?;
+            group_list.entry(group_id.clone().into()).and_modify(|e| {
+                if *e < cursor {
+                    *e = cursor
+                }
+            });
+            tracing::info!(
+                "Subscribed to group {} at cursor {}",
+                hex::encode(&group_id),
+                group_list.get(group_id.as_slice()).unwrap()
+            );
+        }
         let filters: Vec<GroupFilter> = group_list
             .map(|(group_id, cursor)| GroupFilter::new(group_id.to_vec(), Some(*cursor)))
-        for filter in &filters {
-            let messages = client.api().query_group_messages(filter.group_id.to_vec(), Some(1)).await;
-            tracing::info!("{:?}", messages);
-            tracing::debug!("Subscribing to {} for group messages", hex::encode(&filter.group_id));
-        }
         let subscription = client.api().subscribe_group_messages(filters).await?;
         Ok(Self {
@@ -157,12 +178,12 @@ where
             state: Default::default(),
             group_list: group_list.into_iter().map(|(g, c)| (g, c.into())).collect(),
+            drained: Vec::new(),
     /// Add a new group to this messages stream
     pub(super) fn add(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, group: MlsGroup<C>) {
-        tracing::info!("creating new messages stream to add group {}", hex::encode(&group.group_id));
         if self.group_list.contains_key(group.group_id.as_slice()) {
             tracing::info!("group {} already in stream", hex::encode(&group.group_id));
@@ -176,26 +197,50 @@ where
         let this = self.as_mut().project();
-        this.group_list.insert(group.group_id.into(), 1.into());
-        // let mut filters = self.filters();
-        // add the new group but not to our state.
-        // We will add the group to our state once we get the first message.
-        // In that message will be the real cursor, rather than a temporary `1`
-        // filters.push(GroupFilter::new(group.group_id, Some(1)));
-        let future = self.client.api().subscribe_group_messages(self.filters()).map_err(SubscribeError::from);
+        this.group_list
+            .insert(group.group_id.clone().into(), 0.into());
+        let future = Self::subscribe(self.client, self.filters(), group.group_id);
         let mut this = self.as_mut().project();
-        this.state.set(State::Adding { future: FutureWrapper::new(future)});
+        this.state.set(State::Adding {
+            future: FutureWrapper::new(future),
+        });
+    }
+    // re-subscribe to the stream with a new group
+    async fn subscribe(
+        client: &'a C,
+        mut filters: Vec<GroupFilter>,
+        new_group: Vec<u8>,
+    ) -> Result<(MessagesApiSubscription<'a, C>, Vec<u8>, Option<u64>)> {
+        let msgs = client
+            .api()
+            .query_group_messages(new_group.to_vec(), Some(0))
+            .await?;
+        let mut cursor = None;
+        if let Some(m) = msgs.first() {
+            let m = extract_message_v1(m.clone())?;
+            if let Some(new) = filters.iter_mut().find(|f| &f.group_id == &new_group) {
+                new.id_cursor = Some(m.id);
+                cursor = Some(m.id);
+            }
+        }
+        let stream = client.api().subscribe_group_messages(filters).await?;
+        Ok((stream, new_group, cursor))
-    // Reinit with all the correct cursors
-    // this should result in the least amount of network calls & mitigate missed messages to get the right messages
-    // when groups are changing quickly
-    // TODO: can store a cursor on a message, or in refresh table, that is last processed message
-    // not necessarily synced. then we don't need this.
-    fn reinit(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
-        let future = self.client.api().subscribe_group_messages(self.filters()).map_err(SubscribeError::from);
+    // needed mainly for slower connections when we may receive messages
+    // in between a switch.
+    pub(super) fn drain(
+        mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
+        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
+    ) -> Vec<Option<Result<GroupMessage>>> {
+        let mut drained = Vec::new();
         let mut this = self.as_mut().project();
-        this.state.set(State::Adding { future: FutureWrapper::new(future)});
+        while let Poll::Ready(msg) = this.inner.as_mut().poll_next(cx) {
+            drained.push(msg.map(|v| v.map_err(SubscribeError::from)));
+        }
+        drained
@@ -207,32 +252,43 @@ where
     type Item = Result<StoredGroupMessage>;
     fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
-        // tracing::debug!("POLLING STREAM MESSAGES");
         use std::task::Poll::*;
         use ProjectState::*;
         let mut this = self.as_mut().project();
         match this.state.as_mut().project() {
-            Waiting =>  {
+            Waiting => {
+                if let Some(envelope) = this.drained.pop().flatten() {
+                    let future = ProcessMessageFuture::new(*this.client, envelope?)?;
+                    let future = future.process();
+                    this.state.set(State::Processing {
+                        future: FutureWrapper::new(future),
+                    });
+                    return self.try_update_state(cx);
+                }
                 if let Some(envelope) = ready!(this.inner.poll_next(cx)) {
-                    tracing::debug!("processing {:?} message in stream", envelope);
                     let future = ProcessMessageFuture::new(*this.client, envelope?)?;
                     let future = future.process();
                     this.state.set(State::Processing {
                         future: FutureWrapper::new(future),
-                } else { // the stream ended
+                } else {
+                    // the stream ended
-            },
+            }
             Processing { .. } => self.try_update_state(cx),
             Adding { future } => {
-                let stream = ready!(future.poll(cx))?;
+                let (stream, group, cursor) = ready!(future.poll(cx))?;
+                let this = self.as_mut();
+                cursor.and_then(|c| Some(this.set_cursor(group.as_slice(), c)));
+                let drained = self.as_mut().drain(cx);
                 let mut this = self.as_mut().project();
+                this.drained.extend(drained);
+                tracing::info!("finished establishing new messages stream");
-                tracing::debug!("added group to messages stream");
@@ -254,10 +310,20 @@ where
     // Subscription: Stream<Item = std::result::Result<GroupMessage, xmtp_proto::Error>> + 'a,
     <C as ScopedGroupClient>::ApiClient: XmtpApi + XmtpMlsStreams + 'a,
+    fn set_cursor(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, group_id: &[u8], new_cursor: u64) {
+        let this = self.as_mut().project();
+        if let Some(cursor) = this.group_list.get_mut(group_id) {
+            cursor.set(new_cursor);
+        }
+    }
     /// Try to finish processing the stream item by polling the stored future.
