The dataset includes factors potentially influencing an individual's intention to leave their job.
It comprises sociodemographic variables and indicators of each candidate's past behavior. The data were collected over a brief period, with each individual representing a single sample in the dataset.
All variables, except the target, were gathered before the individual joined the company,
meaning company_size
and company_type
refer to the candidate's previous position.
- enrollee_id: Unique ID for candidate
- city: City code
- city_development_index: Development index of the city (scaled)
- gender: Gender of candidate
- relevant_experience: Relevant experience of candidate
- enrolled_university: Type of University course enrolled if any
- education_level: Education level of candidate
- major_discipline: Education discipline of candidate
- experience: Candidate total experience in years
- company_size: Number of employees in current employer's company
- company_type: Type of current employer
- last_new_job: Difference in years between previous job and current job
- training_hours: training hours completed
- target: 0 – Not looking for job change, 1 – Looking for a job change