Unicode 引用
-- -
Unicode 是字体在网页端最原始的应用方式,特点是:
- 支持按字体的方式去动态调整图标大小,颜色等等。 -
- 默认情况下不支持多色,直接添加多色图标会自动去色。 -
--注意:新版 iconfont 支持两种方式引用多色图标:SVG symbol - 引用方式和彩色字体图标模式。(使用彩色字体图标需要在「编辑项目」中开启「彩色」选项后并重新生成。)
Unicode 使用步骤如下:
-第一步:拷贝项目下面生成的 @font-face
+ iconfont Demo
+ -
+ biaoqian
+ 
+ -
+ polyline-v1
+ 
+ -
+ polygon-v1
+ 
+ -
+ ruler
+ 
+ -
+ lunkuo
+ 
+ -
+ jiance
+ 
+ -
+ Hotkeys
+ 
+ -
+ rect
+ 
+ -
+ bone
+ 
+ -
+ splinecurve
+ 
+ -
+ polygon
+ 
+ -
+ unclosedpolygon
+ 
+ -
+ beisaierquxian
+ 
+ -
+ point
+ 
+ -
+ liebiao
+ 
+ -
+ Crop non-first object
+ 
+ -
+ Crop the first object
+ 
+ -
+ 图层显示
+ 
+ -
+ group
+ 
+ -
+ tuichuzu
+ 
+ -
+ ai
+ 
+ -
+ cancel
+ 
+ -
+ jiaohushi
+ 
+ -
+ add
+ 
+ -
+ more
+ 
+ -
+ error
+ 
+ -
+ fangda
+ 
+ -
+ cube
+ 
+ -
+ No result in this frame
+ 
+ -
+ ai kuang
+ 
+ -
+ noun-isometric
+ 
+ -
+ Ground Truth in all frames
+ 
+ -
+ Ground truth
+ 
+ -
+ restore
+ 
+ -
+ Acceptance
+ 
+ -
+ review
+ 
+ -
+ Annotate
+ 
+ -
+ Modify
+ 
+ -
+ QA
+ 
+ -
+ arrow
+ 
+ -
+ suspend
+ 
+ -
+ ongoing
+ 
+ -
+ Classfication
+ 
+ -
+ Comments
+ 
+ -
+ Results
+ 
+ -
+ Validity
+ 
+ -
+ Group
+ 
+ -
+ abnormal
+ 
+ -
+ rectangular
+ 
+ -
+ 3d
+ 
+ -
+ bofang
+ 
+ -
+ hebing
+ 
+ -
+ chongxinbofang
+ 
+ -
+ jiancha
+ 
+ -
+ zuo-fuzhi
+ 
+ -
+ right-fuzhi
+ 
+ -
+ file
+ 
+ -
+ review
+ 
+ -
+ download
+ 
+ -
+ open
+ 
+ -
+ polyline
+ 
+ -
+ ai
+ 
+ -
+ rect
+ 
+ -
+ edit
+ 
+ -
+ polygon
+ 
+ -
+ link
+ 
+ -
+ cube
+ 
+ -
+ loading
+ 
+ -
+ model
+ 
+ -
+ folding
+ 
+ -
+ right
+ 
+ -
+ left
+ 
+ -
+ hidden
+ 
+ -
+ an-an
+ 
+ -
+ more
+ 
+ -
+ Auxiliary line
+ 
+ -
+ target
+ 
+ -
+ cube
+ 
+ -
+ The standard frame
+ 
+ -
+ view
+ 
+ -
+ delete
+ 
+ -
+ Edit the label
+ 
+ -
+ screening
+ 
+ -
+ notation-tool
+ 
+ -
+ Add a notation
+ 
+ -
+ Have been added
+ 
+ -
+ Notes - list
+ 
+ -
+ remind
+ 
+ -
+ Left rotation
+ 
+ -
+ Right rotation
+ 
+ -
+ up
+ 
+ -
+ down
+ 
+ -
+ an-right
+ 
+ -
+ Pack up
+ 
+ -
+ tool
+ 
+ -
+ move
+ 
+ -
+ rotating
+ 
+ -
+ mapping
+ 
+ -
+ information
+ 
+ -
+ According to
+ 
+ -
+ submit
+ 
+ -
+ hang up
+ 
+ -
+ Exit full screen
+ 
+ -
+ Full screen
+ 
+ -
+ help
+ 
+ -
+ save
+ 
+ -
+ Work flow
+ 
+ -
+ Expiration time
+ 
+ -
+ Job information
+ 
+ Unicode 引用
+ Unicode 是字体在网页端最原始的应用方式,特点是:
+ - 支持按字体的方式去动态调整图标大小,颜色等等。
+ - 默认情况下不支持多色,直接添加多色图标会自动去色。
+ 注意:新版 iconfont 支持两种方式引用多色图标:SVG symbol 引用方式和彩色字体图标模式。(使用彩色字体图标需要在「编辑项目」中开启「彩色」选项后并重新生成。)
+ Unicode 使用步骤如下:
+ 第一步:拷贝项目下面生成的 @font-face
+@font-face {
font-family: 'iconfont';
- src: url('iconfont.woff2?t=1659510737631') format('woff2'),