     /// Update state to `Waiting` and insert the new cursor if ready.
     /// If Stream state is in `Waiting`, returns `Pending`.
-    fn try_update_state(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<<Self as Stream>::Item>> {
+    fn try_update_state(
+        mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
+        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
+    ) -> Poll<Option<<Self as Stream>::Item>> {
         use ProjectState::*;
         let mut this = self.as_mut().project();
@@ -265,25 +331,9 @@ where
             match ready!(future.poll(cx))? {
                 Some((msg, new_cursor)) => {
-                    if let Some(tracked_cursor) = this.group_list.get_mut(msg.group_id.as_slice()) {
-                        if tracked_cursor.is_unknown() { // we assume a cursor of 1 means unknown cursor
-                            // reinit the stream with the correct cursor
-                            tracked_cursor.set(new_cursor);
-                            self.as_mut().reinit();
-                            // return Poll::Pending;
-                            return self.poll_next(cx);
-                        } else {
-                            tracked_cursor.set(new_cursor);
-                          return Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(msg)));
-                         }
-                    } else { // this should never happen
-                        tracing::info!("\n\nGot new group\n\n");
-                        this.group_list
-                            .insert(msg.group_id.clone().into(), new_cursor.into());
-                        return self.poll_next(cx);
-                    }
-                    // return Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(msg)));
-                },
+                    self.set_cursor(msg.group_id.as_slice(), new_cursor);
+                    return Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(msg)));
+                }
                 None => {
                     tracing::warn!("skipping message streaming payload");
@@ -295,24 +345,6 @@ where
-impl<'a, C> StreamGroupMessages<'a, C, MessagesApiSubscription<'a, C>>
-    // S: Stream<Item = std::result::Result<GroupMessage, xmtp_proto::Error>> + 'a,
-    C: ScopedGroupClient + 'a,
-    <C as ScopedGroupClient>::ApiClient: XmtpApi + XmtpMlsStreams + 'a,
-    pub(super) fn drain(
-        mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
-        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
-    ) {
-        let mut this = self.as_mut().project();
-        // let mut drained = Vec::new();
-        while let Poll::Ready(msg) = this.inner.as_mut().poll_next(cx) {
-            tracing::info!("msg: {:?}", msg);
-        }
-    }
 /// Future that processes a group message from the network
 pub struct ProcessMessageFuture<Client> {
     provider: XmtpOpenMlsProvider,
@@ -331,7 +363,8 @@ where
             inbox_id = client.inbox_id(),
             group_id = hex::encode(&msg.group_id),
-            "Received message streaming payload"
+            cursor = msg.id,
+            "streamed new message"
         Ok(Self {
@@ -373,18 +406,7 @@ where
             .get_group_message_by_timestamp(&self.msg.group_id, *created_ns as i64)?;
-            /*
-            .inspect(|e| {
-                if matches!(e, SubscribeError::GroupMessageNotFound) {
-                    tracing::warn!(
-                        cursor_id,
-                        inbox_id = self.inbox_id(),
-                        group_id = hex::encode(&self.msg.group_id),
-                        "group message not found"
-                    );
-                }
-            })?;
-        */
         if let Some(msg) = new_message {
             Ok(Some((msg, *cursor_id)))
         } else {
@@ -402,9 +424,8 @@ where
     /// stream processing function
     async fn process_stream_entry(&self) {
         let process_result = self
-            .client
-            .store()
-            .retryable_transaction_async(&self.provider, |provider| async move {
+            .provider
+            .retryable_transaction_async(None, |provider| async move {
                 let (group, _) =
                     MlsGroup::new_validated(&self.client, self.msg.group_id.clone(), provider)?;
@@ -500,13 +521,12 @@ mod tests {
     use futures::stream::StreamExt;
     use wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test;
-    use crate::{assert_msg, assert_msg_exists};
+    use crate::assert_msg;
     use crate::{builder::ClientBuilder, groups::GroupMetadataOptions};
     use xmtp_cryptography::utils::generate_local_wallet;
     #[wasm_bindgen_test(unsupported = tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread"))]
     async fn test_stream_messages() {
-        xmtp_common::logger();
         let alice = Arc::new(ClientBuilder::new_test_client(&generate_local_wallet()).await);
         let bob = ClientBuilder::new_test_client(&generate_local_wallet()).await;