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armaOS Commands

y0014984 edited this page Dec 2, 2022 · 16 revisions


The crypto command is meant to be used in conjuction with the crack command. The crypto command allows you to encrypt and decrypt text by using various algorithms. See the list below for available algorithms. crypto is no real world linux command. It's meant to create gameplay options.

algorithm status key type allowed text characters
caesar implemented even integer latin alphabet A-Z, only upper case, no numbers or symbols, no language specific characters like ö, é or ô

Command syntax

crypto -a <ALGORITHM> -m <MODE> -k <KEY> <MESSAGE>

Option details

option mandatory option type available options
-a yes select from available options caesar
-m yes select from available options encrypt and decrypt
-k yes custom string, see algorithms for details ---
yes custom string ---

caesar algorithm

The caesar algorithm is very old and very simple. You shift every character by the key number to the right. For example: If the key is 3 and you want to encode a B you will get an E because this is the character 3 digits to the right in the latin alphabet. Because you can only use upper case latin alphabet you need to somehow adjust your messages according to that. This algorithm is meant to be easy crackable. You can do that in mind because of it's low complexity or with the crack command. Keep in mind, all characters of the message to be encoded will be changed to upper case latin alphabet or a blank space. Also keep in mind that there are only 26 passible keys because that's the length of the alphabet. You can use higher numbers but the result will match a lower number.

Here's an example. Message to encode: HELLO WORLD

admin@armaOS:/> crypto -a caesar -m encode -k 3 HELLO WORLD
admin@armaOS:/> crypto -a caesar -m decode -k 3 KHOOR ZRUOG


The crack command is meant to be used in conjuction with the crypto command. crack is no real world linux command. It's meant to create gameplay options.

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