- url('iconfont.woff?t=1659510737631') format('woff'),
- url('iconfont.ttf?t=1659510737631') format('truetype');
+ src: url('iconfont.woff2?t=1693477727245') format('woff2'),
+ url('iconfont.woff?t=1693477727245') format('woff'),
+ url('iconfont.ttf?t=1693477727245') format('truetype');
- 第二步:定义使用 iconfont 的样式
- 第二步:定义使用 iconfont 的样式
+.iconfont {
font-family: "iconfont" !important;
font-size: 16px;
@@ -421,825 +741,1918 @@ 第二步:定义使用 iconfont 的样式
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
- 第三步:挑选相应图标并获取字体编码,应用于页面
+ 第三步:挑选相应图标并获取字体编码,应用于页面
<span class="iconfont">3</span>
- "iconfont" 是你项目下的 font-family。可以通过编辑项目查看,默认是
- "iconfont"。
- -
- file
- .icon-file
- -
- review
- .icon-review
- -
- download
- .icon-download
- -
- open
- .icon-open
- -
- polyline
- .icon-polyline
- -
- ai
- .icon-ai
- -
- rect
- .icon-rect
- -
- edit
- .icon-edit
- -
- polygon
- .icon-polygon
- -
- link
- .icon-Frame
- -
- cube
- .icon-a-122
- -
- loading
- .icon-loading
- -
- model
- .icon-Vector
- -
- folding
- .icon-dakai
- -
- right
- .icon-right
- -
- left
- .icon-a-zu25265
- -
- hidden
- .icon-a-zu25263
- -
- an-an
- .icon-a-zu25262
- -
- more
- .icon-gengduoicon
- -
- Auxiliary line
- .icon-fuzhuxian
- -
- target
- .icon-mubiao
- -
- cube
- .icon-lifangti
- -
- The standard frame
- .icon-biaozhunkuang
- -
- view
- .icon-yanjing
- -
- delete
- .icon-shanchuicon
- -
- Edit the label
- .icon-bianjibiaoqian
- -
- screening
- .icon-shaixuan
- -
- notation-tool
- .icon-pizhuicon
- -
- Add a notation
- .icon-tianjiapizhu
- -
- Have been added
- .icon-yitianjia
- -
- Notes - list
- .icon-pizhu
- -
- remind
- .icon-tixing
- -
- Left rotation
- .icon-zuoxuanze
- -
- Right rotation
- .icon-youxuanzhuan
- -
- up
- .icon-shang
- -
- down
- .icon-xia
- -
- an-right
- .icon-zhankai1
- -
- Pack up
- .icon-shouqi
- -
- tool
- .icon-gongju
- -
- move
- .icon-yidong
- -
- rotating
- .icon-xuanzhuan
- -
- mapping
- .icon-yingshe
- -
- information
- .icon-xinxi
- -
- According to
- .icon-xianshi
- -
- submit
- .icon-tijiao
- -
- hang up
- .icon-guaqi
- -
- Exit full screen
- .icon-tuichuquanping
- -
- Full screen
- .icon-a-Fullscreen
- -
- help
- .icon-help
- -
- save
- .icon-save
- -
- Work flow
- .icon-a-Workflow
- -
- Expiration time
- .icon-a-lujing15750
- -
- Job information
- .icon-a-Jobinformation
- font-class 引用
- font-class 是 Unicode 使用方式的一种变种,主要是解决 Unicode
- 书写不直观,语意不明确的问题。
- 与 Unicode 使用方式相比,具有如下特点:
- - 相比于 Unicode 语意明确,书写更直观。可以很容易分辨这个 icon
- 是什么。
- - 因为使用 class 来定义图标,所以当要替换图标时,只需要修改 class
- 里面的 Unicode 引用。
- 使用步骤如下:
- 第一步:引入项目下面生成的 fontclass 代码:
