Releases: yambo-code/yambo
Releases · yambo-code/yambo
Yambo 3.2.2
- COHSEX support added to the GPL version
- Wrapper module for BLAS subroutines => Many (not all) caxpy,cgemm, cdotc calls replaced
- Added configure support for SUN compiler (-M instead of -I for module path; -I for INCLUDE file path) tested on x86_64.
- "-g" option to p2y in order to force p2y to use ALL RL-vectors. This means that the default p2y
behaviour has been changed. From now on p2y will write only the wavefuntion RL-vectors unless the
"-g" option is used. - Added configure support for g95 under x86_64; for Open64 under x86_64.
- MacOSX support in configure
- Time-Dependent HF support added
- Large transferred momenta (outside IBZ) now possible
- Electronic DOS can now be calculated using ypp.
- In k_lattice.F: fixed wrong definition of K-grid size in specific (and very few) cases
- Fixed compilation and configure problems with pgf95
- Wrong DB loading in BSE when using PPA screened interaction
- CPP flags fixed
- Wrong precompiler options used to link SCALAPACK not fixed.
- Routines involved in the evaluation of the electronic occupations renamed.
- Fixed symmetries setup in interfaces
- Diagonalization DB I/O added in K_diagonalization.F (it has been removed by mistake)
- Global renaming: chosex -> cohsex
- Definition and use of database fragments deeply restyled.
- Gfortran support in configure
- GLOBAL restyling of messaging and output file naming in O_driver and
K_solvers - VERBOSITY options changed. Use yambo -H to learn more.
Yambo 3.2.1
Yambo GPL Release 3 version 3.2.1 (oldrev448) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Additions: - XC functional now recognized by p2y. - Added self-detection of lattice geometry (devel) - Support for Intel Fortrant v. 11 - Q databases I/O to apply previously calculated Q corrections on-fly - During I/O databases are searched in all user provide paths (-I and -O options). - check in p2y of non symmorphic symmetries - Acknowledge message at the end of each run - A2Y support for Abinit 5.7.3 - Added warning in case optical oscillators are loaded to perform an optical calculation without including non-local pseudo commutator - In configure added : --enable-msgs-comps to exapand the compilation messages --enable-options-check to allow the check of the options passed to driver.c By using --disable-options-check it is possible to solve the annoying problem caused by some mpirun scripts (-p option) - Added DOUBLE PRECISION slatec sources - O_eels.F and check_periodic_directions.F. Used to allow the user to specify non periodic directions. In case those are given the polarizability is calculated by using KK transformations even in the TDA. - Added Time-Rev check using WFs to all branches. - Added check for dlaran when using external lapack lib. In case dlaran is missing an additional lib (lib/local) is compiled and linked. - Added check for C/Fortran precompiler in configure. - Changed -with--netcdf with --with-netcdf-include AND --with-netcdf-lib. Both must be passed to configure to activate NETCDF support. - Added V_testing verbosity level. - X_os.F restiled to be processed by - Verbosity to ypp. Changes: - fermi_level.F and k_lattice.F definitively replaced with the devel versions. - Ifort optimization option "-ip" added - Overall syncronization of trunk with and +SIN branches - Removed different make clean*. Now only available "make clean" and "make clean_all". In the first case the configuration files are not removed and the code can be compiled without running configure again. - slatec routines used for polynomial fit replaced with single/double versions. - Input file name set to "(none)" when the file is not found/written - Added set_real_printed_length rotuine in STDERR module in order to tune on-fly the format of the output/report file for reals - el_density.F moved in mod_electrons.F - exc_properties renamed in excitons_driver.F - Fixed use of "implicit none" in many modules - plot_driver renamed in electrons_driver.F - To avoid long preprocessor commands in driver.c, introduced two new global variables (_YAMBO_MAIN _Y_MAIN) - Deep restyling of ypp command-line options. - "-xT" Intel compiler option replaced with "-xW" - removed V_debug intger from mod_itm - removed old interfaces/int_modules/mod_interfaces.F file Bugs: - Double precision build fixed. - Fixed wrong input file variables when using "-g n -p p" command line options. - Fixed minor bug in X_O_transverse - Added in the devel/04_03_2009 a new test version of fermi_level.F in response to the problem posted in the forum: - Bug in K_driver.F. Fixed thanks to John awson - Fix BU in ioKB_. Wrong VARIABE_NAME. - In ypp (Claudio) - C test failed when using IBM "XF" based compilers - Wrong linking of BAS/AACK - In ct_etime.c wrong declaration of tt variable in double precision builds. - qp_ctl: wrong transfer of gap correction obtained after a fit - mod_IO: use of optional "subfolder" even if not passed - ypp_i : wrong use of ioWF (not declared as part if wave_func module) - Wrong dimension of c1vars in mod_itm was causing weird behaviour when compiled using pgf90 - Wrong use of integers in mod function in K_filling.F/K.F - Wrong transferred momentum vector written to output files - Unrecognized atomic elements (to fix) changed with '--' in setup.F - Bug fix in self-evaluation of the X energy range
Yambo 3.2.0
- Support of PWscf v4.0.
- Support in the configure script to ifort version 10 compiler on x86_64 machines.
- Added support for semi-metals by using a numerical temperature in the
definition of the Fermi Surface.
- Added an example for bulk silicon in the doc/ folder.
- Fixed bug in Quasiparticle calculation by means of the Dyson solver.
Yambo 3.1.2
Yambo GPL Release 1, version 3.1.2 (oldrev300)