This script will check the level of a battery attached to the CHIP.
This needs to be run as root due to the shutdown command.
This script does not have a loop internal to it and should be set to a cron job (preferably root cron) at a 5 or 10 minute interval.
git clone
cd chip_batt_autoshutdown
chmod +x
sudo cp ./ /usr/bin/
If running the script manually, be sure to run with sudo
Edit the root crontab
sudo crontab -e
For 5 Minute check, enter:
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/ >> /var/log/chip_batt.log 2>&1
For 10 Minute check, enter:
*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/ >> /var/log/chip_batt.log 2>&1
Then do:
sudo service cron restart
To check the status of the script:
tail -f /var/log/chip_batt.log