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="./iconfont.css">
+ "iconfont" 是你项目下的 font-family。可以通过编辑项目查看,默认是 "iconfont"。
+ -
+ biaoqian
+ .icon-label
+ -
+ polyline-v1
+ .icon-polyline-v1
+ -
+ polygon-v1
+ .icon-polygon-v1
+ -
+ ruler
+ .icon-ruler
+ -
+ lunkuo
+ .icon-lunkuo
+ -
+ jiance
+ .icon-jiance
+ -
+ Hotkeys
+ .icon-Hotkeys
+ -
+ rect
+ .icon-rect1
+ -
+ bone
+ .icon-bone
+ -
+ splinecurve
+ .icon-splinecurve
+ -
+ polygon
+ .icon-polygon1
+ -
+ unclosedpolygon
+ .icon-unclosedpolygon
+ -
+ beisaierquxian
+ .icon-bezier-curve
+ -
+ point
+ .icon-point
+ -
+ liebiao
+ .icon-liebiao
+ -
+ Crop non-first object
+ .icon-a-Cropnon-firstobject
+ -
+ Crop the first object
+ .icon-a-Cropthefirstobject
+ -
+ 图层显示
+ .icon-tucengxianshi
+ -
+ group
+ .icon-group
+ -
+ tuichuzu
+ .icon-tuichuzu
+ -
+ ai
+ .icon-ai1
+ -
+ cancel
+ .icon-cancel
+ -
+ jiaohushi
+ .icon-jiaohushi
+ -
+ add
+ .icon-add
+ -
+ more
+ .icon-more
+ -
+ error
+ .icon-error
+ -
+ fangda
+ .icon-fangda
+ -
+ cube
+ .icon-cube
+ -
+ No result in this frame
+ .icon-a-Noresultinthisframe
+ -
+ ai kuang
+ .icon-a-aikuang
+ -
+ noun-isometric
+ .icon-noun-isometric
+ -
+ Ground Truth in all frames
+ .icon-a-GroundTruthinallframes
+ -
+ Ground truth
+ .icon-a-Groundtruth
+ -
+ restore
+ .icon-huifu
+ -
+ Acceptance
+ .icon-Acceptance
+ -
+ review
+ .icon-review1
+ -
+ Annotate
+ .icon-Annotate
+ -
+ Modify
+ .icon-Modify
+ -
+ QA
+ .icon-QA
+ -
+ arrow
+ .icon-Frame3
+ -
+ suspend
+ .icon-Frame2
+ -
+ ongoing
+ .icon-Frame23
+ -
+ Classfication
+ .icon-Classfication
+ -
+ Comments
+ .icon-Comments
+ -
+ Results
+ .icon-Results
+ -
+ Validity
+ .icon-Validity
+ -
+ Group
+ .icon-Group
+ -
+ abnormal
+ .icon-Frame1
+ -
+ rectangular
+ .icon-rectangular
+ -
+ 3d
+ .icon-a-3d
+ -
+ bofang
+ .icon-bofang
+ -
+ hebing
+ .icon-hebing
+ -
+ chongxinbofang
+ .icon-chongxinbofang
+ -
+ jiancha
+ .icon-jiancha
+ -
+ zuo-fuzhi
+ .icon-zuo-fuzhi
+ -
+ right-fuzhi
+ .icon-right-fuzhi
+ -
+ file
+ .icon-file
+ -
+ review
+ .icon-review
+ -
+ download
+ .icon-download
+ -
+ open
+ .icon-open
+ -
+ polyline
+ .icon-polyline
+ -
+ ai
+ .icon-ai
+ -
+ rect
+ .icon-rect
+ -
+ edit
+ .icon-edit
+ -
+ polygon
+ .icon-polygon
+ -
+ link
+ .icon-Frame
+ -
+ cube
+ .icon-a-122
+ -
+ loading
+ .icon-loading
+ -
+ model
+ .icon-Vector
+ -
+ folding
+ .icon-dakai
+ -
+ right
+ .icon-right
+ -
+ left
+ .icon-a-zu25265
+ -
+ hidden
+ .icon-a-zu25263
+ -
+ an-an
+ .icon-a-zu25262
+ -
+ more
+ .icon-gengduoicon
+ -
+ Auxiliary line
+ .icon-fuzhuxian
+ -
+ target
+ .icon-mubiao
+ -
+ cube
