The old cc.Loader
has been refactored as cc.loader
with plugin mode.
All kinds of loader plugins of resources are registered in each module. Quite different from which in version 2.x.
In this way we can manage resources better and developers can customize their own resource loader plugins.
has some APIs for base operations of resources like loadJs, loadImg and so on.
means base-path
+ res-path
Base path of resources (Exclude audio).
We set cc.loader.resPath = "res"
, then the full-path of a.png
will be res/a.png
Base path of audio.
The way to get XMLHttpRequest.
The way to load JavaScript.
url full-path of resource
cb callback
return none
- Usage1:
cc.loader.loadJs("src", [
"a.js", "b.js"
], function(err){
if(err) return console.log("load failed");
- Usage2:
"src/a.js", "src/b.js"
], function(err){
if(err) return console.log("load failed");
- Usage3:
cc.loader.loadJs("src/a.js", function(err){
if(err) return console.log("load failed");
Load JavaScript with a loading image.
The way th load text.
url full-path of resource
cb callback
return none
cc.loader.loadTxt("res/a.txt", function(err, data){
if(err) return console.log("load failed");
The way to load image.
url full-path of resource
option Optional. The structure is `{isCrossOrigin : true}`. `isCrossOrigin` default to be `true`(optional).
cb callback
return An instance of Image.
The way to load binary file asynchronously.
url full-path of resource
cb callback
return Data of binary.
The way to load binary file synchronously (not recommended).
url full-path of resource
cb callback
return Data of binary.
The way to get the full-path of resource.
basePath basePath of resource
url path of resource
return full-path
cc.loader.getUrl("res", "a.png");//-->"res/a.png"
cc.loader.getUrl("a.png");//(set cc.loader.resPath = "res")--->"res/a.png"。
Replace the old cc.Loader.preload
res Resources list. It can be a string or an array.
option Optional. Keys like:
cb callback
cbTarget the target of callback
trigger trigger
triggerTarget the target of trigger
cb callback (Optional)
var res = ["res/a.png", "res/a.plist", "audio/b.mp3"];
var testTarget = {
name : "the name is testTarget",
trigger : function(){...},
cb : function(err){...}
var option = {
trigger : testTarget.trigger,
triggerTarget : testTarget,
cbTarget : testTarget
cc.loader.load(res, option, function(err){
if(err) return console.log("load failed");
console.log(this.name);//the name is testTarget
cc.loader.load(res, function(err){
if(err) return console.log("load failed");
option.cb = testTarget.cb;
cc.loader.load(res, option);
Load a plist config file to get aliases.
url The url of config file.
The content of the config file like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
cb callback
cc.loader.loadAliases("res/lookup-html5.plist", function(){
var sprite = cc.Sprite.create("grossini.bmp");
self.addChild( sprite );
sprite.x = winSize.width/2;
sprite.y = winSize.height/2;
The way to register a resource loader plugin.
extNames A string or an string array which means the extname of resources.
loader The loader plugin object which must has a function named "load".
`realUrl`, `url`, `res`, `cb` will be pass into the `load` function as arguments.
If there is a function named `getBasePath` in this loader plugin,
then the base path of this kind of resource will be the value returned by the `getBasePath` function.
Default to be `cc.loader.resPath`.
return none
cc.txtLoader = {
load : function(realUrl, url, res, cb){
cc.loader.loadTxt(realUrl, cb);
cc.loader.register(["txt", "xml", "tmx", "tsx"], cc.txtLoader);
The way to get resource cached.
url path of resource (not a full-path)
return data of resource
var img = cc.loader.getRes("a.png");
Release the data of resource cached.
url path of resource (not a full-path)
return none
Release all data of resources cached.
Arguments: none
return none
See the codes in CCLoaders.js
then you will understand it.
version 2.x:
var resources = [
{fontName:"Marker Felt",src:[{src:"res/cocosgui/Marker Felt.ttf",type:"truetype"}]},
fontName:"Schwarzwald Regular",
{src:"res/fonts/Schwarzwald_Regular.eot", type:"embedded-opentype"},
{src:"res/fonts/Schwarzwald Regular.ttf",type:"truetype"}
version 3.x:
var resources = [
"res/cocosgui/Marker Felt.ttf",
name:"Schwarzwald Regular",
srcs:["res/fonts/Schwarzwald_Regular.eot", "res/fonts/Schwarzwald Regular.ttf"]
In version 3.x, you just need to config a resource as a string, not an object.
In some special condition, you can use type
to state which loader plugin to handle this resource.
And use name
+ .
+ type
to be the key to cache the resource.
The structure in version 2.x is not supported in version 3.x.