Hivemind is still in the early stage of development, we expect only a handful of collaborators with individual roles.
- Before you write any code, please contact us to avoid duplicate work:
- Report bugs and propose new features via issues. We don't have templates at this point;
- If you decide to implement a feature or fix a bug, leave a comment in the appropriate issue or create a new one;
- Please follow Contributor Convent v2.0.
- When you code, follow the best practices:
- After you write the code, make sure others can use it:
- Any function exposed to a user must have a docstring compatible with sphinx;
- For new features, please write test(s) to make sure your functionality won't be broken by subsequent changes;
- If you face any challenges or want feedback, please submit pull request early with a [WIP] tag = work in progress.
- You can find a wealth of pytorch debugging tricks at their contributing page.
- Hivemind is optimized for development in pycharm CE 2019.3 or newer.
- When working on tests, please mark "tests" as sources root.