+ .icon-lifangti
+ -
+ The standard frame
+ .icon-biaozhunkuang
+ -
+ view
+ .icon-yanjing
+ -
+ delete
+ .icon-shanchuicon
+ -
+ Edit the label
+ .icon-bianjibiaoqian
+ -
+ screening
+ .icon-shaixuan
+ -
+ notation-tool
+ .icon-pizhuicon
+ -
+ Add a notation
+ .icon-tianjiapizhu
+ -
+ Have been added
+ .icon-yitianjia
+ -
+ Notes - list
+ .icon-pizhu
+ -
+ remind
+ .icon-tixing
+ -
+ Left rotation
+ .icon-zuoxuanze
+ -
+ Right rotation
+ .icon-youxuanzhuan
+ -
+ up
+ .icon-shang
+ -
+ down
+ .icon-xia
+ -
+ an-right
+ .icon-zhankai1
+ -
+ Pack up
+ .icon-shouqi
+ -
+ tool
+ .icon-gongju
+ -
+ move
+ .icon-yidong
+ -
+ rotating
+ .icon-xuanzhuan
+ -
+ mapping
+ .icon-yingshe
+ -
+ information
+ .icon-xinxi
+ -
+ According to
+ .icon-xianshi
+ -
+ submit
+ .icon-tijiao
+ -
+ hang up
+ .icon-guaqi
+ -
+ Exit full screen
+ .icon-tuichuquanping
+ -
+ Full screen
+ .icon-a-Fullscreen
+ -
+ help
+ .icon-help
+ -
+ save
+ .icon-save
+ -
+ Work flow
+ .icon-a-Workflow
+ -
+ Expiration time
+ .icon-a-lujing15750
+ -
+ Job information
+ .icon-a-Jobinformation
+ font-class 引用
+ font-class 是 Unicode 使用方式的一种变种,主要是解决 Unicode 书写不直观,语意不明确的问题。
+ 与 Unicode 使用方式相比,具有如下特点:
+ - 相比于 Unicode 语意明确,书写更直观。可以很容易分辨这个 icon 是什么。
+ - 因为使用 class 来定义图标,所以当要替换图标时,只需要修改 class 里面的 Unicode 引用。
+ 使用步骤如下:
+ 第一步:引入项目下面生成的 fontclass 代码:
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="./iconfont.css">
- 第二步:挑选相应图标并获取类名,应用于页面:
- <span class="iconfont icon-xxx"></span>
+ 第二步:挑选相应图标并获取类名,应用于页面:
+<span class="iconfont icon-xxx"></span>
- " iconfont" 是你项目下的 font-family。可以通过编辑项目查看,默认是
- "iconfont"。
- -
- file
- #icon-file
- -
- review
- #icon-review
- -
- download
- #icon-download
- -
- open
- #icon-open
- -
- polyline
- #icon-polyline
- -
- ai
- #icon-ai
- -
- rect
- #icon-rect
- -
- edit
- #icon-edit
- -
- polygon
- #icon-polygon
- -
- link
- #icon-Frame
- -
- cube
- #icon-a-122
- -
- loading
- #icon-loading
- -
- model
- #icon-Vector
- -
- folding
- #icon-dakai
- -
- right
- #icon-right
- -
- left
- #icon-a-zu25265
- -
- hidden
- #icon-a-zu25263
- -
- an-an
- #icon-a-zu25262
- -
- more
- #icon-gengduoicon
- -
- Auxiliary line
- #icon-fuzhuxian
- -
- target
- #icon-mubiao
- -
- cube
- #icon-lifangti
- -
- The standard frame
- #icon-biaozhunkuang
- -
- view
- #icon-yanjing
- -
- delete
- #icon-shanchuicon
- -
- Edit the label
- #icon-bianjibiaoqian
- -
- screening
- #icon-shaixuan
- -
- notation-tool
- #icon-pizhuicon
- -
- Add a notation
- #icon-tianjiapizhu
- -
- Have been added
- #icon-yitianjia
- -
- Notes - list
- #icon-pizhu
- -
- remind
- #icon-tixing
- -
