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#Facebook integration instruction for Cocos2d-JS on iOS

This doc walks you through the usage of Facebook support for Cocos2d-JS on iOS.

Create a Facebook App

Please refer to Step 3. Obtain a Facebook App ID - Getting Started with the Facebook iOS SDK to create a Facebook App on iOS platform.

Integrate your iOS project

Step1: Open the Xcode project file. Assuming the project name is myProject, then you can find the it at myProject/frameworks/runtime-src/proj.ios_mac/.

Step2: Click on the project root, then target->myProject IOS->Build Phases->Link Binary With Libraries. Click + button to popup a sub window. Then click on Add Other... button in the sub window. Then find FacebookSDK.framework under myProject/frameworks/js-bindings/cocos2d-x/plugin/plugins/proj.ios/sdk/ to add it.

Step3: Refer to Step 4: Configure your Xcode Project - Getting Started with the Facebook iOS SDK to add FacebookAppID, FacebookDisplayName, URL types in Info.plist file. You can find this file under ios folder of your Xcode project. You can see the result below:

Step4: Open target myProject iOS in the project root, open Build Settings page, then search for Other Linker Flags, and add -ObjC linker flag(Maybe you need to add CoreVideo.framework and GameController.framework if you compile failed).

Step5: Find ios/, add necessary code for Facebook iOS SDK:

  • Add header:

     #import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>
  • Add the following method in the @implementation section:

     - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation
         return [FBSession.activeSession handleOpenURL:url];
  • Insert [FBAppCall handleDidBecomeActive]; in applicationDidBecomeActive: function:

     - (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application {
         [FBAppCall handleDidBecomeActive];

Add Plugin-x and PluginFacebook in your project

Because Facebook support for Cocos2d-JS is based on Plugin-x, you need to add Plugin-x project to your project first.

Step1: Right click myProject, select addFiles to "myProject", then add myProject/frameworks/js-bindings/cocos2d-x/plugin/protocols/proj.ios/PluginProtocol.xcodeproj.

Step2: Right click on myProject, select addFiles to "myProject", then add myProject/frameworks/js-bindings/cocos2d-x/plugin/plugins/facebook/proj.ios/PluginFacebook.xcodeproj.

Step3: Click myProject, then target->myProject IOS->Build Phases. Then click + button of Target Dependencies to add PluginProtocol and PluginFacebook targets. Then click + button of Link Binary With Libraries list to add libPluginProtocol.a and libPluginFacebook.a.

Add Plugin-x for JSB

The next step is to include and register the JavaScript bindings code in SpiderMonkey.

Step1: Add jsb_pluginx.js (under myProject/frameworks/js-bindings/cocos2d-x/plugin/jsbindings/script) into myProject, and make sure it is listed in Copy Bundle Resources section under Build Phases tab.

Step2: Find Classes folder, add JavaScript bindings related header files in AppDelegate.cpp, there are two header files: jsb_cocos2dx_pluginx_auto.hpp and jsb_pluginx_extension_registration.h.

	#include "jsb_cocos2dx_pluginx_auto.hpp"
	#include "jsb_pluginx_extension_registration.h"

Step3: As the following code snippet, register JavaScript bindings code in AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunchingfunction of AppDelegate.cpp. Notice: Please pay attention to the location of the code.

bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching()

    ScriptingCore* sc = ScriptingCore::getInstance();


    // Add these lines before sc->start()


    return true;

Now we are done with the setup and are ready to use the Facebook API.

To know more details about Plugin-x, please refer to Plugin-x Architecture and Integrate Plugin-x on iOS.

How to Use Facebook API

Please visit Facebook API Reference for Cocos2d-JS