- Left rotation
- #icon-zuoxuanze
- -
- Right rotation
- #icon-youxuanzhuan
- -
- up
- #icon-shang
- -
- down
- #icon-xia
- -
- an-right
- #icon-zhankai1
- -
- Pack up
- #icon-shouqi
- -
- tool
- #icon-gongju
- -
- move
- #icon-yidong
- -
- rotating
- #icon-xuanzhuan
- -
- mapping
- #icon-yingshe
- -
- information
- #icon-xinxi
- -
- According to
- #icon-xianshi
- -
- submit
- #icon-tijiao
- -
- hang up
- #icon-guaqi
- -
- Exit full screen
- #icon-tuichuquanping
- -
- Full screen
- #icon-a-Fullscreen
- -
- help
- #icon-help
- -
- save
- #icon-save
- -
- Work flow
- #icon-a-Workflow
- -
- Expiration time
- #icon-a-lujing15750
- -
- Job information
- #icon-a-Jobinformation
- Symbol 引用
- 这是一种全新的使用方式,应该说这才是未来的主流,也是平台目前推荐的用法。相关介绍可以参考这篇文章
- 这种用法其实是做了一个 SVG 的集合,与另外两种相比具有如下特点:
- - 支持多色图标了,不再受单色限制。
- - 通过一些技巧,支持像字体那样,通过
- color
- - 兼容性较差,支持 IE9+,及现代浏览器。
- - 浏览器渲染 SVG 的性能一般,还不如 png。
- 使用步骤如下:
- 第一步:引入项目下面生成的 symbol 代码:
- <script src="./iconfont.js"></script>
+ "
+ iconfont" 是你项目下的 font-family。可以通过编辑项目查看,默认是 "iconfont"。
+ -
+ biaoqian
+ #icon-label
+ -
+ polyline-v1
+ #icon-polyline-v1
+ -
+ polygon-v1
+ #icon-polygon-v1
+ -
+ ruler
+ #icon-ruler
+ -
+ lunkuo
+ #icon-lunkuo
+ -
+ jiance
+ #icon-jiance
+ -
+ Hotkeys
+ #icon-Hotkeys
+ -
+ rect
+ #icon-rect1
+ -
+ bone
+ #icon-bone
+ -
+ splinecurve
+ #icon-splinecurve
+ -
+ polygon
+ #icon-polygon1
+ -
+ unclosedpolygon
+ #icon-unclosedpolygon
+ -
+ beisaierquxian
+ #icon-bezier-curve
+ -
+ point
+ #icon-point
+ -
+ liebiao
+ #icon-liebiao
+ -
+ Crop non-first object
+ #icon-a-Cropnon-firstobject
+ -
+ Crop the first object
+ #icon-a-Cropthefirstobject
+ -
+ 图层显示
+ #icon-tucengxianshi
+ -
+ group
+ #icon-group
+ -
+ tuichuzu
+ #icon-tuichuzu
+ -
+ ai
+ #icon-ai1
+ -
+ cancel
+ #icon-cancel
+ -
+ jiaohushi
+ #icon-jiaohushi
+ -
+ add
+ #icon-add
+ -
+ more
+ #icon-more
+ -
+ error
+ #icon-error
+ -
+ fangda
+ #icon-fangda
+ -
+ cube
+ #icon-cube
+ -
+ No result in this frame
+ #icon-a-Noresultinthisframe
+ -
+ ai kuang
+ #icon-a-aikuang
+ -
+ noun-isometric
+ #icon-noun-isometric
+ -
+ Ground Truth in all frames
+ #icon-a-GroundTruthinallframes
+ -
+ Ground truth
+ #icon-a-Groundtruth
+ -
+ restore
+ #icon-huifu
+ -
+ Acceptance
+ #icon-Acceptance
+ -
+ review
+ #icon-review1
+ -
+ Annotate
+ #icon-Annotate
+ -
+ Modify
+ #icon-Modify
+ -
+ QA
+ #icon-QA
+ -
+ arrow
+ #icon-Frame3
+ -
+ suspend
+ #icon-Frame2
+ -
+ ongoing
+ #icon-Frame23
+ -
+ Classfication
+ #icon-Classfication
+ -
+ Comments
+ #icon-Comments
+ -
+ Results
+ #icon-Results
+ -
+ Validity
+ #icon-Validity
+ -
+ Group
+ #icon-Group
+ -
+ abnormal
+ #icon-Frame1
+ -
+ rectangular
+ #icon-rectangular
+ -
+ 3d
+ #icon-a-3d
+ -
+ bofang
+ #icon-bofang
+ -
+ hebing
+ #icon-hebing
+ -
+ chongxinbofang
+ #icon-chongxinbofang
+ -
+ jiancha
+ #icon-jiancha
+ -
+ zuo-fuzhi
+ #icon-zuo-fuzhi
+ -
+ right-fuzhi
+ #icon-right-fuzhi
+ -
+ file
+ #icon-file
+ -
+ review
+ #icon-review
+ -
+ download
+ #icon-download
+ -
+ open
+ #icon-open
+ -
+ polyline
+ #icon-polyline
+ -
+ ai
+ #icon-ai
+ -
+ rect
+ #icon-rect
+ -
+ edit
+ #icon-edit
+ -
+ polygon
+ #icon-polygon
+ -
+ link
+ #icon-Frame
+ -
+ cube
+ #icon-a-122
+ -
+ loading
+ #icon-loading
+ -
+ model
+ #icon-Vector
+ -
+ folding
+ #icon-dakai
+ -
+ right
+ #icon-right
+ -
+ left
+ #icon-a-zu25265
+ -
+ hidden
+ #icon-a-zu25263
+ -
+ an-an
+ #icon-a-zu25262
+ -
+ more
+ #icon-gengduoicon
+ -
+ Auxiliary line
+ #icon-fuzhuxian
+ -
+ target
+ #icon-mubiao
+ -
+ cube
+ #icon-lifangti
+ -
+ The standard frame
+ #icon-biaozhunkuang
+ -
+ view
+ #icon-yanjing
+ -
+ delete
+ #icon-shanchuicon
+ -
+ Edit the label
+ #icon-bianjibiaoqian
+ -
+ screening
+ #icon-shaixuan
+ -
+ notation-tool
+ #icon-pizhuicon
+ -
+ Add a notation
+ #icon-tianjiapizhu
+ -
+ Have been added
+ #icon-yitianjia
+ -
+ Notes - list
+ #icon-pizhu
+ -
+ remind
+ #icon-tixing
+ -
+ Left rotation
+ #icon-zuoxuanze
+ -
+ Right rotation
+ #icon-youxuanzhuan
+ -
+ up
+ #icon-shang
+ -
+ down
+ #icon-xia
+ -
+ an-right
+ #icon-zhankai1
+ -
+ Pack up
+ #icon-shouqi
+ -
+ tool
+ #icon-gongju
+ -
+ move
+ #icon-yidong
+ -
+ rotating
+ #icon-xuanzhuan
+ -
+ mapping
+ #icon-yingshe
+ -
+ information
+ #icon-xinxi
+ -
+ According to
+ #icon-xianshi
+ -
+ submit
+ #icon-tijiao
+ -
+ hang up
+ #icon-guaqi
+ -
+ Exit full screen
+ #icon-tuichuquanping
+ -
+ Full screen
+ #icon-a-Fullscreen
+ -
+ help
+ #icon-help
+ -
+ save
+ #icon-save
+ -
+ Work flow
+ #icon-a-Workflow
+ -
+ Expiration time
+ #icon-a-lujing15750
+ -
+ Job information
+ #icon-a-Jobinformation
+ Symbol 引用
+ 这是一种全新的使用方式,应该说这才是未来的主流,也是平台目前推荐的用法。相关介绍可以参考这篇文章
+ 这种用法其实是做了一个 SVG 的集合,与另外两种相比具有如下特点:
+ - 支持多色图标了,不再受单色限制。
+ - 通过一些技巧,支持像字体那样,通过
, color
+ - 兼容性较差,支持 IE9+,及现代浏览器。
+ - 浏览器渲染 SVG 的性能一般,还不如 png。
+ 使用步骤如下:
+ 第一步:引入项目下面生成的 symbol 代码:
+<script src="./iconfont.js"></script>
- 第二步:加入通用 CSS 代码(引入一次就行):
- <style>
+ 第二步:加入通用 CSS 代码(引入一次就行):
.icon {
width: 1em;
height: 1em;
@@ -1249,33 +2662,34 @@ 第二步:加入通用 CSS 代码(引入一次就行):
- 第三步:挑选相应图标并获取类名,应用于页面:
- <svg class="icon" aria-hidden="true">
+ 第三步:挑选相应图标并获取类名,应用于页面:
+<svg class="icon" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#icon-xxx"></use>